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synced 2025-03-21 23:31:41 +01:00
752 lines
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752 lines
23 KiB
package cmdHassio
import (
func JoinStrings(args ...string) string {
return strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(args, " "))
func JoinStringsForName(sep string, args ...string) string {
var newargs []string
var re = regexp.MustCompile(`(\.)+`)
for _, a := range args {
if a == "" {
a = strings.TrimSpace(a)
a = re.ReplaceAllString(a, ` `)
newargs = append(newargs, a)
ret := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(newargs, sep))
return ret
func JoinStringsForId(args ...string) string {
var newargs []string
var re = regexp.MustCompile(`(/| |:|\.)+`)
for _, a := range args {
if a == "" {
a = strings.TrimSpace(a)
a = re.ReplaceAllString(a, `-`)
newargs = append(newargs, a)
// return strings.ReplaceAll(strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(args, ".")), ".", "_")
return strings.Join(newargs, "-")
func JoinStringsForTopic(args ...string) string {
var newargs []string
var re = regexp.MustCompile(`( |:)+`)
for _, a := range args {
if a == "" {
a = strings.TrimSpace(a)
a = re.ReplaceAllString(a, `_`)
newargs = append(newargs, a)
// return strings.ReplaceAll(strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(args, ".")), ".", "_")
return strings.Join(newargs, "/")
// ret := strings.ReplaceAll(strings.Join(args, "/"), "//", "/")
// return ret
// const DiscoveryPrefix = "homeassistant"
// var (
// retain bool = true
// qos byte = 0
// )
// func getDevice() (d Device) {
// // id, err := machineid.ProtectedID(NodeID)
// // if err != nil {
// // log.Fatal(err)
// // }
// d.Identifiers = []string{"id"}
// d.Manufacturer = "MickMake"
// d.Model = "NodeID"
// d.Name = "InstanceName"
// d.SwVersion = "SWVersion"
// return
// }
// ///////////////////
// type store struct {
// BinarySensor map[string]string
// Light struct {
// BrightnessState map[string]string
// ColorTempState map[string]string
// EffectState map[string]string
// HsState map[string]string
// RgbState map[string]string
// State map[string]string
// WhiteValueState map[string]string
// XyState map[string]string
// }
// Sensor map[string]string
// Switch map[string]string
// }
// func initStore() store {
// var s store
// s.BinarySensor = make(map[string]string)
// s.Light.BrightnessState = make(map[string]string)
// s.Light.ColorTempState = make(map[string]string)
// s.Light.EffectState = make(map[string]string)
// s.Light.HsState = make(map[string]string)
// s.Light.RgbState = make(map[string]string)
// s.Light.State = make(map[string]string)
// s.Light.WhiteValueState = make(map[string]string)
// s.Light.XyState = make(map[string]string)
// s.Sensor = make(map[string]string)
// s.Switch = make(map[string]string)
// return s
// }
// var topicStore = make(map[string]*func(mqtt.Message, mqtt.Client))
// var stateStore = initStore()
// ///////////////////
// // GetTopicPrefix gets the prefix for all state/command topics
// // This is for a light
// func (device Light) GetTopicPrefix() string {
// return NodeID + "/light/" + device.UniqueID + "/"
// }
// // GetTopicPrefix gets the prefix for all state/command topics
// // This is for a sensor
// func (device Sensor) GetTopicPrefix() string {
// return NodeID + "/sensor/" + device.UniqueID + "/"
// }
// // GetTopicPrefix gets the prefix for all state/command topics
// // This is for a switch
// func (device Switch) GetTopicPrefix() string {
// return NodeID + "/switch/" + device.UniqueID + "/"
// }
// // GetTopicPrefix gets the prefix for all state/command topics
// // This is for a binary sensor
// func (device BinarySensor) GetTopicPrefix() string {
// return NodeID + "/binary_sensor/" + device.UniqueID + "/"
// }
// // GetDiscoveryTopic gets the topic for a device's discovery topic.
// // This is for a light
// func (device Light) GetDiscoveryTopic() string {
// return DiscoveryPrefix + "/light/" + NodeID + "/" + device.UniqueID + "/" + "config"
// }
// // GetDiscoveryTopic gets the topic for a device's discovery topic.
// // This is for a sensor
// func (device Sensor) GetDiscoveryTopic() string {
// return DiscoveryPrefix + "/sensor/" + NodeID + "/" + device.UniqueID + "/" + "config"
// }
// // GetDiscoveryTopic gets the topic for a device's discovery topic.
// // This is for a switch
// func (device Switch) GetDiscoveryTopic() string {
// return DiscoveryPrefix + "/switch/" + NodeID + "/" + device.UniqueID + "/" + "config"
// }
// // GetDiscoveryTopic gets the topic for a device's discovery topic.
// // This is for a binary sensor
// func (device BinarySensor) GetDiscoveryTopic() string {
// return DiscoveryPrefix + "/binary_sensor/" + NodeID + "/" + device.UniqueID + "/" + "config"
// }
// // GetCommandTopic gets the command topic for a device
// // This is for a light
// func (device Light) GetCommandTopic() string {
// return device.GetTopicPrefix() + "command"
// }
// // GetCommandTopic gets the command topic for a device
// // This is for a switch
// func (device Switch) GetCommandTopic() string {
// return device.GetTopicPrefix() + "command"
// }
// // GetStateTopic gets the state topic for a device
// // This is for a light
// func (device Light) GetStateTopic() string {
// return device.GetTopicPrefix() + "state"
// }
// // GetStateTopic gets the state topic for a device
// // This is for a sensor
// func (device Sensor) GetStateTopic() string {
// return device.GetTopicPrefix() + "state"
// }
// // GetStateTopic gets the state topic for a device
// // This is for a switch
// func (device Switch) GetStateTopic() string {
// return device.GetTopicPrefix() + "state"
// }
// // GetStateTopic gets the state topic for a device
// // This is for a binary sensor
// func (device BinarySensor) GetStateTopic() string {
// return device.GetTopicPrefix() + "state"
// }
// // GetAvailabilityTopic gets the availability topic for a device
// // This is for a light
// func (device Light) GetAvailabilityTopic() string {
// return device.GetTopicPrefix() + "availability"
// }
// // GetAvailabilityTopic gets the availability topic for a device
// // This is for a sensor
// func (device Sensor) GetAvailabilityTopic() string {
// return device.GetTopicPrefix() + "availability"
// }
// // GetAvailabilityTopic gets the availability topic for a device
// // This is for a switch
// func (device Switch) GetAvailabilityTopic() string {
// return device.GetTopicPrefix() + "availability"
// }
// // GetAvailabilityTopic gets the availability topic for a device
// // This is for a binary sensor
// func (device BinarySensor) GetAvailabilityTopic() string {
// return device.GetTopicPrefix() + "availability"
// }
// // Initialize sets topics as needed on a Light
// func (device *Light) Initialize() {
// device.Retain = false
// device.Device = getDevice()
// device.AvailabilityTopic = device.GetAvailabilityTopic()
// // Brightness
// if device.BrightnessCommandFunc != nil {
// device.BrightnessCommandTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "brightness/set"
// topicStore[device.BrightnessCommandTopic] = &device.BrightnessCommandFunc
// }
// if device.BrightnessStateFunc != nil {
// device.BrightnessStateTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "brightness/get"
// }
// // ColorTemp
// if device.ColorTempCommandFunc != nil {
// device.ColorTempCommandTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "color-temp/set"
// topicStore[device.ColorTempCommandTopic] = &device.ColorTempCommandFunc
// }
// if device.ColorTempStateFunc != nil {
// device.ColorTempStateTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "color-temp/get"
// }
// // Command/State
// if device.CommandFunc != nil {
// device.CommandTopic = device.GetCommandTopic()
// topicStore[device.CommandTopic] = &device.CommandFunc
// }
// if device.StateFunc != nil {
// device.StateTopic = device.GetStateTopic()
// }
// // Effect
// if device.EffectCommandFunc != nil {
// device.EffectCommandTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "effect/set"
// topicStore[device.EffectCommandTopic] = &device.EffectCommandFunc
// }
// if device.EffectStateFunc != nil {
// device.EffectStateTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "effect/get"
// }
// // Hs
// if device.HsCommandFunc != nil {
// device.HsCommandTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "hs/set"
// topicStore[device.HsCommandTopic] = &device.HsCommandFunc
// }
// if device.HsStateFunc != nil {
// device.HsStateTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "hs/get"
// }
// // Rgb
// if device.RgbCommandFunc != nil {
// device.RgbCommandTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "rgb/set"
// topicStore[device.RgbCommandTopic] = &device.RgbCommandFunc
// }
// if device.RgbStateFunc != nil {
// device.RgbStateTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "rgb/get"
// }
// // WhiteValue
// if device.WhiteValueCommandFunc != nil {
// device.WhiteValueCommandTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "white-value/set"
// topicStore[device.WhiteValueCommandTopic] = &device.WhiteValueCommandFunc
// }
// if device.WhiteValueStateFunc != nil {
// device.WhiteValueStateTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "white-value/get"
// }
// // Xy
// if device.XyCommandFunc != nil {
// device.XyCommandTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "xy/set"
// topicStore[device.XyCommandTopic] = &device.XyCommandFunc
// }
// if device.XyStateFunc != nil {
// device.XyStateTopic = device.GetTopicPrefix() + "xy/get"
// }
// device.messageHandler = func(client mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) {
// topicFound := false
// for topic, f := range topicStore {
// if msg.Topic() == topic {
// topicFound = true
// (*f)(msg, client)
// device.UpdateState(client)
// }
// }
// if !topicFound {
// log.Println("Unknown Message on topic " + msg.Topic())
// log.Println(msg.Payload())
// }
// }
// }
// // Initialize sets topics as needed on a Switch
// func (device *Switch) Initialize() {
// device.CommandTopic = device.GetCommandTopic()
// if device.StateFunc != nil {
// device.StateTopic = device.GetStateTopic()
// }
// device.AvailabilityTopic = device.GetAvailabilityTopic()
// device.Device = getDevice()
// device.Retain = false
// topicStore[device.CommandTopic] = &device.CommandFunc
// device.messageHandler = func(client mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) {
// topicFound := false
// for topic, f := range topicStore {
// if msg.Topic() == topic {
// topicFound = true
// (*f)(msg, client)
// device.UpdateState(client)
// }
// }
// if !topicFound {
// log.Println("Unknown Message on topic " + msg.Topic())
// log.Println(msg.Payload())
// }
// }
// }
// // Initialize sets topics as needed on a Sensor
// func (device *Sensor) Initialize() {
// device.StateTopic = device.GetStateTopic()
// device.AvailabilityTopic = device.GetAvailabilityTopic()
// device.Device = getDevice()
// }
// // Initialize sets topics as needed on a Binary Sensor
// func (device *BinarySensor) Initialize() {
// device.StateTopic = device.GetStateTopic()
// device.AvailabilityTopic = device.GetAvailabilityTopic()
// device.Device = getDevice()
// }
// // UpdateState publishes any new state for a device
// // This is for a light
// func (device Light) UpdateState(client mqtt.Client) {
// if device.BrightnessStateTopic != "" {
// state := device.BrightnessStateFunc()
// if state != stateStore.Light.BrightnessState[device.UniqueID] || device.ForceUpdateMQTT {
// token := client.Publish(device.BrightnessStateTopic, qos, retain, state)
// stateStore.Light.BrightnessState[device.UniqueID] = state
// token.Wait()
// }
// }
// if device.ColorTempStateTopic != "" {
// state := device.ColorTempStateFunc()
// if state != stateStore.Light.ColorTempState[device.UniqueID] || device.ForceUpdateMQTT {
// token := client.Publish(device.ColorTempStateTopic, qos, retain, state)
// stateStore.Light.ColorTempState[device.UniqueID] = state
// token.Wait()
// }
// }
// if device.EffectStateTopic != "" {
// state := device.EffectStateFunc()
// if state != stateStore.Light.EffectState[device.UniqueID] || device.ForceUpdateMQTT {
// token := client.Publish(device.EffectStateTopic, qos, retain, state)
// stateStore.Light.EffectState[device.UniqueID] = state
// token.Wait()
// }
// }
// if device.HsStateTopic != "" {
// state := device.HsStateFunc()
// if state != stateStore.Light.HsState[device.UniqueID] || device.ForceUpdateMQTT {
// token := client.Publish(device.HsStateTopic, qos, retain, state)
// stateStore.Light.HsState[device.UniqueID] = state
// token.Wait()
// }
// }
// if device.RgbStateTopic != "" {
// state := device.RgbStateFunc()
// if state != stateStore.Light.RgbState[device.UniqueID] || device.ForceUpdateMQTT {
// token := client.Publish(device.RgbStateTopic, qos, retain, state)
// stateStore.Light.RgbState[device.UniqueID] = state
// token.Wait()
// }
// }
// if device.StateTopic != "" {
// state := device.StateFunc()
// if state != stateStore.Light.State[device.UniqueID] || device.ForceUpdateMQTT {
// token := client.Publish(device.StateTopic, qos, retain, state)
// stateStore.Light.State[device.UniqueID] = state
// token.Wait()
// }
// }
// if device.WhiteValueStateTopic != "" {
// state := device.WhiteValueStateFunc()
// if state != stateStore.Light.WhiteValueState[device.UniqueID] || device.ForceUpdateMQTT {
// token := client.Publish(device.WhiteValueStateTopic, qos, retain, state)
// stateStore.Light.WhiteValueState[device.UniqueID] = state
// token.Wait()
// }
// }
// if device.XyStateTopic != "" {
// state := device.XyStateFunc()
// if state != stateStore.Light.XyState[device.UniqueID] || device.ForceUpdateMQTT {
// token := client.Publish(device.XyStateTopic, qos, retain, state)
// stateStore.Light.XyState[device.UniqueID] = state
// token.Wait()
// }
// }
// }
// // UpdateState publishes any new state for a device
// // This is for a switch
// func (device Switch) UpdateState(client mqtt.Client) {
// if device.StateFunc != nil {
// state := device.StateFunc()
// if state != stateStore.Switch[device.UniqueID] || device.ForceUpdateMQTT {
// token := client.Publish(device.StateTopic, qos, retain, state)
// stateStore.Switch[device.UniqueID] = state
// token.Wait()
// }
// } else {
// log.Println("No statefunc for " + device.UniqueID + strconv.FormatFloat(float64(device.UpdateInterval), 'g', 1, 64))
// }
// }
// // UpdateState publishes any new state for a device
// // This is for a sensor
// func (device Sensor) UpdateState(client mqtt.Client) {
// if device.StateFunc != nil {
// state := device.StateFunc()
// if state != stateStore.Sensor[device.UniqueID] || device.ForceUpdateMQTT {
// token := client.Publish(device.StateTopic, qos, retain, state)
// token.Wait()
// stateStore.Sensor[device.UniqueID] = state
// }
// } else {
// log.Fatalln("No statefunc, this makes no sensor for a sensor!")
// }
// }
// // UpdateState publishes any new state for a device
// // This is for a binary sensor
// func (device BinarySensor) UpdateState(client mqtt.Client) {
// if device.StateFunc != nil {
// state := device.StateFunc()
// if state != stateStore.BinarySensor[device.UniqueID] || device.ForceUpdateMQTT {
// token := client.Publish(device.StateTopic, qos, retain, state)
// token.Wait()
// stateStore.BinarySensor[device.UniqueID] = state
// }
// } else {
// log.Fatalln("No statefunc, this makes no sensor for a binary sensor!")
// }
// }
// // Subscribe announces and starts listening to MQTT topics appropriate for a device
// // This is for a light
// func (device Light) Subscribe(client mqtt.Client) {
// message, err := json.Marshal(device)
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// if device.BrightnessCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Subscribe(device.BrightnessCommandTopic, 0, device.messageHandler); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.ColorTempCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Subscribe(device.ColorTempCommandTopic, 0, device.messageHandler); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.EffectCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Subscribe(device.EffectCommandTopic, 0, device.messageHandler); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.HsCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Subscribe(device.HsCommandTopic, 0, device.messageHandler); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.RgbCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Subscribe(device.RgbCommandTopic, 0, device.messageHandler); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.CommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Subscribe(device.CommandTopic, 0, device.messageHandler); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.WhiteValueCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Subscribe(device.WhiteValueCommandTopic, 0, device.messageHandler); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.XyCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Subscribe(device.XyCommandTopic, 0, device.messageHandler); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// token := client.Publish(device.GetDiscoveryTopic(), 0, true, message)
// token.Wait()
// // HA needs time to process
// time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
// device.AnnounceAvailable(client)
// device.UpdateState(client)
// if token := client.Subscribe(device.GetCommandTopic(), 0, device.messageHandler); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// // Subscribe announces and starts listening to MQTT topics appropriate for a device
// // This is for a switch
// func (device Switch) Subscribe(client mqtt.Client) {
// message, err := json.Marshal(device)
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// token := client.Publish(device.GetDiscoveryTopic(), 0, true, message)
// token.Wait()
// // HA needs time to process
// time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
// device.AnnounceAvailable(client)
// if device.StateFunc != nil {
// device.UpdateState(client)
// }
// if token := client.Subscribe(device.GetCommandTopic(), 0, device.messageHandler); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// // Subscribe announces and MQTT topics appropriate for a device
// // This is for a sensor
// func (device Sensor) Subscribe(client mqtt.Client) {
// message, err := json.Marshal(device)
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// token := client.Publish(device.GetDiscoveryTopic(), 0, true, message)
// token.Wait()
// // HA needs time to process
// time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
// device.UpdateState(client)
// device.AnnounceAvailable(client)
// }
// // Subscribe announces and MQTT topics appropriate for a device
// // This is for a binary sensor
// func (device BinarySensor) Subscribe(client mqtt.Client) {
// message, err := json.Marshal(device)
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// token := client.Publish(device.GetDiscoveryTopic(), 0, true, message)
// token.Wait()
// // HA needs time to process
// time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
// device.UpdateState(client)
// device.AnnounceAvailable(client)
// }
// // UnSubscribe from MQTT topics appropriate for a device, and publishes unavailability
// // This is for a light
// func (device Light) UnSubscribe(client mqtt.Client) {
// token := client.Publish(device.GetAvailabilityTopic(), qos, retain, "offline")
// token.Wait()
// if device.BrightnessCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Unsubscribe(device.BrightnessCommandTopic); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.ColorTempCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Unsubscribe(device.ColorTempCommandTopic); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.EffectCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Unsubscribe(device.EffectCommandTopic); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.HsCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Unsubscribe(device.HsCommandTopic); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.RgbCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Unsubscribe(device.RgbCommandTopic); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.CommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Unsubscribe(device.CommandTopic); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.WhiteValueCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Unsubscribe(device.WhiteValueCommandTopic); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// if device.XyCommandTopic != "" {
// if token := client.Unsubscribe(device.XyCommandTopic); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// }
// // UnSubscribe from MQTT topics appropriate for a device, and publishes unavailability
// // This is for a switch
// func (device Switch) UnSubscribe(client mqtt.Client) {
// token := client.Publish(device.GetAvailabilityTopic(), qos, retain, "offline")
// token.Wait()
// if token := client.Unsubscribe(device.GetCommandTopic()); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
// log.Println(token.Error())
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// }
// // UnSubscribe publishes unavailability for a device
// // This is for a sensor
// func (device Sensor) UnSubscribe(client mqtt.Client) {
// token := client.Publish(device.GetAvailabilityTopic(), qos, retain, "offline")
// token.Wait()
// }
// // UnSubscribe publishes unavailability for a device
// // This is for a binary sensor
// func (device BinarySensor) UnSubscribe(client mqtt.Client) {
// token := client.Publish(device.GetAvailabilityTopic(), qos, retain, "offline")
// token.Wait()
// }
// // AnnounceAvailable publishes availability for a device
// // This is for a light
// func (device Light) AnnounceAvailable(client mqtt.Client) {
// token := client.Publish(device.GetAvailabilityTopic(), qos, retain, "online")
// token.Wait()
// }
// // AnnounceAvailable publishes availability for a device
// // This is for a switch
// func (device Switch) AnnounceAvailable(client mqtt.Client) {
// token := client.Publish(device.GetAvailabilityTopic(), qos, retain, "online")
// token.Wait()
// }
// // AnnounceAvailable publishes availability for a device
// // This is for a sensor
// func (device Sensor) AnnounceAvailable(client mqtt.Client) {
// token := client.Publish(device.GetAvailabilityTopic(), qos, retain, "online")
// token.Wait()
// }
// // AnnounceAvailable publishes availability for a device
// // This is for a binary sensor
// func (device BinarySensor) AnnounceAvailable(client mqtt.Client) {
// token := client.Publish(device.GetAvailabilityTopic(), qos, retain, "online")
// token.Wait()
// }