M5StickC Plus2 Support

This commit is contained in:
TheMiner203 2024-12-20 21:18:21 +08:00
parent 9b07356e07
commit 4102e735a3
6 changed files with 148 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"build": {
"ldscript": "esp32_out.ld"
"core": "esp32",
"extra_flags": "-DARDUINO_M5Stick_C_Plus2",
"f_cpu": "240000000L",
"f_flash": "40000000L",
"flash_mode": "dio",
"mcu": "esp32",
"variants_dir": "boards/variants",
"variant": "m5stick_c_plus2"
"connectivity": [
"frameworks": [
"name": "M5Stick-С-Plus2",
"upload": {
"flash_size": "8MB",
"maximum_ram_size": 2095104,
"maximum_size": 8388608,
"require_upload_port": true,
"speed": 1500000
"url": "https://docs.m5stack.com/en/core/M5StickC%20PLUS2",
"vendor": "M5Stack"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#ifndef Pins_Arduino_h
#define Pins_Arduino_h
#include <stdint.h>
static const uint8_t TX = 1;
static const uint8_t RX = 3;
static const uint8_t SDA = 32;
static const uint8_t SCL = 33;
static const uint8_t SS = 5;
static const uint8_t MOSI = 15;
static const uint8_t MISO = 36;
static const uint8_t SCK = 13;
static const uint8_t G9 = 9;
static const uint8_t G10 = 10;
static const uint8_t G37 = 37;
static const uint8_t G39 = 39;
static const uint8_t G32 = 32;
static const uint8_t G33 = 33;
static const uint8_t G26 = 26;
static const uint8_t G36 = 36;
static const uint8_t G0 = 0;
static const uint8_t DAC1 = 25;
static const uint8_t DAC2 = 26;
static const uint8_t ADC1 = 35;
static const uint8_t ADC2 = 36;
#endif /* Pins_Arduino_h */

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@ -158,6 +158,9 @@
#include <User_Setups/Setup303_WaveShare ESP32S3_GEEK.h> // Setup file for Waveshare Setup303_WaveShare ESP32S3_GEEK with ST7789 135*240 TFT
#ifdef M5STICK_C_PLUS2
#include <User_Setups/Setup304_M5StickCPlus2.h> // Setup file for ESP32 configured for ST7735 128 x 128 animated eyes
//#include <User_Setups/Setup301_BW16_ST7735.h> // Setup file for Bw16-based boards with ST7735 160 x 80 TFT
//#include <User_Setups/SetupX_Template.h> // Template file for a setup

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// ST7789 135 x 240 display
#define USER_SETUP_ID 304
#define ST7789_DRIVER
#define TFT_WIDTH 135
#define TFT_HEIGHT 240
#define TFT_BL 27
#define TFT_MISO -1
#define TFT_MOSI 15
#define TFT_SCLK 13
#define TFT_CS 5
#define TFT_DC 14
#define TFT_RST 12
#define CGRAM_OFFSET // Library will add offsets required
//#define TFT_RGB_ORDER TFT_RGB // Colour order Red-Green-Blue
//#define TFT_RGB_ORDER TFT_BGR // Colour order Blue-Green-Red
// DSTIKE stepup
//#define TFT_DC 23
//#define TFT_RST 32
//#define TFT_MOSI 26
//#define TFT_SCLK 27
// Generic ESP32 setup
//#define TFT_MISO 19
//#define TFT_MOSI 23
//#define TFT_SCLK 18
//#define TFT_CS -1 // Not connected
//#define TFT_DC 2
//#define TFT_RST 4 // Connect reset to ensure display initialises
// For NodeMCU - use pin numbers in the form PIN_Dx where Dx is the NodeMCU pin designation
#define LOAD_GLCD // Font 1. Original Adafruit 8 pixel font needs ~1820 bytes in FLASH
#define LOAD_FONT2 // Font 2. Small 16 pixel high font, needs ~3534 bytes in FLASH, 96 characters
#define LOAD_FONT4 // Font 4. Medium 26 pixel high font, needs ~5848 bytes in FLASH, 96 characters
#define LOAD_FONT6 // Font 6. Large 48 pixel font, needs ~2666 bytes in FLASH, only characters 1234567890:-.apm
#define LOAD_FONT7 // Font 7. 7 segment 48 pixel font, needs ~2438 bytes in FLASH, only characters 1234567890:.
#define LOAD_FONT8 // Font 8. Large 75 pixel font needs ~3256 bytes in FLASH, only characters 1234567890:-.
//#define LOAD_FONT8N // Font 8. Alternative to Font 8 above, slightly narrower, so 3 digits fit a 160 pixel TFT
#define LOAD_GFXFF // FreeFonts. Include access to the 48 Adafruit_GFX free fonts FF1 to FF48 and custom fonts
// #define SPI_FREQUENCY 27000000
#define SPI_FREQUENCY 40000000
#define SPI_READ_FREQUENCY 20000000
#define SPI_TOUCH_FREQUENCY 2500000

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#ifndef _M5_STICK_C_PLUS2_H
#define _M5_STICK_C_PLUS2_H
#define PIN_BUTTON_1 37
#define PIN_BUTTON_2 39
#define LED_PIN 19
#define V1_DISPLAY

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
#include "nerdMinerV2.h"
#elif defined(M5STICK_C)
#include "M5Stick-C.h"
#elif defined(M5STICK_C_PLUS2)
#include "M5Stick-C-Plus2.h"
#elif defined(DEVKITV1)
#include "esp32DevKit.h"
#elif defined(TDISPLAY)