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synced 2025-03-17 13:21:50 +01:00
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484 lines
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package hid
import (
var (
//privateCurrentLEDWatcher *HIDKeyboardLEDStateWatcher = nil
privateCurrentKeyboardLEDWatcher *KeyboardLEDStateWatcher = nil
const (
MaskNumLock = 1 << 0
MaskCapsLock = 1 << 1
MaskScrollLock = 1 << 2
MaskCompose = 1 << 3
MaskKana = 1 << 4
MaskNone = 1 << 7 //not really a mask, indicates no change
MaskAny = MaskNumLock | MaskCapsLock | MaskScrollLock | MaskCompose | MaskKana
MaskAnyOrNone = MaskNumLock | MaskCapsLock | MaskScrollLock | MaskCompose | MaskKana | MaskNone
type HIDLEDState struct {
NumLock bool
CapsLock bool
ScrollLock bool
Compose bool
Kana bool
func (s *HIDLEDState) fillState(stateByte byte) {
if stateByte & MaskNumLock > 0 { s.NumLock = true }
if stateByte & MaskCapsLock > 0 { s.CapsLock = true }
if stateByte & MaskScrollLock > 0 { s.ScrollLock = true }
if stateByte & MaskCompose > 0 { s.Compose = true }
if stateByte & MaskKana > 0 { s.Kana = true }
func (s HIDLEDState) AnyOn() bool {
return s.NumLock || s.CapsLock || s.ScrollLock || s.Compose || s.Kana
func (s HIDLEDState) Mask(mask HIDLEDState) (result HIDLEDState) {
result.NumLock = s.NumLock && mask.NumLock
result.CapsLock = s.CapsLock && mask.CapsLock
result.ScrollLock = s.ScrollLock && mask.ScrollLock
result.Compose = s.Compose && mask.Compose
result.Kana = s.Kana && mask.Kana
func (s HIDLEDState) Changes(other HIDLEDState) (result HIDLEDState) {
result.NumLock = s.NumLock != other.NumLock
result.CapsLock = s.CapsLock != other.CapsLock
result.ScrollLock = s.ScrollLock != other.ScrollLock
result.Compose = s.Compose != other.Compose
result.Kana = s.Kana != other.Kana
type lockableListenerMap struct {
m map[*KeyboardLEDStateListener]bool
type KeyboardLEDStateWatcher struct {
ledState *HIDLEDState //latest global LED state
listeners *lockableListenerMap //map of registered listeners
ledStateFile *os.File
hasInitialState bool //marks if the initial state is define (gets true after first LED state ha been read)
//listener which should be registered are put into a zero length channel, to allow blocking till a listener is added
//in case there isn't already a listener (avoid reading LED states, without having a single listener consuming them)
listenersToAdd chan *KeyboardLEDStateListener
readerToDispatcher chan HIDLEDState
ctx context.Context
cancelFunc context.CancelFunc
isUsable bool
func NewLEDStateWatcher(ctx context.Context, devFilePath string) (res *KeyboardLEDStateWatcher,err error) {
//try to open the devFile
devFile, err := os.Open(devFilePath)
if err != nil { return }
if privateCurrentKeyboardLEDWatcher != nil {
ctx,cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
res = &KeyboardLEDStateWatcher{
ledState: &HIDLEDState{},
hasInitialState: false,
ledStateFile: devFile,
listeners: &lockableListenerMap{
m: make(map[*KeyboardLEDStateListener]bool),
// Buffer at least one listener, to avoid blocking when one is added, the channel is only used to block the
// dispatchLoop, in case there's no registered listener (by reading from the listenerToAdd chanel
listenersToAdd: make(chan *KeyboardLEDStateListener,1),
readerToDispatcher: make(chan HIDLEDState), //communicates new LED states to from file reader loop to dispatcher loop, blocks till consumed
ctx: ctx,
cancelFunc: cancel,
ledState: &HIDLEDState{},
listeners: &listenersmap{m: make(map[*HIDKeyboardLEDListener]*HIDKeyboardLEDListener)},
addListeners: make(chan *HIDKeyboardLEDListener,1), //Buffer at least one, to avoid blocking `CreateAndAddNewListener` (we only want to block `dispatchListeners` in case there's no listener)
go res.readLoop()
go res.dispatchLoop()
privateCurrentKeyboardLEDWatcher = res
res.isUsable = true
func (w *KeyboardLEDStateWatcher) RetrieveNewListener() (l *KeyboardLEDStateListener, err error) {
if !w.isUsable { return nil, ErrNotAllowed }
//create listener and assgin watcher as parent
l = &KeyboardLEDStateListener{
isMarkedForDeletion: false,
changedLeds: make(chan HIDLEDState),
//interrupt: make(chan struct{}),
ledWatcher: w,
//addListener to map
w.listenersToAdd <- l
return l,nil
// - unregisters all listeners
// - listeners which are still processed receive an interrupt on their interrupt channel, it is the responsibility
// of the listener to deal with this interrupt and close the channel after the interrupt is consumed (wrting to the channel
// happens only once)
// - close ledStateFile
func (w *KeyboardLEDStateWatcher) Stop() (err error) {
//ToDo: A crash occurs from time to time, if the underlying file is already gone (gadget destroyed), this has to be called before the file is removed
err = w.ledStateFile.Close() //produces an error in readLoop which gets translated to an interrupt
return nil
//reads the LED state from device file, till os.File object is closed
func (w *KeyboardLEDStateWatcher) readLoop() {
fmt.Println("***Starting LED reader")
defer w.ledStateFile.Close() //Assure File object is closed after this loop, if the closed file wasn't the reason for loop abort
buf := make([]byte, 1)
for {
//fmt.Println("-----------\nLED READ LOOP\n-------------------")
n,err := w.ledStateFile.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Keyboard LED watcher: LED file seems to be closed %s: %v\n...interrupting dispatcher loop!\n", w.ledStateFile.Name(), err)
//mark watcher as unusable
w.isUsable = false
//interrupt the dispatcher loop, by cancelling the context
for i:=0; i<n; i++ {
newState := HIDLEDState{}
w.readerToDispatcher <- newState
fmt.Println("***Stopped LED reader")
func (w *KeyboardLEDStateWatcher) dispatchLoop() {
fmt.Println("***Starting LED dispatcher")
//try to consume a new LEDState (blocking wait if no interrupt)
for {
select {
case newState:= <- w.readerToDispatcher:
//fmt.Printf("**** HANDLING new LED state\n")
//fmt.Printf("Old state: %+v\nNew state:%+v\n", w.ledState, newState)
//Translate received LED state to state change (if first received state, everything is considered as change
ledStateChange := w.ledState.Changes(newState)
//fmt.Printf("Changed state: %+v\n", ledStateChange)
if w.hasInitialState == false {
w.hasInitialState = true
//Store new LED state
w.ledState = &newState //Note: as this method blocks, in case there's no LED state listener, global LED state is only update in case a listener is registered
// check if there's at least one listener, if not block till a new one is registered
// Blocking, in case there's no listener, doesn't align to the usual approach of event driven
if len(w.listeners.m) == 0 {
//fmt.Println("Waiting fo at least one listener")
w.listeners.m[<-w.listenersToAdd] = true
//fmt.Println("At least one listener added")
deleteList := make([]*KeyboardLEDStateListener,0)
//fan out to every listener, block if one doesn't consume the change
for l,_ := range w.listeners.m {
// Beware the DeadLock:
// If the listener decides to remove itself (sets l.isMarkedForDeletion) based on the ledStateChange
// received on the l.changedLeds channel, without continuing consuming data, this could lead to a dead lock
// on w.listeners.
// Example: The listener consumes a single state change (by reading from l.changedLeds) does some time
// consuming processing and, as a result of this time consuming processing, decides to set l.isMarkedForDeletion to
// true. This means the listener consumes only the first state change from l.changedLeds. As isMarkedForDeletion
// isn't set to true immediately, this loop, again, tries to write data to the channel (if changed LED states are
// produced frequently or have been queued already), BUT WRITING BLOCKS as the listener is going to decide to mark
// itself for deletion after he is done with processing the first state change. This means the next line of code blocks,
// as the data written to the channel is never consumed by the listener (and the channel is marked
// for deletion too late, which would prevent writing to it). This again means, that the outer for loop,
// which iterates over the registered listeners, will never exit, ULTIMATELY LEAVING w.listeners IN LOCKED
// STATE. This becomes a deadlock, as soon as another routine tries to remove a listener from w.listeners,
// as this routine has to call w.listeners.Lock() itself. But exactly the case of trying to remove the listener
// from w.listeners is the expected one, after setting isMarkedForDeletion to true.
// Solution: No matter where l.isMarkedForDeletion gets set to true, it is the responsibility of exactly
// the same part of code, to consume all remaining channel data from l.changedLeds afterwards.
if !l.isMarkedForDeletion {
l.changedLeds <- ledStateChange
} else {
deleteList = append(deleteList, l)
//delete listeners which aren't used anymore
for _,l := range deleteList {
delete(w.listeners.m, l)
case <- w.ctx.Done():
//inform all listeners about the interrupt
for l,_ := range w.listeners.m {
//close Watcher channels
//End the dispatcher loop
break L
case newListener := <-w.listenersToAdd:
w.listeners.m[newListener] = true
fmt.Println("***Stopped LED dispatcher")
type KeyboardLEDStateListener struct {
ledWatcher *KeyboardLEDStateWatcher //the parent LEDWatcher, containing global ledState
changedLeds chan HIDLEDState //changedLeds represents the LEDs which change since last report as bitfield (MaskNumLock, MaskCapsLock ...) the actual state has to be fetched from the respective field of the ledWatcher.ledState
//interrupt chan struct{}
isMarkedForDeletion bool
func (l *KeyboardLEDStateListener) Unregister() {
if l.isMarkedForDeletion {return}
l.isMarkedForDeletion = true
//consume remaining input data from channel
for {
select {
case <-l.changedLeds:
//do nothinng
break L
//close channels
Waits for single LED state change
intendedChange: Mask values combined with logical or, to indicate which LEDs are allowed to trigger MaskNu
return value changed: Mask values combined with logical or, indicating which LED actually changed in order to stop waiting
func (kbd *HIDKeyboard) WaitLEDStateChange(irqFunc <-chan func(), intendedChange byte, timeout time.Duration) (changed *HIDLEDState,err error) {
//register state change listener
l,err := kbd.LEDWatcher.RetrieveNewListener()
if err!= nil { return nil,err }
//defer kbd.LEDWatcher.removeListener(l)
defer l.Unregister()
startTime := time.Now()
remaining := timeout
intendedChangeStruct := HIDLEDState{}
for {
fmt.Println("LED change loop...")
//calculate remaining timeout (error out if already reached
passedBy := time.Since(startTime)
if passedBy > timeout {
return nil, ErrTimeout
} else {
remaining = timeout - passedBy
//Wait for report of LED change
select {
case ledsChanged := <- l.changedLeds:
//we have a state change, check relevance
//fmt.Printf("LEDListener received state change on following LEDs %+v\n", ledsChanged)
relevantChanges := ledsChanged.Mask(intendedChangeStruct)
if relevantChanges.AnyOn() {
//We have an intended state change
//fmt.Printf("LEDListener: the following changes have been relevant %+v\n", relevantChanges)
return &relevantChanges, nil
// special case - MaskNone is enabled we report back an LED change, even if nothing changed
// this could be used to trigger on Keyboard re-attachment on Windows/som Linox distros, as a new
// LED state is reported everytime the keyboard is attached, even if it doesn't differ from the old one
if intendedChange & MaskNone > 0 {
//fmt.Printf("LEDListener: no changes, reporting back anyway %+v\n", relevantChanges)
return &relevantChanges, nil
//If here, there was a LED state change, but not one we want to use for triggering (continue outer loop, consuming channel data)
case <-l.ledWatcher.ctx.Done():
fmt.Println("...LEDWatcher aborted")
return nil, ErrAbort
case irq:=<-irqFunc:
fmt.Println("...WaitLEDStateChange received Irq")
return nil, ErrIrq
case <- time.After(remaining):
return nil, ErrTimeout
func (kbd *HIDKeyboard) WaitLEDStateChangeRepeated(irqFunc <-chan func(), intendedChange byte, repeatCount int, minRepeatDelay time.Duration, timeout time.Duration) (changed *HIDLEDState,err error) {
//register state change listener
l,err := kbd.LEDWatcher.RetrieveNewListener()
if err!= nil { return nil,err }
//defer kbd.LEDWatcher.removeListener(l)
defer l.Unregister()
startTime := time.Now()
remaining := timeout
intendedChangeStruct := HIDLEDState{}
lastNum,lastCaps,lastScroll,lastCompose,lastKana := startTime,startTime,startTime,startTime,startTime
countNum,countCaps,countScroll,countCompose,countKana := 0,0,0,0,0
for {
//calculate remaining timeout (error out if already reached
passedBy := time.Since(startTime)
if passedBy > timeout {
return nil, ErrTimeout
} else {
remaining = timeout - passedBy
//Wait for report of LED change
select {
case ledsChanged := <- l.changedLeds:
//we have a state change, check relevance
//fmt.Printf("LEDListener received state change on following LEDs %+v\n", ledsChanged)
relevantChanges := ledsChanged.Mask(intendedChangeStruct)
// fmt.Printf("LEDs changed: %v\n", ledsChanged)
// fmt.Printf("Changes relevant: %v\n", relevantChanges)
if relevantChanges.AnyOn() {
now := time.Now()
//log.Printf("Duration: NUM %v, CAPS %v, SCROLL %v, COMPOSE %v, KANA %v\n", now.Sub(lastNum), now.Sub(lastCaps), now.Sub(lastScroll), now.Sub(lastCompose), now.Sub(lastKana))
//We have an intended state change, check if any was in intended delay and increment counter in case
if relevantChanges.NumLock {
if now.Sub(lastNum) < minRepeatDelay {
countNum += 1
} else {
countNum = 0
lastNum = now
if relevantChanges.CapsLock {
if now.Sub(lastCaps) < minRepeatDelay {
countCaps += 1
} else {
countCaps = 0
lastCaps = now
if relevantChanges.ScrollLock {
if now.Sub(lastScroll) < minRepeatDelay {
countScroll += 1
} else {
countScroll = 0
lastScroll = now
if relevantChanges.Compose {
if now.Sub(lastCompose) < minRepeatDelay {
countCompose += 1
} else {
countCompose = 0
lastCompose = now
if relevantChanges.Kana {
if now.Sub(lastKana) < minRepeatDelay {
countKana += 1
} else {
countKana = 0
lastKana = now
//log.Printf("\tRelevant LED changes after applying mask (interval %v) NUM: %v CAPS: %v SCROLL: %v COMPOSE: %v KANA: %v\n", minRepeatDelay, countNum, countCaps, countScroll, countCompose, countKana)
//check counters
result := &HIDLEDState{}
if countNum >= repeatCount { result.NumLock = true }
if countCaps >= repeatCount { result.CapsLock = true }
if countScroll >= repeatCount { result.ScrollLock = true }
if countCompose >= repeatCount { result.Compose = true }
if countKana >= repeatCount { result.Kana = true }
if result.AnyOn() {
return result, nil
//return &relevantChanges, nil
//If here, there was a LED state change, but not one we want to use for triggering (continue outer loop, consuming channel data)
case <-l.ledWatcher.ctx.Done():
return nil, ErrAbort
case irq:=<-irqFunc:
return nil, ErrIrq
case <- time.After(remaining):
return nil, ErrTimeout