
592 lines
19 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package P4wnP1_grpc;
service P4WNP1 {
rpc GetBluetoothControllerInformation (Empty) returns (BluetoothControllerInformation) {}
rpc DeployBluetoothControllerInformation (BluetoothControllerInformation) returns (BluetoothControllerInformation) {}
rpc GetBluetoothAgentSettings (Empty) returns (BluetoothAgentSettings) {}
rpc DeployBluetoothAgentSettings (BluetoothAgentSettings) returns (BluetoothAgentSettings) {}
rpc SetBluetoothNetworkService (BluetoothNetworkService) returns (Empty) {}
rpc DeployBluetoothSettings (BluetoothSettings) returns (BluetoothSettings) {}
rpc StoreBluetoothSettings(BluetoothRequestSettingsStorage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc GetStoredBluetoothSettings(StringMessage) returns (BluetoothSettings) {}
rpc DeployStoredBluetoothSettings(StringMessage) returns (BluetoothSettings) {}
rpc DeleteStoredBluetoothSettings(StringMessage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc StoreDeployedBluetoothSettings(StringMessage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc ListStoredBluetoothSettings(Empty) returns (StringMessageArray) {}
//USB gadget
rpc GetDeployedGadgetSetting (Empty) returns (GadgetSettings) { }
rpc DeployGadgetSetting (Empty) returns (GadgetSettings) { }
rpc GetGadgetSettings (Empty) returns (GadgetSettings) { }
rpc SetGadgetSettings (GadgetSettings) returns (GadgetSettings) { }
rpc GetLEDSettings (Empty) returns (LEDSettings) { }
rpc SetLEDSettings (LEDSettings) returns (Empty) { }
rpc MountUMSFile (GadgetSettingsUMS) returns (Empty) { }
rpc StoreUSBSettings(USBRequestSettingsStorage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc GetStoredUSBSettings(StringMessage) returns (GadgetSettings) {}
rpc DeployStoredUSBSettings(StringMessage) returns (GadgetSettings) {}
rpc DeleteStoredUSBSettings(StringMessage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc StoreDeployedUSBSettings(StringMessage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc ListStoredUSBSettings(Empty) returns (StringMessageArray) {}
rpc ListUmsImageCdrom(Empty) returns (StringMessageArray) {}
rpc ListUmsImageFlashdrive(Empty) returns (StringMessageArray) {}
//HIDScript / job management
rpc HIDRunScript (HIDScriptRequest) returns (HIDScriptResult) { }
rpc HIDRunScriptJob (HIDScriptRequest) returns (HIDScriptJob) { }
rpc HIDGetScriptJobResult (HIDScriptJob) returns (HIDScriptResult) { }
rpc HIDCancelScriptJob (HIDScriptJob) returns (Empty) { }
rpc HIDGetRunningScriptJobs (Empty) returns (HIDScriptJobList) { }
rpc HIDCancelAllScriptJobs (Empty) returns (Empty) { }
rpc HIDGetRunningJobState (HIDScriptJob) returns (HIDRunningJobStateResult) { }
rpc FSWriteFile (WriteFileRequest) returns (Empty) {}
rpc FSReadFile (ReadFileRequest) returns (ReadFileResponse) {}
rpc FSGetFileInfo (FileInfoRequest) returns (FileInfoResponse) { }
rpc FSCreateTempDirOrFile (TempDirOrFileRequest) returns (TempDirOrFileResponse) { }
rpc EventListen (EventRequest) returns (stream Event) { }
//Alive check
rpc EchoRequest (StringMessage) returns (StringMessage) { }
// WiFi
rpc DeployWiFiSettings (WiFiSettings) returns (WiFiState) {}
rpc GetWiFiState (Empty) returns (WiFiState) {}
rpc ListenWiFiStateChanges (Empty) returns (WiFiState) {} //ToDo: Check usage
rpc StoreWifiSettings(WifiRequestSettingsStorage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc GetStoredWifiSettings(StringMessage) returns (WiFiSettings) {}
rpc DeployStoredWifiSettings(StringMessage) returns (WiFiState) {}
rpc DeleteStoredWifiSettings(StringMessage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc StoreDeployedWifiSettings(StringMessage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc ListStoredWifiSettings(Empty) returns (StringMessageArray) {}
rpc DeployEthernetInterfaceSettings (EthernetInterfaceSettings) returns (Empty) { }
rpc GetAllDeployedEthernetInterfaceSettings (Empty) returns (DeployedEthernetInterfaceSettings) { }
rpc GetDeployedEthernetInterfaceSettings (StringMessage) returns (EthernetInterfaceSettings) { } //StringMessage has to contain the interface name
rpc StoreEthernetInterfaceSettings(EthernetRequestSettingsStorage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc GetStoredEthernetInterfaceSettings(StringMessage) returns (EthernetInterfaceSettings) {}
rpc DeployStoredEthernetInterfaceSettings(StringMessage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc DeleteStoredEthernetInterfaceSettings(StringMessage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc ListStoredEthernetInterfaceSettings(Empty) returns (StringMessageArray) {}
//ToDo: Store&Load for EthernetInterfaceSettingsList (multiple interfaces)
// TriggerActions
rpc GetDeployedTriggerActionSet(Empty) returns (TriggerActionSet) {}
rpc DeployTriggerActionSetReplace(TriggerActionSet) returns (TriggerActionSet) {} // Replaces registered TriggerActions with given set, returns a set ONLY OF ADDED TriggerActions (with assigned IDs)
rpc DeployTriggerActionSetAdd(TriggerActionSet) returns (TriggerActionSet) {} // Adds a set of additional TriggerActions, returns a set of all Triggeractions registered afterwards
rpc DeployTriggerActionSetRemove(TriggerActionSet) returns (TriggerActionSet) {} // Removes registered TriggerActions from given set, returns a set ONLY OF REMOVED TriggerActions (with assigned IDs)
rpc DeployTriggerActionSetUpdate(TriggerActionSet) returns (TriggerActionSet) {} // Updates already registered TriggerActions from given set, returns aall regitered TriggerActions
rpc ListStoredTriggerActionSets(Empty) returns (StringMessageArray) {}
rpc StoreTriggerActionSet(TriggerActionSet) returns (Empty) {}
rpc DeployStoredTriggerActionSetReplace(StringMessage) returns (TriggerActionSet) {} // Adds a set of additional TriggerActions, returns a set of all Triggeractions registered afterwards
rpc DeployStoredTriggerActionSetAdd(StringMessage) returns (TriggerActionSet) {} // Replaces registered TriggerActions with given set, returns a set ONLY OF ADDED TriggerActions (with assigned IDs)
rpc DeleteStoredTriggerActionSet(StringMessage) returns (Empty) {}
//TriggerAction for cli (trigger group send and wait for group receive)
rpc WaitTriggerGroupReceive(TriggerGroupReceive) returns (Empty) {}
rpc FireActionGroupSend(ActionGroupSend) returns (Empty) {}
rpc DeployMasterTemplate(MasterTemplate) returns (Empty) {}
rpc StoreMasterTemplate(RequestMasterTemplateStorage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc GetStoredMasterTemplate(StringMessage) returns (MasterTemplate) {}
rpc DeployStoredMasterTemplate(StringMessage) returns (MasterTemplate) {}
rpc DeleteStoredMasterTemplate(StringMessage) returns (Empty) {}
rpc ListStoredMasterTemplate(Empty) returns (StringMessageArray) {}
// Startup Master Template
rpc GetStartupMasterTemplate(Empty) returns (StringMessage) {}
rpc SetStartupMasterTemplate(StringMessage) returns (Empty) {}
// DB backup&restore
rpc DBBackup(StringMessage) returns(Empty) {}
rpc DBRestore(StringMessage) returns(Empty) {}
rpc ListStoredHIDScripts(Empty) returns (StringMessageArray) {}
rpc ListStoredBashScripts(Empty) returns (StringMessageArray) {}
rpc ListStoredDBBackups(Empty) returns (StringMessageArray) {}
/* GPIO */
rpc GetAvailableGpios(Empty) returns (StringMessageArray) {}
/* System */
rpc Shutdown(Empty) returns (Empty) {}
rpc Reboot(Empty) returns (Empty) {}
/* MasterTemplates */
message MasterTemplate {
string template_name_bluetooth = 1;
string template_name_usb = 2;
string template_name_wifi = 3;
string template_name_trigger_actions = 4;
repeated string template_names_network = 5;
message RequestMasterTemplateStorage {
string TemplateName = 1;
MasterTemplate template = 2;
/* Bluetooth */
message BluetoothRequestSettingsStorage {
string TemplateName = 1;
BluetoothSettings settings = 2;
message BluetoothSettings {
BluetoothControllerInformation ci = 1; //Parts interpreted as settings: current_settings, name, service_network_server_nap, service_network_server_panu, service_network_server_gn
BluetoothAgentSettings as = 2;
message BluetoothAgentSettings {
string pin = 1;
enum BluetoothNetworkServiceType {
NAP = 0;
PANU = 1;
GN = 2;
message BluetoothNetworkService {
bool register_or_unregister = 1; //true = register, false = unregister
bool server_or_connect = 2; //if true, try to connect to network service of remoter device given by name_mac, else open service
BluetoothNetworkServiceType type = 3;
string mac_or_name = 4;
string bridge_name = 5; //
message BluetoothControllerSettings {
bool powered = 1;
bool connectable = 2;
bool fast_connectable = 3;
bool discoverable = 4;
bool bondable = 5;
bool link_level_security = 6;
bool secure_simple_pairing = 7;
bool br_edr = 8;
bool high_speed = 9;
bool low_energy = 10;
bool advertising = 11;
bool secure_connections = 12;
bool debug_keys = 13;
bool privacy = 14;
bool controller_configuration = 15;
bool static_address = 16;
message BluetoothControllerInformation {
bytes address = 1;
uint32 bluetooth_version = 2;
uint32 manufacturer = 3;
BluetoothControllerSettings supported_settings = 4;
BluetoothControllerSettings current_settings = 5;
bytes class_of_device = 6;
string name = 7;
string short_name = 8;
bool is_available = 9;
bool service_network_server_nap = 10;
bool service_network_server_panu = 11;
bool service_network_server_gn = 12;
/* Triggers, Actions and resulting TriggerActions */
message TriggerActionSet {
repeated TriggerAction TriggerActions = 1;
string Name = 2;
message TriggerAction {
uint32 id = 1; // assigned by service, used as identifier to allow deletion of trigger actions
bool oneShot = 2;
bool isActive = 3;
bool immutable = 4;
oneof Trigger {
TriggerServiceStarted serviceStarted = 5;
TriggerUSBGadgetConnected usbGadgetConnected = 6;
TriggerUSBGadgetDisconnected usbGadgetDisconnected = 7;
TriggerWifiAPStarted wifiAPStarted = 8;
TriggerWifiConnectedAsSta wifiConnectedAsSta = 9;
TriggerSSHLogin sshLogin = 10;
TriggerDHCPLeaseGranted dhcpLeaseGranted = 11;
TriggerGroupReceive groupReceive = 12;
TriggerGroupReceiveMulti groupReceiveMulti = 13;
TriggerGPIOIn gpioIn = 14;
oneof Action {
ActionStartBashScript bashScript = 15;
ActionStartHIDScript hidScript = 16;
ActionDeploySettingsTemplate deploySettingsTemplate = 17;
ActionLog log = 18;
ActionGPIOOut gpioOut = 19;
ActionGroupSend groupSend = 20;
message TriggerServiceStarted {} //no fields
message TriggerUSBGadgetConnected{}
message TriggerUSBGadgetDisconnected{}
message TriggerWifiAPStarted{} // fired when an Access Point is running
message TriggerWifiConnectedAsSta{} // fired when successfully connected to an existing AP
message TriggerSSHLogin{ // fired when a user logs in
string loginUser = 1;
message TriggerDHCPLeaseGranted {} // fired when a client receives a lease
message TriggerGroupReceive{ // fired when the correct value is received on the group channel
string groupName = 1;
int32 value = 2;
enum GroupReceiveMultiType {
SEQUENCE = 0; // values have to occur in order (other values allowed in between)
AND = 1; //logical and ("all" values have to occur, could be unordered)
OR = 2; //logical or ("one of" the values has to occur)
EXACT_SEQUENCE = 3; // values have to occur in order (other values are NOT allowed in between)
message TriggerGroupReceiveMulti{
string groupName = 1;
repeated int32 values = 3;
GroupReceiveMultiType type = 4;
enum GPIOInPullUpDown {
UP = 0;
DOWN = 1;
OFF = 2;
enum GPIOInEdge {
BOTH = 2;
message TriggerGPIOIn {
string gpio_name = 1;
GPIOInPullUpDown pullUpDown = 2;
GPIOInEdge gpioInEdge = 3;
int64 debounce_millis = 4;
message ActionStartBashScript {
string scriptName = 1;
message ActionStartHIDScript {
string scriptName = 1; //could be combined into oneof with script path, to allow starting scripts from arbitrary filepath (avoids storing scripts in DB or fixed folder)
message ActionDeploySettingsTemplate {
string templateName = 1;
enum TemplateType {
WIFI = 2;
USB = 3;
TemplateType type = 2;
message ActionLog {}
enum GPIOOutValue {
LOW = 0;
HIGH = 1;
message ActionGPIOOut {
string gpio_name = 1;
GPIOOutValue value = 2;
message ActionGroupSend {
string groupName = 1;
int32 value = 2;
message WifiRequestSettingsStorage {
string TemplateName = 1;
WiFiSettings settings = 2;
/* WiFi2 (distinguish state and settings) */
enum WiFiWorkingMode {
AP = 1; //acts as access point
STA = 2; //acts as station for an existing access point
STA_FAILOVER_AP = 3; //acts as station, if connection to the given AP isn't possible spawns an own AP
enum WiFiStateMode {
AP_UP = 1; //acts as access point
STA_CONNECTED = 2; //acts as station for an existing access point
enum WiFiAuthMode {
WPA2_PSK = 0; //AP uses WPA2 pre-shared key
OPEN = 1; //Open System Authentication (no authentication)
message WiFiSettings {
/* Generic */
string name = 1; //for template storage
bool disabled = 2; //disabled means neither hostapd, nor wpa_supplicant are running, the interface could still be enabled
string regulatory = 3; //Regulatory domain per ISO/IEC 3166-1 alpha2
WiFiWorkingMode working_mode = 4;
WiFiAuthMode auth_mode = 5;
uint32 channel = 6;
WiFiBSSCfg ap_BSS = 7; //SSID of AP to spawn + PSK if needed
repeated WiFiBSSCfg client_BSS_list = 8; //SSID of Infra to join + PSK if needed
bool hide_ssid = 9; //if true, SSID gets hidden for spawned AP
bool nexmon = 13;
message WiFiState {
WiFiStateMode mode = 1;
uint32 channel = 2;
string ssid = 3; //SSID currently connected (STA) or spawned (AP)
WiFiSettings currentSettings = 4;
message WiFiBSSCfg {
string SSID = 1;
string PSK = 2;
/* Alive check */
message StringMessage {
string msg = 1;
message StringMessageArray {
repeated string msgArray = 1;
/* Events */
message EventRequest {
int64 listenType = 1;
message EventValue {
oneof val {
string tstring = 1;
bool tbool = 2;
int64 tint64 = 3;
message Event {
int64 type = 1;
repeated EventValue values = 2;
/* File System */
message TempDirOrFileRequest {
string dir = 1;
string prefix = 2;
bool onlyFolder = 3;
message TempDirOrFileResponse {
string resultPath = 1;
enum AccessibleFolder {
TMP = 0;
message ReadFileRequest {
AccessibleFolder folder = 1;
string filename = 2;
int64 start = 3;
int64 len = 4;
message ReadFileResponse {
int64 readCount = 1;
bytes data = 2;
message WriteFileRequest {
AccessibleFolder folder = 1;
string filename = 2;
bool append = 3;
bool mustNotExist = 4;
bytes data = 5;
message FileInfoRequest {
string path = 1;
message FileInfoResponse {
string name = 1;
int64 size = 2;
uint32 mode = 3;
int64 modTime = 4; //unused
bool isDir = 5;
/* HID */
message HIDScriptRequest {
string scriptPath = 1;
uint32 timeoutSeconds = 2; //a timeout > 0 interrupts the HIDScript when reached, meassurement in seconds
message HIDScriptJob {
uint32 id = 1;
message HIDScriptJobList {
repeated uint32 ids = 1;
message HIDRunningJobStateResult {
int64 id = 1;
int64 vmId = 2;
string source = 3;
message HIDScriptResult {
HIDScriptJob job = 1;
bool isFinished = 2;
string resultJson = 3;
//string logOutput = 4; //will be used to retrieve log output of unfinished scripts, better implemented in dedicated method with stream
/* LED */
message LEDSettings {
uint32 blink_count = 1;
/* End LED */
/* USB Gadget */
message USBRequestSettingsStorage {
string TemplateName = 1;
GadgetSettings settings = 2;
message GadgetSettings {
bool enabled = 1;
string vid = 2;
string pid = 3;
string manufacturer = 4;
string product = 5;
string serial = 6;
bool use_CDC_ECM = 7;
bool use_RNDIS = 8;
bool use_HID_KEYBOARD = 9;
bool use_HID_MOUSE = 10;
bool use_HID_RAW = 11;
bool use_UMS = 12;
bool use_SERIAL = 13;
GadgetSettingsEthernet rndis_settings = 14; //Only applicable if RNDIS on
GadgetSettingsEthernet cdc_ecm_settings = 15; //Only applicable if CDC ECM on
GadgetSettingsUMS ums_settings = 16;
//EthernetInterfaceSettings ethernet_settings = 17; //only applicable if RNDIS or CDC ECM on
string dev_path_hid_keyboard = 18;
string dev_path_hid_mouse = 19;
string dev_path_hid_raw = 20;
message GadgetSettingsEthernet {
string host_addr = 1;
string dev_addr = 2;
message GadgetSettingsUMS {
bool cdrom = 1;
string file = 2;
/* End USB Gadget */
/* Ethernet Interface Settings */
message EthernetRequestSettingsStorage {
string TemplateName = 1;
EthernetInterfaceSettings settings = 2;
message DeployedEthernetInterfaceSettings {
repeated EthernetInterfaceSettings list = 1;
message EthernetInterfaceSettings {
string name = 1;
enum Mode {
UNMANAGED = 3; // Indicates that the settings aren't known, as they aren't managed by the service
Mode mode = 2;
string ipAddress4 = 3;
string netmask4 = 4;
bool enabled = 5;
DHCPServerSettings dhcpServerSettings = 6;
bool settingsInUse = 7; //indicates if the given settings are applied to the interface
/* DHCP */
message DHCPServerSettings {
uint32 listenPort = 1; //if a port other thaan 0 is provided, a DNS server is bound to this port in addition to DHCP
string listenInterface = 2;
string leaseFile = 3;
bool notAuthoritative = 4;
bool doNotBindInterface = 5; //if true, DHCP server binds to, no matter which interface is given (no restart needed on interface up/down)
string callbackScript = 6; //Script executes when lease is added/deleted `scriptname <add|del> <MAC> <IP> <HOSTNAME>`
repeated DHCPServerRange ranges = 7;
//repeated DHCPServerOption options = 8;
map<uint32, string> options = 8; //Replaced by map (dealing with key duplicates is ONLY PARTIALY handled by proto3), See RFC 2132 for details of available options
repeated DHCPServerStaticHost staticHosts = 9;
//Could be used for IPv4 or IPv6 (refer dnsmasq docs), nor field for prefix length (default is 64)
message DHCPServerRange {
string rangeLower = 1; //Lowest IP of DHCP range
string rangeUpper = 2; //Highest IP of DHCP range
string leaseTime = 3;
//Used for static leases
message DHCPServerStaticHost {
string mac = 1;
string ip = 2;
message Empty {