Title: Derivation scheme for P2WPKH-nested-in-P2SH based accounts
Author: Daniel Weigl <Daniel.Weigl@mycelium.com>
Status: Draft
Type: Informational
Created: 2016-05-19
This BIP defines the derivation scheme for HD wallets using the P2WPKH-nested-in-P2SH ([[bip-0141.mediawiki|BIP 141]]) serialization format for segregated witness transactions.
With the usage of P2WPKH-nested-in-P2SH ([[bip-0141.mediawiki#p2wpkh-nested-in-bip16-p2sh|BIP 141]]) transactions it is necessary to have a common derivation scheme.
It allows the user to use different HD wallets with the same masterseed and/or a single account seamlessly.
Thus the user needs to create a dedicated segregate witness accounts, which ensures that only wallets compatible with this BIP
will detect the account and handle them appropriately.
Two generally different approaches are possible for current BIP44 capable wallets:
1.2) Use the same account root, but branch off and derive different external and internal chain roots to derive dedicated public keys for the segregated witness addresses.
2) Create dedicated accounts only used for segregated witness addresses.
The solutions from point 1 have a common disadvantage: if a user imports/recovers a BIP<ThisBipNumber>-compatible wallet masterseed into/in a non-BIP{ThisBipNumber}-compatible wallet, the account might show up but also it might miss some UTXOs.
Therefore this BIP uses solution 2, which fails in a more visible way. Either the account shows up or not at all. The user does not have to check his balance after using the same seed in different wallets.
To derive the P2SH address from the above calculated public key, we use the encapsulation defined in [[bip-0141.mediawiki#p2wpkh-nested-in-bip16-p2sh|BIP 141]]: