Tag signature hashes, improve rationale and update test vectors

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Jonas Nick 2019-08-26 20:46:08 +00:00 committed by Pieter Wuille
parent 7f3611d239
commit c33c7d0a0c
5 changed files with 39 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ encodings and operations.
=== Design ===
'''Schnorr signature variant''' Elliptic Curve Schnorr signatures for message ''m'' and public key ''P'' generally involve a point ''R'', integers ''e'' and ''s'' picked by the signer, and generator ''G'' which satisfy ''e = H(R || m)'' and ''sG = R + eP''. Two formulations exist, depending on whether the signer reveals ''e'' or ''R'':
# Signatures are ''(e,s)'' that satisfy ''e = H(sG - eP || m)''. This avoids minor complexity introduced by the encoding of the point ''R'' in the signature (see paragraphs "Encoding the sign of R" and "Implicit Y coordinate" further below in this subsection).
# Signatures are ''(R,s)'' that satisfy ''sG = R + H(R || m)P''. This supports batch verification, as there are no elliptic curve operations inside the hashes.
'''Schnorr signature variant''' Elliptic Curve Schnorr signatures for message ''m'' and public key ''P'' generally involve a point ''R'', integers ''e'' and ''s'' picked by the signer, and generator ''G'' which satisfy ''e = hash(R || m)'' and ''sG = R + eP''. Two formulations exist, depending on whether the signer reveals ''e'' or ''R'':
# Signatures are ''(e,s)'' that satisfy ''e = hash(sG - eP || m)''. This avoids minor complexity introduced by the encoding of the point ''R'' in the signature (see paragraphs "Encoding the sign of R" and "Implicit Y coordinate" further below in this subsection).
# Signatures are ''(R,s)'' that satisfy ''sG = R + hash(R || m)P''. This supports batch verification, as there are no elliptic curve operations inside the hashes.
We choose the ''R''-option to support batch verification.
'''Key prefixing''' When using the verification rule above directly, it is possible for a third party to convert a signature ''(R,s)'' for key ''P'' into a signature ''(R,s + aH(R || m))'' for key ''P + aG'' and the same message, for any integer ''a''. This is not a concern for Bitcoin currently, as all signature hashes indirectly commit to the public keys. However, this may change with proposals such as SIGHASH_NOINPUT ([https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0118.mediawiki BIP 118]), or when the signature scheme is used for other purposes&mdash;especially in combination with schemes like [https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki BIP32]'s unhardened derivation. To combat this, we choose ''key prefixed''<ref>A limitation of committing to the public key (rather than to a short hash of it, or not at all) is that it removes the ability for public key recovery or verifying signatures against a short public key hash. These constructions are generally incompatible with batch verification.</ref> Schnorr signatures; changing the equation to ''sG = R + H(R || P || m)P''.
'''Key prefixing''' When using the verification rule above directly, it is possible for a third party to convert a signature ''(R,s)'' for key ''P'' into a signature ''(R,s + ahash(R || m))'' for key ''P + aG'' and the same message, for any integer ''a''. This is not a concern for Bitcoin currently, as all signature hashes indirectly commit to the public keys. However, this may change with proposals such as SIGHASH_NOINPUT ([https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0118.mediawiki BIP 118]), or when the signature scheme is used for other purposes&mdash;especially in combination with schemes like [https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki BIP32]'s unhardened derivation. To combat this, we choose ''key prefixed''<ref>A limitation of committing to the public key (rather than to a short hash of it, or not at all) is that it removes the ability for public key recovery or verifying signatures against a short public key hash. These constructions are generally incompatible with batch verification.</ref> Schnorr signatures; changing the equation to ''sG = R + hash(R || P || m)P''.
'''Encoding R and public key point P''' There exist several possibilities for encoding elliptic curve points:
# Encoding the full X and Y coordinates of ''P'' and ''R'', resulting in a 64-byte public key and a 96-byte signature.
@ -81,7 +81,13 @@ It is important to not mix up the 32-byte bip-schnorr public key format and othe
Implicit Y coordinates are not a reduction in security when expressed as the number of elliptic curve operations an attacker is expected to perform to compute the secret key. An attacker can normalize any given public key to a point whose Y coordinate is a quadratic residue by negating the point if necessary. This is just a subtraction of field elements and not an elliptic curve operation.
'''Final scheme''' As a result, our final scheme ends up using public key ''pk'' which is the X coordinate of a point ''P'' on the curve whose Y coordinate is a quadratic residue and signatures ''(r,s)'' where ''r'' is the X coordinate of a point ''R'' whose Y coordinate is a quadratic residue. The signature satisfies ''sG = R + H(r || p || m)P''.
'''Tagged Hashes''' Cryptographic hash functions are used for multiple purposes in the specification below and in Bitcoin in general. To make sure hashes used in one context can't be reinterpreted in another one, hash functions can be tweaked with a context-dependent tag name, in such a way that collisions across contexts can be assumed to be infeasible. Such collisions obviously can not be ruled out completely, but only for schemes using tagging with a unique name. As for other schemes collisions are at least less likely with tagging than without.
For example, without tagged hashing a bip-schnorr signature could also be valid for a signature scheme where the only difference is that the arguments to the hash function are reordered. Worse, if the bip-schnorr nonce derivation function was copied or independently created, then the nonce could be accidentally reused in the other scheme leaking the private key.
This proposal suggests to include the tag by prefixing the hashed data with ''SHA256(tag) || SHA256(tag)''. Because this is a 64-byte long context-specific constant, optimized implementations are possible (identical to SHA256 itself, but with a modified initial state). Using SHA256 of the tag name itself is reasonably simple and efficient for implementations that don't choose to use the optimization.
'''Final scheme''' As a result, our final scheme ends up using public key ''pk'' which is the X coordinate of a point ''P'' on the curve whose Y coordinate is a quadratic residue and signatures ''(r,s)'' where ''r'' is the X coordinate of a point ''R'' whose Y coordinate is a quadratic residue. The signature satisfies ''sG = R + tagged_hash(r || p || m)P''.
=== Specification ===
@ -109,12 +115,7 @@ The following convention is used, with constants as defined for secp256k1:
*** Fail if ''c &ne; y<sup>2</sup> mod p''.
*** Return the unique point ''P'' such that ''x(P) = x'' and ''y(P) = y''.
** The function ''point(x)'', where ''x'' is a 32-byte array, returns the point ''P = lift_x(int(x))''.
** The function ''hash(x)'', where ''x'' is a byte array, returns the 32-byte SHA256 hash of ''x''.
** The function ''hash<sub>tag</sub>(x)'' is a shorthand for ''hash(hash(tag) || hash(tag) || x)'', where ''tag'' is a UTF-8 encoded tag name.<ref>Cryptographic hash functions are used for multiple purposes in the specification below and in Bitcoin in general. To make sure hashes used in one context can't be reinterpreted in another one, hash functions can be tweaked with a context-dependent tag name, in such a way that collisions across contexts can be assumed to be infeasible.
* So far, nowhere in the Bitcoin protocol are hashes used where the input of SHA256 starts with two (non-double) SHA256 hashes, making collisions with existing uses of hash functions infeasible.
* Because the prefix ''SHA256(tag) || SHA256(tag)'' is a 64-byte long context-specific constant, optimized implementations are possible (identical to SHA256 itself, but with a modified initial state).
* Using SHA256 of the tag name itself is reasonably simple and efficient for implementations that don't choose to use the optimization above.</ref>
** The function ''hash<sub>tag</sub>(x)'' where ''tag'' is a UTF-8 encoded tag name and ''x'' is a byte array returns the 32-byte hash ''SHA256(SHA256(tag) || SHA256(tag) || x)''.
** The function ''jacobi(x)'', where ''x'' is an integer, returns the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacobi_symbol Jacobi symbol] of ''x / p''. It is equal to ''x<sup>(p-1)/2</sup> mod p'' ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_criterion Euler's criterion])<ref>For points ''P'' on the secp256k1 curve it holds that ''jacobi(y(P)) &ne; 0''.</ref>.
=== Public Key Generation ===
@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ The signature is valid if and only if the algorithm below does not fail.
* Let ''P = point(pk)''; fail if ''point(pk)'' fails.
* Let ''r = int(sig[0:32])''; fail if ''r &ge; p''.
* Let ''s = int(sig[32:64])''; fail if ''s &ge; n''.
* Let ''e = int(hash(bytes(r) || bytes(P) || m)) mod n''.
* Let ''e = int(hash<sub>BIPSchnorr</sub>(bytes(r) || bytes(P) || m)) mod n''.
* Let ''R = sG - eP''.
* Fail if ''infinite(R)''.
* Fail if ''jacobi(y(R)) &ne; 1'' or ''x(R) &ne; r''.
@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ All provided signatures are valid with overwhelming probability if and only if t
** Let ''P<sub>i</sub> = point(pk<sub>i</sub>)''; fail if ''point(pk<sub>i</sub>)'' fails.
** Let ''r = int(sig<sub>i</sub>[0:32])''; fail if ''r &ge; p''.
** Let ''s<sub>i</sub> = int(sig<sub>i</sub>[32:64])''; fail if ''s<sub>i</sub> &ge; n''.
** Let ''e<sub>i</sub> = int(hash(bytes(r) || bytes(P<sub>i</sub>) || m<sub>i</sub>)) mod n''.
** Let ''e<sub>i</sub> = int(hash<sub>BIPSchnorr</sub>(bytes(r) || bytes(P<sub>i</sub>) || m<sub>i</sub>)) mod n''.
** Let ''R<sub>i</sub> = lift_x(r)''; fail if ''lift_x(r)'' fails.
* Fail if ''(s<sub>1</sub> + a<sub>2</sub>s<sub>2</sub> + ... + a<sub>u</sub>s<sub>u</sub>)G &ne; R<sub>1</sub> + a<sub>2</sub>R<sub>2</sub> + ... + a<sub>u</sub>R<sub>u</sub> + e<sub>1</sub>P<sub>1</sub> + (a<sub>2</sub>e<sub>2</sub>)P<sub>2</sub> + ... + (a<sub>u</sub>e<sub>u</sub>)P<sub>u</sub>''.
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ To sign ''m'' for public key ''bytes(dG)'':
* Fail if ''k' = 0''.
* Let ''R = k'G''.
* Let ''k = k' '' if ''jacobi(y(R)) = 1'', otherwise let ''k = n - k' ''.
* Let ''e = int(hash(bytes(R) || bytes(P) || m)) mod n''.
* Let ''e = int(hash<sub>BIPSchnorr</sub>(bytes(R) || bytes(P) || m)) mod n''.
* The signature is ''bytes(R) || bytes((k + ed) mod n)''.
'''Above deterministic derivation of ''R'' is designed specifically for this signing algorithm and may not be secure when used in other signature schemes.'''

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G = (0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798, 0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8)
# This implementation can be sped up by storing the midstate after hashing
# tag_hash instead of rehashing it all the time.
def tagged_hash(tag, msg):
tag_hash = hashlib.sha256(tag.encode()).digest()
return hashlib.sha256(tag_hash + tag_hash + msg).digest()
@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ def schnorr_sign(msg, seckey0):
raise RuntimeError('Failure. This happens only with negligible probability.')
R = point_mul(G, k0)
k = n - k0 if (jacobi(R[1]) != 1) else k0
e = int_from_bytes(hash_sha256(bytes_from_point(R) + bytes_from_point(P) + msg)) % n
e = int_from_bytes(tagged_hash("BIPSchnorr", bytes_from_point(R) + bytes_from_point(P) + msg)) % n
return bytes_from_point(R) + bytes_from_int((k + e * seckey) % n)
def schnorr_verify(msg, pubkey, sig):
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ def schnorr_verify(msg, pubkey, sig):
s = int_from_bytes(sig[32:64])
if (r >= p or s >= n):
return False
e = int_from_bytes(hash_sha256(sig[0:32] + pubkey + msg)) % n
e = int_from_bytes(tagged_hash("BIPSchnorr", sig[0:32] + pubkey + msg)) % n
R = point_add(point_mul(G, s), point_mul(P, n - e))
if R is None or jacobi(R[1]) != 1 or R[0] != r:
return False

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@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
index,secret key,public key,message,signature,verification result,comment
3,0B432B2677937381AEF05BB02A66ECD012773062CF3FA2549E44F58ED2401710,25D1DFF95105F5253C4022F628A996AD3A0D95FBF21D468A1B33F8C160D8F517,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,7C4E8B0C2575A77A01AF41EE6678EF9C41F97CC4D15FF6D6CA45D73BC6FF7FF4919D246589AF2FA6306F4B7A392857E9C4A17CB21DBE72C38A48C99979EEDCB8,TRUE,test fails if msg is reduced modulo p or n
5,,EEFDEA4CDB677750A420FEE807EACF21EB9898AE79B9768766E4FAA04A2D4A34,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,3C4D3ADB1F05C3E948216ECB6007D1534D97D35D5589EDB226AD0370C0293C780AEA9BA361509DA2FDF7BC6E5E38926E40B6ACCD24EA9E06B9DA8244A1D0B691,FALSE,public key not on the curve
6,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,F9308A019258C31049344F85F89D5229B531C845836F99B08601F113BCE036F98631F4EF21D5F231A1000ED069E0348ED057EDF4FB1B6672009EDE9DBB2DEE14,FALSE,incorrect R residuosity
7,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,07636CBE3092D11AFCA4DD1D32E50F039EB5FF5FB2AB72A7DC2BA0F3A4E7ED418C312ED6ABF6A41446D28789DF4AA43A15E166F001D072536ADC6E49C21DC419,FALSE,negated message
8,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,3C4D3ADB1F05C3E948216ECB6007D1534D97D35D5589EDB226AD0370C0293C78F515645C9EAF625D02084391A1C76D9079F830198A5E023505F7DC482E658AB0,FALSE,negated s value
9,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000221A96FEEBA7AD29F11B675DB394948A83A220FD8FE181A7667BDBEE178011B1,FALSE,sG - eP is infinite. Test fails in single verification if jacobi(y(inf)) is defined as 1 and x(inf) as 0
10,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011A39648F31350D8E591106B43B9EB364F8617BCD52DC96A3FA8C4E50347F31DE,FALSE,sG - eP is infinite. Test fails in single verification if jacobi(y(inf)) is defined as 1 and x(inf) as 1
11,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,4A298DACAE57395A15D0795DDBFD1DCB564DA82B0F269BC70A74F8220429BA1D0AEA9BA361509DA2FDF7BC6E5E38926E40B6ACCD24EA9E06B9DA8244A1D0B691,FALSE,sig[0:32] is not an X coordinate on the curve
12,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFC2F0AEA9BA361509DA2FDF7BC6E5E38926E40B6ACCD24EA9E06B9DA8244A1D0B691,FALSE,sig[0:32] is equal to field size
13,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,3C4D3ADB1F05C3E948216ECB6007D1534D97D35D5589EDB226AD0370C0293C78FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141,FALSE,sig[32:64] is equal to curve order
3,0B432B2677937381AEF05BB02A66ECD012773062CF3FA2549E44F58ED2401710,25D1DFF95105F5253C4022F628A996AD3A0D95FBF21D468A1B33F8C160D8F517,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,8BD2C11604B0A87A443FCC2E5D90E5328F934161B18864FB48CE10CB59B45FB9B5B2A0F129BD88F5BDC05D5C21E5C57176B913002335784F9777A24BD317CD36,TRUE,test fails if msg is reduced modulo p or n
5,,EEFDEA4CDB677750A420FEE807EACF21EB9898AE79B9768766E4FAA04A2D4A34,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,667C2F778E0616E611BD0C14B8A600C5884551701A949EF0EBFD72D452D64E844160BCFC3F466ECB8FACD19ADE57D8699D74E7207D78C6AEDC3799B52A8E0598,FALSE,public key not on the curve
6,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,F9308A019258C31049344F85F89D5229B531C845836F99B08601F113BCE036F9935554D1AA5F0374E5CDAACB3925035C7C169B27C4426DF0A6B19AF3BAEAB138,FALSE,incorrect R residuosity
7,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,10AC49A6A2EBF604189C5F40FC75AF2D42D77DE9A2782709B1EB4EAF1CFE9108D7003B703A3499D5E29529D39BA040A44955127140F81A8A89A96F992AC0FE79,FALSE,negated message
8,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,667C2F778E0616E611BD0C14B8A600C5884551701A949EF0EBFD72D452D64E84BE9F4303C0B9913470532E6521A827951D39F5C631CFD98CE39AC4D7A5A83BA9,FALSE,negated s value
9,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000099D2F0EBC2996808208633CD9926BF7EC3DAB73DAAD36E85B3040A698E6D1CE0,FALSE,sG - eP is infinite. Test fails in single verification if jacobi(y(inf)) is defined as 1 and x(inf) as 0
10,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000124E81D89F01304695CE943F7D5EBD00EF726A0864B4FF33895B4E86BEADC5456,FALSE,sG - eP is infinite. Test fails in single verification if jacobi(y(inf)) is defined as 1 and x(inf) as 1
11,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,4A298DACAE57395A15D0795DDBFD1DCB564DA82B0F269BC70A74F8220429BA1D4160BCFC3F466ECB8FACD19ADE57D8699D74E7207D78C6AEDC3799B52A8E0598,FALSE,sig[0:32] is not an X coordinate on the curve
12,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFC2F4160BCFC3F466ECB8FACD19ADE57D8699D74E7207D78C6AEDC3799B52A8E0598,FALSE,sig[0:32] is equal to field size
13,,DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659,243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89,667C2F778E0616E611BD0C14B8A600C5884551701A949EF0EBFD72D452D64E84FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141,FALSE,sig[32:64] is equal to curve order

1 index secret key public key message signature verification result comment
2 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 787A848E71043D280C50470E8E1532B2DD5D20EE912A45DBDD2BD1DFBF187EF6166FCCEE14F021B31AF22A90D0639CC010C2B764C304A8FFF266ABBC01A0A880 528F745793E8472C0329742A463F59E58F3A3F1A4AC09C28F6F8514D4D0322A258BD08398F82CF67B812AB2C7717CE566F877C2F8795C846146978E8F04782AE TRUE
3 1 B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C762E7160F38B4DA56A784D9045190CFEF DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659 243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89 3C4D3ADB1F05C3E948216ECB6007D1534D97D35D5589EDB226AD0370C0293C780AEA9BA361509DA2FDF7BC6E5E38926E40B6ACCD24EA9E06B9DA8244A1D0B691 667C2F778E0616E611BD0C14B8A600C5884551701A949EF0EBFD72D452D64E844160BCFC3F466ECB8FACD19ADE57D8699D74E7207D78C6AEDC3799B52A8E0598 TRUE
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
5 3 0B432B2677937381AEF05BB02A66ECD012773062CF3FA2549E44F58ED2401710 25D1DFF95105F5253C4022F628A996AD3A0D95FBF21D468A1B33F8C160D8F517 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 7C4E8B0C2575A77A01AF41EE6678EF9C41F97CC4D15FF6D6CA45D73BC6FF7FF4919D246589AF2FA6306F4B7A392857E9C4A17CB21DBE72C38A48C99979EEDCB8 8BD2C11604B0A87A443FCC2E5D90E5328F934161B18864FB48CE10CB59B45FB9B5B2A0F129BD88F5BDC05D5C21E5C57176B913002335784F9777A24BD317CD36 TRUE test fails if msg is reduced modulo p or n
6 4 D69C3509BB99E412E68B0FE8544E72837DFA30746D8BE2AA65975F29D22DC7B9 4DF3C3F68FCC83B27E9D42C90431A72499F17875C81A599B566C9889B9696703 00000000000000000000003B78CE563F89A0ED9414F5AA28AD0D96D6795F9C63F84A709CFFD89AD94FCBD808D41BD26BF62F263AA253527134DDC4A4715BF491 00000000000000000000003B78CE563F89A0ED9414F5AA28AD0D96D6795F9C63EE374AC7FAE927D334CCB190F6FB8FD27A2DDC639CCEE46D43F113A4035A2C7F TRUE
7 5 EEFDEA4CDB677750A420FEE807EACF21EB9898AE79B9768766E4FAA04A2D4A34 243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89 3C4D3ADB1F05C3E948216ECB6007D1534D97D35D5589EDB226AD0370C0293C780AEA9BA361509DA2FDF7BC6E5E38926E40B6ACCD24EA9E06B9DA8244A1D0B691 667C2F778E0616E611BD0C14B8A600C5884551701A949EF0EBFD72D452D64E844160BCFC3F466ECB8FACD19ADE57D8699D74E7207D78C6AEDC3799B52A8E0598 FALSE public key not on the curve
8 6 DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659 243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89 F9308A019258C31049344F85F89D5229B531C845836F99B08601F113BCE036F98631F4EF21D5F231A1000ED069E0348ED057EDF4FB1B6672009EDE9DBB2DEE14 F9308A019258C31049344F85F89D5229B531C845836F99B08601F113BCE036F9935554D1AA5F0374E5CDAACB3925035C7C169B27C4426DF0A6B19AF3BAEAB138 FALSE incorrect R residuosity
9 7 DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659 243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89 07636CBE3092D11AFCA4DD1D32E50F039EB5FF5FB2AB72A7DC2BA0F3A4E7ED418C312ED6ABF6A41446D28789DF4AA43A15E166F001D072536ADC6E49C21DC419 10AC49A6A2EBF604189C5F40FC75AF2D42D77DE9A2782709B1EB4EAF1CFE9108D7003B703A3499D5E29529D39BA040A44955127140F81A8A89A96F992AC0FE79 FALSE negated message
10 8 DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659 243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89 3C4D3ADB1F05C3E948216ECB6007D1534D97D35D5589EDB226AD0370C0293C78F515645C9EAF625D02084391A1C76D9079F830198A5E023505F7DC482E658AB0 667C2F778E0616E611BD0C14B8A600C5884551701A949EF0EBFD72D452D64E84BE9F4303C0B9913470532E6521A827951D39F5C631CFD98CE39AC4D7A5A83BA9 FALSE negated s value
11 9 DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659 243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000221A96FEEBA7AD29F11B675DB394948A83A220FD8FE181A7667BDBEE178011B1 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000099D2F0EBC2996808208633CD9926BF7EC3DAB73DAAD36E85B3040A698E6D1CE0 FALSE sG - eP is infinite. Test fails in single verification if jacobi(y(inf)) is defined as 1 and x(inf) as 0
12 10 DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659 243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011A39648F31350D8E591106B43B9EB364F8617BCD52DC96A3FA8C4E50347F31DE 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000124E81D89F01304695CE943F7D5EBD00EF726A0864B4FF33895B4E86BEADC5456 FALSE sG - eP is infinite. Test fails in single verification if jacobi(y(inf)) is defined as 1 and x(inf) as 1
13 11 DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659 243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89 4A298DACAE57395A15D0795DDBFD1DCB564DA82B0F269BC70A74F8220429BA1D0AEA9BA361509DA2FDF7BC6E5E38926E40B6ACCD24EA9E06B9DA8244A1D0B691 4A298DACAE57395A15D0795DDBFD1DCB564DA82B0F269BC70A74F8220429BA1D4160BCFC3F466ECB8FACD19ADE57D8699D74E7207D78C6AEDC3799B52A8E0598 FALSE sig[0:32] is not an X coordinate on the curve
15 13 DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659 243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89 3C4D3ADB1F05C3E948216ECB6007D1534D97D35D5589EDB226AD0370C0293C78FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141 667C2F778E0616E611BD0C14B8A600C5884551701A949EF0EBFD72D452D64E84FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141 FALSE sig[32:64] is equal to curve order

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def vector1():
return (bytes_from_int(seckey), pubkey, msg, sig, "TRUE", None)
def vector2():
seckey = 0xC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B14E5C7
seckey = 0xC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B14E5C9
msg = bytes_from_int(0x5E2D58D8B3BCDF1ABADEC7829054F90DDA9805AAB56C77333024B9D0A508B75C)
sig = schnorr_sign(msg, seckey)
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def schnorr_sign_fixed_nonce(msg, seckey0, k):
P = point_mul(G, seckey0)
seckey = seckey0 if (jacobi(P[1]) == 1) else n - seckey0
R = point_mul(G, k)
e = int_from_bytes(hash_sha256(bytes_from_point(R) + bytes_from_point(P) + msg)) % n
e = int_from_bytes(tagged_hash("BIPSchnorr", bytes_from_point(R) + bytes_from_point(P) + msg)) % n
return bytes_from_point(R) + bytes_from_int((k + e * seckey) % n)
# Creates a singature with a small x(R) by using k = 1/2

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ As a result we choose this combination of technologies:
* Taproot's advantages become apparent under the assumption that most applications involve outputs that could be spent by all parties agreeing. That's where '''Schnorr''' signatures come in, as they permit [https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/068 key aggregation]: a public key can be constructed from multiple participant public keys, and which requires cooperation between all participants to sign for. Such multi-party public keys and signatures are indistinguishable from their single-party equivalents. This means that under this Taproot assumption, the all-parties-agree case can be handled using the key-based spending path, which is both private and efficient using Taproot. This can be generalized to arbitrary M-of-N policies, as Schnorr signatures support threshold signing, at the cost of more complex setup protocols.
* As Schnorr signatures also permit '''batch validation''', allowing multiple signatures to be validated together more efficiently than validating each one independently, we make sure all parts of the design are compatible with this.
* Where unused bits appear as a result of the above changes, they are reserved for mechanisms for '''future extensions'''. As a result, every script in the Merkle tree has an associated version such that new script versions can be introduced with a soft fork while remaining compatible with bip-taproot. Additionally, future soft forks can make use of the currently unused <code>annex</code> in the witness (see [[#Rationale]]).
* While the core semantics of the '''signature hashing algorithm''' are not changed, a number of improvements are included in this proposal. The new signature hashing algorithm fixes the verification capabilities of offline signing devices by including amount and scriptPubKey in the digest, avoids unnecessary hashing, introduces '''tagged hashes''' and defines a default sighash byte.
* While the core semantics of the '''signature hashing algorithm''' are not changed, a number of improvements are included in this proposal. The new signature hashing algorithm fixes the verification capabilities of offline signing devices by including amount and scriptPubKey in the digest, avoids unnecessary hashing, uses '''tagged hashes''' and defines a default sighash byte.
Not included in this proposal are additional features like new sighash modes or opcodes that can be included with no loss in effectiveness as a future extension. Also not included is cross-input aggregation, as it [https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2018-March/015838.html interacts] in complex ways with upgrade mechanisms and solutions to that are still [https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2018-October/016461.html in flux].
@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ Not included in this proposal are additional features like new sighash modes or
This section specifies the Taproot consensus rules. Validity is defined by exclusion: a block or transaction is valid if no condition exists that marks it failed.
The notation below follows that of bip-schnorr including the notion of tagged hashes.
The notation below follows that of bip-schnorr.
This includes the notion of tagged hashes which make collisions with existing uses of hash functions in Bitcoin infeasible.
The reason is that so far nowhere in the Bitcoin protocol are hashes used where the input of SHA256 starts with two (non-double) SHA256 hashes.
=== Script validation rules ===