mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 02:33:08 +01:00
218 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
218 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
use strict;
use warnings;
my $topbip = 9999;
my $include_layer = 1;
my %RequiredFields = (
BIP => undef,
Title => undef,
Author => undef,
'Comments-URI' => undef,
Status => undef,
Type => undef,
Created => undef,
# License => undef, (has exceptions)
my %MayHaveMulti = (
Author => undef,
'Comments-URI' => undef,
License => undef,
'License-Code' => undef,
'Post-History' => undef,
my %DateField = (
Created => undef,
my %EmailField = (
Author => undef,
Editor => undef,
my %MiscField = (
'Comments-Summary' => undef,
'Discussions-To' => undef,
'Post-History' => undef,
'Replaces' => undef,
'Requires' => undef,
'Superseded-By' => undef,
my %ValidLayer = (
'Consensus (soft fork)' => undef,
'Consensus (hard fork)' => undef,
'Peer Services' => undef,
'API/RPC' => undef,
'Applications' => undef,
my %ValidStatus = (
Draft => undef,
Deferred => undef,
Proposed => "background-color: #ffffcf",
Rejected => "background-color: #ffcfcf",
Withdrawn => "background-color: #ffcfcf",
Final => "background-color: #cfffcf",
Active => "background-color: #cfffcf",
Replaced => "background-color: #ffcfcf",
Obsolete => "background-color: #ffcfcf",
my %ValidType = (
'Standards Track' => 'Standard',
'Informational' => undef,
'Process' => undef,
my %RecommendedLicenses = (
'BSD-2-Clause' => undef,
'BSD-3-Clause' => undef,
'CC0-1.0' => undef,
'GNU-All-Permissive' => undef,
my %AcceptableLicenses = (
'Apache-2.0' => undef,
'BSL-1.0' => undef,
'CC-BY-4.0' => undef,
'CC-BY-SA-4.0' => undef,
'MIT' => undef,
'AGPL-3.0' => undef,
'AGPL-3.0+' => undef,
'FDL-1.3' => undef,
'GPL-2.0' => undef,
'GPL-2.0+' => undef,
'LGPL-2.1' => undef,
'LGPL-2.1+' => undef,
my %DefinedLicenses = (
'OPL' => undef,
'PD' => undef,
my %GrandfatheredPD = map { $_ => undef } qw(9 36 37 38 42 49 50 60 65 67 69 74 80 81 83 90 99 105 107 109 111 112 113 114 122 124 125 126 130 131 132 133 140 141 142 143 144 146 147 150 151 152);
my %TolerateMissingLicense = map { $_ => undef } qw(1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 31 33 34 35 39 43 44 45 47 61 64 68 70 71 72 73 101 102 106 120 121);
my %TolerateTitleTooLong = map { $_ => undef } qw(39 44 45 47 49 60 67 68 69 73 74 75 80 81 99 105 106 109 113 122 126 131 143 145 147 173 327);
my %emails;
my $bipnum = 0;
while (++$bipnum <= $topbip) {
my $fn = sprintf "bip-%04d.mediawiki", $bipnum;
my $is_markdown = 0;
if (!-e $fn) {
$fn = sprintf "bip-%04d.md", $bipnum;
$is_markdown = 1;
-e $fn || next;
open my $F, "<$fn";
if ($is_markdown) {
while (<$F> !~ m[^(?:\xef\xbb\xbf)?```$]) {
die "No ``` in $fn" if eof $F;
} else {
while (<$F> !~ m[^(?:\xef\xbb\xbf)?<pre>$]) {
die "No <pre> in $fn" if eof $F;
my %found;
my ($title, $author, $status, $type, $layer);
my ($field, $val);
while (<$F>) {
last if ($is_markdown && m[^```$]);
last if (!$is_markdown && m[^</pre>$]);
if (m[^ ([\w-]+)\: (.*\S)$]) {
$field = $1;
$val = $2;
die "Duplicate $field field in $fn" if exists $found{$field};
die "Too many spaces in $fn" if $val =~ /^\s/;
} elsif (m[^ ( +)(.*\S)$]) {
die "Continuation of non-field in $fn" unless defined $field;
die "Too many spaces in $fn" if length $1 != 2 + length $field;
die "Not allowed for multi-value in $fn" unless exists $MayHaveMulti{$field};
$val = $2;
} else {
die "Bad line in $fn preamble";
die "Extra spaces in $fn" if $val =~ /^\s/;
if ($field eq 'BIP') {
die "$fn claims to be BIP $val" if $val ne $bipnum;
} elsif ($field eq 'Title') {
$title = $val;
my $title_len = length($title);
die "$fn has too-long Title ($title_len > 44 char max)" if $title_len > 44 and not exists $TolerateTitleTooLong{$bipnum};
} elsif ($field eq 'Author') {
$val =~ m/^(\S[^<@>]*\S) \<([^@>]*\@[\w.-]+\.\w+)\>$/ or die "Malformed Author line in $fn";
my ($authorname, $authoremail) = ($1, $2);
$authoremail =~ s/(?<=\D)$bipnum(?=\D)/<BIPNUM>/g;
$emails{$authorname}->{$authoremail} = undef;
if (defined $author) {
$author .= ", $authorname";
} else {
$author = $authorname;
} elsif ($field eq 'Status') {
if ($bipnum == 38) { # HACK
$val =~ s/\s+\(.*\)$//;
die "Invalid status in $fn" unless exists $ValidStatus{$val};
$status = $val;
} elsif ($field eq 'Type') {
die "Invalid type in $fn" unless exists $ValidType{$val};
if (defined $ValidType{$val}) {
$type = $ValidType{$val};
} else {
$type = $val;
} elsif ($field eq 'Layer') { # BIP 123
die "Invalid layer $val in $fn" unless exists $ValidLayer{$val};
$layer = $val;
} elsif ($field =~ /^License(?:\-Code)?$/) {
die "Undefined license $val in $fn" unless exists $DefinedLicenses{$val};
if (not $found{$field}) {
die "Unacceptable license $val in $fn" unless exists $AcceptableLicenses{$val} or ($val eq 'PD' and exists $GrandfatheredPD{$bipnum});
} elsif ($field eq 'Comments-URI') {
if (not $found{'Comments-URI'}) {
my $first_comments_uri = sprintf('https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/wiki/Comments:BIP-%04d', $bipnum);
die "First Comments-URI must be exactly \"$first_comments_uri\" in $fn" unless $val eq $first_comments_uri;
} elsif (exists $DateField{$field}) {
die "Invalid date format in $fn" unless $val =~ /^20\d{2}\-(?:0\d|1[012])\-(?:[012]\d|30|31)$/;
} elsif (exists $EmailField{$field}) {
$val =~ m/^(\S[^<@>]*\S) \<[^@>]*\@[\w.]+\.\w+\>$/ or die "Malformed $field line in $fn";
} elsif (not exists $MiscField{$field}) {
die "Unknown field $field in $fn";
if (not $found{License}) {
die "Missing License in $fn" unless exists $TolerateMissingLicense{$bipnum};
for my $field (keys %RequiredFields) {
die "Missing $field in $fn" unless $found{$field};
print "|-";
if (defined $ValidStatus{$status}) {
print " style=\"" . $ValidStatus{$status} . "\"";
print "\n";
print "| [[${fn}|${bipnum}]]\n";
if ($include_layer) {
if (defined $layer) {
print "| ${layer}\n";
} else {
print "|\n";
print "| ${title}\n";
print "| ${author}\n";
print "| ${type}\n";
print "| ${status}\n";
close $F;
for my $author (sort keys %emails) {
my @emails = sort keys %{$emails{$author}};
my $email_count = @emails;
next unless $email_count > 1;
warn "NOTE: $author has $email_count email addresses: @emails\n";