- [BM1397 from random AliExpress seller](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256802274958527.html). I got the "AG" variant. Not really sure what the difference is.
- [40x40mm heatsink and 5V fan](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2251832861666365.html) from a random AliExpress seller. At least half of these arrived broken in some way. But they are cheap and the working ones do keep the BM1387's nice and cool when used with some thermal compound.
- The serial port is 1.8V. The [FTDI TTL-232RG-VREG1V8-WE](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/ftdi,-future-technology-devices-international-ltd/TTL-232RG-VREG1V8-WE/2441359) USB adapter does the trick, although it's pretty expensive.
- [jim.sh Micro1v8 FT230X](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076B9YRMP) adapters also work.
- Neither the FTDI cable or the jim.sh adapter breakout any of the CBUS pins that could be used for the reset line.
- for that I'm going to try the [UMFT231XE-01](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/ftdi-future-technology-devices-international-ltd/UMFT231XE-01/4487117) breakout board.
- I added level shifters for the interface with the [ESP32-C3](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32c3/hw-reference/esp32c3/user-guide-devkitc-02.html#user-guide-c3-devkitc-02-v1-header-blocks) (Because it has 3.3V GPIOs)
- I added a NCT218 so that the BM1397 core temperature can be read out over I2C
| VIN | ASIC VIN - ASIC core voltage. Rumor has it this should be around 1.5V for the the BM1397. This needs more experimentation. |
| +5V | 5V input gets regulated to 1.8V and 0.8V for the BM1397. Also 5V for Fan output. Not much current required. If the ESP32 is powered by USB, you don't need to power this. |