feat: added [cache_relays] feature

Signed-off-by: Yonle <yonle@lecturify.net>
This commit is contained in:
Yonle 2023-12-19 22:56:48 +07:00
parent 5ae56bd8b4
commit 592af79f9c
2 changed files with 74 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ const { validateEvent, nip19 } = require("nostr-tools");
const auth = require("./auth.js");
const nip42 = require("./nip42.js");
let { relays, tmp_store, log_about_relays, authorized_keys, private_keys, reconnect_time, wait_eose, pause_on_limit, eose_timeout, max_eose_score } = require("./config");
let { relays, tmp_store, log_about_relays, authorized_keys, private_keys, reconnect_time, wait_eose, pause_on_limit, eose_timeout, max_eose_score, cache_relays } = require("./config");
const socks = new Set();
const csess = new Map();
let recentevent = {};
authorized_keys = authorized_keys?.map(i => i.startsWith("npub") ? nip19.decode(i).data : i);
// CL MaxEoseScore: Set <max_eose_score> as 0 if configured relays is under of the expected number from <max_eose_score>
if (relays.length < max_eose_score) max_eose_score = 0;
cache_relays = cache_relays?.map(i => i.endsWith("/") ? i : i + "/");
// CL - User socket
module.exports = (ws, req) => {
let authKey = null;
@ -80,14 +84,17 @@ module.exports = (ws, req) => {
cancel_EOSETimeout(ws.id, data[1]);
bc(data, ws.id);
delete recentevent[ws.id + ":" + data[1]];
cache_bc(data, ws.id);
direct_bc(data, ws.id);
case "AUTH":
if (auth(authKey, data[1], ws, req)) {
ws.pubkey = data[1].pubkey;
console.log(process.pid, "---", ws.id, "successfully authorized as", ws.pubkey, private_keys[ws.pubkey] ? "(admin)" : "(user)");
if (authorized) return;
relays.forEach(_ => newConn(_, ws.id));
authorized = true;
@ -111,7 +118,7 @@ module.exports = (ws, req) => {
csess.set(ws.id, ws);
if (authorized) relays.forEach(_ => newConn(_, ws.id));
if (authorized) newsess(ws.id);
// CL - Set up EOSE timeout
@ -142,15 +149,36 @@ function cancel_EOSETimeout(id, subid) {
// WS - New session for client $id
function newsess(id) {
relays.forEach(_ => newConn(_, id));
cache_relays?.forEach(_ => newConn(_, id));
// WS - Broadcast message to every existing sockets
function bc(msg, id) {
function direct_bc(msg, id) {
for (sock of socks) {
if (cache_relays?.includes(sock.url)) continue;
if (sock.id !== id) continue;
if (sock.readyState >= 2) return socks.delete(sock);
function cache_bc(msg, id) {
for (sock of socks) {
if (!cache_relays?.includes(sock.url)) continue;
if (sock.id !== id) continue;
if (sock.readyState >= 2) return socks.delete(sock);
function bc(msg, id) {
if (!cache_relays?.length) direct_bc(msg, id);
else cache_bc(msg, id);
// WS - Terminate all existing sockets that were for <id>
function terminate_subs(id) {
for (sock of socks) {
@ -175,12 +203,14 @@ function newConn(addr, id) {
socks.add(relay); // Add this socket session to [socks]
if (process.env.LOG_ABOUT_RELAYS || log_about_relays) console.log(process.pid, "---", `[${id}] [${socks.size}/${relays.length*csess.size}]`, relay.url, "is connected");
for (i of client.my_events) {
relay.send(JSON.stringify(["EVENT", i]));
if (cache_relays?.includes(relay.url)) {
for (i of client.my_events) {
relay.send(JSON.stringify(["EVENT", i]));
for (i of client.subs) {
relay.send(JSON.stringify(["REQ", i[0], i[1]]));
for (i of client.subs) {
relay.send(JSON.stringify(["REQ", i[0], i[1]]));
@ -196,25 +226,30 @@ function newConn(addr, id) {
if (data.length < 3 || typeof(data[1]) !== "string" || typeof(data[2]) !== "object") return;
if (!client.subs.has(data[1])) return;
timeoutEOSE(id, data[1]);
if (client.pause_subs.has(data[1])) return;
if (client.pause_subs.has(data[1]) && !cache_relays?.includes(relay.url)) return;
// if filter.since > receivedEvent.created_at, skip
// if receivedEvent.created_at > filter.until, skip
if (client.subs.get(data[1]).since > data[2].created_at) return;
if (data[2].created_at > client.subs.get(data[1]).until) return;
const NotInSearchQuery = client.subs.get(data[1]).search && !data[2].content?.toLowerCase().includes(client.subs.get(data[1]).search?.toLowerCase());
const NotInSearchQuery = client.subs.get(data[1]).search && !data[2].content?.toLowerCase().includess(client.subs.get(data[1]).search?.toLowerCase());
if (NotInSearchQuery) return;
if (client.events.get(data[1]).has(data[2]?.id)) return; // No need to transmit once it has been transmitted before.
if (!client.pause_subs.has(data[1])) client.send(JSON.stringify(data));
// send into cache relays.
if (!cache_relays?.includes(relay.url)) cache_bc(["EVENT", data[2]], id);
if (data[2]?.created_at > recentevent[id + ":" + data[1]])
recentevent[id + ":" + data[1]] = data[2]?.created_at
// Now count for REQ limit requested by client.
// If it's at the limit, Send EOSE to client and delete pendingEOSE of subID
// Skip if EOSE has been omitted
if (!client.pendingEOSE.has(data[1]) || !client.subs.get(data[1])?.limit) return;
if (!client.pendingEOSE.has(data[1]) || !client.subs.get(data[1])?.limit || client.pause_subs.has(data[1])) return;
if (client.events.get(data[1]).size >= client.subs.get(data[1])?.limit) {
// Once reached to <filter.limit>, send EOSE to client.
client.send(JSON.stringify(["EOSE", data[1]]));
@ -230,9 +265,21 @@ function newConn(addr, id) {
if (!client.pendingEOSE.has(data[1])) return;
client.pendingEOSE.set(data[1], client.pendingEOSE.get(data[1]) + 1);
if (process.env.LOG_ABOUT_RELAYS || log_about_relays) console.log(process.pid, "---", `[${id}]`, `got EOSE from ${relay.url} for ${data[1]}. There are ${client.pendingEOSE.get(data[1])} EOSE received out of ${Array.from(socks).filter(sock => sock.id === id).length} connected relays.`);
if (wait_eose && (client.pendingEOSE.get(data[1]) < (max_eose_score || Array.from(socks).filter(sock => sock.id === id).length))) return;
if (!cache_relays?.includes(relay.url)) {
if (wait_eose && (client.pendingEOSE.get(data[1]) < (max_eose_score || Array.from(socks).filter(sock => sock.id === id).length))) return;
} else {
if (client.pendingEOSE.get(data[1]) < Array.from(socks).filter(sock => (sock.id === id) && cache_relays.includes(sock.url)).length) return;
// get the filter
const filter = client.subs.get(data[1]);
if (!filter.since && recentevent[id + ":" + data[1]]) filter.since = recentevent[id + ":" + data[1]];
// now req to the direct connection, with the recent one please.
return direct_bc(["REQ", data[1], filter], id);
if (client.pause_subs.has(data[1])) return client.pause_subs.delete(data[1]);

View File

@ -80,6 +80,17 @@ module.exports = {
"version": require("./package.json").version
// Cache relays
// Used for caching received events from <relays> to reduce bandwidth waste.
// Keeping this empty will disable caching function.
// To make this working properly, Please enable <pause_on_limit>.
cache_relays: [
// "ws://localhost:8001",
// "ws://localhost:8002",
// ...and so on
// Nostr relays to bounce [Required]
relays: [