bouncer: change code on variable names, and handling iterate from relays instead of doing .forEach

Signed-off-by: Yonle <>
This commit is contained in:
Yonle 2024-03-28 22:13:24 +07:00
parent d3eeb37717
commit 5a95821cc9

View File

@ -219,19 +219,28 @@ function newsess() {
userRelays.set(id, new Set());
csess.set(id, null);
cache_relays?.forEach(_ => newConn(_, id));
relays.forEach(_ => newConn(_, id));
if (cache_relays) {
for (const url of cache_relays) {
newConn(url, id);
for (const url of relays) {
newConn(url, id);
// WS - Broadcast message to every existing sockets
function bc(msg, id, toCacheOnly) {
for (const sock of userRelays.get(id)) {
if (sock.readyState !== 1) continue;
if (toCacheOnly && !sock.isCache) continue
for (const relay of userRelays.get(id)) {
if (relay.readyState !== 1) continue;
if (toCacheOnly && !relay.isCache) continue;
// skip the ratelimit after <config.upstream_ratelimit_expiration>
if ((upstream_ratelimit_expiration) > ( - sock.ratelimit)) continue;
if ((upstream_ratelimit_expiration) > ( - relay.ratelimit)) continue;
@ -262,7 +271,7 @@ function newConn(addr, id, reconn_t = 0) {
if (!csess.has(id)) return relay.terminate();
const client = csess.get(id);
reconn_t = 0;
if (log_about_relays) console.log(, "---", id, `${relay.url} is connected`);
if (log_about_relays) console.log(, "---", id, `${addr} is connected`);
if (!client) return;
for (const i of client.my_events) {
@ -331,7 +340,7 @@ function newConn(addr, id, reconn_t = 0) {
if (!client.pendingEOSE.has(data[1])) return;
client.pendingEOSE.set(data[1], client.pendingEOSE.get(data[1]) + 1);
if (log_about_relays) console.log(, "---", id, `got EOSE from ${relay.url} for ${data[1]}. There are ${client.pendingEOSE.get(data[1])} EOSE received out of ${userRelays.get(id).size} connected relays.`);
if (log_about_relays) console.log(, "---", id, `got EOSE from ${addr} for ${data[1]}. There are ${client.pendingEOSE.get(data[1])} EOSE received out of ${userRelays.get(id).size} connected relays.`);
if (wait_eose && ((client.pendingEOSE.get(data[1]) < max_eose_score) || (client.pendingEOSE.get(data[1]) < userRelays.get(id).size))) return;
@ -351,7 +360,7 @@ function newConn(addr, id, reconn_t = 0) {
if (typeof(data[1]) !== "string") return;
if (data[1].startsWith("rate-limited")) relay.ratelimit =;
if (log_about_relays) console.log(, id, relay.url, data[0], data[1]);
if (log_about_relays) console.log(, id, addr, data[0], data[1]);
@ -360,20 +369,23 @@ function newConn(addr, id, reconn_t = 0) {
if (typeof(data[2]) !== "string") return;
if (data[2].startsWith("rate-limited")) relay.ratelimit =;
if (log_about_relays) console.log(, id, relay.url, data[0], data[1], data[2]);
if (log_about_relays) console.log(, id, addr, data[0], data[1], data[2]);
if ((data[0] === "CLOSED") && client.pendingEOSE.has(data[1]))
client.pendingEOSE.set(data[1], client.pendingEOSE.get(data[1]) + 1);
relay.on('error', _ => {
if (log_about_relays) console.error(, "-!-", id, relay.url, _.toString())
if (log_about_relays) console.error(, "-!-", id, addr, _.toString())
relay.on('close', _ => {
if (!userRelays.has(id)) return;
userRelays.get(id).delete(relay); // Remove this socket session from <client.relays> list
if (log_about_relays) console.log(, "-!-", id, "Disconnected from", relay.url);
if (log_about_relays) console.log(, "-!-", id, "Disconnected from", addr);
reconn_t += reconnect_time || 5000
setTimeout(_ => {
newConn(addr, id, reconn_t);
@ -384,8 +396,8 @@ function newConn(addr, id, reconn_t = 0) {
if (!userRelays.has(id)) return;
if (res.statusCode >= 500) return relay.emit("close", null);
relays = relays.filter(_ => !relay.url.startsWith(_));
console.log(, "-!-", `${relay.url} give status code ${res.statusCode}. Not (re)connect with new session again.`);
relays = relays.filter(_ => _ == addr);
console.log(, "-!-", `${addr} give status code ${res.statusCode}. Not (re)connect with new session again.`);
userRelays.get(id).add(relay); // Add this socket session to <client.relays>