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2024-12-13 09:56:10 -08:00
2024-12-13 09:56:10 -08:00

Search Quality Test Script

This Python script automates the process of running search quality tests for a backend system.


  • Loads configuration from a YAML file
  • Sets up Docker environment
  • Manages environment variables
  • Switches to specified Git branch
  • Uploads test documents
  • Runs search quality tests
  • Cleans up Docker containers (optional)


  1. Ensure you have the required dependencies installed.
  2. Configure the search_test_config.yaml file based on the search_test_config.yaml.template file.
  3. Configure the .env_eval file in deployment/docker_compose with the correct environment variables.
  4. Set up the PYTHONPATH permanently: Add the following line to your shell configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.bash_profile):
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/onyx/backend
    Replace /path/to/onyx with the actual path to your Onyx repository. After adding this line, restart your terminal or run source ~/.bashrc (or the appropriate config file) to apply the changes.
  5. Navigate to Onyx repo:
cd path/to/onyx
  1. Navigate to the answer_quality folder:
cd backend/tests/regression/answer_quality
  1. To launch the evaluation environment, run the launch_eval_env.py script (this step can be skipped if you are running the env outside of docker, just leave "environment_name" blank):
python launch_eval_env.py
  1. Run the file_uploader.py script to upload the zip files located at the path "zipped_documents_file"
python file_uploader.py
  1. Run the run_qa.py script to ask questions from the jsonl located at the path "questions_file". This will hit the "query/answer-with-quote" API endpoint.
python run_qa.py

Note: All data will be saved even after the containers are shut down. There are instructions below to re-launching docker containers using this data.

If you decide to run multiple UIs at the same time, the ports will increment upwards from 3000 (E.g. http://localhost:3001).

To see which port the desired instance is on, look at the ports on the nginx container by running docker ps or using docker desktop.

Docker daemon must be running for this to work.


Edit search_test_config.yaml to set:

  • output_folder
    • This is the folder where the folders for each test will go
    • These folders will contain the postgres/vespa data as well as the results for each test
  • zipped_documents_file
    • The path to the zip file containing the files you'd like to test against
  • questions_file
    • The path to the yaml containing the questions you'd like to test with
  • commit_sha
    • Set this to the SHA of the commit you want to run the test against
    • You must clear all local changes if you want to use this option
    • Set this to null if you want it to just use the code as is
  • clean_up_docker_containers
    • Set this to true to automatically delete all docker containers, networks and volumes after the test
  • launch_web_ui
    • Set this to true if you want to use the UI during/after the testing process
  • only_state
    • Whether to only run Vespa and Postgres
  • only_retrieve_docs
    • Set true to only retrieve documents, not LLM response
    • This is to save on API costs
  • use_cloud_gpu
    • Set to true or false depending on if you want to use the remote gpu
    • Only need to set this if use_cloud_gpu is true
  • model_server_ip
    • This is the ip of the remote model server
    • Only need to set this if use_cloud_gpu is true
  • model_server_port
    • This is the port of the remote model server
    • Only need to set this if use_cloud_gpu is true
  • environment_name
    • Use this if you would like to relaunch a previous test instance
    • Input the env_name of the test you'd like to re-launch
    • Leave empty to launch referencing local default network locations
  • limit
    • Max number of questions you'd like to ask against the dataset
    • Set to null for no limit
  • llm
    • Fill this out according to the normal LLM seeding

Relaunching From Existing Data

To launch an existing set of containers that has already completed indexing, set the environment_name variable. This will launch the docker containers mounted on the volumes of the indicated env_name and will not automatically index any documents or run any QA.

Once these containers are launched you can run file_uploader.py or run_qa.py (assuming you have run the steps in the Usage section above).

  • file_uploader.py will upload and index additional zipped files located at the zipped_documents_file path.
  • run_qa.py will ask questions located at the questions_file path against the indexed documents.