pablodanswer ed550986a6
Feature/assistants (#1581)
* include alternate assisstant

- migrate models
- migrate db

* functional alternate assistant selection

* refactor chat components for persona API

* functional assistants api

* add full functionality- assistants

* add functional assistants dropdown handler

* refactor assistants for full compatability

- hooks
- track the live assistant for edge cases
- UI updates

* add assistant UI features

- Autotab
- Arrow selection
- Icons
- Proper @ detection
- Info Popup

prune unnecessary comments

* functional search toggling for assistants

* add functional cross-page assistants

rebase with main

* add proper interactivity for edge cases

- click outside of input / text box
- "force search" assistant consistency

* refactor alt assistant consistency

* update alembic versions

* rebased

* undo formatting changes

* additional formatting

* current processing

* merge fixes

* formatting

* colors

* 2 -> 1

* 1 -> 2


Co-authored-by: “Pablo <“”>
2024-06-29 00:18:39 +00:00
2024-06-29 00:18:39 +00:00
2023-10-16 14:59:42 -07:00

Alembic DB Migrations

These files are for creating/updating the tables in the Relational DB (Postgres). Danswer migrations use a generic single-database configuration with an async dbapi.

To generate new migrations:

run from danswer/backend: alembic revision --autogenerate -m <DESCRIPTION_OF_MIGRATION>

More info can be found here:

Running migrations

To run all un-applied migrations: alembic upgrade head

To undo migrations: alembic downgrade -X where X is the number of migrations you want to undo from the current state