temporal noise reducer in C (-pp 0x100000)
setting the thresholds from the commandline requires postprocess2() / getPpModeByNameAndQuality() (someone could perhaps modify mplayer so that they are beiing used, iam too lazy for it ;) Originally committed as revision 2861 to svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk/postproc
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,15 +29,16 @@ doHorizDefFilter Ec Ec Ec
deRing E e e*
Vertical RKAlgo1 E a a
Horizontal RKAlgo1 a a
Vertical X1 a E E
Horizontal X1 a E E
Vertical X1# a E E
Horizontal X1# a E E
LinIpolDeinterlace e E E*
CubicIpolDeinterlace a e e*
LinBlendDeinterlace e E E*
MedianDeinterlace Ec Ec
MedianDeinterlace# Ec Ec
TempDeNoiser# a
* i dont have a 3dnow CPU -> its untested
* i dont have a 3dnow CPU -> its untested, but noone said it doesnt work so it seems to work
# more or less selfinvented filters so the exactness isnt too meaningfull
E = Exact implementation
e = allmost exact implementation (slightly different rounding,...)
a = alternative / approximate impl
@ -48,21 +49,18 @@ c = checked against the other implementations (-vo md5)
verify that everything workes as it should (how?)
reduce the time wasted on the mem transfer
implement dering
implement everything in C at least (done at the moment but ...)
unroll stuff if instructions depend too much on the prior one
we use 8x8 blocks for the horizontal filters, opendivx seems to use 8x4?
move YScale thing to the end instead of fixing QP
write a faster and higher quality deblocking filter :)
do something about the speed of the horizontal filters
make the mainloop more flexible (variable number of blocks at once
(the if/else stuff per block is slowing things down)
compare the quality & speed of all filters
split this huge file
fix warnings (unused vars, ...)
noise reduction filters
border remover
optimize c versions
try to unroll inner for(x=0 ... loop to avoid these damn if(x ... checks
@ -182,15 +180,16 @@ static struct PPFilter filters[]=
{"li", "linipoldeint", 0, 1, 6, LINEAR_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER},
{"ci", "cubicipoldeint", 0, 1, 6, CUBIC_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER},
{"md", "mediandeint", 0, 1, 6, MEDIAN_DEINT_FILTER},
{"tn", "tmpnoise", 1, 7, 8, TEMP_NOISE_FILTER},
{NULL, NULL,0,0,0,0} //End Marker
static char *replaceTable[]=
"default", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"de", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"fast", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"fa", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"default", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels,tmpnoise:a:150:200:400",
"de", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels,tmpnoise:a:150:200:400",
"fast", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels,tmpnoise:a:150:200:400",
"fa", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels,tmpnoise:a:150:200:400",
NULL //End Marker
@ -2594,13 +2593,104 @@ static inline void transpose2(uint8_t *dst, int dstStride, uint8_t *src)
static void inline tempNoiseReducer(uint8_t *src, int stride,
uint8_t *tempBlured, int *maxNoise)
int y;
int d=0;
int sysd=0;
for(y=0; y<8; y++)
int x;
for(x=0; x<8; x++)
int ref= tempBlured[ x + y*stride ];
int cur= src[ x + y*stride ];
int d1=ref - cur;
d+= ABS(d1); //d1*d1;
sysd+= d1;
//printf("%d %d %d\n", maxNoise[0], maxNoise[1], maxNoise[2]);
Switch between
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0)
64 32 16 8 4 2 1 (1)
64 48 36 27 20 15 11 (33) (approx)
64 56 49 43 37 33 29 (200) (approx)
if(d > maxNoise[1])
if(d < maxNoise[2])
for(y=0; y<8; y++)
int x;
for(x=0; x<8; x++)
int ref= tempBlured[ x + y*stride ];
int cur= src[ x + y*stride ];
tempBlured[ x + y*stride ]=
src[ x + y*stride ]=
(ref + cur + 1)>>1;
for(y=0; y<8; y++)
int x;
for(x=0; x<8; x++)
tempBlured[ x + y*stride ]= src[ x + y*stride ];
if(d < maxNoise[0])
for(y=0; y<8; y++)
int x;
for(x=0; x<8; x++)
int ref= tempBlured[ x + y*stride ];
int cur= src[ x + y*stride ];
tempBlured[ x + y*stride ]=
src[ x + y*stride ]=
(ref*7 + cur + 4)>>3;
for(y=0; y<8; y++)
int x;
for(x=0; x<8; x++)
int ref= tempBlured[ x + y*stride ];
int cur= src[ x + y*stride ];
tempBlured[ x + y*stride ]=
src[ x + y*stride ]=
(ref*3 + cur + 2)>>2;
#include "../opendivx/postprocess.h"
int use_old_pp=0;
static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStride, int width, int height,
QP_STORE_T QPs[], int QPStride, int isColor, int mode);
QP_STORE_T QPs[], int QPStride, int isColor, struct PPMode *ppMode);
/* -pp Command line Help
NOTE/FIXME: put this at an appropriate place (--help, html docs, man mplayer)?
@ -2611,6 +2701,8 @@ long form example:
-pp vdeblock:autoq,hdeblock:autoq,linblenddeint -pp default,-vdeblock
short form example:
-pp vb:a,hb:a,lb -pp de,-vb
more examples:
-pp tn:64:128:256
Filters Options
short long name short long option Description
@ -2631,6 +2723,7 @@ ci cubicipoldeint cubic interpolating deinterlacer
md mediandeint median deinterlacer
de default hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels
fa fast x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels
tn tmpnoise (3 Thresholds) Temporal Noise Reducer
@ -2644,14 +2737,16 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
char *p= temp;
char *filterDelimiters= ",";
char *optionDelimiters= ":";
struct PPMode ppMode= {0,0,0,0,0,0};
struct PPMode ppMode= {0,0,0,0,0,0,{150,200,400}};
char *filterToken;
strncpy(temp, name, GET_MODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
printf("%s\n", name);
char *filterName;
int q= 1000000; //GET_PP_QUALITY_MAX;
int chrom=-1;
char *option;
char *options[OPTIONS_ARRAY_SIZE];
@ -2662,7 +2757,7 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
filterToken= strtok(p, filterDelimiters);
if(filterToken == NULL) break;
p+= strlen(filterToken) + 1;
p+= strlen(filterToken) + 1; // p points to next filterToken
filterName= strtok(filterToken, optionDelimiters);
printf("%s::%s\n", filterToken, filterName);
@ -2671,6 +2766,7 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
for(;;){ //for all options
option= strtok(NULL, optionDelimiters);
if(option == NULL) break;
@ -2683,10 +2779,10 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
options[numOfUnknownOptions] = option;
options[numOfUnknownOptions] = NULL;
if(numOfUnknownOptions >= OPTIONS_ARRAY_SIZE-1) break;
options[numOfUnknownOptions] = NULL;
/* replace stuff from the replace Table */
for(i=0; replaceTable[2*i]!=NULL; i++)
@ -2715,6 +2811,7 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
for(i=0; filters[i].shortName!=NULL; i++)
// printf("Compareing %s, %s, %s\n", filters[i].shortName,filters[i].longName, filterName);
if( !strcmp(filters[i].longName, filterName)
|| !strcmp(filters[i].shortName, filterName))
@ -2744,6 +2841,27 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
else if(filters[i].mask == TEMP_NOISE_FILTER)
int o;
int numOfNoises=0;
ppMode.maxTmpNoise[0]= 150;
ppMode.maxTmpNoise[1]= 200;
ppMode.maxTmpNoise[2]= 400;
for(o=0; options[o]!=NULL; o++)
char *tail;
strtol(options[o], &tail, 0);
if(numOfNoises >= 3) break;
if(!filterNameOk) ppMode.error++;
@ -2763,7 +2881,7 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
* ...
* Obsolete, dont use it, use postprocess2() instead
void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
unsigned char * dst[], int dst_stride,
@ -2771,25 +2889,35 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
QP_STORE_T *QP_store, int QP_stride,
int mode)
struct PPMode ppMode;
static QP_STORE_T zeroArray[2048/8];
static int qual=0;
struct PPMode ppMode= getPPModeByNameAndQuality("fast,default,-hdeblock,-vdeblock", qual);
ppMode= getPPModeByNameAndQuality("fast,default,-hdeblock,-vdeblock,tmpnoise:150:200:300", qual);
printf("\n%d %d %d %d\n", ppMode.lumMode, ppMode.chromMode, ppMode.oldMode, ppMode.error);
printf("\n%X %X %X %X :%d: %d %d %d\n", ppMode.lumMode, ppMode.chromMode, ppMode.oldMode, ppMode.error,
qual, ppMode.maxTmpNoise[0], ppMode.maxTmpNoise[1], ppMode.maxTmpNoise[2]);
postprocess2(src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, &ppMode);
static QP_STORE_T zeroArray[2048/8];
QP_store= zeroArray;
QP_stride= 0;
ppMode.lumMode= mode;
mode= ((mode&0xFF)>>4) | (mode&0xFFFFFF00);
ppMode.chromMode= mode;
ppMode.maxTmpNoise[0]= 150;
ppMode.maxTmpNoise[1]= 200;
ppMode.maxTmpNoise[2]= 400;
// Note: I could make this shit outside of this file, but it would mean one
// more function call...
@ -2800,27 +2928,28 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
postProcess(src[0], src_stride, dst[0], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 0, mode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 0, &ppMode);
horizontal_size >>= 1;
vertical_size >>= 1;
src_stride >>= 1;
dst_stride >>= 1;
mode= ((mode&0xFF)>>4) | (mode&0xFFFFFF00);
postProcess(src[1], src_stride, dst[1], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, mode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, &ppMode);
postProcess(src[2], src_stride, dst[2], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 2, mode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 2, &ppMode);
memcpy(dst[1], src[1], src_stride*horizontal_size);
memcpy(dst[2], src[2], src_stride*horizontal_size);
memset(dst[1], 128, dst_stride*vertical_size);
memset(dst[2], 128, dst_stride*vertical_size);
// memcpy(dst[1], src[1], src_stride*horizontal_size);
// memcpy(dst[2], src[2], src_stride*horizontal_size);
@ -2849,7 +2978,7 @@ void postprocess2(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
postProcess(src[0], src_stride, dst[0], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 0, mode->lumMode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 0, mode);
horizontal_size >>= 1;
vertical_size >>= 1;
@ -2857,9 +2986,9 @@ void postprocess2(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
dst_stride >>= 1;
postProcess(src[1], src_stride, dst[1], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, mode->chromMode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, mode);
postProcess(src[2], src_stride, dst[2], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 2, mode->chromMode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 2, mode);
@ -3023,9 +3152,11 @@ SIMPLE_CPY
* Filters array of bytes (Y or U or V values)
static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStride, int width, int height,
QP_STORE_T QPs[], int QPStride, int isColor, int mode)
QP_STORE_T QPs[], int QPStride, int isColor, struct PPMode *ppMode)
int x,y;
const int mode= isColor ? ppMode->chromMode : ppMode->lumMode;
/* we need 64bit here otherwise we´ll going to have a problem
after watching a black picture for 5 hours*/
static uint64_t *yHistogram= NULL;
@ -3040,6 +3171,9 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
static uint8_t *tempDstBlock= NULL;
static uint8_t *tempSrcBlock= NULL;
/* Temporal noise reducing buffers */
static uint8_t *tempBlured[3]= {NULL,NULL,NULL};
uint8_t *dstBlockPtrBackup;
uint8_t *srcBlockPtrBackup;
@ -3062,6 +3196,16 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
tempSrcBlock= (uint8_t*)memalign(8, 1024*24);
if(tempBlured[isColor]==NULL && (mode & TEMP_NOISE_FILTER))
// printf("%d %d %d\n", isColor, dstStride, height);
//FIXME works only as long as the size doesnt increase
//Note:the +17*1024 is just there so i dont have to worry about r/w over te end
tempBlured[isColor]= (uint8_t*)memalign(8, dstStride*((height+7)&(~7)) + 17*1024);
memset(tempBlured[isColor], 0, dstStride*((height+7)&(~7)) + 17*1024);
int i;
@ -3219,26 +3363,28 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
uint8_t *tempBlock1= tempBlocks;
uint8_t *tempBlock2= tempBlocks + 8;
int QP=0;
/* can we mess with a 8x16 block from srcBlock/dstBlock downwards and 1 line upwards
if not than use a temporary buffer */
if(y+15 >= height)
int i;
/* copy from line 8 to 15 of src, these will be copied with
blockcopy to dst later */
memcpy(tempSrc + srcStride*8, srcBlock + srcStride*8,
srcStride*MAX(height-y-8, 0) );
/* duplicate last line to fill the void upto line 15 */
if(y+15 >= height)
int i;
for(i=height-y; i<=15; i++)
memcpy(tempSrc + srcStride*i,
src + srcStride*(height-1), srcStride);
/* duplicate last line of src to fill the void upto line 15 */
for(i=MAX(height-y, 8); i<=15; i++)
memcpy(tempSrc + srcStride*i, src + srcStride*(height-1), srcStride);
/* copy up to 9 lines of dst */
/* copy up to 9 lines of dst (line -1 to 7)*/
memcpy(tempDst, dstBlock - dstStride, dstStride*MIN(height-y+1, 9) );
/* duplicate last line of dst to fill the void upto line 8 */
for(i=height-y+1; i<=8; i++)
memcpy(tempDst + dstStride*i, dst + dstStride*(height-1), dstStride);
dstBlock= tempDst + dstStride;
srcBlock= tempSrc;
@ -3251,7 +3397,7 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
const int stride= dstStride;
uint8_t *tmpXchg;
#ifdef ARCH_X86
int QP= *QPptr;
QP= *QPptr;
asm volatile(
"addl %2, %1 \n\t"
"sbbl %%eax, %%eax \n\t"
@ -3262,7 +3408,7 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
: "%eax"
int QP= isColor ?
QP= isColor ?
QPs[(y>>3)*QPStride + (x>>3)]:
QPs[(y>>4)*QPStride + (x>>4)];
@ -3442,13 +3588,14 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
//FIXME filter first line
if(y>0) dering(dstBlock - stride - 8, stride, QP);
else if(mode & DERING)
//FIXME y+15 is required cuz of the tempBuffer thing -> bottom right block isnt filtered
if(y > 8 && y+15 < height) dering(dstBlock - stride*9 + width - 8, stride, QP);
tempNoiseReducer(dstBlock-8, stride,
tempBlured[isColor] + y*dstStride + x,
/* did we use a tmp-block buffer */
@ -3475,6 +3622,18 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
if(mode & DERING)
if(y > 0) dering(dstBlock - dstStride - 8, dstStride, QP);
if((mode & TEMP_NOISE_FILTER))
tempNoiseReducer(dstBlock-8, dstStride,
tempBlured[isColor] + y*dstStride + x,
/* did we use a tmp buffer for the last lines*/
if(y+15 >= height)
@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
#define CUBIC_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER 0x40000 // 262144
#define MEDIAN_DEINT_FILTER 0x80000 // 524288
#define TEMP_NOISE_FILTER 0x100000
@ -73,19 +75,22 @@ struct PPMode{
int oldMode; // will be passed to odivx
int error; // non zero on error
int minAllowedY;
int maxAllowedY;
int minAllowedY; // for brigtness correction
int maxAllowedY; // for brihtness correction
int maxTmpNoise[3]; // for Temporal Noise Reducing filter (Maximal sum of abs differences)
struct PPFilter{
char *shortName;
char *longName;
int chromDefault;
int minLumQuality;
int minChromQuality;
int mask;
int chromDefault; // is chrominance filtering on by default if this filter is manually activated
int minLumQuality; // minimum quality to turn luminance filtering on
int minChromQuality; // minimum quality to turn chrominance filtering on
int mask; // Bitmask to turn this filter on
/* Obsolete, dont use it, use postprocess2() instead */
void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
unsigned char * dst[], int dst_stride,
int horizontal_size, int vertical_size,
@ -97,8 +102,10 @@ void postprocess2(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
QP_STORE_T *QP_store, int QP_stride, struct PPMode *mode);
/* Obsolete, dont use it, use getPpModeByNameAndQuality() instead */
int getPpModeForQuality(int quality);
// name is the stuff after "-pp" on the command line
struct PPMode getPpModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality);
@ -29,15 +29,16 @@ doHorizDefFilter Ec Ec Ec
deRing E e e*
Vertical RKAlgo1 E a a
Horizontal RKAlgo1 a a
Vertical X1 a E E
Horizontal X1 a E E
Vertical X1# a E E
Horizontal X1# a E E
LinIpolDeinterlace e E E*
CubicIpolDeinterlace a e e*
LinBlendDeinterlace e E E*
MedianDeinterlace Ec Ec
MedianDeinterlace# Ec Ec
TempDeNoiser# a
* i dont have a 3dnow CPU -> its untested
* i dont have a 3dnow CPU -> its untested, but noone said it doesnt work so it seems to work
# more or less selfinvented filters so the exactness isnt too meaningfull
E = Exact implementation
e = allmost exact implementation (slightly different rounding,...)
a = alternative / approximate impl
@ -48,21 +49,18 @@ c = checked against the other implementations (-vo md5)
verify that everything workes as it should (how?)
reduce the time wasted on the mem transfer
implement dering
implement everything in C at least (done at the moment but ...)
unroll stuff if instructions depend too much on the prior one
we use 8x8 blocks for the horizontal filters, opendivx seems to use 8x4?
move YScale thing to the end instead of fixing QP
write a faster and higher quality deblocking filter :)
do something about the speed of the horizontal filters
make the mainloop more flexible (variable number of blocks at once
(the if/else stuff per block is slowing things down)
compare the quality & speed of all filters
split this huge file
fix warnings (unused vars, ...)
noise reduction filters
border remover
optimize c versions
try to unroll inner for(x=0 ... loop to avoid these damn if(x ... checks
@ -182,15 +180,16 @@ static struct PPFilter filters[]=
{"li", "linipoldeint", 0, 1, 6, LINEAR_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER},
{"ci", "cubicipoldeint", 0, 1, 6, CUBIC_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER},
{"md", "mediandeint", 0, 1, 6, MEDIAN_DEINT_FILTER},
{"tn", "tmpnoise", 1, 7, 8, TEMP_NOISE_FILTER},
{NULL, NULL,0,0,0,0} //End Marker
static char *replaceTable[]=
"default", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"de", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"fast", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"fa", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"default", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels,tmpnoise:a:150:200:400",
"de", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels,tmpnoise:a:150:200:400",
"fast", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels,tmpnoise:a:150:200:400",
"fa", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels,tmpnoise:a:150:200:400",
NULL //End Marker
@ -2594,13 +2593,104 @@ static inline void transpose2(uint8_t *dst, int dstStride, uint8_t *src)
static void inline tempNoiseReducer(uint8_t *src, int stride,
uint8_t *tempBlured, int *maxNoise)
int y;
int d=0;
int sysd=0;
for(y=0; y<8; y++)
int x;
for(x=0; x<8; x++)
int ref= tempBlured[ x + y*stride ];
int cur= src[ x + y*stride ];
int d1=ref - cur;
d+= ABS(d1); //d1*d1;
sysd+= d1;
//printf("%d %d %d\n", maxNoise[0], maxNoise[1], maxNoise[2]);
Switch between
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0)
64 32 16 8 4 2 1 (1)
64 48 36 27 20 15 11 (33) (approx)
64 56 49 43 37 33 29 (200) (approx)
if(d > maxNoise[1])
if(d < maxNoise[2])
for(y=0; y<8; y++)
int x;
for(x=0; x<8; x++)
int ref= tempBlured[ x + y*stride ];
int cur= src[ x + y*stride ];
tempBlured[ x + y*stride ]=
src[ x + y*stride ]=
(ref + cur + 1)>>1;
for(y=0; y<8; y++)
int x;
for(x=0; x<8; x++)
tempBlured[ x + y*stride ]= src[ x + y*stride ];
if(d < maxNoise[0])
for(y=0; y<8; y++)
int x;
for(x=0; x<8; x++)
int ref= tempBlured[ x + y*stride ];
int cur= src[ x + y*stride ];
tempBlured[ x + y*stride ]=
src[ x + y*stride ]=
(ref*7 + cur + 4)>>3;
for(y=0; y<8; y++)
int x;
for(x=0; x<8; x++)
int ref= tempBlured[ x + y*stride ];
int cur= src[ x + y*stride ];
tempBlured[ x + y*stride ]=
src[ x + y*stride ]=
(ref*3 + cur + 2)>>2;
#include "../opendivx/postprocess.h"
int use_old_pp=0;
static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStride, int width, int height,
QP_STORE_T QPs[], int QPStride, int isColor, int mode);
QP_STORE_T QPs[], int QPStride, int isColor, struct PPMode *ppMode);
/* -pp Command line Help
NOTE/FIXME: put this at an appropriate place (--help, html docs, man mplayer)?
@ -2611,6 +2701,8 @@ long form example:
-pp vdeblock:autoq,hdeblock:autoq,linblenddeint -pp default,-vdeblock
short form example:
-pp vb:a,hb:a,lb -pp de,-vb
more examples:
-pp tn:64:128:256
Filters Options
short long name short long option Description
@ -2631,6 +2723,7 @@ ci cubicipoldeint cubic interpolating deinterlacer
md mediandeint median deinterlacer
de default hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels
fa fast x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels
tn tmpnoise (3 Thresholds) Temporal Noise Reducer
@ -2644,14 +2737,16 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
char *p= temp;
char *filterDelimiters= ",";
char *optionDelimiters= ":";
struct PPMode ppMode= {0,0,0,0,0,0};
struct PPMode ppMode= {0,0,0,0,0,0,{150,200,400}};
char *filterToken;
strncpy(temp, name, GET_MODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
printf("%s\n", name);
char *filterName;
int q= 1000000; //GET_PP_QUALITY_MAX;
int chrom=-1;
char *option;
char *options[OPTIONS_ARRAY_SIZE];
@ -2662,7 +2757,7 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
filterToken= strtok(p, filterDelimiters);
if(filterToken == NULL) break;
p+= strlen(filterToken) + 1;
p+= strlen(filterToken) + 1; // p points to next filterToken
filterName= strtok(filterToken, optionDelimiters);
printf("%s::%s\n", filterToken, filterName);
@ -2671,6 +2766,7 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
for(;;){ //for all options
option= strtok(NULL, optionDelimiters);
if(option == NULL) break;
@ -2683,10 +2779,10 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
options[numOfUnknownOptions] = option;
options[numOfUnknownOptions] = NULL;
if(numOfUnknownOptions >= OPTIONS_ARRAY_SIZE-1) break;
options[numOfUnknownOptions] = NULL;
/* replace stuff from the replace Table */
for(i=0; replaceTable[2*i]!=NULL; i++)
@ -2715,6 +2811,7 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
for(i=0; filters[i].shortName!=NULL; i++)
// printf("Compareing %s, %s, %s\n", filters[i].shortName,filters[i].longName, filterName);
if( !strcmp(filters[i].longName, filterName)
|| !strcmp(filters[i].shortName, filterName))
@ -2744,6 +2841,27 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
else if(filters[i].mask == TEMP_NOISE_FILTER)
int o;
int numOfNoises=0;
ppMode.maxTmpNoise[0]= 150;
ppMode.maxTmpNoise[1]= 200;
ppMode.maxTmpNoise[2]= 400;
for(o=0; options[o]!=NULL; o++)
char *tail;
strtol(options[o], &tail, 0);
if(numOfNoises >= 3) break;
if(!filterNameOk) ppMode.error++;
@ -2763,7 +2881,7 @@ struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
* ...
* Obsolete, dont use it, use postprocess2() instead
void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
unsigned char * dst[], int dst_stride,
@ -2771,25 +2889,35 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
QP_STORE_T *QP_store, int QP_stride,
int mode)
struct PPMode ppMode;
static QP_STORE_T zeroArray[2048/8];
static int qual=0;
struct PPMode ppMode= getPPModeByNameAndQuality("fast,default,-hdeblock,-vdeblock", qual);
ppMode= getPPModeByNameAndQuality("fast,default,-hdeblock,-vdeblock,tmpnoise:150:200:300", qual);
printf("\n%d %d %d %d\n", ppMode.lumMode, ppMode.chromMode, ppMode.oldMode, ppMode.error);
printf("\n%X %X %X %X :%d: %d %d %d\n", ppMode.lumMode, ppMode.chromMode, ppMode.oldMode, ppMode.error,
qual, ppMode.maxTmpNoise[0], ppMode.maxTmpNoise[1], ppMode.maxTmpNoise[2]);
postprocess2(src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, &ppMode);
static QP_STORE_T zeroArray[2048/8];
QP_store= zeroArray;
QP_stride= 0;
ppMode.lumMode= mode;
mode= ((mode&0xFF)>>4) | (mode&0xFFFFFF00);
ppMode.chromMode= mode;
ppMode.maxTmpNoise[0]= 150;
ppMode.maxTmpNoise[1]= 200;
ppMode.maxTmpNoise[2]= 400;
// Note: I could make this shit outside of this file, but it would mean one
// more function call...
@ -2800,27 +2928,28 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
postProcess(src[0], src_stride, dst[0], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 0, mode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 0, &ppMode);
horizontal_size >>= 1;
vertical_size >>= 1;
src_stride >>= 1;
dst_stride >>= 1;
mode= ((mode&0xFF)>>4) | (mode&0xFFFFFF00);
postProcess(src[1], src_stride, dst[1], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, mode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, &ppMode);
postProcess(src[2], src_stride, dst[2], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 2, mode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 2, &ppMode);
memcpy(dst[1], src[1], src_stride*horizontal_size);
memcpy(dst[2], src[2], src_stride*horizontal_size);
memset(dst[1], 128, dst_stride*vertical_size);
memset(dst[2], 128, dst_stride*vertical_size);
// memcpy(dst[1], src[1], src_stride*horizontal_size);
// memcpy(dst[2], src[2], src_stride*horizontal_size);
@ -2849,7 +2978,7 @@ void postprocess2(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
postProcess(src[0], src_stride, dst[0], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 0, mode->lumMode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 0, mode);
horizontal_size >>= 1;
vertical_size >>= 1;
@ -2857,9 +2986,9 @@ void postprocess2(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
dst_stride >>= 1;
postProcess(src[1], src_stride, dst[1], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, mode->chromMode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, mode);
postProcess(src[2], src_stride, dst[2], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 2, mode->chromMode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 2, mode);
@ -3023,9 +3152,11 @@ SIMPLE_CPY
* Filters array of bytes (Y or U or V values)
static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStride, int width, int height,
QP_STORE_T QPs[], int QPStride, int isColor, int mode)
QP_STORE_T QPs[], int QPStride, int isColor, struct PPMode *ppMode)
int x,y;
const int mode= isColor ? ppMode->chromMode : ppMode->lumMode;
/* we need 64bit here otherwise we´ll going to have a problem
after watching a black picture for 5 hours*/
static uint64_t *yHistogram= NULL;
@ -3040,6 +3171,9 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
static uint8_t *tempDstBlock= NULL;
static uint8_t *tempSrcBlock= NULL;
/* Temporal noise reducing buffers */
static uint8_t *tempBlured[3]= {NULL,NULL,NULL};
uint8_t *dstBlockPtrBackup;
uint8_t *srcBlockPtrBackup;
@ -3062,6 +3196,16 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
tempSrcBlock= (uint8_t*)memalign(8, 1024*24);
if(tempBlured[isColor]==NULL && (mode & TEMP_NOISE_FILTER))
// printf("%d %d %d\n", isColor, dstStride, height);
//FIXME works only as long as the size doesnt increase
//Note:the +17*1024 is just there so i dont have to worry about r/w over te end
tempBlured[isColor]= (uint8_t*)memalign(8, dstStride*((height+7)&(~7)) + 17*1024);
memset(tempBlured[isColor], 0, dstStride*((height+7)&(~7)) + 17*1024);
int i;
@ -3219,26 +3363,28 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
uint8_t *tempBlock1= tempBlocks;
uint8_t *tempBlock2= tempBlocks + 8;
int QP=0;
/* can we mess with a 8x16 block from srcBlock/dstBlock downwards and 1 line upwards
if not than use a temporary buffer */
if(y+15 >= height)
int i;
/* copy from line 8 to 15 of src, these will be copied with
blockcopy to dst later */
memcpy(tempSrc + srcStride*8, srcBlock + srcStride*8,
srcStride*MAX(height-y-8, 0) );
/* duplicate last line to fill the void upto line 15 */
if(y+15 >= height)
int i;
for(i=height-y; i<=15; i++)
memcpy(tempSrc + srcStride*i,
src + srcStride*(height-1), srcStride);
/* duplicate last line of src to fill the void upto line 15 */
for(i=MAX(height-y, 8); i<=15; i++)
memcpy(tempSrc + srcStride*i, src + srcStride*(height-1), srcStride);
/* copy up to 9 lines of dst */
/* copy up to 9 lines of dst (line -1 to 7)*/
memcpy(tempDst, dstBlock - dstStride, dstStride*MIN(height-y+1, 9) );
/* duplicate last line of dst to fill the void upto line 8 */
for(i=height-y+1; i<=8; i++)
memcpy(tempDst + dstStride*i, dst + dstStride*(height-1), dstStride);
dstBlock= tempDst + dstStride;
srcBlock= tempSrc;
@ -3251,7 +3397,7 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
const int stride= dstStride;
uint8_t *tmpXchg;
#ifdef ARCH_X86
int QP= *QPptr;
QP= *QPptr;
asm volatile(
"addl %2, %1 \n\t"
"sbbl %%eax, %%eax \n\t"
@ -3262,7 +3408,7 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
: "%eax"
int QP= isColor ?
QP= isColor ?
QPs[(y>>3)*QPStride + (x>>3)]:
QPs[(y>>4)*QPStride + (x>>4)];
@ -3442,13 +3588,14 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
//FIXME filter first line
if(y>0) dering(dstBlock - stride - 8, stride, QP);
else if(mode & DERING)
//FIXME y+15 is required cuz of the tempBuffer thing -> bottom right block isnt filtered
if(y > 8 && y+15 < height) dering(dstBlock - stride*9 + width - 8, stride, QP);
tempNoiseReducer(dstBlock-8, stride,
tempBlured[isColor] + y*dstStride + x,
/* did we use a tmp-block buffer */
@ -3475,6 +3622,18 @@ static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStri
if(mode & DERING)
if(y > 0) dering(dstBlock - dstStride - 8, dstStride, QP);
if((mode & TEMP_NOISE_FILTER))
tempNoiseReducer(dstBlock-8, dstStride,
tempBlured[isColor] + y*dstStride + x,
/* did we use a tmp buffer for the last lines*/
if(y+15 >= height)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user