Merge commit 'd66fe7ff53a5cade7a702100a9006dfe5ae1c473'

* commit 'd66fe7ff53a5cade7a702100a9006dfe5ae1c473':
  configure: Add test_pkg_config()

Merged-by: James Almer <>
This commit is contained in:
James Almer 2017-11-11 15:35:32 -03:00
commit 93ccba96df

configure vendored
View File

@ -1269,8 +1269,8 @@ check_lib_cpp(){
enable $name && eval ${name}_extralibs="\$@"
log check_pkg_config "$@"
log test_pkg_config "$@"
pkg="${2%% *}"
@ -1287,6 +1287,13 @@ check_pkg_config(){
set_sanitized "${name}_extralibs" $pkg_libs
log check_pkg_config "$@"
test_pkg_config "$@" &&
eval add_cflags \$${name}_cflags
check_ld "cc" "$@" && { enabled cross_compile || $TMPE >> $logfile 2>&1; }
@ -1395,17 +1402,10 @@ require_cpp_condition(){
check_cpp_condition "$header" "$condition" "$@" || die "ERROR: $condition not satisfied"
log use_pkg_config "$@"
check_pkg_config "$@" || return 1
add_cflags $(get_sanitized "${name}_cflags")
log require_pkg_config "$@"
use_pkg_config "$@" || die "ERROR: $pkg_version not found using pkg-config$pkg_config_fail_message"
check_pkg_config "$@" || die "ERROR: $pkg_version not found using pkg-config$pkg_config_fail_message"
@ -5965,7 +5965,7 @@ enabled libcelt && require libcelt celt/celt.h celt_decode -lcelt0 &&
enabled libcaca && require_pkg_config libcaca caca caca.h caca_create_canvas
enabled libdc1394 && require_pkg_config libdc1394 libdc1394-2 dc1394/dc1394.h dc1394_new
enabled libdrm && require_pkg_config libdrm libdrm xf86drm.h drmGetVersion
enabled libfdk_aac && { use_pkg_config libfdk_aac fdk-aac "fdk-aac/aacenc_lib.h" aacEncOpen ||
enabled libfdk_aac && { check_pkg_config libfdk_aac fdk-aac "fdk-aac/aacenc_lib.h" aacEncOpen ||
{ require libfdk_aac fdk-aac/aacenc_lib.h aacEncOpen -lfdk-aac &&
warn "using libfdk without pkg-config"; } }
flite_extralibs="-lflite_cmu_time_awb -lflite_cmu_us_awb -lflite_cmu_us_kal -lflite_cmu_us_kal16 -lflite_cmu_us_rms -lflite_cmu_us_slt -lflite_usenglish -lflite_cmulex -lflite"
@ -5974,7 +5974,7 @@ enabled fontconfig && enable libfontconfig
enabled libfontconfig && require_pkg_config libfontconfig fontconfig "fontconfig/fontconfig.h" FcInit
enabled libfreetype && require_pkg_config libfreetype freetype2 "ft2build.h FT_FREETYPE_H" FT_Init_FreeType
enabled libfribidi && require_pkg_config libfribidi fribidi fribidi.h fribidi_version_info
enabled libgme && { use_pkg_config libgme libgme gme/gme.h gme_new_emu ||
enabled libgme && { check_pkg_config libgme libgme gme/gme.h gme_new_emu ||
require libgme gme/gme.h gme_new_emu -lgme -lstdc++; }
enabled libgsm && { for gsm_hdr in "gsm.h" "gsm/gsm.h"; do
check_lib libgsm "${gsm_hdr}" gsm_create -lgsm && break;
@ -5987,7 +5987,7 @@ enabled libkvazaar && require_pkg_config libkvazaar "kvazaar >= 0.8.1" kv
# Media SDK or Intel Media Server Studio, these don't come with
# pkg-config support. Instead, users should make sure that the build
# can find the libraries and headers through other means.
enabled libmfx && { use_pkg_config libmfx libmfx "mfx/mfxvideo.h" MFXInit ||
enabled libmfx && { check_pkg_config libmfx libmfx "mfx/mfxvideo.h" MFXInit ||
{ require libmfx "mfx/mfxvideo.h" MFXInit "-llibmfx $advapi32_extralibs" && warn "using libmfx without pkg-config"; } }
enabled libmodplug && require_pkg_config libmodplug libmodplug libmodplug/modplug.h ModPlug_Load
enabled libmp3lame && require "libmp3lame >= 3.98.3" lame/lame.h lame_set_VBR_quality -lmp3lame
@ -5998,11 +5998,11 @@ enabled libnpp && { check_lib libnpp npp.h nppGetLibVersion -lnppig -
enabled libopencore_amrnb && require libopencore_amrnb opencore-amrnb/interf_dec.h Decoder_Interface_init -lopencore-amrnb
enabled libopencore_amrwb && require libopencore_amrwb opencore-amrwb/dec_if.h D_IF_init -lopencore-amrwb
enabled libopencv && { check_header opencv2/core/core_c.h &&
{ use_pkg_config libopencv opencv opencv2/core/core_c.h cvCreateImageHeader ||
{ check_pkg_config libopencv opencv opencv2/core/core_c.h cvCreateImageHeader ||
require libopencv opencv2/core/core_c.h cvCreateImageHeader -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc; } ||
require_pkg_config libopencv opencv opencv/cxcore.h cvCreateImageHeader; }
enabled libopenh264 && require_pkg_config libopenh264 openh264 wels/codec_api.h WelsGetCodecVersion
enabled libopenjpeg && { use_pkg_config libopenjpeg "libopenjp2 >= 2.1.0" openjpeg.h opj_version ||
enabled libopenjpeg && { check_pkg_config libopenjpeg "libopenjp2 >= 2.1.0" openjpeg.h opj_version ||
{ require_pkg_config libopenjpeg "libopenjp2 >= 2.1.0" openjpeg.h opj_version -DOPJ_STATIC && add_cppflags -DOPJ_STATIC; } }
enabled libopenmpt && require_pkg_config libopenmpt "libopenmpt >= 0.2.6557" libopenmpt/libopenmpt.h openmpt_module_create -lstdc++ && append libopenmpt_extralibs "-lstdc++"
enabled libopus && {
@ -6018,7 +6018,7 @@ enabled librsvg && require_pkg_config librsvg librsvg-2.0 librsvg-2.0/
enabled librtmp && require_pkg_config librtmp librtmp librtmp/rtmp.h RTMP_Socket
enabled librubberband && require_pkg_config librubberband "rubberband >= 1.8.1" rubberband/rubberband-c.h rubberband_new -lstdc++ && append librubberband_extralibs "-lstdc++"
enabled libshine && require_pkg_config libshine shine shine/layer3.h shine_encode_buffer
enabled libsmbclient && { use_pkg_config libsmbclient smbclient libsmbclient.h smbc_init ||
enabled libsmbclient && { check_pkg_config libsmbclient smbclient libsmbclient.h smbc_init ||
require libsmbclient libsmbclient.h smbc_init -lsmbclient; }
enabled libsnappy && require libsnappy snappy-c.h snappy_compress -lsnappy -lstdc++
enabled libsoxr && require libsoxr soxr.h soxr_create -lsoxr
@ -6038,21 +6038,21 @@ enabled libvorbis && require_pkg_config libvorbis vorbis vorbis/codec.h
enabled libvpx && {
enabled libvpx_vp8_decoder && {
use_pkg_config libvpx_vp8_decoder "vpx >= 0.9.1" "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" vpx_codec_vp8_dx ||
check_pkg_config libvpx_vp8_decoder "vpx >= 0.9.1" "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" vpx_codec_vp8_dx ||
check_lib libvpx_vp8_decoder "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" vpx_codec_dec_init_ver -lvpx ||
die "ERROR: libvpx decoder version must be >=0.9.1";
enabled libvpx_vp8_encoder && {
use_pkg_config libvpx_vp8_encoder "vpx >= 0.9.7" "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" vpx_codec_vp8_cx ||
check_pkg_config libvpx_vp8_encoder "vpx >= 0.9.7" "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" vpx_codec_vp8_cx ||
check_lib libvpx_vp8_encoder "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" "vpx_codec_enc_init_ver VP8E_SET_MAX_INTRA_BITRATE_PCT" -lvpx ||
die "ERROR: libvpx encoder version must be >=0.9.7";
enabled libvpx_vp9_decoder && {
use_pkg_config libvpx_vp9_decoder "vpx >= 1.3.0" "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" vpx_codec_vp9_dx ||
check_pkg_config libvpx_vp9_decoder "vpx >= 1.3.0" "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" vpx_codec_vp9_dx ||
check_lib libvpx_vp9_decoder "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" "vpx_codec_vp9_dx" -lvpx
enabled libvpx_vp9_encoder && {
use_pkg_config libvpx_vp9_encoder "vpx >= 1.3.0" "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" vpx_codec_vp9_cx ||
check_pkg_config libvpx_vp9_encoder "vpx >= 1.3.0" "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" vpx_codec_vp9_cx ||
check_lib libvpx_vp9_encoder "vpx/vpx_encoder.h vpx/vp8cx.h" "vpx_codec_vp9_cx VP9E_SET_AQ_MODE" -lvpx
if disabled_all libvpx_vp8_decoder libvpx_vp9_decoder libvpx_vp8_encoder libvpx_vp9_encoder; then
@ -6063,8 +6063,8 @@ enabled libvpx && {
enabled libwavpack && require libwavpack wavpack/wavpack.h WavpackOpenFileOutput -lwavpack
enabled libwebp && {
enabled libwebp_encoder && require_pkg_config libwebp "libwebp >= 0.2.0" webp/encode.h WebPGetEncoderVersion
enabled libwebp_anim_encoder && use_pkg_config libwebp_anim_encoder "libwebpmux >= 0.4.0" webp/mux.h WebPAnimEncoderOptionsInit; }
enabled libx264 && { use_pkg_config libx264 x264 "stdint.h x264.h" x264_encoder_encode ||
enabled libwebp_anim_encoder && check_pkg_config libwebp_anim_encoder "libwebpmux >= 0.4.0" webp/mux.h WebPAnimEncoderOptionsInit; }
enabled libx264 && { check_pkg_config libx264 x264 "stdint.h x264.h" x264_encoder_encode ||
{ require libx264 "stdint.h x264.h" x264_encoder_encode -lx264 &&
warn "using libx264 without pkg-config"; } } &&
require_cpp_condition x264.h "X264_BUILD >= 118" &&
@ -6109,8 +6109,8 @@ enabled omx && require_header OMX_Core.h
enabled omx_rpi && { check_header OMX_Core.h ||
{ ! enabled cross_compile && add_cflags -isystem/opt/vc/include/IL && check_header OMX_Core.h ; } ||
die "ERROR: OpenMAX IL headers not found"; } && enable omx
enabled openssl && { use_pkg_config openssl openssl openssl/ssl.h OPENSSL_init_ssl ||
use_pkg_config openssl openssl openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init ||
enabled openssl && { check_pkg_config openssl openssl openssl/ssl.h OPENSSL_init_ssl ||
check_pkg_config openssl openssl openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init ||
check_lib openssl openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init -lssl -lcrypto ||
check_lib openssl openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init -lssl32 -leay32 ||
check_lib openssl openssl/ssl.h SSL_library_init -lssl -lcrypto -lws2_32 -lgdi32 ||
@ -6138,7 +6138,7 @@ fi
if enabled sdl2; then
if check_pkg_config sdl2 "sdl2 >= 2.0.1 sdl2 < 2.1.0" SDL_events.h SDL_PollEvent; then
if test_pkg_config sdl2 "sdl2 >= 2.0.1 sdl2 < 2.1.0" SDL_events.h SDL_PollEvent; then
check_func SDL_Init $sdl2_extralibs $sdl2_cflags ||
disable sdl2
elif "${SDL2_CONFIG}" --version > /dev/null 2>&1; then
@ -6228,7 +6228,7 @@ EOF
check_header soundcard.h
enabled alsa && use_pkg_config alsa alsa "alsa/asoundlib.h" snd_pcm_htimestamp ||
enabled alsa && check_pkg_config alsa alsa "alsa/asoundlib.h" snd_pcm_htimestamp ||
check_lib alsa alsa/asoundlib.h snd_pcm_htimestamp -lasound
enabled libjack &&
@ -6237,20 +6237,20 @@ enabled libjack &&
enabled sndio && check_lib sndio sndio.h sio_open -lsndio
if enabled libcdio; then
use_pkg_config libcdio libcdio_paranoia "cdio/cdda.h cdio/paranoia.h" cdio_cddap_open ||
use_pkg_config libcdio libcdio_paranoia "cdio/paranoia/cdda.h cdio/paranoia/paranoia.h" cdio_cddap_open ||
check_pkg_config libcdio libcdio_paranoia "cdio/cdda.h cdio/paranoia.h" cdio_cddap_open ||
check_pkg_config libcdio libcdio_paranoia "cdio/paranoia/cdda.h cdio/paranoia/paranoia.h" cdio_cddap_open ||
check_lib libcdio "cdio/cdda.h cdio/paranoia.h" cdio_cddap_open -lcdio_paranoia -lcdio_cdda -lcdio ||
check_lib libcdio "cdio/paranoia/cdda.h cdio/paranoia/paranoia.h" cdio_cddap_open -lcdio_paranoia -lcdio_cdda -lcdio ||
die "ERROR: No usable libcdio/cdparanoia found"
enabled libxcb && use_pkg_config libxcb "xcb >= 1.4" xcb/xcb.h xcb_connect ||
enabled libxcb && check_pkg_config libxcb "xcb >= 1.4" xcb/xcb.h xcb_connect ||
disable libxcb_shm libxcb_shape libxcb_xfixes
if enabled libxcb; then
enabled libxcb_shm && use_pkg_config libxcb_shm xcb-shm xcb/shm.h xcb_shm_attach
enabled libxcb_shape && use_pkg_config libxcb_shape xcb-shape xcb/shape.h xcb_shape_get_rectangles
enabled libxcb_xfixes && use_pkg_config libxcb_xfixes xcb-xfixes xcb/xfixes.h xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image
enabled libxcb_shm && check_pkg_config libxcb_shm xcb-shm xcb/shm.h xcb_shm_attach
enabled libxcb_shape && check_pkg_config libxcb_shape xcb-shape xcb/shape.h xcb_shape_get_rectangles
enabled libxcb_xfixes && check_pkg_config libxcb_xfixes xcb-xfixes xcb/xfixes.h xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image
check_func_headers "windows.h" CreateDIBSection "$gdigrab_indev_extralibs"