fftools/ffplay: fix YUV conversion mode

GL and Metal cache the state at time of texture creation. GLES2 and
Direct3D 11 use the state at time of the render copy call.

So the only way we can get the correct behavior consistently is by
making sure the state is set for both the upload *and* the draw call.
This probably isn't our bug to fix (upstream should make itself behave
consistently and also document its functions), but as it stands,
`ffplay` is misrendering BT.709 as BT.601 on my stock Linux system, and
that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Signed-off-by: Niklas Haas <git@haasn.dev>
This commit is contained in:
Niklas Haas 2022-06-21 21:39:25 +02:00
parent 49027e7612
commit a526f0cc3a

View File

@ -1011,15 +1011,17 @@ static void video_image_display(VideoState *is)
calculate_display_rect(&rect, is->xleft, is->ytop, is->width, is->height, vp->width, vp->height, vp->sar);
if (!vp->uploaded) {
if (upload_texture(&is->vid_texture, vp->frame, &is->img_convert_ctx) < 0)
if (upload_texture(&is->vid_texture, vp->frame, &is->img_convert_ctx) < 0) {
vp->uploaded = 1;
vp->flip_v = vp->frame->linesize[0] < 0;
SDL_RenderCopyEx(renderer, is->vid_texture, NULL, &rect, 0, NULL, vp->flip_v ? SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL : 0);
if (sp) {