Define PODPAGES in Makefile, and make them depend on


Fix pod files updating when fftools-common-opts.texi is changed.

Originally committed as revision 25928 to svn://
This commit is contained in:
Stefano Sabatini 2010-12-11 12:00:41 +00:00
parent 5d7870dc76
commit fe858d7bd1

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ PROGS := $(addsuffix $(EXESUF), $(PROGS-yes))
PROGS_G = $(addsuffix _g$(EXESUF), $(PROGS-yes))
OBJS = $(addsuffix .o, $(PROGS-yes)) cmdutils.o
MANPAGES = $(addprefix doc/, $(addsuffix .1, $(PROGS-yes)))
PODPAGES = $(addprefix doc/, $(addsuffix .pod, $(PROGS-yes)))
HTMLPAGES = $(addprefix doc/, $(addsuffix -doc.html, $(PROGS-yes)))
TOOLS = $(addprefix tools/, $(addsuffix $(EXESUF), cws2fws pktdumper probetest qt-faststart trasher))
HOSTPROGS = $(addprefix tests/, audiogen videogen rotozoom tiny_psnr base64)
@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ alltools: $(TOOLS)
documentation: $(addprefix doc/, developer.html faq.html general.html libavfilter.html \
$(HTMLPAGES) $(MANPAGES): doc/fftools-common-opts.texi
$(HTMLPAGES) $(PODPAGES): doc/fftools-common-opts.texi
doc/ffmpeg.pod doc/ffmpeg-doc.html: doc/bitstream_filters.texi doc/eval.texi doc/indevs.texi doc/filters.texi doc/outdevs.texi doc/protocols.texi
doc/ffplay.pod doc/ffplay-doc.html: doc/eval.texi doc/indevs.texi doc/filters.texi doc/outdevs.texi doc/protocols.texi