Current code may, depending on the muxer, decide to use VSYNC_VFR tagged with the specified framerate, without actually performing framerate conversion. This is clearly wrong and against the documentation, which states unambiguously that -r should produce CFR output for video encoding. FATE test changes: * nuv-rtjpeg: replace -r with '-enc_time_base -1', which keeps the original timebase. Output frames are now produced with proper durations. * filter-mpdecimate: just drop the -r option, it is unnecessary * filter-fps-r: remove, this test makes no sense and actually produces broken VFR output (with incorrect frame durations).
14 lines
556 B
14 lines
556 B
#tb 0: 1/1000
#media_type 0: video
#codec_id 0: rawvideo
#dimensions 0: 640x480
#sar 0: 1/1
0, 118, 118, 33, 460800, 0x54aedafe
0, 152, 152, 33, 460800, 0xb7aa8b56
0, 177, 177, 33, 460800, 0x283ea3b5
0, 202, 202, 33, 460800, 0x283ea3b5
0, 235, 235, 33, 460800, 0x10e577de
0, 269, 269, 33, 460800, 0x4e091ee2
0, 302, 302, 33, 460800, 0x2ea88828
0, 335, 335, 33, 460800, 0x4b7f4df0