nip29 event kinds.

This commit is contained in:
fiatjaf 2023-06-26 21:02:14 -03:00
parent 21c6f34b51
commit f06dd6b6fb
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 338 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -59,8 +59,9 @@ const (
KindArticle int = 30023
KindApplicationSpecificData int = 30078
KindSimpleChatMetadata int = 39000
KindSimpleChatPermissions int = 39001
KindSimpleChatSubGroups int = 39002
KindSimpleChatMembers int = 39001
KindSimpleChatRoles int = 39002
KindSimpleChatSubGroups int = 39003
// Event Stringer interface, just returns the raw JSON as a string

nson/nson.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
package benchmarks
import (
nson size
kind chars
content chars
number of tags (let's say it's two)
number of items on the first tag (let's say it's three)
number of chars on the first item
number of chars on the second item
number of chars on the third item
number of items on the second tag (let's say it's two)
number of chars on the first item
number of chars on the second item
func decodeNson(data string) (evt *nostr.Event, err error) {
// defer func() {
// if r := recover(); r != nil {
// err = fmt.Errorf("failed to decode nson: %v", r)
// }
// }()
// check if it's nson
if data[311:315] != "nson" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not nson")
// nson values
nsonSizeBytes, _ := hex.DecodeString(data[318 : 318+2])
nsonSize := int(nsonSizeBytes[0]) * 2 // number of bytes is given, we x2 because the string is in hex
nsonDescriptors, _ := hex.DecodeString(data[320 : 320+nsonSize])
evt = &nostr.Event{}
// static fields
evt.ID = data[7 : 7+64]
evt.PubKey = data[83 : 83+64]
evt.Sig = data[156 : 156+128]
ts, _ := strconv.ParseInt(data[299:299+10], 10, 64)
evt.CreatedAt = nostr.Timestamp(ts)
// dynamic fields
// kind
kindChars := int(nsonDescriptors[0])
kindStart := 320 + nsonSize + 9 // len(`","kind":`)
evt.Kind, _ = strconv.Atoi(data[kindStart : kindStart+kindChars])
// content
contentChars := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(nsonDescriptors[1:3]))
contentStart := kindStart + kindChars + 12 // len(`,"content":"`)
evt.Content, _ = strconv.Unquote(data[contentStart-1 : contentStart+contentChars+1])
// tags
nTags := int(nsonDescriptors[3])
evt.Tags = make(nostr.Tags, nTags)
tagsStart := contentStart + contentChars + 9 // len(`","tags":`)
nsonIndex := 3
tagsIndex := tagsStart
for t := 0; t < nTags; t++ {
tagsIndex += 1 // len(`[`) or len(`,`)
nItems := int(nsonDescriptors[nsonIndex])
tag := make(nostr.Tag, nItems)
for n := 0; n < nItems; n++ {
itemStart := tagsIndex + 2 // len(`["`) or len(`,"`)
itemChars := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(nsonDescriptors[nsonIndex:]))
tag[n], _ = strconv.Unquote(data[itemStart-1 : itemStart+itemChars+1])
tagsIndex = itemStart + itemChars + 1 // len(`"`)
tagsIndex += 1 // len(`]`)
evt.Tags[t] = tag
return evt, err
func encodeNson(evt *nostr.Event) (string, error) {
// start building the nson descriptors (without the first byte that represents the nson size)
nsonBuf := make([]byte, 256)
// build the tags
nTags := len(evt.Tags)
nsonBuf[3] = uint8(nTags)
nsonIndex := 3 // start here
tagBuilder := strings.Builder{}
tagBuilder.Grow(1000) // a guess
for t, tag := range evt.Tags {
nItems := len(tag)
nsonBuf[nsonIndex] = uint8(nItems)
for i, item := range tag {
v := strconv.Quote(item)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(nsonBuf[nsonIndex:], uint16(len(v)-2))
if nItems > i+1 {
if nTags > t+1 {
nsonBuf = nsonBuf[0 : nsonIndex+1]
kind := strconv.Itoa(evt.Kind)
kindChars := len(kind)
nsonBuf[0] = uint8(kindChars)
content := strconv.Quote(evt.Content)
contentChars := len(content) - 2
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(nsonBuf[1:3], uint16(contentChars))
// actually build the json
base := strings.Builder{}
base.Grow(320 + // everything up to "nson":
2 + len(nsonBuf)*2 + // nson
9 + kindChars + // kind and its label
12 + contentChars + // content and its label
9 + tagBuilder.Len() + // tags and its label
2, // the end
base.WriteString(`{"id":"` + evt.ID + `","pubkey":"` + evt.PubKey + `","sig":"` + evt.Sig + `","created_at":` + strconv.FormatInt(int64(evt.CreatedAt), 10) + `,"nson":"`)
nsonSizeBytes := len(nsonBuf)
if nsonSizeBytes > 255 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("can't encode to nson, there are too many tags or tag items")
base.WriteString(hex.EncodeToString([]byte{uint8(nsonSizeBytes)})) // nson size (bytes)
base.WriteString(hex.EncodeToString(nsonBuf)) // nson descriptors
base.WriteString(`","kind":` + kind + `,"content":` + content + `,"tags":`)
base.WriteString(tagBuilder.String() /* includes the end */)
return base.String(), nil
// partial getters
func nsonGetID(data string) string { return data[7 : 7+64] }
func nsonGetPubkey(data string) string { return data[83 : 83+64] }
func nsonGetSig(data string) string { return data[156 : 156+128] }
func nsonGetCreatedAt(data string) nostr.Timestamp {
ts, _ := strconv.ParseInt(data[299:299+10], 10, 64)
return nostr.Timestamp(ts)
func nsonGetKind(data string) int {
nsonSizeBytes, _ := hex.DecodeString(data[318 : 318+2])
nsonSize := int(nsonSizeBytes[0])
nsonDescriptors, _ := hex.DecodeString(data[320 : 320+nsonSize])
kindChars := int(nsonDescriptors[0])
kindStart := 320 + nsonSize + 9 // len(`","kind":`)
kind, _ := strconv.Atoi(data[kindStart : kindStart+kindChars])
return kind
func nsonGetContent(data string) string {
nsonSizeBytes, _ := hex.DecodeString(data[318 : 318+2])
nsonSize := int(nsonSizeBytes[0])
nsonDescriptors, _ := hex.DecodeString(data[320 : 320+nsonSize])
kindChars := int(nsonDescriptors[0])
kindStart := 320 + nsonSize + 9 // len(`","kind":`)
contentChars := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(nsonDescriptors[1:3]))
contentStart := kindStart + kindChars + 12 // len(`,"content":"`)
content, _ := strconv.Unquote(`"` + data[contentStart:contentStart+contentChars] + `"`)
return content

nson/nson_test.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
package benchmarks
import (
var nsonTestEvents = []string{
`{"id":"ae1fc7154296569d87ca4663f6bdf448c217d1590d28c85d158557b8b43b4d69","pubkey":"79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798","sig":"94e10947814b1ebe38af42300ecd90c7642763896c4f69506ae97bfdf54eec3c0c21df96b7d95daa74ff3d414b1d758ee95fc258125deebc31df0c6ba9396a51","created_at":1683660344,"nson":"1405000b0203000100400005040001004000000014","kind":30023,"content":"hello hello","tags":[["e","b6de44a9dd47d1c000f795ea0453046914f44ba7d5e369608b04867a575ea83e","reply"],["p","c26f7b252cea77a5b94f42b1a4771021be07d4df766407e47738605f7e3ab774","","wss://"]]}`,
`{"id":"a235323ad6ae7032667330c4d52def2d6be67a973d71f2f1784b2b5b01d57026","pubkey":"69aeace80672c08ef7729a03e597ed4e9dd5ddaa7c457349d55d12c043e8a7ab","sig":"7e5fedc3c1c16abb95d207b73a689b5f17ab039cffd0b6bea62dcbfb607a27d38c830542df5ce762685a0da4e8edd28beab0c9a8f47e3037ff6e676ea6297bfa","created_at":1680277541,"nson":"0401049600","kind":1,"content":"Hello #Plebstrs 🤙\n\nExcited to share with you the latest improvements we've designed to enhance your user experience when creating new posts on #Plebstr.\n\nMain UX improvements include:\n— The ability to mention anyone directly in your new post 🔍\n— Real-time previews of all attachments while creating your post \U0001fa7b\n— Minimizing the new post window to enable #multitasking and easy access to your draft 📝\n\nThis is the first design mockup and we can't wait to bring it to you in an upcoming updates. Our amazing developers are currently working on it, together with other small improvements. Stay tuned! 🚀👨\u200d💻\n\n*Some details may change so keep your fingers crossed 😄🤞\n\n#comingsoon #maybe #insomeshapeorform\n\n\n\n\n","tags":[]}}`,
func TestBasicNsonParse(t *testing.T) {
for _, jevt := range nsonTestEvents {
evt, _ := decodeNson(jevt)
checkParsedCorrectly(t, evt, jevt)
func TestNsonPartialGet(t *testing.T) {
for _, jevt := range nsonTestEvents {
evt, _ := decodeNson(jevt)
if id := nsonGetID(jevt); id != evt.ID {
t.Error("partial id wrong")
if pubkey := nsonGetPubkey(jevt); pubkey != evt.PubKey {
t.Error("partial pubkey wrong")
if sig := nsonGetSig(jevt); sig != evt.Sig {
t.Error("partial sig wrong")
if createdAt := nsonGetCreatedAt(jevt); createdAt != evt.CreatedAt {
t.Error("partial created_at wrong")
if kind := nsonGetKind(jevt); kind != evt.Kind {
t.Error("partial kind wrong")
if content := nsonGetContent(jevt); content != evt.Content {
t.Error("partial content wrong")
func TestEncodeNson(t *testing.T) {
jevt := `{
"content": "hello world",
"created_at": 1683762317,
"id": "57ff66490a6a2af3992accc26ae95f3f60c6e5f84ed0ddf6f59c534d3920d3d2",
"kind": 1,
"pubkey": "79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798",
"sig": "504d142aed7fa7e0f6dab5bcd7eed63963b0277a8e11bbcb03b94531beb4b95a12f1438668b02746bd5362161bc782068e6b71494060975414e793f9e19f57ea",
"tags": [
evt := &nostr.Event{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(jevt), evt)
nevt, _ := encodeNson(evt)
func checkParsedCorrectly(t *testing.T, evt *nostr.Event, jevt string) (isBad bool) {
var canonical nostr.Event
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jevt), &canonical)
if evt.ID != canonical.ID {
t.Errorf("id is wrong: %s != %s", evt.ID, canonical.ID)
isBad = true
if evt.PubKey != canonical.PubKey {
t.Errorf("pubkey is wrong: %s != %s", evt.PubKey, canonical.PubKey)
isBad = true
if evt.Sig != canonical.Sig {
t.Errorf("sig is wrong: %s != %s", evt.Sig, canonical.Sig)
isBad = true
if evt.Content != canonical.Content {
t.Errorf("content is wrong: %s != %s", evt.Content, canonical.Content)
isBad = true
if evt.Kind != canonical.Kind {
t.Errorf("kind is wrong: %d != %d", evt.Kind, canonical.Kind)
isBad = true
if evt.CreatedAt != nostr.Timestamp(canonical.CreatedAt) {
t.Errorf("created_at is wrong: %v != %v", evt.CreatedAt, canonical.CreatedAt)
isBad = true
if len(evt.Tags) != len(canonical.Tags) {
t.Errorf("tag number is wrong: %v != %v", len(evt.Tags), len(canonical.Tags))
isBad = true
for i := range evt.Tags {
if len(evt.Tags[i]) != len(canonical.Tags[i]) {
t.Errorf("tag[%d] length is wrong: `%v` != `%v`", i, len(evt.Tags[i]), len(canonical.Tags[i]))
isBad = true
for j := range evt.Tags[i] {
if evt.Tags[i][j] != canonical.Tags[i][j] {
t.Errorf("tag[%d][%d] is wrong: `%s` != `%s`", i, j, evt.Tags[i][j], canonical.Tags[i][j])
isBad = true
return isBad

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ type Relay struct {
challenges chan string // NIP-42 challenges
notices chan string // NIP-01 NOTICEs
okCallbacks *xsync.MapOf[string, func(bool, string)]
okCallbacks *xsync.MapOf[string, func(bool, *string)]
writeQueue chan writeRequest
subscriptionChannelCloseQueue chan *Subscription
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func NewRelay(ctx context.Context, url string, opts ...RelayOption) *Relay {
connectionContext: ctx,
connectionContextCancel: cancel,
Subscriptions: xsync.NewMapOf[*Subscription](),
okCallbacks: xsync.NewMapOf[func(bool, string)](),
okCallbacks: xsync.NewMapOf[func(bool, *string)](),
writeQueue: make(chan writeRequest),
subscriptionChannelCloseQueue: make(chan *Subscription),
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ func (r *Relay) Connect(ctx context.Context) error {
case *OKEnvelope:
if okCallback, exist := r.okCallbacks.Load(env.EventID); exist {
okCallback(env.OK, *env.Reason)
okCallback(env.OK, env.Reason)
@ -339,14 +339,18 @@ func (r *Relay) Publish(ctx context.Context, event Event) (Status, error) {
defer cancel()
// listen for an OK callback
okCallback := func(ok bool, msg string) {
okCallback := func(ok bool, msg *string) {
defer mu.Unlock()
if ok {
status = PublishStatusSucceeded
} else {
status = PublishStatusFailed
err = fmt.Errorf("msg: %s", msg)
reason := ""
if msg != nil {
reason = *msg
err = fmt.Errorf("msg: %s", reason)
@ -399,13 +403,17 @@ func (r *Relay) Auth(ctx context.Context, event Event) (Status, error) {
defer cancel()
// listen for an OK callback
okCallback := func(ok bool, msg string) {
okCallback := func(ok bool, msg *string) {
if ok {
status = PublishStatusSucceeded
} else {
status = PublishStatusFailed
err = fmt.Errorf("msg: %s", msg)
reason := ""
if msg != nil {
reason = *msg
err = fmt.Errorf("msg: %s", reason)