mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 17:51:53 +01:00
chore: outline some buttons
This commit is contained in:
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
placeholder="LNbits invoice"></q-input>
<div v-if="receive.status == 'pending'" class="row justify-between">
<div v-if="receive.status == 'pending'" class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn unelevated
:disable="receive.data.amount == null || receive.data.amount <= 0"
@ -172,9 +172,9 @@
<div class="row justify-between">
<div class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn flat color="grey" @click="copyText(receive.paymentReq)">Copy invoice</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey">Close</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Close</q-btn>
@ -184,17 +184,16 @@
<div v-if="!send.invoice">
<q-form v-if="!sendCamera.show" class="q-gutter-md">
<q-input filled dense
label="Paste an invoice *"
<template v-slot:after>
<q-btn round dense flat icon="photo_camera" @click="showCamera">
<q-tooltip>Use camera to scan an invoice</q-tooltip>
<div class="row justify-between">
label="Paste an invoice *">
<template v-slot:after>
<q-btn round dense flat icon="photo_camera" @click="showCamera">
<q-tooltip>Use camera to scan an invoice</q-tooltip>
<div class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn unelevated
:disable="send.data.bolt11 == ''"
@ -206,7 +205,7 @@
<q-responsive :ratio="1">
<qrcode-stream @decode="decodeQR" class="rounded-borders"></qrcode-stream>
<div class="row justify-between q-mt-md">
<div class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn @click="closeCamera" flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
@ -221,15 +220,15 @@
<strong>Hash:</strong> {{ send.invoice.hash }}
{% endraw %}
<div v-if="canPay" class="row justify-between">
<div v-if="canPay" class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn unelevated
@click="payInvoice">Send satoshis</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
<div v-else class="row justify-between">
<div class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn unelevated disabled color="yellow" text-color="black">Not enough funds!</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey">Cancel</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
@ -236,18 +236,20 @@
<q-btn v-if="productDialog.data.id" unelevated color="deep-purple"
<div class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn v-if="productDialog.data.id" unelevated color="deep-purple"
type="submit">Update Product</q-btn>
<q-btn v-else unelevated
:disable="productDialog.data.image == null
|| productDialog.data.product == null
|| productDialog.data.description == null
|| productDialog.data.quantity == null"
type="submit">Create Product</q-btn>
<q-btn v-else unelevated
:disable="productDialog.data.image == null
|| productDialog.data.product == null
|| productDialog.data.description == null
|| productDialog.data.quantity == null"
type="submit">Create Product</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
@ -267,7 +269,7 @@
label="Shop link (LNbits will point to)"></q-input>
filled dense
@ -279,7 +281,7 @@
label="Zone 1 Cost"></q-input>
filled dense
@ -293,23 +295,24 @@
<q-input filled dense
label="Email to share with customers"></q-input>
<q-btn v-if="indexerDialog.data.id" unelevated color="deep-purple"
<div class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn v-if="indexerDialog.data.id" unelevated color="deep-purple"
type="submit">Update Indexer</q-btn>
<q-btn v-else unelevated
:disable="indexerDialog.data.shopname == null
:disable="indexerDialog.data.shopname == null
|| indexerDialog.data.shippingzone1 == null
|| indexerDialog.data.indexeraddress == null
|| indexerDialog.data.zone1cost == null
|| indexerDialog.data.shippingzone2 == null
|| indexerDialog.data.zone2cost == null
|| indexerDialog.data.email == null"
|| indexerDialog.data.email == null"
type="submit">Create Indexer</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
@ -96,11 +96,13 @@
placeholder="LNbits invoice"></q-input>
<q-btn unelevated
:disable="paywallDialog.data.amount == null || paywallDialog.data.amount < 0 || paywallDialog.data.url == null"
@click="createPaywall">Create paywall</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
<div class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn unelevated
:disable="paywallDialog.data.amount == null || paywallDialog.data.amount < 0 || paywallDialog.data.url == null"
@click="createPaywall">Create paywall</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
@ -106,11 +106,13 @@
emit-value v-model="formDialog.data.currency"
label="Currency *"></q-select>
<q-btn unelevated
:disable="formDialog.data.currency == null || formDialog.data.name == null"
@click="createTPoS">Create TPoS</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
<div class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn unelevated
:disable="formDialog.data.currency == null || formDialog.data.name == null"
@click="createTPoS">Create TPoS</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
@ -134,12 +136,85 @@
return {
tposs: [],
currencyOptions: [
'USD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'DZD', 'ARP', 'AUD', 'ATS', 'BSD', 'BBD', 'BEF', 'BMD', 'BRL', 'BGL', 'CAD', 'CLP',
'CNY', 'CYP', 'CSK', 'DKK', 'NLG', 'XCD', 'EGP', 'FJD', 'FIM', 'FRF', 'DEM', 'XAU', 'GRD', 'HKD', 'HUF',
'ISK', 'INR', 'IDR', 'IEP', 'ILS', 'ITL', 'JMD', 'JPY', 'JOD', 'KRW', 'LBP', 'LUF', 'MYR', 'MXP', 'NLG',
'NZD', 'NOK', 'PKR', 'XPD', 'PHP', 'XPT', 'PLZ', 'PTE', 'ROL', 'RUR', 'SAR', 'XAG', 'SGD', 'SKK', 'ZAR',
'KRW', 'ESP', 'XDR', 'SDD', 'SEK', 'CHF', 'TWD', 'THB', 'TTD', 'TRL', 'VEB', 'ZMK', 'EUR', 'XCD', 'XDR',
'XAG', 'XAU', 'XPD', 'XPT'
{value: 'USD', label: 'USD - United States Dollars'},
{value: 'EUR', label: 'EUR - Euro'},
{value: 'GBP', label: 'GBP - United Kingdom Pounds'},
{value: 'DZD', label: 'DZD - Algeria Dinars'},
{value: 'ARP', label: 'ARP - Argentina Pesos'},
{value: 'AUD', label: 'AUD - Australia Dollars'},
{value: 'ATS', label: 'ATS - Austria Schillings'},
{value: 'BSD', label: 'BSD - Bahamas Dollars'},
{value: 'BBD', label: 'BBD - Barbados Dollars'},
{value: 'BEF', label: 'BEF - Belgium Francs'},
{value: 'BMD', label: 'BMD - Bermuda Dollars'},
{value: 'BRL', label: 'BRL - Brazil Real'},
{value: 'BGL', label: 'BGL - Bulgaria Lev'},
{value: 'CAD', label: 'CAD - Canada Dollars'},
{value: 'CLP', label: 'CLP - Chile Pesos'},
{value: 'CNY', label: 'CNY - China Yuan Renmimbi'},
{value: 'CYP', label: 'CYP - Cyprus Pounds'},
{value: 'CSK', label: 'CSK - Czech Republic Koruna'},
{value: 'DKK', label: 'DKK - Denmark Kroner'},
{value: 'NLG', label: 'NLG - Dutch Guilders'},
{value: 'XCD', label: 'XCD - Eastern Caribbean Dollars'},
{value: 'EGP', label: 'EGP - Egypt Pounds'},
{value: 'FJD', label: 'FJD - Fiji Dollars'},
{value: 'FIM', label: 'FIM - Finland Markka'},
{value: 'FRF', label: 'FRF - France Francs'},
{value: 'DEM', label: 'DEM - Germany Deutsche Marks'},
{value: 'XAU', label: 'XAU - Gold Ounces'},
{value: 'GRD', label: 'GRD - Greece Drachmas'},
{value: 'HKD', label: 'HKD - Hong Kong Dollars'},
{value: 'HUF', label: 'HUF - Hungary Forint'},
{value: 'ISK', label: 'ISK - Iceland Krona'},
{value: 'INR', label: 'INR - India Rupees'},
{value: 'IDR', label: 'IDR - Indonesia Rupiah'},
{value: 'IEP', label: 'IEP - Ireland Punt'},
{value: 'ILS', label: 'ILS - Israel New Shekels'},
{value: 'ITL', label: 'ITL - Italy Lira'},
{value: 'JMD', label: 'JMD - Jamaica Dollars'},
{value: 'JPY', label: 'JPY - Japan Yen'},
{value: 'JOD', label: 'JOD - Jordan Dinar'},
{value: 'KRW', label: 'KRW - Korea (South) Won'},
{value: 'LBP', label: 'LBP - Lebanon Pounds'},
{value: 'LUF', label: 'LUF - Luxembourg Francs'},
{value: 'MYR', label: 'MYR - Malaysia Ringgit'},
{value: 'MXP', label: 'MXP - Mexico Pesos'},
{value: 'NLG', label: 'NLG - Netherlands Guilders'},
{value: 'NZD', label: 'NZD - New Zealand Dollars'},
{value: 'NOK', label: 'NOK - Norway Kroner'},
{value: 'PKR', label: 'PKR - Pakistan Rupees'},
{value: 'XPD', label: 'XPD - Palladium Ounces'},
{value: 'PHP', label: 'PHP - Philippines Pesos'},
{value: 'XPT', label: 'XPT - Platinum Ounces'},
{value: 'PLZ', label: 'PLZ - Poland Zloty'},
{value: 'PTE', label: 'PTE - Portugal Escudo'},
{value: 'ROL', label: 'ROL - Romania Leu'},
{value: 'RUR', label: 'RUR - Russia Rubles'},
{value: 'SAR', label: 'SAR - Saudi Arabia Riyal'},
{value: 'XAG', label: 'XAG - Silver Ounces'},
{value: 'SGD', label: 'SGD - Singapore Dollars'},
{value: 'SKK', label: 'SKK - Slovakia Koruna'},
{value: 'ZAR', label: 'ZAR - South Africa Rand'},
{value: 'KRW', label: 'KRW - South Korea Won'},
{value: 'ESP', label: 'ESP - Spain Pesetas'},
{value: 'XDR', label: 'XDR - Special Drawing Right (IMF)'},
{value: 'SDD', label: 'SDD - Sudan Dinar'},
{value: 'SEK', label: 'SEK - Sweden Krona'},
{value: 'CHF', label: 'CHF - Switzerland Francs'},
{value: 'TWD', label: 'TWD - Taiwan Dollars'},
{value: 'THB', label: 'THB - Thailand Baht'},
{value: 'TTD', label: 'TTD - Trinidad and Tobago Dollars'},
{value: 'TRL', label: 'TRL - Turkey Lira'},
{value: 'VEB', label: 'VEB - Venezuela Bolivar'},
{value: 'ZMK', label: 'ZMK - Zambia Kwacha'},
{value: 'EUR', label: 'EUR - Euro'},
{value: 'XCD', label: 'XCD - Eastern Caribbean Dollars'},
{value: 'XDR', label: 'XDR - Special Drawing Right (IMF)'},
{value: 'XAG', label: 'XAG - Silver Ounces'},
{value: 'XAU', label: 'XAU - Gold Ounces'},
{value: 'XPD', label: 'XPD - Palladium Ounces'},
{value: 'XPT', label: 'XPT - Platinum Ounces'}
tpossTable: {
columns: [
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
{% raw %}{{ fsat }}{% endraw %} <small>sat</small>
<div class="row q-mt-md">
<div class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Close</q-btn>
@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
<div class="text-center q-mb-xl">
<p style="word-break: break-all"><strong>{{ tpos.name }}</strong><br>{{ request.url }}</p>
<div class="row q-mt-md">
<q-btn flat color="grey" @click="copyText('{{ request.url }}', 'TPoS URL copied to clipboard!')" >Copy URL</q-btn>
<div class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn outline color="grey" @click="copyText('{{ request.url }}', 'TPoS URL copied to clipboard!')">Copy URL</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Close</q-btn>
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
<div class="row justify-between">
<q-btn flat color="grey" @click="copyText('{{ link.lnurl }}')">Copy LNURL</q-btn>
<div class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn outline color="grey" @click="copyText('{{ link.lnurl }}')">Copy LNURL</q-btn>
@ -138,22 +138,24 @@
<q-btn v-if="formDialog.data.id" unelevated color="deep-purple" type="submit">Update withdraw link</q-btn>
<q-btn v-else unelevated
formDialog.data.wallet == null ||
formDialog.data.title == null ||
(formDialog.data.min_withdrawable == null || formDialog.data.min_withdrawable < 1) ||
formDialog.data.max_withdrawable == null ||
formDialog.data.max_withdrawable < 1 ||
formDialog.data.max_withdrawable < formDialog.data.min_withdrawable
) ||
formDialog.data.uses == null ||
formDialog.data.wait_time == null"
type="submit">Create withdraw link</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
<div class="row q-mt-lg">
<q-btn v-if="formDialog.data.id" unelevated color="deep-purple" type="submit">Update withdraw link</q-btn>
<q-btn v-else unelevated
formDialog.data.wallet == null ||
formDialog.data.title == null ||
(formDialog.data.min_withdrawable == null || formDialog.data.min_withdrawable < 1) ||
formDialog.data.max_withdrawable == null ||
formDialog.data.max_withdrawable < 1 ||
formDialog.data.max_withdrawable < formDialog.data.min_withdrawable
) ||
formDialog.data.uses == null ||
formDialog.data.wait_time == null"
type="submit">Create withdraw link</q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Cancel</q-btn>
@ -172,9 +174,10 @@
<strong>Withdraws:</strong> {{ qrCodeDialog.data.used }} / {{ qrCodeDialog.data.uses }} <q-linear-progress :value="qrCodeDialog.data.used / qrCodeDialog.data.uses" color="deep-purple" class="q-mt-sm"></q-linear-progress>
{% endraw %}
<div class="row q-mt-md">
<q-btn flat color="grey" @click="copyText(qrCodeDialog.data.withdraw_url)">Copy link</q-btn>
<q-btn v-if="!qrCodeDialog.data.is_unique" flat color="grey" type="a" :href="qrCodeDialog.data.print_url" target="_blank">Print QR codes</q-btn>
<div class="row q-mt-lg q-gutter-sm">
<q-btn outline color="grey" @click="copyText(qrCodeDialog.data.lnurl, 'LNURL copied to clipboard!')" class="q-ml-sm">Copy LNURL</q-btn>
<q-btn outline color="grey" @click="copyText(qrCodeDialog.data.withdraw_url, 'Link copied to clipboard!')">Shareable link</q-btn>
<q-btn v-if="!qrCodeDialog.data.is_unique" outline color="grey" icon="print" type="a" :href="qrCodeDialog.data.print_url" target="_blank"></q-btn>
<q-btn v-close-popup flat color="grey" class="q-ml-auto">Close</q-btn>
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ var LNbits = {
obj.walletOptions = obj.wallets.map(function (obj) {
return {
label: [obj.name, ' (', obj.id , ')'].join(''),
label: [obj.name, ' - ', obj.id].join(''),
value: obj.id
Reference in New Issue
Block a user