mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 10:13:00 +01:00
* add latest bolt11 lib decode exception handling for create_payment fix json response for decode bugfix hexing description hash improvement on bolt11 lib update to bolt11 2.0.1 fix clnrest * bolt 2.0.4 * refactor core/crud.py * catch bolt11 erxception clnrest
176 lines
3.3 KiB
176 lines
3.3 KiB
name = "lnbits"
version = "0.11.0"
description = "LNbits, free and open-source Lightning wallet and accounts system."
authors = ["Alan Bits <alan@lnbits.com>"]
python = "^3.10 | ^3.9"
bech32 = "1.2.0"
click = "8.1.7"
ecdsa = "0.18.0"
embit = "0.7.0"
fastapi = "0.103.1"
httpx = "0.25.0"
jinja2 = "3.0.1"
lnurl = "0.3.6"
psycopg2-binary = "2.9.7"
pydantic = "1.10.9"
pyqrcode = "1.2.1"
shortuuid = "1.0.11"
sqlalchemy = "1.3.24"
sqlalchemy-aio = "0.17.0"
sse-starlette = "1.6.5"
typing-extensions = "4.8.0"
uvicorn = "0.23.2"
uvloop = "0.17.0"
websockets = "11.0.3"
loguru = "0.7.2"
grpcio = "1.58.0"
protobuf = "4.24.3"
Cerberus = "1.3.4"
async-timeout = "4.0.3"
pyln-client = "23.8"
pywebpush = "1.14.0"
slowapi = "0.1.8"
python-dotenv = "1.0.0"
websocket-client = "1.6.3"
secp256k1 = "0.14.0"
pycryptodomex = "3.19.0"
packaging = "23.1"
bolt11 = "^2.0.5"
black = "^23.7.0"
pytest-asyncio = "^0.21.0"
pytest = "^7.3.2"
pytest-cov = "^4.1.0"
mypy = "^1.5.1"
types-protobuf = "^"
pre-commit = "^3.2.2"
openapi-spec-validator = "^0.6.0"
ruff = "^0.0.291"
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
lnbits = "lnbits.server:main"
lnbits-cli = "lnbits.commands:main"
include = [
exclude = [
files = "lnbits"
exclude = [
module = [
ignore_missing_imports = "True"
log_cli = false
addopts = "--durations=1 -s --cov=lnbits --cov-report=xml"
testpaths = [
line-length = 88
# use upcoming new features
# preview = true
extend-exclude = """(
| lnbits/extensions
| lnbits/upgrades
| lnbits/wallets/lnd_grpc_files
# Same as Black. + 10% rule of black
line-length = 88
# Enable pycodestyle (`E`) and Pyflakes (`F`) codes by default.
# (`I`) is for `isort`.
select = ["E", "F", "I"]
ignore = []
# Allow autofix for all enabled rules (when `--fix`) is provided.
fixable = ["ALL"]
unfixable = []
# Exclude a variety of commonly ignored directories.
exclude = [
# Allow unused variables when underscore-prefixed.
dummy-variable-rgx = "^(_+|(_+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?))$"
# Assume Python
# target-version = "py39"
# Ignore unused imports in __init__.py files.
"__init__.py" = ["F401", "F403"]
# Unlike Flake8, default to a complexity level of 10.
max-complexity = 10