Vlad Stan c9093715b7
[FEAT] Auth, Login, OAuth, create account with username and password ()
no more superuser url!
delete cookie on logout
add usr login feature
fix node management
* Cleaned up login form
* CreateUser
* information leak
* cleaner parsing usr from url
* rename decorators
* login secret
* fix: add back `superuser` command
* chore: remove `fastapi_login`
* fix: extract `token` from cookie
* chore: prepare to extract user
* feat: check user
* chore: code clean-up
* feat: happy flow working
* fix: usr only login
* fix: user already logged in
* feat: check user in URL
* fix: verify password at DB level
* fix: do not show `Login` controls if user already logged in
* fix: separate login endpoints
* fix: remove `usr` param
* chore: update error message
* refactor: register method
* feat: logout
* chore: move comments
* fix: remove user auth check from API
* fix: user check unnecessary
* fix: redirect after logout
* chore: remove garbage files
* refactor: simplify constructor call
* fix: hide user icon if not authorized
* refactor: rename auth env vars
* chore: code clean-up
* fix: add types for `python-jose`
* fix: add types for `passlib`
* fix: return type
* feat: set default value for `auth_secret_key` to hash of super user
* fix: default value
* feat: rework login page
* feat: ui polishing
* feat: google auth
* feat: add google auth
* chore: remove `authlib` dependency
* refactor: extract `_handle_sso_login` method
* refactor: convert methods to `properties`
* refactor: rename: `user_api` to `auth_api`
* feat: store user info from SSO
* chore: re-arange the buttons
* feat: conditional rendering of login options
* feat: correctly render buttons
* fix: re-add `Claim Bitcoin` from the main page
* fix: create wallet must send new user
* fix:  no `username-password` auth method
* refactor: rename auth method
* fix: do not force API level UUID4 validation
* feat: add validation for username
* feat: add account page
* feat: update account
* feat: add `has_password` for user
* fix: email not editable
* feat: validate email for existing account
* fix: register check
* feat: reset password
* chore: code clean-up
* feat: handle token expired
* fix: only redirect if `text/html`
* refactor: remove `OAuth2PasswordRequestForm`
* chore: remove `python-multipart` dependency
* fix: handle no headers for exception
* feat: add back button on error screen
* feat: show user profile image
* fix: check account creation permissions
* fix: auth for internal api call
* chore: add some docs
* chore: code clean-up
* fix: rebase stuff
* fix: default value types
* refactor: customize error messages
* fix: move types libs to dev dependencies
* doc: specify the `Authorization callback URL`
* fix: pass missing superuser id in node ui test
* fix: keep usr param on wallet redirect
removing usr param causes an issue if the browser doesnt yet have an access token.
* fix: do not redirect if `wal` query param not present
* fix: add nativeBuildInputs and buildInputs overrides to flake.nix
* bump fastapi-sso to 0.9.0 which fixes some security issues
* refactor: move the `lnbits_admin_extensions` to decorators
* chore: bring package config from `dev`
* chore: re-add dependencies
* chore: re-add cev dependencies
* chore: re-add mypy ignores
* feat: i18n
* refactor: move admin ext check to decorator (fix after rebase)
* fix: label mapping
* fix: re-fetch user after first wallet was created
* fix: unlikely case that `user` is not found
* refactor translations (move '*' to code)
* reorganize deps in pyproject.toml, add comment
* update flake.lock and simplify flake.nix after upstreaming
overrides for fastapi-sso, types-passlib, types-pyasn1, types-python-jose
were upstreamed in https://github.com/nix-community/poetry2nix/pull/1463
* fix: more relaxed email verification (by @prusnak)
* fix: remove `\b` (boundaries) since we re using `fullmatch`
* chore: `make bundle`


Co-authored-by: dni  <office@dnilabs.com>
Co-authored-by: Arc <ben@arc.wales>
Co-authored-by: jackstar12 <jkranawetter05@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Pavol Rusnak <pavol@rusnak.io>
2023-12-12 11:38:19 +01:00

142 lines
3.5 KiB

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