adapt to SuperUser ID no longer in logs but file

arbadacarba 2023-07-15 10:42:55 +02:00
parent f74c56e287
commit 545de8a55d

@ -17,27 +17,21 @@ Please note, that any other extension you find on the wild west of the internet
The LNbits Admin UI lets you change LNbits settings via the LNbits frontend. It is disabled by default and the first time you set the enviroment variable ```LNBITS_ADMIN_UI=true``` in the .env the settings are initialized and saved to the database and will be used (as long the UI is enabled). You will find the .env file within your lnbits/ or lnbits/apps/data folder by extending the command to list files in your directory with ```ls -a``` (only ls is not enough to see systemfiles!) then open it with ```sudo nano lnbits.env```or whatever it is called in your implementation.
On Umbrel it is called docker-compose.yml.
But Umbrel has made it available in a special way, try this before messing with CLI if you are not firm with it.
Copy your unique LNbits password from the LNbits' app store page
Access the Super Admin page of LNbits at 'umbrel.local:3007/uuidv4/<your-lnbits-password>'. Replace '<your-lnbits-password>' with the password you copied before.
On **MyNode** you can activated the Admin-UI within /mnt/hdd/mynode/lnbits/
On restart of LNbits you will find a new file named ".super_user" containing the superuser-ID in the lnbits folder. Save if good and never share it.
Demo video on [how to install and activate a new extension]( or [read here](
On **Umbrel** you can access the SuperUser page of LNbits at 'umbrel.local:3007/uuidv4/<your-lnbits-password>'. Replace '<your-lnbits-password>' with the password you copy from the Umbrel app-store.
You can now install and uninstall extensions from this page.
On Citadel you can fetch it with ```sudo docker restart lnbits-main-1 && sleep 3 && sudo docker logs --tail=100 lnbits-main-1```.
On **Citadel** you can fetch the URL including the ID with ```sudo docker restart lnbits-main-1 && sleep 3 && sudo docker logs --tail=100 lnbits-main-1```.
On Start9 go to Properties, and open the Superuser URL from there.
On **Start9** go to Properties, and open the Superuser URL from there.
On MyNode after you activated the Admin-UI (in your case its in /mnt/hdd/mynode/lnbits/) you should be able to see your superuser-id in the logs at this url http://mynode.local/status or find it in your lnbits directory mentioned above. If start up messages have scrolled off, use http://mynode.local/apps and restart LNbits with ```sudo systemctl restart lnbits``` and you should be able to see what's happening in the log.
From there on the settings from the database instead those of the .env file are used.
On restart of LNbits you will find a new file named ".super_user" containing the superuser-ID in the lnbits folder. Save if good and never share it.
See [this guide to become admin and define who is allowed to add which extensions]( Demo video on [how to install and activate a new extension]( or [read here](
Within the manifest you can also define correlations of those extensions with the parameter "dependencies".
When the AdminUI is opened we can move on.
**Please be aware that in some cases making use of the new features could mean that the QR of existing QR Codes will change (e.g. in LNURLdevices, LNURLp that especially is the case).**
Always make sure that you are on the right path when clicking on "Manage Server" !
This indicates you are logged in as superuser :