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package lnd
import (
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
proxy "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/runtime"
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
2024-12-03 15:51:05 -07:00
graphdb "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/graph/db"
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
const (
// invoiceMigrationBatchSize is the number of invoices that will be
// migrated in a single batch.
invoiceMigrationBatchSize = 1000
// invoiceMigration is the version of the migration that will be used to
// migrate invoices from the kvdb to the sql database.
invoiceMigration = 7
// GrpcRegistrar is an interface that must be satisfied by an external subserver
// that wants to be able to register its own gRPC server onto lnd's main
// grpc.Server instance.
type GrpcRegistrar interface {
// RegisterGrpcSubserver is called for each net.Listener on which lnd
// creates a grpc.Server instance. External subservers implementing this
// method can then register their own gRPC server structs to the main
// server instance.
RegisterGrpcSubserver(*grpc.Server) error
// RestRegistrar is an interface that must be satisfied by an external subserver
// that wants to be able to register its own REST mux onto lnd's main
// proxy.ServeMux instance.
type RestRegistrar interface {
// RegisterRestSubserver is called after lnd creates the main
// proxy.ServeMux instance. External subservers implementing this method
// can then register their own REST proxy stubs to the main server
// instance.
RegisterRestSubserver(context.Context, *proxy.ServeMux, string,
[]grpc.DialOption) error
// ExternalValidator is an interface that must be satisfied by an external
// macaroon validator.
type ExternalValidator interface {
// Permissions returns the permissions that the external validator is
// validating. It is a map between the full HTTP URI of each RPC and its
// required macaroon permissions. If multiple action/entity tuples are
// specified per URI, they are all required. See rpcserver.go for a list
// of valid action and entity values.
Permissions() map[string][]bakery.Op
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
// DatabaseBuilder is an interface that must be satisfied by the implementation
// that provides lnd's main database backend instances.
type DatabaseBuilder interface {
// BuildDatabase extracts the current databases that we'll use for
// normal operation in the daemon. A function closure that closes all
// opened databases is also returned.
BuildDatabase(ctx context.Context) (*DatabaseInstances, func(), error)
// WalletConfigBuilder is an interface that must be satisfied by a custom wallet
// implementation.
type WalletConfigBuilder interface {
// BuildWalletConfig is responsible for creating or unlocking and then
// fully initializing a wallet.
BuildWalletConfig(context.Context, *DatabaseInstances, *AuxComponents,
[]*ListenerWithSignal) (*chainreg.PartialChainControl,
*btcwallet.Config, func(), error)
// ChainControlBuilder is an interface that must be satisfied by a custom wallet
// implementation.
type ChainControlBuilder interface {
// BuildChainControl is responsible for creating a fully populated chain
// control instance from a wallet.
*btcwallet.Config) (*chainreg.ChainControl, func(), error)
// ImplementationCfg is a struct that holds all configuration items for
// components that can be implemented outside lnd itself.
type ImplementationCfg struct {
// GrpcRegistrar is a type that can register additional gRPC subservers
// before the main gRPC server is started.
// RestRegistrar is a type that can register additional REST subservers
// before the main REST proxy is started.
// ExternalValidator is a type that can provide external macaroon
// validation.
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
// DatabaseBuilder is a type that can provide lnd's main database
// backend instances.
// WalletConfigBuilder is a type that can provide a wallet configuration
// with a fully loaded and unlocked wallet.
// ChainControlBuilder is a type that can provide a custom wallet
// implementation.
// AuxComponents is a set of auxiliary components that can be used by
// lnd for certain custom channel types.
// AuxComponents is a set of auxiliary components that can be used by lnd for
// certain custom channel types.
type AuxComponents struct {
// AuxLeafStore is an optional data source that can be used by custom
// channels to fetch+store various data.
AuxLeafStore fn.Option[lnwallet.AuxLeafStore]
2024-04-19 14:00:34 +02:00
// TrafficShaper is an optional traffic shaper that can be used to
// control the outgoing channel of a payment.
TrafficShaper fn.Option[htlcswitch.AuxTrafficShaper]
2024-04-19 14:00:34 +02:00
// MsgRouter is an optional message router that if set will be used in
// place of a new blank default message router.
MsgRouter fn.Option[msgmux.Router]
// AuxFundingController is an optional controller that can be used to
// modify the way we handle certain custom channel types. It's also
// able to automatically handle new custom protocol messages related to
// the funding process.
AuxFundingController fn.Option[funding.AuxFundingController]
// AuxSigner is an optional signer that can be used to sign auxiliary
// leaves for certain custom channel types.
AuxSigner fn.Option[lnwallet.AuxSigner]
// AuxDataParser is an optional data parser that can be used to parse
// auxiliary data for certain custom channel types.
AuxDataParser fn.Option[AuxDataParser]
// AuxChanCloser is an optional channel closer that can be used to
// modify the way a coop-close transaction is constructed.
AuxChanCloser fn.Option[chancloser.AuxChanCloser]
// AuxSweeper is an optional interface that can be used to modify the
// way sweep transaction are generated.
AuxSweeper fn.Option[sweep.AuxSweeper]
// AuxContractResolver is an optional interface that can be used to
// modify the way contracts are resolved.
AuxContractResolver fn.Option[lnwallet.AuxContractResolver]
// DefaultWalletImpl is the default implementation of our normal, btcwallet
// backed configuration.
type DefaultWalletImpl struct {
cfg *Config
logger btclog.Logger
interceptor signal.Interceptor
watchOnly bool
migrateWatchOnly bool
pwService *walletunlocker.UnlockerService
// NewDefaultWalletImpl creates a new default wallet implementation.
func NewDefaultWalletImpl(cfg *Config, logger btclog.Logger,
interceptor signal.Interceptor, watchOnly bool) *DefaultWalletImpl {
return &DefaultWalletImpl{
cfg: cfg,
logger: logger,
interceptor: interceptor,
watchOnly: watchOnly,
pwService: createWalletUnlockerService(cfg),
// RegisterRestSubserver is called after lnd creates the main proxy.ServeMux
// instance. External subservers implementing this method can then register
// their own REST proxy stubs to the main server instance.
// NOTE: This is part of the GrpcRegistrar interface.
func (d *DefaultWalletImpl) RegisterRestSubserver(ctx context.Context,
mux *proxy.ServeMux, restProxyDest string,
restDialOpts []grpc.DialOption) error {
return lnrpc.RegisterWalletUnlockerHandlerFromEndpoint(
ctx, mux, restProxyDest, restDialOpts,
// RegisterGrpcSubserver is called for each net.Listener on which lnd creates a
// grpc.Server instance. External subservers implementing this method can then
// register their own gRPC server structs to the main server instance.
// NOTE: This is part of the GrpcRegistrar interface.
func (d *DefaultWalletImpl) RegisterGrpcSubserver(s *grpc.Server) error {
lnrpc.RegisterWalletUnlockerServer(s, d.pwService)
return nil
// ValidateMacaroon extracts the macaroon from the context's gRPC metadata,
// checks its signature, makes sure all specified permissions for the called
// method are contained within and finally ensures all caveat conditions are
// met. A non-nil error is returned if any of the checks fail.
// NOTE: This is part of the ExternalValidator interface.
func (d *DefaultWalletImpl) ValidateMacaroon(ctx context.Context,
requiredPermissions []bakery.Op, fullMethod string) error {
// Because the default implementation does not return any permissions,
// we shouldn't be registered as an external validator at all and this
// should never be invoked.
return fmt.Errorf("default implementation does not support external " +
"macaroon validation")
// Permissions returns the permissions that the external validator is
// validating. It is a map between the full HTTP URI of each RPC and its
// required macaroon permissions. If multiple action/entity tuples are specified
// per URI, they are all required. See rpcserver.go for a list of valid action
// and entity values.
// NOTE: This is part of the ExternalValidator interface.
func (d *DefaultWalletImpl) Permissions() map[string][]bakery.Op {
return nil
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
// BuildWalletConfig is responsible for creating or unlocking and then
// fully initializing a wallet.
// NOTE: This is part of the WalletConfigBuilder interface.
func (d *DefaultWalletImpl) BuildWalletConfig(ctx context.Context,
dbs *DatabaseInstances, aux *AuxComponents,
interceptorChain *rpcperms.InterceptorChain,
grpcListeners []*ListenerWithSignal) (*chainreg.PartialChainControl,
*btcwallet.Config, func(), error) {
// Keep track of our various cleanup functions. We use a defer function
// as well to not repeat ourselves with every return statement.
var (
cleanUpTasks []func()
earlyExit = true
cleanUp = func() {
for _, fn := range cleanUpTasks {
if fn == nil {
defer func() {
if earlyExit {
// Initialize a new block cache.
blockCache := blockcache.NewBlockCache(d.cfg.BlockCacheSize)
// Before starting the wallet, we'll create and start our Neutrino
// light client instance, if enabled, in order to allow it to sync
// while the rest of the daemon continues startup.
mainChain := d.cfg.Bitcoin
var neutrinoCS *neutrino.ChainService
if mainChain.Node == "neutrino" {
neutrinoBackend, neutrinoCleanUp, err := initNeutrinoBackend(
ctx, d.cfg, mainChain.ChainDir, blockCache,
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("unable to initialize neutrino "+
"backend: %v", err)
return nil, nil, nil, err
cleanUpTasks = append(cleanUpTasks, neutrinoCleanUp)
neutrinoCS = neutrinoBackend
var (
walletInitParams = walletunlocker.WalletUnlockParams{
// In case we do auto-unlock, we need to be able to send
// into the channel without blocking so we buffer it.
MacResponseChan: make(chan []byte, 1),
privateWalletPw = lnwallet.DefaultPrivatePassphrase
publicWalletPw = lnwallet.DefaultPublicPassphrase
// If the user didn't request a seed, then we'll manually assume a
// wallet birthday of now, as otherwise the seed would've specified
// this information.
walletInitParams.Birthday = time.Now()
walletExists, err := d.pwService.WalletExists()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
if !walletExists {
} else {
// If we've started in auto unlock mode, then a wallet should already
// exist because we don't want to enable the RPC unlocker in that case
// for security reasons (an attacker could inject their seed since the
// RPC is unauthenticated). Only if the user explicitly wants to allow
// wallet creation we don't error out here.
if d.cfg.WalletUnlockPasswordFile != "" && !walletExists &&
!d.cfg.WalletUnlockAllowCreate {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("wallet unlock password file " +
"was specified but wallet does not exist; initialize " +
"the wallet before using auto unlocking")
// What wallet mode are we running in? We've already made sure the no
// seed backup and auto unlock aren't both set during config parsing.
switch {
// No seed backup means we're also using the default password.
case d.cfg.NoSeedBackup:
// We continue normally, the default password has already been
// set above.
// A password for unlocking is provided in a file.
case d.cfg.WalletUnlockPasswordFile != "" && walletExists:
d.logger.Infof("Attempting automatic wallet unlock with " +
"password provided in file")
2023-06-13 21:22:44 +07:00
pwBytes, err := os.ReadFile(d.cfg.WalletUnlockPasswordFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading "+
"password from file %s: %v",
d.cfg.WalletUnlockPasswordFile, err)
// Remove any newlines at the end of the file. The lndinit tool
// won't ever write a newline but maybe the file was provisioned
// by another process or user.
pwBytes = bytes.TrimRight(pwBytes, "\r\n")
// We have the password now, we can ask the unlocker service to
// do the unlock for us.
unlockedWallet, unloadWalletFn, err := d.pwService.LoadAndUnlock(
pwBytes, 0,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error unlocking "+
"wallet with password from file: %v", err)
cleanUpTasks = append(cleanUpTasks, func() {
if err := unloadWalletFn(); err != nil {
d.logger.Errorf("Could not unload wallet: %v",
privateWalletPw = pwBytes
publicWalletPw = pwBytes
walletInitParams.Wallet = unlockedWallet
walletInitParams.UnloadWallet = unloadWalletFn
// If none of the automatic startup options are selected, we fall back
// to the default behavior of waiting for the wallet creation/unlocking
// over RPC.
if err := d.interceptor.Notifier.NotifyReady(false); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
params, err := waitForWalletPassword(
d.cfg, d.pwService, []btcwallet.LoaderOption{dbs.WalletDB},
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("unable to set up wallet password "+
"listeners: %v", err)
return nil, nil, nil, err
walletInitParams = *params
privateWalletPw = walletInitParams.Password
publicWalletPw = walletInitParams.Password
cleanUpTasks = append(cleanUpTasks, func() {
if err := walletInitParams.UnloadWallet(); err != nil {
d.logger.Errorf("Could not unload wallet: %v",
if walletInitParams.RecoveryWindow > 0 {
d.logger.Infof("Wallet recovery mode enabled with "+
"address lookahead of %d addresses",
var macaroonService *macaroons.Service
if !d.cfg.NoMacaroons {
// Create the macaroon authentication/authorization service.
rootKeyStore, err := macaroons.NewRootKeyStorage(dbs.MacaroonDB)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
macaroonService, err = macaroons.NewService(
rootKeyStore, "lnd", walletInitParams.StatelessInit,
2025-03-07 09:56:13 +01:00
macaroons.IPLockChecker, macaroons.IPRangeLockChecker,
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("unable to set up macaroon "+
"authentication: %v", err)
return nil, nil, nil, err
cleanUpTasks = append(cleanUpTasks, func() {
if err := macaroonService.Close(); err != nil {
d.logger.Errorf("Could not close macaroon "+
"service: %v", err)
// Try to unlock the macaroon store with the private password.
// Ignore ErrAlreadyUnlocked since it could be unlocked by the
// wallet unlocker.
err = macaroonService.CreateUnlock(&privateWalletPw)
if err != nil && err != macaroons.ErrAlreadyUnlocked {
err := fmt.Errorf("unable to unlock macaroons: %w", err)
return nil, nil, nil, err
// If we have a macaroon root key from the init wallet params,
// set the root key before baking any macaroons.
if len(walletInitParams.MacRootKey) > 0 {
err := macaroonService.SetRootKey(
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
// Send an admin macaroon to all our listeners that requested
// one by setting a non-nil macaroon channel.
adminMacBytes, err := bakeMacaroon(
ctx, macaroonService, adminPermissions(),
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
for _, lis := range grpcListeners {
if lis.MacChan != nil {
lis.MacChan <- adminMacBytes
// In case we actually needed to unlock the wallet, we now need
// to create an instance of the admin macaroon and send it to
// the unlocker so it can forward it to the user. In no seed
// backup mode, there's nobody listening on the channel and we'd
// block here forever.
if !d.cfg.NoSeedBackup {
// The channel is buffered by one element so writing
// should not block here.
walletInitParams.MacResponseChan <- adminMacBytes
// If the user requested a stateless initialization, no macaroon
// files should be created.
if !walletInitParams.StatelessInit {
// Create default macaroon files for lncli to use if
// they don't exist.
err = genDefaultMacaroons(
ctx, macaroonService, d.cfg.AdminMacPath,
d.cfg.ReadMacPath, d.cfg.InvoiceMacPath,
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create macaroons "+
"%v", err)
return nil, nil, nil, err
// As a security service to the user, if they requested
// stateless initialization and there are macaroon files on disk
// we log a warning.
if walletInitParams.StatelessInit {
msg := "Found %s macaroon on disk (%s) even though " +
"--stateless_init was requested. Unencrypted " +
"state is accessible by the host system. You " +
"should change the password and use " +
"--new_mac_root_key with --stateless_init to " +
"clean up and invalidate old macaroons."
if lnrpc.FileExists(d.cfg.AdminMacPath) {
d.logger.Warnf(msg, "admin", d.cfg.AdminMacPath)
if lnrpc.FileExists(d.cfg.ReadMacPath) {
d.logger.Warnf(msg, "readonly", d.cfg.ReadMacPath)
if lnrpc.FileExists(d.cfg.InvoiceMacPath) {
d.logger.Warnf(msg, "invoice", d.cfg.InvoiceMacPath)
// We add the macaroon service to our RPC interceptor. This
// will start checking macaroons against permissions on every
// RPC invocation.
// Now that the wallet password has been provided, transition the RPC
// state into Unlocked.
// Since calls to the WalletUnlocker service wait for a response on the
// macaroon channel, we close it here to make sure they return in case
// we did not return the admin macaroon above. This will be the case if
// --no-macaroons is used.
// We'll also close all the macaroon channels since lnd is done sending
// macaroon data over it.
for _, lis := range grpcListeners {
if lis.MacChan != nil {
// With the information parsed from the configuration, create valid
// instances of the pertinent interfaces required to operate the
// Lightning Network Daemon.
// When we create the chain control, we need storage for the height
// hints and also the wallet itself, for these two we want them to be
// replicated, so we'll pass in the remote channel DB instance.
chainControlCfg := &chainreg.Config{
Bitcoin: d.cfg.Bitcoin,
HeightHintCacheQueryDisable: d.cfg.HeightHintCacheQueryDisable,
NeutrinoMode: d.cfg.NeutrinoMode,
BitcoindMode: d.cfg.BitcoindMode,
BtcdMode: d.cfg.BtcdMode,
HeightHintDB: dbs.HeightHintDB,
ChanStateDB: dbs.ChanStateDB.ChannelStateDB(),
NeutrinoCS: neutrinoCS,
AuxLeafStore: aux.AuxLeafStore,
AuxSigner: aux.AuxSigner,
ActiveNetParams: d.cfg.ActiveNetParams,
FeeURL: d.cfg.FeeURL,
Fee: &lncfg.Fee{
URL: d.cfg.Fee.URL,
MinUpdateTimeout: d.cfg.Fee.MinUpdateTimeout,
MaxUpdateTimeout: d.cfg.Fee.MaxUpdateTimeout,
Dialer: func(addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
return d.cfg.net.Dial(
"tcp", addr, d.cfg.ConnectionTimeout,
BlockCache: blockCache,
WalletUnlockParams: &walletInitParams,
// Let's go ahead and create the partial chain control now that is only
// dependent on our configuration and doesn't require any wallet
// specific information.
partialChainControl, pccCleanup, err := chainreg.NewPartialChainControl(
cleanUpTasks = append(cleanUpTasks, pccCleanup)
if err != nil {
2024-03-07 13:19:28 +01:00
err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create partial chain control: %w",
return nil, nil, nil, err
walletConfig := &btcwallet.Config{
PrivatePass: privateWalletPw,
PublicPass: publicWalletPw,
Birthday: walletInitParams.Birthday,
RecoveryWindow: walletInitParams.RecoveryWindow,
NetParams: d.cfg.ActiveNetParams.Params,
CoinType: d.cfg.ActiveNetParams.CoinType,
Wallet: walletInitParams.Wallet,
LoaderOptions: []btcwallet.LoaderOption{dbs.WalletDB},
ChainSource: partialChainControl.ChainSource,
WatchOnly: d.watchOnly,
MigrateWatchOnly: d.migrateWatchOnly,
// Parse coin selection strategy.
switch d.cfg.CoinSelectionStrategy {
case "largest":
walletConfig.CoinSelectionStrategy = wallet.CoinSelectionLargest
case "random":
walletConfig.CoinSelectionStrategy = wallet.CoinSelectionRandom
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown coin selection "+
"strategy %v", d.cfg.CoinSelectionStrategy)
earlyExit = false
return partialChainControl, walletConfig, cleanUp, nil
// proxyBlockEpoch proxies a block epoch subsections to the underlying neutrino
// rebroadcaster client.
func proxyBlockEpoch(
notifier chainntnfs.ChainNotifier) func() (*blockntfns.Subscription,
error) {
return func() (*blockntfns.Subscription, error) {
blockEpoch, err := notifier.RegisterBlockEpochNtfn(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sub := blockntfns.Subscription{
Notifications: make(chan blockntfns.BlockNtfn, 6),
Cancel: blockEpoch.Cancel,
go func() {
for blk := range blockEpoch.Epochs {
ntfn := blockntfns.NewBlockConnected(
sub.Notifications <- ntfn
return &sub, nil
// walletReBroadcaster is a simple wrapper around the pushtx.Broadcaster
// interface to adhere to the expanded lnwallet.Rebroadcaster interface.
type walletReBroadcaster struct {
started atomic.Bool
// newWalletReBroadcaster creates a new instance of the walletReBroadcaster.
func newWalletReBroadcaster(
broadcaster *pushtx.Broadcaster) *walletReBroadcaster {
return &walletReBroadcaster{
Broadcaster: broadcaster,
// Start launches all goroutines the rebroadcaster needs to operate.
func (w *walletReBroadcaster) Start() error {
defer w.started.Store(true)
return w.Broadcaster.Start()
// Started returns true if the broadcaster is already active.
func (w *walletReBroadcaster) Started() bool {
return w.started.Load()
// BuildChainControl is responsible for creating a fully populated chain
// control instance from a wallet.
// NOTE: This is part of the ChainControlBuilder interface.
func (d *DefaultWalletImpl) BuildChainControl(
partialChainControl *chainreg.PartialChainControl,
walletConfig *btcwallet.Config) (*chainreg.ChainControl, func(), error) {
walletController, err := btcwallet.New(
*walletConfig, partialChainControl.Cfg.BlockCache,
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create wallet controller: %w", err)
return nil, nil, err
keyRing := keychain.NewBtcWalletKeyRing(
walletController.InternalWallet(), walletConfig.CoinType,
// Create, and start the lnwallet, which handles the core payment
// channel logic, and exposes control via proxy state machines.
lnWalletConfig := lnwallet.Config{
Database: partialChainControl.Cfg.ChanStateDB,
Notifier: partialChainControl.ChainNotifier,
WalletController: walletController,
Signer: walletController,
FeeEstimator: partialChainControl.FeeEstimator,
SecretKeyRing: keyRing,
ChainIO: walletController,
NetParams: *walletConfig.NetParams,
CoinSelectionStrategy: walletConfig.CoinSelectionStrategy,
AuxLeafStore: partialChainControl.Cfg.AuxLeafStore,
AuxSigner: partialChainControl.Cfg.AuxSigner,
// The broadcast is already always active for neutrino nodes, so we
// don't want to create a rebroadcast loop.
if partialChainControl.Cfg.NeutrinoCS == nil {
cs := partialChainControl.ChainSource
broadcastCfg := pushtx.Config{
Broadcast: func(tx *wire.MsgTx) error {
_, err := cs.SendRawTransaction(
tx, true,
return err
SubscribeBlocks: proxyBlockEpoch(
RebroadcastInterval: pushtx.DefaultRebroadcastInterval,
// In case the backend is different from neutrino we
// make sure that broadcast backend errors are mapped
// to the neutrino broadcastErr.
MapCustomBroadcastError: func(err error) error {
rpcErr := cs.MapRPCErr(err)
return broadcastErrorMapper(rpcErr)
lnWalletConfig.Rebroadcaster = newWalletReBroadcaster(
// We've created the wallet configuration now, so we can finish
// initializing the main chain control.
activeChainControl, cleanUp, err := chainreg.NewChainControl(
lnWalletConfig, walletController, partialChainControl,
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create chain control: %w", err)
return nil, nil, err
return activeChainControl, cleanUp, nil
// RPCSignerWalletImpl is a wallet implementation that uses a remote signer over
// an RPC interface.
type RPCSignerWalletImpl struct {
// DefaultWalletImpl is the embedded instance of the default
// implementation that the remote signer uses as its watch-only wallet
// for keeping track of addresses and UTXOs.
// NewRPCSignerWalletImpl creates a new instance of the remote signing wallet
// implementation.
func NewRPCSignerWalletImpl(cfg *Config, logger btclog.Logger,
interceptor signal.Interceptor,
migrateWatchOnly bool) *RPCSignerWalletImpl {
return &RPCSignerWalletImpl{
DefaultWalletImpl: &DefaultWalletImpl{
cfg: cfg,
logger: logger,
interceptor: interceptor,
watchOnly: true,
migrateWatchOnly: migrateWatchOnly,
pwService: createWalletUnlockerService(cfg),
// BuildChainControl is responsible for creating or unlocking and then fully
// initializing a wallet and returning it as part of a fully populated chain
// control instance.
// NOTE: This is part of the ChainControlBuilder interface.
func (d *RPCSignerWalletImpl) BuildChainControl(
partialChainControl *chainreg.PartialChainControl,
walletConfig *btcwallet.Config) (*chainreg.ChainControl, func(), error) {
walletController, err := btcwallet.New(
*walletConfig, partialChainControl.Cfg.BlockCache,
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create wallet controller: %w", err)
return nil, nil, err
baseKeyRing := keychain.NewBtcWalletKeyRing(
walletController.InternalWallet(), walletConfig.CoinType,
rpcKeyRing, err := rpcwallet.NewRPCKeyRing(
baseKeyRing, walletController,
d.DefaultWalletImpl.cfg.RemoteSigner, walletConfig.NetParams,
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create RPC remote signing wallet "+
"%v", err)
return nil, nil, err
// Create, and start the lnwallet, which handles the core payment
// channel logic, and exposes control via proxy state machines.
lnWalletConfig := lnwallet.Config{
Database: partialChainControl.Cfg.ChanStateDB,
Notifier: partialChainControl.ChainNotifier,
WalletController: rpcKeyRing,
Signer: rpcKeyRing,
FeeEstimator: partialChainControl.FeeEstimator,
SecretKeyRing: rpcKeyRing,
ChainIO: walletController,
NetParams: *walletConfig.NetParams,
CoinSelectionStrategy: walletConfig.CoinSelectionStrategy,
// We've created the wallet configuration now, so we can finish
// initializing the main chain control.
activeChainControl, cleanUp, err := chainreg.NewChainControl(
lnWalletConfig, rpcKeyRing, partialChainControl,
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create chain control: %w", err)
return nil, nil, err
return activeChainControl, cleanUp, nil
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
// DatabaseInstances is a struct that holds all instances to the actual
// databases that are used in lnd.
type DatabaseInstances struct {
// GraphDB is the database that stores the channel graph used for path
// finding.
GraphDB *graphdb.ChannelGraph
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
// ChanStateDB is the database that stores all of our node's channel
// state.
ChanStateDB *channeldb.DB
// HeightHintDB is the database that stores height hints for spends.
HeightHintDB kvdb.Backend
// InvoiceDB is the database that stores information about invoices.
InvoiceDB invoices.InvoiceDB
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
// MacaroonDB is the database that stores macaroon root keys.
MacaroonDB kvdb.Backend
// DecayedLogDB is the database that stores p2p related encryption
// information.
DecayedLogDB kvdb.Backend
// TowerClientDB is the database that stores the watchtower client's
// configuration.
TowerClientDB wtclient.DB
// TowerServerDB is the database that stores the watchtower server's
// configuration.
TowerServerDB watchtower.DB
// WalletDB is the configuration for loading the wallet database using
// the btcwallet's loader.
WalletDB btcwallet.LoaderOption
// NativeSQLStore holds a reference to the native SQL store that can
// be used for native SQL queries for tables that already support it.
// This may be nil if the use-native-sql flag was not set.
NativeSQLStore sqldb.DB
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
// DefaultDatabaseBuilder is a type that builds the default database backends
// for lnd, using the given configuration to decide what actual implementation
// to use.
type DefaultDatabaseBuilder struct {
cfg *Config
logger btclog.Logger
// NewDefaultDatabaseBuilder returns a new instance of the default database
// builder.
func NewDefaultDatabaseBuilder(cfg *Config,
logger btclog.Logger) *DefaultDatabaseBuilder {
return &DefaultDatabaseBuilder{
cfg: cfg,
logger: logger,
// BuildDatabase extracts the current databases that we'll use for normal
// operation in the daemon. A function closure that closes all opened databases
// is also returned.
func (d *DefaultDatabaseBuilder) BuildDatabase(
ctx context.Context) (*DatabaseInstances, func(), error) {
d.logger.Infof("Opening the main database, this might take a few " +
cfg := d.cfg
if cfg.DB.Backend == lncfg.BoltBackend {
d.logger.Infof("Opening bbolt database, sync_freelist=%v, "+
"auto_compact=%v", !cfg.DB.Bolt.NoFreelistSync,
startOpenTime := time.Now()
databaseBackends, err := cfg.DB.GetBackends(
ctx, cfg.graphDatabaseDir(), cfg.networkDir, filepath.Join(
2023-08-03 18:12:49 +02:00
cfg.Watchtower.TowerDir, BitcoinChainName,
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
), cfg.WtClient.Active, cfg.Watchtower.Active, d.logger,
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to obtain database "+
"backends: %v", err)
// With the full remote mode we made sure both the graph and channel
// state DB point to the same local or remote DB and the same namespace
// within that DB.
dbs := &DatabaseInstances{
HeightHintDB: databaseBackends.HeightHintDB,
MacaroonDB: databaseBackends.MacaroonDB,
DecayedLogDB: databaseBackends.DecayedLogDB,
WalletDB: databaseBackends.WalletDB,
NativeSQLStore: databaseBackends.NativeSQLStore,
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
cleanUp := func() {
// We can just close the returned close functions directly. Even
// if we decorate the channel DB with an additional struct, its
// close function still just points to the kvdb backend.
for name, closeFunc := range databaseBackends.CloseFuncs {
if err := closeFunc(); err != nil {
d.logger.Errorf("Error closing %s "+
"database: %v", name, err)
if databaseBackends.Remote {
d.logger.Infof("Using remote %v database! Creating "+
"graph and channel state DB instances", cfg.DB.Backend)
} else {
d.logger.Infof("Creating local graph and channel state DB " +
graphDBOptions := []graphdb.OptionModifier{
// We want to pre-allocate the channel graph cache according to what we
// expect for mainnet to speed up memory allocation.
if cfg.ActiveNetParams.Name == chaincfg.MainNetParams.Name {
graphDBOptions = append(
graphDBOptions, graphdb.WithPreAllocCacheNumNodes(
dbs.GraphDB, err = graphdb.NewChannelGraph(
databaseBackends.GraphDB, graphDBOptions...,
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to open graph DB: %w", err)
return nil, nil, err
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
dbOptions := []channeldb.OptionModifier{
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
// Otherwise, we'll open two instances, one for the state we only need
// locally, and the other for things we want to ensure are replicated.
dbs.ChanStateDB, err = channeldb.CreateWithBackend(
databaseBackends.ChanStateDB, dbOptions...,
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
switch {
// Give the DB a chance to dry run the migration. Since we know that
// both the channel state and graph DBs are still always behind the same
// backend, we know this would be applied to both of those DBs.
case err == channeldb.ErrDryRunMigrationOK:
d.logger.Infof("Channel DB dry run migration successful")
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
return nil, nil, err
case err != nil:
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to open graph DB: %w", err)
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
return nil, nil, err
// Instantiate a native SQL store if the flag is set.
if d.cfg.DB.UseNativeSQL {
migrations := sqldb.GetMigrations()
// If the user has not explicitly disabled the SQL invoice
// migration, attach the custom migration function to invoice
// migration (version 7). Even if this custom migration is
// disabled, the regular native SQL store migrations will still
// run. If the database version is already above this custom
// migration's version (7), it will be skipped permanently,
// regardless of the flag.
if !d.cfg.DB.SkipSQLInvoiceMigration {
migrationFn := func(tx *sqlc.Queries) error {
err := invoices.MigrateInvoicesToSQL(
ctx, dbs.ChanStateDB.Backend,
dbs.ChanStateDB, tx,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to migrate "+
"invoices to SQL: %w", err)
// Set the invoice bucket tombstone to indicate
// that the migration has been completed.
d.logger.Debugf("Setting invoice bucket " +
return dbs.ChanStateDB.SetInvoiceBucketTombstone() //nolint:ll
// Make sure we attach the custom migration function to
// the correct migration version.
for i := 0; i < len(migrations); i++ {
if migrations[i].Version != invoiceMigration {
migrations[i].MigrationFn = migrationFn
// We need to apply all migrations to the native SQL store
// before we can use it.
err = dbs.NativeSQLStore.ApplyAllMigrations(ctx, migrations)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("faild to run migrations for the "+
"native SQL store: %w", err)
return nil, nil, err
// With the DB ready and migrations applied, we can now create
// the base DB and transaction executor for the native SQL
// invoice store.
baseDB := dbs.NativeSQLStore.GetBaseDB()
executor := sqldb.NewTransactionExecutor(
baseDB, func(tx *sql.Tx) invoices.SQLInvoiceQueries {
return baseDB.WithTx(tx)
sqlInvoiceDB := invoices.NewSQLStore(
executor, clock.NewDefaultClock(),
dbs.InvoiceDB = sqlInvoiceDB
} else {
// Check if the invoice bucket tombstone is set. If it is, we
// need to return and ask the user switch back to using the
// native SQL store.
ripInvoices, err := dbs.ChanStateDB.GetInvoiceBucketTombstone()
d.logger.Debugf("Invoice bucket tombstone set to: %v",
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to check invoice bucket "+
"tombstone: %w", err)
return nil, nil, err
if ripInvoices {
err = fmt.Errorf("invoices bucket tombstoned, please " +
"switch back to native SQL")
return nil, nil, err
dbs.InvoiceDB = dbs.ChanStateDB
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
// Wrap the watchtower client DB and make sure we clean up.
if cfg.WtClient.Active {
dbs.TowerClientDB, err = wtdb.OpenClientDB(
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to open %s database: %w",
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
lncfg.NSTowerClientDB, err)
return nil, nil, err
// Wrap the watchtower server DB and make sure we clean up.
if cfg.Watchtower.Active {
dbs.TowerServerDB, err = wtdb.OpenTowerDB(
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to open %s database: %w",
2021-09-23 16:54:41 +02:00
lncfg.NSTowerServerDB, err)
return nil, nil, err
openTime := time.Since(startOpenTime)
d.logger.Infof("Database(s) now open (time_to_open=%v)!", openTime)
return dbs, cleanUp, nil
// waitForWalletPassword blocks until a password is provided by the user to
// this RPC server.
func waitForWalletPassword(cfg *Config,
pwService *walletunlocker.UnlockerService,
loaderOpts []btcwallet.LoaderOption, shutdownChan <-chan struct{}) (
*walletunlocker.WalletUnlockParams, error) {
// Wait for user to provide the password.
ltndLog.Infof("Waiting for wallet encryption password. Use `lncli " +
"create` to create a wallet, `lncli unlock` to unlock an " +
"existing wallet, or `lncli changepassword` to change the " +
"password of an existing wallet and unlock it.")
// We currently don't distinguish between getting a password to be used
// for creation or unlocking, as a new wallet db will be created if
// none exists when creating the chain control.
select {
// The wallet is being created for the first time, we'll check to see
// if the user provided any entropy for seed creation. If so, then
// we'll create the wallet early to load the seed.
case initMsg := <-pwService.InitMsgs:
password := initMsg.Passphrase
cipherSeed := initMsg.WalletSeed
extendedKey := initMsg.WalletExtendedKey
watchOnlyAccounts := initMsg.WatchOnlyAccounts
recoveryWindow := initMsg.RecoveryWindow
// Before we proceed, we'll check the internal version of the
// seed. If it's greater than the current key derivation
// version, then we'll return an error as we don't understand
// this.
if cipherSeed != nil &&
!keychain.IsKnownVersion(cipherSeed.InternalVersion) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid internal "+
"seed version %v, current max version is %v",
loader, err := btcwallet.NewWalletLoader(
cfg.ActiveNetParams.Params, recoveryWindow,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// With the seed, we can now use the wallet loader to create
// the wallet, then pass it back to avoid unlocking it again.
var (
birthday time.Time
newWallet *wallet.Wallet
switch {
// A normal cipher seed was given, use the birthday encoded in
// it and create the wallet from that.
case cipherSeed != nil:
birthday = cipherSeed.BirthdayTime()
newWallet, err = loader.CreateNewWallet(
password, password, cipherSeed.Entropy[:],
// No seed was given, we're importing a wallet from its extended
// private key.
case extendedKey != nil:
birthday = initMsg.ExtendedKeyBirthday
newWallet, err = loader.CreateNewWalletExtendedKey(
password, password, extendedKey, birthday,
// Neither seed nor extended private key was given, so maybe the
// third option was chosen, the watch-only initialization. In
// this case we need to import each of the xpubs individually.
case watchOnlyAccounts != nil:
if !cfg.RemoteSigner.Enable {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot initialize " +
"watch only wallet with remote " +
"signer config disabled")
birthday = initMsg.WatchOnlyBirthday
newWallet, err = loader.CreateNewWatchingOnlyWallet(
password, birthday,
if err != nil {
err = importWatchOnlyAccounts(newWallet, initMsg)
// The unlocker service made sure either the cipher seed
// or the extended key is set so, we shouldn't get here.
// The default case is just here for readability and
// completeness.
err = fmt.Errorf("cannot create wallet, neither seed " +
"nor extended key was given")
if err != nil {
// Don't leave the file open in case the new wallet
// could not be created for whatever reason.
if err := loader.UnloadWallet(); err != nil {
ltndLog.Errorf("Could not unload new "+
"wallet: %v", err)
return nil, err
// For new wallets, the ResetWalletTransactions flag is a no-op.
if cfg.ResetWalletTransactions {
ltndLog.Warnf("Ignoring reset-wallet-transactions " +
"flag for new wallet as it has no effect")
return &walletunlocker.WalletUnlockParams{
Password: password,
Birthday: birthday,
RecoveryWindow: recoveryWindow,
Wallet: newWallet,
ChansToRestore: initMsg.ChanBackups,
UnloadWallet: loader.UnloadWallet,
StatelessInit: initMsg.StatelessInit,
MacResponseChan: pwService.MacResponseChan,
MacRootKey: initMsg.MacRootKey,
}, nil
// The wallet has already been created in the past, and is simply being
// unlocked. So we'll just return these passphrases.
case unlockMsg := <-pwService.UnlockMsgs:
// Resetting the transactions is something the user likely only
// wants to do once so we add a prominent warning to the log to
// remind the user to turn off the setting again after
// successful completion.
if cfg.ResetWalletTransactions {
ltndLog.Warnf("Dropped all transaction history from " +
"on-chain wallet. Remember to disable " +
"reset-wallet-transactions flag for next " +
"start of lnd")
return &walletunlocker.WalletUnlockParams{
Password: unlockMsg.Passphrase,
RecoveryWindow: unlockMsg.RecoveryWindow,
Wallet: unlockMsg.Wallet,
ChansToRestore: unlockMsg.ChanBackups,
UnloadWallet: unlockMsg.UnloadWallet,
StatelessInit: unlockMsg.StatelessInit,
MacResponseChan: pwService.MacResponseChan,
}, nil
// If we got a shutdown signal we just return with an error immediately
case <-shutdownChan:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("shutting down")
// importWatchOnlyAccounts imports all individual account xpubs into our wallet
// which we created as watch-only.
func importWatchOnlyAccounts(wallet *wallet.Wallet,
initMsg *walletunlocker.WalletInitMsg) error {
scopes := make([]waddrmgr.ScopedIndex, 0, len(initMsg.WatchOnlyAccounts))
for scope := range initMsg.WatchOnlyAccounts {
scopes = append(scopes, scope)
// We need to import the accounts in the correct order, otherwise the
// indices will be incorrect.
sort.Slice(scopes, func(i, j int) bool {
return scopes[i].Scope.Purpose < scopes[j].Scope.Purpose ||
scopes[i].Index < scopes[j].Index
for _, scope := range scopes {
addrSchema := waddrmgr.ScopeAddrMap[waddrmgr.KeyScopeBIP0084]
// We want witness pubkey hash by default, except for BIP49
// where we want mixed and BIP86 where we want taproot address
// formats.
switch scope.Scope.Purpose {
case waddrmgr.KeyScopeBIP0049Plus.Purpose,
addrSchema = waddrmgr.ScopeAddrMap[scope.Scope]
// We want a human-readable account name. But for the default
// on-chain wallet we actually need to call it "default" to make
// sure everything works correctly.
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d'", scope.Scope.String(), scope.Index)
if scope.Index == 0 {
name = "default"
_, err := wallet.ImportAccountWithScope(
name, initMsg.WatchOnlyAccounts[scope],
initMsg.WatchOnlyMasterFingerprint, scope.Scope,
if err != nil {
2024-03-07 13:19:28 +01:00
return fmt.Errorf("could not import account %v: %w",
name, err)
return nil
// initNeutrinoBackend inits a new instance of the neutrino light client
// backend given a target chain directory to store the chain state.
func initNeutrinoBackend(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config, chainDir string,
blockCache *blockcache.BlockCache) (*neutrino.ChainService,
func(), error) {
// Both channel validation flags are false by default but their meaning
// is the inverse of each other. Therefore both cannot be true. For
// every other case, the neutrino.validatechannels overwrites the
// routing.assumechanvalid value.
if cfg.NeutrinoMode.ValidateChannels && cfg.Routing.AssumeChannelValid {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't set both " +
"neutrino.validatechannels and routing." +
"assumechanvalid to true at the same time")
cfg.Routing.AssumeChannelValid = !cfg.NeutrinoMode.ValidateChannels
// First we'll open the database file for neutrino, creating the
// database if needed. We append the normalized network name here to
// match the behavior of btcwallet.
dbPath := filepath.Join(
chainDir, lncfg.NormalizeNetwork(cfg.ActiveNetParams.Name),
// Ensure that the neutrino db path exists.
if err := os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var (
db walletdb.DB
err error
switch {
case cfg.DB.Backend == kvdb.SqliteBackendName:
sqliteConfig := lncfg.GetSqliteConfigKVDB(cfg.DB.Sqlite)
db, err = kvdb.Open(
kvdb.SqliteBackendName, ctx, sqliteConfig, dbPath,
lncfg.SqliteNeutrinoDBName, lncfg.NSNeutrinoDB,
dbName := filepath.Join(dbPath, "neutrino.db")
db, err = walletdb.Create(
"bdb", dbName, !cfg.SyncFreelist, cfg.DB.Bolt.DBTimeout,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create "+
"neutrino database: %v", err)
headerStateAssertion, err := parseHeaderStateAssertion(
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// With the database open, we can now create an instance of the
// neutrino light client. We pass in relevant configuration parameters
// required.
config := neutrino.Config{
DataDir: dbPath,
Database: db,
ChainParams: *cfg.ActiveNetParams.Params,
AddPeers: cfg.NeutrinoMode.AddPeers,
ConnectPeers: cfg.NeutrinoMode.ConnectPeers,
Dialer: func(addr net.Addr) (net.Conn, error) {
return cfg.net.Dial(
addr.Network(), addr.String(),
NameResolver: func(host string) ([]net.IP, error) {
addrs, err := cfg.net.LookupHost(host)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ips := make([]net.IP, 0, len(addrs))
for _, strIP := range addrs {
ip := net.ParseIP(strIP)
if ip == nil {
ips = append(ips, ip)
return ips, nil
AssertFilterHeader: headerStateAssertion,
BlockCache: blockCache.Cache,
BroadcastTimeout: cfg.NeutrinoMode.BroadcastTimeout,
PersistToDisk: cfg.NeutrinoMode.PersistFilters,
neutrino.MaxPeers = 8
neutrino.BanDuration = time.Hour * 48
neutrino.UserAgentName = cfg.NeutrinoMode.UserAgentName
neutrino.UserAgentVersion = cfg.NeutrinoMode.UserAgentVersion
neutrinoCS, err := neutrino.NewChainService(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create neutrino light "+
"client: %v", err)
if err := neutrinoCS.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cleanUp := func() {
if err := neutrinoCS.Stop(); err != nil {
ltndLog.Infof("Unable to stop neutrino light client: "+
"%v", err)
return neutrinoCS, cleanUp, nil
// parseHeaderStateAssertion parses the user-specified neutrino header state
// into a headerfs.FilterHeader.
func parseHeaderStateAssertion(state string) (*headerfs.FilterHeader, error) {
if len(state) == 0 {
return nil, nil
split := strings.Split(state, ":")
if len(split) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("header state assertion %v in "+
"unexpected format, expected format height:hash", state)
height, err := strconv.ParseUint(split[0], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid filter header height: %w", err)
hash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(split[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid filter header hash: %w", err)
return &headerfs.FilterHeader{
Height: uint32(height),
FilterHash: *hash,
}, nil
// broadcastErrorMapper maps errors from bitcoin backends other than neutrino to
// the neutrino BroadcastError which allows the Rebroadcaster which currently
// resides in the neutrino package to use all of its functionalities.
func broadcastErrorMapper(err error) error {
var returnErr error
// We only filter for specific backend errors which are relevant for the
// Rebroadcaster.
switch {
// This makes sure the tx is removed from the rebroadcaster once it is
// confirmed.
case errors.Is(err, chain.ErrTxAlreadyKnown),
errors.Is(err, chain.ErrTxAlreadyConfirmed):
returnErr = &pushtx.BroadcastError{
Code: pushtx.Confirmed,
Reason: err.Error(),
// Transactions which are still in mempool but might fall out because
// of low fees are rebroadcasted despite of their backend error.
case errors.Is(err, chain.ErrTxAlreadyInMempool):
returnErr = &pushtx.BroadcastError{
Code: pushtx.Mempool,
Reason: err.Error(),
// Transactions which are not accepted into mempool because of low fees
// in the first place are rebroadcasted despite of their backend error.
// Mempool conditions change over time so it makes sense to retry
// publishing the transaction. Moreover we log the detailed error so the
// user can intervene and increase the size of his mempool.
case errors.Is(err, chain.ErrMempoolMinFeeNotMet):
ltndLog.Warnf("Error while broadcasting transaction: %v", err)
returnErr = &pushtx.BroadcastError{
Code: pushtx.Mempool,
Reason: err.Error(),
return returnErr