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synced 2025-03-25 17:22:59 +01:00
We now make it possible to get the current db version of the wtclient.db. Moreover we can now fetch the latest available migration version for the client db. This allows us to compare whether the client.db has all the expected migrations applied.
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package wtdb
import (
// txMigration is a function which takes a prior outdated version of the
// database instances and mutates the key/bucket structure to arrive at a more
// up-to-date version of the database. It uses an existing database transaction
// to do so.
type txMigration func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error
// dbMigration is a function which takes a prior outdated version of the
// database instances and mutates the key/bucket structure to arrive at a more
// up-to-date version of the database. If such a migration is defined, the
// migration is responsible for starting any database transactions. This
// migration type is useful in the case where it would be beneficial (in terms
// of RAM usage) to split the migration between multiple db transactions.
type dbMigration func(db kvdb.Backend) error
// version pairs a version number with the migration that would need to be
// applied from the prior version to upgrade.
type version struct {
txMigration txMigration
dbMigration dbMigration
// towerDBVersions stores all versions and migrations of the tower database.
// This list will be used when opening the database to determine if any
// migrations must be applied.
var towerDBVersions = []version{}
// clientDBVersions stores all versions and migrations of the client database.
// This list will be used when opening the database to determine if any
// migrations must be applied.
var clientDBVersions = []version{
txMigration: migration1.MigrateTowerToSessionIndex,
txMigration: migration2.MigrateClientChannelDetails,
txMigration: migration3.MigrateChannelIDIndex,
dbMigration: migration4.MigrateAckedUpdates(
txMigration: migration5.MigrateCompleteTowerToSessionIndex,
txMigration: migration6.MigrateSessionIDIndex,
txMigration: migration7.MigrateChannelToSessionIndex,
txMigration: migration8.MigrateChannelMaxHeights,
// getLatestDBVersion returns the last known database version.
func getLatestDBVersion(versions []version) uint32 {
return uint32(len(versions))
// LatestDBMigrationVersion returns the number of the latest existing database
// migration version available.
func LatestDBMigrationVersion() uint32 {
return getLatestDBVersion(clientDBVersions)
// getMigrations returns a slice of all updates with a greater number that
// curVersion that need to be applied to sync up with the latest version.
func getMigrations(versions []version, curVersion uint32) []version {
var updates []version
for i, v := range versions {
if uint32(i)+1 > curVersion {
updates = append(updates, v)
return updates
// CurrentDatabaseVersion reads the current database version from the database
// and returns it.
func CurrentDatabaseVersion(db kvdb.Backend) (uint32, error) {
var (
version uint32
err error
err = kvdb.View(db, func(tx kvdb.RTx) error {
version, err = getDBVersion(tx)
return err
}, func() {
version = 0
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return version, nil
// getDBVersion retrieves the current database version from the metadata bucket
// using the dbVersionKey.
func getDBVersion(tx kvdb.RTx) (uint32, error) {
metadata := tx.ReadBucket(metadataBkt)
if metadata == nil {
return 0, ErrUninitializedDB
versionBytes := metadata.Get(dbVersionKey)
if len(versionBytes) != 4 {
return 0, ErrNoDBVersion
return byteOrder.Uint32(versionBytes), nil
// initDBVersion initializes the top-level metadata bucket and writes the passed
// version number as the current version.
func initDBVersion(tx kvdb.RwTx, version uint32) error {
_, err := tx.CreateTopLevelBucket(metadataBkt)
if err != nil {
return err
return putDBVersion(tx, version)
// putDBVersion stores the passed database version in the metadata bucket under
// the dbVersionKey.
func putDBVersion(tx kvdb.RwTx, version uint32) error {
metadata := tx.ReadWriteBucket(metadataBkt)
if metadata == nil {
return ErrUninitializedDB
versionBytes := make([]byte, 4)
byteOrder.PutUint32(versionBytes, version)
return metadata.Put(dbVersionKey, versionBytes)
// versionedDB is a private interface implemented by both the tower and client
// databases, permitting all versioning operations to be performed generically
// on either.
type versionedDB interface {
// bdb returns the underlying bbolt database.
bdb() kvdb.Backend
// Version returns the current version stored in the database.
Version() (uint32, error)
// initOrSyncVersions ensures that the database version is properly set before
// opening the database up for regular use. When the database is being
// initialized for the first time, the caller should set init to true, which
// will simply write the latest version to the database. Otherwise, passing init
// as false will cause the database to apply any needed migrations to ensure its
// version matches the latest version in the provided versions list.
func initOrSyncVersions(db versionedDB, init bool, versions []version) error {
// If the database has not yet been created, we'll initialize the
// database version with the latest known version.
if init {
return kvdb.Update(db.bdb(), func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
return initDBVersion(tx, getLatestDBVersion(versions))
}, func() {})
// Otherwise, ensure that any migrations are applied to ensure the data
// is in the format expected by the latest version.
return syncVersions(db, versions)
// syncVersions ensures the database version is consistent with the highest
// known database version, applying any migrations that have not been made. If
// the highest known version number is lower than the database's version, this
// method will fail to prevent accidental reversions.
func syncVersions(db versionedDB, versions []version) error {
curVersion, err := db.Version()
if err != nil {
return err
latestVersion := getLatestDBVersion(versions)
switch {
// Current version is higher than any known version, fail to prevent
// reversion.
case curVersion > latestVersion:
return channeldb.ErrDBReversion
// Current version matches highest known version, nothing to do.
case curVersion == latestVersion:
return nil
// Otherwise, apply any migrations in order to bring the database
// version up to the highest known version.
updates := getMigrations(versions, curVersion)
for i, update := range updates {
if update.dbMigration != nil && update.txMigration != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot specify both a " +
"tx-migration and a db-migration for a " +
"single version")
version := curVersion + uint32(i) + 1
log.Infof("Applying migration #%d", version)
if update.dbMigration != nil {
err = update.dbMigration(db.bdb())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to apply migration #%d: %v",
version, err)
return err
// Note that unlike a txMigration, here we update the
// db version in a transaction that is separate to the
// transaction in which the db migration took place.
// This means that the db migration function must be
// idempotent.
err = kvdb.Update(db.bdb(), func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
return putDBVersion(tx, version)
}, func() {})
if err != nil {
return err
if update.txMigration == nil {
err = kvdb.Update(db.bdb(), func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
err := update.txMigration(tx)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to apply migration #%d: %v",
version, err)
return err
return putDBVersion(tx, version)
}, func() {})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil