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synced 2025-03-29 03:01:52 +01:00
Previously the fee rate is tracked at cluster level, which may not be accurate as each cluster is then divided into input sets. And these sets are what's actually included in the final sweeping tx. To properly reflect the final fee rate used in the sweeping tx, `InputSet` is added so more customized clustering logic can be implemented in the future. For intance, atm it's clustered by fee rates, while we may also cluster by deadlines, urgencies, etc.
494 lines
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494 lines
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package sweep
import (
const (
// DefaultFeeRateBucketSize is the default size of fee rate buckets
// we'll use when clustering inputs into buckets with similar fee rates
// within the SimpleAggregator.
// Given a minimum relay fee rate of 1 sat/vbyte, a multiplier of 10
// would result in the following fee rate buckets up to the maximum fee
// rate:
// #1: min = 1 sat/vbyte, max = 10 sat/vbyte
// #2: min = 11 sat/vbyte, max = 20 sat/vbyte...
DefaultFeeRateBucketSize = 10
// inputSet is a set of inputs that can be used as the basis to generate a tx
// on.
type inputSet []input.Input
// Cluster defines an interface that prepares inputs of a cluster to be grouped
// into a list of sets that can be used to create sweep transactions.
type Cluster interface {
// CreateInputSets goes through the cluster's inputs and constructs
// sets of inputs that can be used to generate a sensible transaction.
CreateInputSets(wallet Wallet, maxFeeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight,
maxInputs int) ([]InputSet, error)
// Compile-time constraint to ensure inputCluster implements Cluster.
var _ Cluster = (*inputCluster)(nil)
// inputCluster is a helper struct to gather a set of pending inputs that
// should be swept with the specified fee rate.
type inputCluster struct {
lockTime *uint32
sweepFeeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight
inputs pendingInputs
// GroupInputs goes through the cluster's inputs and constructs sets of inputs
// that can be used to generate a sensible transaction. Each set contains up to
// the configured maximum number of inputs. Negative yield inputs are skipped.
// No input sets with a total value after fees below the dust limit are
// returned.
func (c *inputCluster) CreateInputSets(
wallet Wallet, maxFeeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight,
maxInputs int) ([]InputSet, error) {
// Turn the inputs into a slice so we can sort them.
inputList := make([]*pendingInput, 0, len(c.inputs))
for _, input := range c.inputs {
inputList = append(inputList, input)
// Yield is calculated as the difference between value and added fee
// for this input. The fee calculation excludes fee components that are
// common to all inputs, as those wouldn't influence the order. The
// single component that is differentiating is witness size.
// For witness size, the upper limit is taken. The actual size depends
// on the signature length, which is not known yet at this point.
calcYield := func(input *pendingInput) int64 {
size, _, err := input.WitnessType().SizeUpperBound()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to get input weight: %v", err)
return 0
yield := input.SignDesc().Output.Value -
return yield
// Sort input by yield. We will start constructing input sets starting
// with the highest yield inputs. This is to prevent the construction
// of a set with an output below the dust limit, causing the sweep
// process to stop, while there are still higher value inputs
// available. It also allows us to stop evaluating more inputs when the
// first input in this ordering is encountered with a negative yield.
sort.Slice(inputList, func(i, j int) bool {
// Because of the specific ordering and termination condition
// that is described above, we place force sweeps at the start
// of the list. Otherwise we can't be sure that they will be
// included in an input set.
if inputList[i].parameters().Force {
return true
return calcYield(inputList[i]) > calcYield(inputList[j])
// Select blocks of inputs up to the configured maximum number.
var sets []InputSet
for len(inputList) > 0 {
// Start building a set of positive-yield tx inputs under the
// condition that the tx will be published with the specified
// fee rate.
txInputs := newTxInputSet(
wallet, c.sweepFeeRate, maxFeeRate, maxInputs,
// From the set of sweepable inputs, keep adding inputs to the
// input set until the tx output value no longer goes up or the
// maximum number of inputs is reached.
// If there are no positive yield inputs, we can stop here.
inputCount := len(txInputs.inputs)
if inputCount == 0 {
return sets, nil
// Check the current output value and add wallet utxos if
// needed to push the output value to the lower limit.
if err := txInputs.tryAddWalletInputsIfNeeded(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the output value of this block of inputs does not reach
// the dust limit, stop sweeping. Because of the sorting,
// continuing with the remaining inputs will only lead to sets
// with an even lower output value.
if !txInputs.enoughInput() {
// The change output is always a p2tr here.
dl := lnwallet.DustLimitForSize(input.P2TRSize)
log.Debugf("Input set value %v (required=%v, "+
"change=%v) below dust limit of %v",
txInputs.totalOutput(), txInputs.requiredOutput,
txInputs.changeOutput, dl)
return sets, nil
log.Infof("Candidate sweep set of size=%v (+%v wallet inputs),"+
" has yield=%v, weight=%v",
inputCount, len(txInputs.inputs)-inputCount,
sets = append(sets, txInputs)
inputList = inputList[inputCount:]
return sets, nil
// UtxoAggregator defines an interface that takes a list of inputs and
// aggregate them into groups. Each group is used as the inputs to create a
// sweeping transaction.
type UtxoAggregator interface {
// ClusterInputs takes a list of inputs and groups them into clusters.
ClusterInputs(pendingInputs) []Cluster
// SimpleAggregator aggregates inputs known by the Sweeper based on each
// input's locktime and feerate.
type SimpleAggregator struct {
// FeeEstimator is used when crafting sweep transactions to estimate
// the necessary fee relative to the expected size of the sweep
// transaction.
FeeEstimator chainfee.Estimator
// MaxFeeRate is the maximum fee rate allowed within the
// SimpleAggregator.
MaxFeeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight
// FeeRateBucketSize is the default size of fee rate buckets we'll use
// when clustering inputs into buckets with similar fee rates within
// the SimpleAggregator.
// Given a minimum relay fee rate of 1 sat/vbyte, a fee rate bucket
// size of 10 would result in the following fee rate buckets up to the
// maximum fee rate:
// #1: min = 1 sat/vbyte, max (exclusive) = 11 sat/vbyte
// #2: min = 11 sat/vbyte, max (exclusive) = 21 sat/vbyte...
FeeRateBucketSize int
// Compile-time constraint to ensure SimpleAggregator implements UtxoAggregator.
var _ UtxoAggregator = (*SimpleAggregator)(nil)
// NewSimpleUtxoAggregator creates a new instance of a SimpleAggregator.
func NewSimpleUtxoAggregator(estimator chainfee.Estimator,
max chainfee.SatPerKWeight) *SimpleAggregator {
return &SimpleAggregator{
FeeEstimator: estimator,
MaxFeeRate: max,
FeeRateBucketSize: DefaultFeeRateBucketSize,
// ClusterInputs creates a list of input clusters from the set of pending
// inputs known by the UtxoSweeper. It clusters inputs by
// 1) Required tx locktime
// 2) Similar fee rates.
func (s *SimpleAggregator) ClusterInputs(inputs pendingInputs) []Cluster {
// We start by getting the inputs clusters by locktime. Since the
// inputs commit to the locktime, they can only be clustered together
// if the locktime is equal.
lockTimeClusters, nonLockTimeInputs := s.clusterByLockTime(inputs)
// Cluster the remaining inputs by sweep fee rate.
feeClusters := s.clusterBySweepFeeRate(nonLockTimeInputs)
// Since the inputs that we clustered by fee rate don't commit to a
// specific locktime, we can try to merge a locktime cluster with a fee
// cluster.
clusters := zipClusters(lockTimeClusters, feeClusters)
sort.Slice(clusters, func(i, j int) bool {
return clusters[i].sweepFeeRate >
result := make([]Cluster, 0, len(clusters))
for _, c := range clusters {
result = append(result, &c)
return result
// clusterByLockTime takes the given set of pending inputs and clusters those
// with equal locktime together. Each cluster contains a sweep fee rate, which
// is determined by calculating the average fee rate of all inputs within that
// cluster. In addition to the created clusters, inputs that did not specify a
// required locktime are returned.
func (s *SimpleAggregator) clusterByLockTime(
inputs pendingInputs) ([]inputCluster, pendingInputs) {
locktimes := make(map[uint32]pendingInputs)
rem := make(pendingInputs)
// Go through all inputs and check if they require a certain locktime.
for op, input := range inputs {
lt, ok := input.RequiredLockTime()
if !ok {
rem[op] = input
// Check if we already have inputs with this locktime.
cluster, ok := locktimes[lt]
if !ok {
cluster = make(pendingInputs)
// Get the fee rate based on the fee preference. If an error is
// returned, we'll skip sweeping this input for this round of
// cluster creation and retry it when we create the clusters
// from the pending inputs again.
feeRate, err := input.params.Fee.Estimate(
s.FeeEstimator, s.MaxFeeRate,
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Skipping input %v: %v", op, err)
log.Debugf("Adding input %v to cluster with locktime=%v, "+
"feeRate=%v", op, lt, feeRate)
// Attach the fee rate to the input.
input.lastFeeRate = feeRate
// Update the cluster about the updated input.
cluster[op] = input
locktimes[lt] = cluster
// We'll then determine the sweep fee rate for each set of inputs by
// calculating the average fee rate of the inputs within each set.
inputClusters := make([]inputCluster, 0, len(locktimes))
for lt, cluster := range locktimes {
lt := lt
var sweepFeeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight
for _, input := range cluster {
sweepFeeRate += input.lastFeeRate
sweepFeeRate /= chainfee.SatPerKWeight(len(cluster))
inputClusters = append(inputClusters, inputCluster{
lockTime: <,
sweepFeeRate: sweepFeeRate,
inputs: cluster,
return inputClusters, rem
// clusterBySweepFeeRate takes the set of pending inputs within the UtxoSweeper
// and clusters those together with similar fee rates. Each cluster contains a
// sweep fee rate, which is determined by calculating the average fee rate of
// all inputs within that cluster.
func (s *SimpleAggregator) clusterBySweepFeeRate(
inputs pendingInputs) []inputCluster {
bucketInputs := make(map[int]*bucketList)
inputFeeRates := make(map[wire.OutPoint]chainfee.SatPerKWeight)
// First, we'll group together all inputs with similar fee rates. This
// is done by determining the fee rate bucket they should belong in.
for op, input := range inputs {
feeRate, err := input.params.Fee.Estimate(
s.FeeEstimator, s.MaxFeeRate,
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Skipping input %v: %v", op, err)
// Only try to sweep inputs with an unconfirmed parent if the
// current sweep fee rate exceeds the parent tx fee rate. This
// assumes that such inputs are offered to the sweeper solely
// for the purpose of anchoring down the parent tx using cpfp.
parentTx := input.UnconfParent()
if parentTx != nil {
parentFeeRate :=
chainfee.SatPerKWeight(parentTx.Fee*1000) /
if parentFeeRate >= feeRate {
log.Debugf("Skipping cpfp input %v: "+
"fee_rate=%v, parent_fee_rate=%v", op,
feeRate, parentFeeRate)
feeGroup := s.bucketForFeeRate(feeRate)
// Create a bucket list for this fee rate if there isn't one
// yet.
buckets, ok := bucketInputs[feeGroup]
if !ok {
buckets = &bucketList{}
bucketInputs[feeGroup] = buckets
// Request the bucket list to add this input. The bucket list
// will take into account exclusive group constraints.
input.lastFeeRate = feeRate
inputFeeRates[op] = feeRate
// We'll then determine the sweep fee rate for each set of inputs by
// calculating the average fee rate of the inputs within each set.
inputClusters := make([]inputCluster, 0, len(bucketInputs))
for _, buckets := range bucketInputs {
for _, inputs := range buckets.buckets {
var sweepFeeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight
for op := range inputs {
sweepFeeRate += inputFeeRates[op]
sweepFeeRate /= chainfee.SatPerKWeight(len(inputs))
inputClusters = append(inputClusters, inputCluster{
sweepFeeRate: sweepFeeRate,
inputs: inputs,
return inputClusters
// bucketForFeeReate determines the proper bucket for a fee rate. This is done
// in order to batch inputs with similar fee rates together.
func (s *SimpleAggregator) bucketForFeeRate(
feeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight) int {
relayFeeRate := s.FeeEstimator.RelayFeePerKW()
// Create an isolated bucket for sweeps at the minimum fee rate. This
// is to prevent very small outputs (anchors) from becoming
// uneconomical if their fee rate would be averaged with higher fee
// rate inputs in a regular bucket.
if feeRate == relayFeeRate {
return 0
return 1 + int(feeRate-relayFeeRate)/s.FeeRateBucketSize
// mergeClusters attempts to merge cluster a and b if they are compatible. The
// new cluster will have the locktime set if a or b had a locktime set, and a
// sweep fee rate that is the maximum of a and b's. If the two clusters are not
// compatible, they will be returned unchanged.
func mergeClusters(a, b inputCluster) []inputCluster {
newCluster := inputCluster{}
switch {
// Incompatible locktimes, return the sets without merging them.
case a.lockTime != nil && b.lockTime != nil &&
*a.lockTime != *b.lockTime:
return []inputCluster{a, b}
case a.lockTime != nil:
newCluster.lockTime = a.lockTime
case b.lockTime != nil:
newCluster.lockTime = b.lockTime
if a.sweepFeeRate > b.sweepFeeRate {
newCluster.sweepFeeRate = a.sweepFeeRate
} else {
newCluster.sweepFeeRate = b.sweepFeeRate
newCluster.inputs = make(pendingInputs)
for op, in := range a.inputs {
newCluster.inputs[op] = in
for op, in := range b.inputs {
newCluster.inputs[op] = in
return []inputCluster{newCluster}
// zipClusters merges pairwise clusters from as and bs such that cluster a from
// as is merged with a cluster from bs that has at least the fee rate of a.
// This to ensure we don't delay confirmation by decreasing the fee rate (the
// lock time inputs are typically second level HTLC transactions, that are time
// sensitive).
func zipClusters(as, bs []inputCluster) []inputCluster {
// Sort the clusters by decreasing fee rates.
sort.Slice(as, func(i, j int) bool {
return as[i].sweepFeeRate >
sort.Slice(bs, func(i, j int) bool {
return bs[i].sweepFeeRate >
var (
finalClusters []inputCluster
j int
// Go through each cluster in as, and merge with the next one from bs
// if it has at least the fee rate needed.
for i := range as {
a := as[i]
switch {
// If the fee rate for the next one from bs is at least a's, we
// merge.
case j < len(bs) && bs[j].sweepFeeRate >= a.sweepFeeRate:
merged := mergeClusters(a, bs[j])
finalClusters = append(finalClusters, merged...)
// Increment j for the next round.
// We did not merge, meaning all the remaining clusters from bs
// have lower fee rate. Instead we add a directly to the final
// clusters.
finalClusters = append(finalClusters, a)
// Add any remaining clusters from bs.
for ; j < len(bs); j++ {
b := bs[j]
finalClusters = append(finalClusters, b)
return finalClusters