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package autopilot
import (
// stack is a simple int stack to help with readability of Brandes'
// betweenness centrality implementation below.
type stack struct {
stack []int
func (s *stack) push(v int) {
s.stack = append(s.stack, v)
func (s *stack) top() int {
return s.stack[len(s.stack)-1]
func (s *stack) pop() {
s.stack = s.stack[:len(s.stack)-1]
func (s *stack) empty() bool {
return len(s.stack) == 0
// queue is a simple int queue to help with readability of Brandes'
// betweenness centrality implementation below.
type queue struct {
queue []int
func (q *queue) push(v int) {
q.queue = append(q.queue, v)
func (q *queue) front() int {
return q.queue[0]
func (q *queue) pop() {
q.queue = q.queue[1:]
func (q *queue) empty() bool {
return len(q.queue) == 0
// BetweennessCentrality is a NodeMetric that calculates node betweenness
// centrality using Brandes' algorithm. Betweenness centrality for each node
// is the number of shortest paths passing through that node, not counting
// shortest paths starting or ending at that node. This is a useful metric
// to measure control of individual nodes over the whole network.
type BetweennessCentrality struct {
// workers number of goroutines are used to parallelize
// centrality calculation.
workers int
// centrality stores original (not normalized) centrality values for
// each node in the graph.
centrality map[NodeID]float64
// min is the minimum centrality in the graph.
min float64
// max is the maximum centrality in the graph.
max float64
// NewBetweennessCentralityMetric creates a new BetweennessCentrality instance.
// Users can specify the number of workers to use for calculating centrality.
func NewBetweennessCentralityMetric(workers int) (*BetweennessCentrality, error) {
// There should be at least one worker.
if workers < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("workers must be positive")
return &BetweennessCentrality{
workers: workers,
}, nil
// Name returns the name of the metric.
func (bc *BetweennessCentrality) Name() string {
return "betweenness_centrality"
// betweennessCentrality is the core of Brandes' algorithm.
// We first calculate the shortest paths from the start node s to all other
// nodes with BFS, then update the betweenness centrality values by using
// Brandes' dependency trick.
// For detailed explanation please read:
// https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/1617/MLRD/handbook/brandes.html
func betweennessCentrality(g *SimpleGraph, s int, centrality []float64) {
// pred[w] is the list of nodes that immediately precede w on a
// shortest path from s to t for each node t.
pred := make([][]int, len(g.Nodes))
// sigma[t] is the number of shortest paths between nodes s and t
// for each node t.
sigma := make([]int, len(g.Nodes))
sigma[s] = 1
// dist[t] holds the distance between s and t for each node t.
// We initialize this to -1 (meaning infinity) for each t != s.
dist := make([]int, len(g.Nodes))
for i := range dist {
dist[i] = -1
dist[s] = 0
var (
st stack
q queue
// BFS to calculate the shortest paths (sigma and pred)
// from s to t for each node t.
for !q.empty() {
v := q.front()
for _, w := range g.Adj[v] {
// If distance from s to w is infinity (-1)
// then set it and enqueue w.
if dist[w] < 0 {
dist[w] = dist[v] + 1
// If w is on a shortest path the update
// sigma and add v to w's predecessor list.
if dist[w] == dist[v]+1 {
sigma[w] += sigma[v]
pred[w] = append(pred[w], v)
// delta[v] is the ratio of the shortest paths between s and t that go
// through v and the total number of shortest paths between s and t.
// If we have delta then the betweenness centrality is simply the sum
// of delta[w] for each w != s.
delta := make([]float64, len(g.Nodes))
for !st.empty() {
w := st.top()
// pred[w] is the list of nodes that immediately precede w on a
// shortest path from s.
for _, v := range pred[w] {
// Update delta using Brandes' equation.
delta[v] += (float64(sigma[v]) / float64(sigma[w])) * (1.0 + delta[w])
if w != s {
// As noted above centrality is simply the sum
// of delta[w] for each w != s.
centrality[w] += delta[w]
// Refresh recalculates and stores centrality values.
func (bc *BetweennessCentrality) Refresh(graph ChannelGraph) error {
cache, err := NewSimpleGraph(graph)
if err != nil {
return err
var wg sync.WaitGroup
work := make(chan int)
partials := make(chan []float64, bc.workers)
// Each worker will compute a partial result.
// This partial result is a sum of centrality updates
// on roughly N / workers nodes.
worker := func() {
defer wg.Done()
partial := make([]float64, len(cache.Nodes))
// Consume the next node, update centrality
// parital to avoid unnecessary synchronization.
for node := range work {
betweennessCentrality(cache, node, partial)
partials <- partial
// Now start the N workers.
for i := 0; i < bc.workers; i++ {
go worker()
// Distribute work amongst workers.
// Should be fair when the graph is sufficiently large.
for node := range cache.Nodes {
work <- node
// Collect and sum partials for final result.
centrality := make([]float64, len(cache.Nodes))
for partial := range partials {
for i := 0; i < len(partial); i++ {
centrality[i] += partial[i]
// Get min/max to be able to normalize
// centrality values between 0 and 1.
bc.min = 0
bc.max = 0
if len(centrality) > 0 {
for _, v := range centrality {
if v < bc.min {
bc.min = v
} else if v > bc.max {
bc.max = v
// Divide by two as this is an undirected graph.
bc.min /= 2.0
bc.max /= 2.0
bc.centrality = make(map[NodeID]float64)
for u, value := range centrality {
// Divide by two as this is an undirected graph.
bc.centrality[cache.Nodes[u]] = value / 2.0
return nil
// GetMetric returns the current centrality values for each node indexed
// by node id.
func (bc *BetweennessCentrality) GetMetric(normalize bool) map[NodeID]float64 {
// Normalization factor.
var z float64
if (bc.max - bc.min) > 0 {
z = 1.0 / (bc.max - bc.min)
centrality := make(map[NodeID]float64)
for k, v := range bc.centrality {
if normalize {
v = (v - bc.min) * z
centrality[k] = v
return centrality