# The Mempool Open Source Project™ [](https://dashboard.cypress.io/projects/ry4br7/runs)
It is an open-source project developed and operated for the benefit of the Bitcoin community, with a focus on the emerging transaction fee market that is evolving Bitcoin into a multi-layer ecosystem.
Mempool can be self-hosted on a wide variety of your own hardware, ranging from a simple one-click installation on a Raspberry Pi full-node distro all the way to a robust production instance on a powerful FreeBSD server.
**We highly recommend you deploy your own Mempool instance this way.** No matter which option you pick, you'll be able to get your own fully-sovereign instance of Mempool up quickly without needing to fiddle with any settings.
Mempool can be installed in other ways too, but we only recommend doing so if you're a developer, have experience managing servers, or otherwise know what you're doing.
- See the [`docker/`](./docker/) directory for instructions on deploying Mempool with Docker.
- See the [`backend/`](./backend/) and [`frontend/`](./frontend/) directories for manual install instructions oriented for developers and small-scale deployments.
- See the [`production/`](./production/) directory for guidance on setting up a more serious Mempool instance designed for high performance at scale.