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2022-12-20 05:21:07 +00:00
# DTS React User Guide
Congrats! You just saved yourself hours of work by bootstrapping this project with DTS. Lets get you oriented with whats here and how to use it.
> This DTS setup is meant for developing React component libraries (not apps!) that can be published to NPM. If youre looking to build a React-based app, you should use `create-react-app`, `razzle`, `nextjs`, `gatsby`, or `react-static`.
> If youre new to TypeScript and React, checkout [this handy cheatsheet](
## Commands
DTS scaffolds your new library inside `/src`, and also sets up a [Vite-based]( playground for it inside `/example`.
The recommended workflow is to run DTS in one terminal:
npm start # or yarn start
This builds to `/dist` and runs the project in watch mode so any edits you save inside `src` causes a rebuild to `/dist`.
Then run the example inside another:
cd example
npm i # or yarn to install dependencies
npm start # or yarn start
The default example imports and live reloads whatever is in `/dist`, so if you are seeing an out of date component, make sure DTS is running in watch mode like we recommend above.
To do a one-off build, use `npm run build` or `yarn build`.
To run tests, use `npm test` or `yarn test`.
## Configuration
Code quality is set up for you with `prettier`, `husky`, and `lint-staged`. Adjust the respective fields in `package.json` accordingly.
### Jest
Jest tests are set up to run with `npm test` or `yarn test`.
### Bundle analysis
Calculates the real cost of your library using [size-limit]( with `npm run size` and visulize it with `npm run analyze`.
#### Setup Files
This is the folder structure we set up for you:
index.tsx # test your component here in a demo app
index.tsx # EDIT THIS
index.test.tsx # EDIT THIS
package.json # EDIT THIS
#### React Testing Library
We do not set up `react-testing-library` for you yet, we welcome contributions and documentation on this.
### Rollup
DTS uses [Rollup]( as a bundler and generates multiple rollup configs for various module formats and build settings. See [Optimizations](#optimizations) for details.
### TypeScript
`tsconfig.json` is set up to interpret `dom` and `esnext` types, as well as `react` for `jsx`. Adjust according to your needs.
## Continuous Integration
### GitHub Actions
Two actions are added by default:
- `main` which installs deps w/ cache, lints, tests, and builds on all pushes against a Node and OS matrix
- `size` which comments cost comparison of your library on every pull request using [`size-limit`](
## Optimizations
Please see the main `dts` [optimizations docs]( In particular, know that you can take advantage of development-only optimizations:
// ./types/index.d.ts
declare var __DEV__: boolean;
// inside your code...
if (__DEV__) {
You can also choose to install and use [invariant]( and [warning]( functions.
## Module Formats
CJS, ESModules, and UMD module formats are supported.
The appropriate paths are configured in `package.json` and `dist/index.js` accordingly. Please report if any issues are found.
## Deploying the Example Playground
The Playground is just a simple [Vite]( app, you can deploy it anywhere you would normally deploy that. Here are some guidelines for **manually** deploying with the Netlify CLI (`npm i -g netlify-cli`):
cd example # if not already in the example folder
npm run build # builds to dist
netlify deploy # deploy the dist folder
Alternatively, if you already have a git repo connected, you can set up continuous deployment with Netlify:
netlify init
# build command: yarn build && cd example && yarn && yarn build
# directory to deploy: example/dist
# pick yes for netlify.toml
## Named Exports
Per Palmer Group guidelines, [always use named exports.]( Code split inside your React app instead of your React library.
## Including Styles
There are many ways to ship styles, including with CSS-in-JS. DTS has no opinion on this, configure how you like.
For vanilla CSS, you can include it at the root directory and add it to the `files` section in your `package.json`, so that it can be imported separately by your users and run through their bundler's loader.
## Publishing to NPM
We recommend using [np](
## Usage with Lerna
When creating a new package with DTS within a project set up with Lerna, you might encounter a `Cannot resolve dependency` error when trying to run the `example` project. To fix that you will need to make changes to the `package.json` file _inside the `example` directory_.
The problem is that due to the nature of how dependencies are installed in Lerna projects, the aliases in the example project's `package.json` might not point to the right place, as those dependencies might have been installed in the root of your Lerna project.
Change the `alias` to point to where those packages are actually installed. This depends on the directory structure of your Lerna project, so the actual path might be different from the diff below.
"alias": {
- "react": "../node_modules/react",
- "react-dom": "../node_modules/react-dom"
+ "react": "../../../node_modules/react",
+ "react-dom": "../../../node_modules/react-dom"
An alternative to fixing this problem would be to remove aliases altogether and define the dependencies referenced as aliases as dev dependencies instead. [However, that might cause other problems.](