mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 01:31:42 +01:00
refactor: move nostr server into library
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ pub mod hexrange;
pub mod info;
pub mod nip05;
pub mod schema;
pub mod server;
pub mod subscription;
pub mod utils;
@ -1,44 +1,10 @@
//! Server process
use futures::SinkExt;
use futures::StreamExt;
use hyper::header::ACCEPT;
use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn};
use hyper::upgrade::Upgraded;
use hyper::{
header, server::conn::AddrStream, upgrade, Body, Request, Response, Server, StatusCode,
use log::*;
use nostr_rs_relay::close::Close;
use nostr_rs_relay::close::CloseCmd;
use nostr_rs_relay::config;
use nostr_rs_relay::conn;
use nostr_rs_relay::db;
use nostr_rs_relay::db::SubmittedEvent;
use nostr_rs_relay::error::{Error, Result};
use nostr_rs_relay::event::Event;
use nostr_rs_relay::event::EventCmd;
use nostr_rs_relay::info::RelayInfo;
use nostr_rs_relay::nip05;
use nostr_rs_relay::subscription::Subscription;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::json;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::Infallible;
use nostr_rs_relay::server::start_server;
use std::env;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use tokio::runtime::Builder;
use tokio::sync::broadcast::{self, Receiver, Sender};
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use tokio_tungstenite::WebSocketStream;
use tungstenite::error::CapacityError::MessageTooLong;
use tungstenite::error::Error as WsError;
use tungstenite::handshake;
use tungstenite::protocol::Message;
use tungstenite::protocol::WebSocketConfig;
use std::thread;
/// Return a requested DB name from command line arguments.
fn db_from_args(args: Vec<String>) -> Option<String> {
@ -48,126 +14,11 @@ fn db_from_args(args: Vec<String>) -> Option<String> {
/// Handle arbitrary HTTP requests, including for WebSocket upgrades.
async fn handle_web_request(
mut request: Request<Body>,
pool: db::SqlitePool,
remote_addr: SocketAddr,
broadcast: Sender<Event>,
event_tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<SubmittedEvent>,
shutdown: Receiver<()>,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, Infallible> {
match (
) {
// Request for / as websocket
("/", true) => {
trace!("websocket with upgrade request");
//assume request is a handshake, so create the handshake response
let response = match handshake::server::create_response_with_body(&request, || {
}) {
Ok(response) => {
//in case the handshake response creation succeeds,
//spawn a task to handle the websocket connection
tokio::spawn(async move {
//using the hyper feature of upgrading a connection
match upgrade::on(&mut request).await {
//if successfully upgraded
Ok(upgraded) => {
// set WebSocket configuration options
let mut config = WebSocketConfig::default();
let settings = config::SETTINGS.read().unwrap();
config.max_message_size = settings.limits.max_ws_message_bytes;
config.max_frame_size = settings.limits.max_ws_frame_bytes;
//create a websocket stream from the upgraded object
let ws_stream = WebSocketStream::from_raw_socket(
//pass the upgraded object
//as the base layer stream of the Websocket
pool, ws_stream, broadcast, event_tx, shutdown,
Err(e) => println!(
"error when trying to upgrade connection \
from address {} to websocket connection. \
Error is: {}",
remote_addr, e
//return the response to the handshake request
Err(error) => {
warn!("websocket response failed");
let mut res =
Response::new(Body::from(format!("Failed to create websocket: {}", error)));
*res.status_mut() = StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST;
return Ok(res);
Ok::<_, Infallible>(response)
// Request for Relay info
("/", false) => {
// handle request at root with no upgrade header
// Check if this is a nostr server info request
let accept_header = &request.headers().get(ACCEPT);
// check if application/nostr+json is included
if let Some(media_types) = accept_header {
if let Ok(mt_str) = media_types.to_str() {
if mt_str.contains("application/nostr+json") {
let config = config::SETTINGS.read().unwrap();
// build a relay info response
debug!("Responding to server info request");
let rinfo = RelayInfo::from(config.info.clone());
let b = Body::from(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&rinfo).unwrap());
return Ok(Response::builder()
.header("Content-Type", "application/nostr+json")
.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
.header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
.body(Body::from("Please use a Nostr client to connect."))
(_, _) => {
//handle any other url
.body(Body::from("Nothing here."))
async fn shutdown_signal() {
// Wait for the CTRL+C signal
.expect("failed to install CTRL+C signal handler");
/// Start running a Nostr relay server.
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
// setup logger
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
info!("Starting up from main");
// get database directory from args
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let db_dir: Option<String> = db_from_args(args);
@ -181,432 +32,11 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
*settings = c;
let settings = config::SETTINGS.read().unwrap();
trace!("Config: {:?}", settings);
// do some config validation.
if !Path::new(&settings.database.data_directory).is_dir() {
error!("Database directory does not exist");
return Err(Error::DatabaseDirError);
let addr = format!(
let socket_addr = addr.parse().expect("listening address not valid");
// address whitelisting settings
if let Some(addr_whitelist) = &settings.authorization.pubkey_whitelist {
"Event publishing restricted to {} pubkey(s)",
// check if NIP-05 enforced user verification is on
if settings.verified_users.is_active() {
"NIP-05 user verification mode:{:?}",
if let Some(d) = settings.verified_users.verify_update_duration() {
info!("NIP-05 check user verification every: {:?}", d);
if let Some(d) = settings.verified_users.verify_expiration_duration() {
info!("NIP-05 user verification expires after: {:?}", d);
if let Some(wl) = &settings.verified_users.domain_whitelist {
info!("NIP-05 domain whitelist: {:?}", wl);
if let Some(bl) = &settings.verified_users.domain_blacklist {
info!("NIP-05 domain blacklist: {:?}", bl);
// configure tokio runtime
let rt = Builder::new_multi_thread()
// start tokio
rt.block_on(async {
let broadcast_buffer_limit;
let persist_buffer_limit;
let verified_users_active;
let db_min_conn;
let db_max_conn;
// hack to prove we drop the mutexguard prior to any await points
// (https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/6446)
let settings = config::SETTINGS.read().unwrap();
broadcast_buffer_limit = settings.limits.broadcast_buffer;
persist_buffer_limit = settings.limits.event_persist_buffer;
verified_users_active = settings.verified_users.is_active();
db_min_conn = settings.database.min_conn;
db_max_conn = settings.database.max_conn;
info!("listening on: {}", socket_addr);
// all client-submitted valid events are broadcast to every
// other client on this channel. This should be large enough
// to accomodate slower readers (messages are dropped if
// clients can not keep up).
let (bcast_tx, _) = broadcast::channel::<Event>(broadcast_buffer_limit);
// validated events that need to be persisted are sent to the
// database on via this channel.
let (event_tx, event_rx) = mpsc::channel::<SubmittedEvent>(persist_buffer_limit);
// establish a channel for letting all threads now about a
// requested server shutdown.
let (invoke_shutdown, shutdown_listen) = broadcast::channel::<()>(1);
// create a channel for sending any new metadata event. These
// will get processed relatively slowly (a potentially
// multi-second blocking HTTP call) on a single thread, so we
// buffer requests on the channel. No harm in dropping events
// here, since we are protecting against DoS. This can make
// it difficult to setup initial metadata in bulk, since
// overwhelming this will drop events and won't register
// metadata events.
let (metadata_tx, metadata_rx) = broadcast::channel::<Event>(4096);
// start the database writer thread. Give it a channel for
// writing events, and for publishing events that have been
// written (to all connected clients).
info!("db writer created");
// create a nip-05 verifier thread
let verifier_opt = nip05::Verifier::new(metadata_rx, bcast_tx.clone());
if let Ok(mut v) = verifier_opt {
if verified_users_active {
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
info!("starting up NIP-05 verifier...");
// // listen for ctrl-c interruupts
let ctrl_c_shutdown = invoke_shutdown.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
info!("shutting down due to SIGINT");
// build a connection pool for sqlite connections
let pool = db::build_pool(
"client query",
| rusqlite::OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_SHARED_CACHE,
// A `Service` is needed for every connection, so this
// creates one from our `handle_request` function.
let make_svc = make_service_fn(|conn: &AddrStream| {
let svc_pool = pool.clone();
let remote_addr = conn.remote_addr();
let bcast = bcast_tx.clone();
let event = event_tx.clone();
let stop = invoke_shutdown.clone();
async move {
// service_fn converts our function into a `Service`
Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(move |request: Request<Body>| {
let server = Server::bind(&socket_addr)
// run hyper
if let Err(e) = server.await {
eprintln!("server error: {}", e);
// our code
// run this in a new thread
let handle = thread::spawn(|| {
let _ = start_server();
// block on nostr thread to finish.
/// Nostr protocol messages from a client
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum NostrMessage {
/// An `EVENT` message
/// A `REQ` message
/// A `CLOSE` message
/// Convert Message to NostrMessage
fn convert_to_msg(msg: String) -> Result<NostrMessage> {
let config = config::SETTINGS.read().unwrap();
let parsed_res: Result<NostrMessage> = serde_json::from_str(&msg).map_err(|e| e.into());
match parsed_res {
Ok(m) => {
if let NostrMessage::EventMsg(_) = m {
if let Some(max_size) = config.limits.max_event_bytes {
// check length, ensure that some max size is set.
if msg.len() > max_size && max_size > 0 {
return Err(Error::EventMaxLengthError(msg.len()));
Err(e) => {
debug!("proto parse error: {:?}", e);
debug!("parse error on message: {}", msg.trim());
/// Turn a string into a NOTICE message ready to send over a WebSocket
fn make_notice_message(msg: &str) -> Message {
Message::text(json!(["NOTICE", msg]).to_string())
/// Handle new client connections. This runs through an event loop
/// for all client communication.
async fn nostr_server(
pool: db::SqlitePool,
mut ws_stream: WebSocketStream<Upgraded>,
broadcast: Sender<Event>,
event_tx: mpsc::Sender<SubmittedEvent>,
mut shutdown: Receiver<()>,
) {
// get a broadcast channel for clients to communicate on
let mut bcast_rx = broadcast.subscribe();
// Track internal client state
let mut conn = conn::ClientConn::new();
let cid = conn.get_client_prefix();
// Create a channel for receiving query results from the database.
// we will send out the tx handle to any query we generate.
let (query_tx, mut query_rx) = mpsc::channel::<db::QueryResult>(256);
// Create channel for receiving NOTICEs
let (notice_tx, mut notice_rx) = mpsc::channel::<String>(32);
// last time this client sent data (message, ping, etc.)
let mut last_message_time = Instant::now();
// ping interval (every 5 minutes)
let default_ping_dur = Duration::from_secs(300);
// disconnect after 20 minutes without a ping response or event.
let max_quiet_time = Duration::from_secs(60 * 20);
let start = tokio::time::Instant::now() + default_ping_dur;
let mut ping_interval = tokio::time::interval_at(start, default_ping_dur);
// maintain a hashmap of a oneshot channel for active subscriptions.
// when these subscriptions are cancelled, make a message
// available to the executing query so it knows to stop.
let mut running_queries: HashMap<String, oneshot::Sender<()>> = HashMap::new();
// for stats, keep track of how many events the client published,
// and how many it received from queries.
let mut client_published_event_count: usize = 0;
let mut client_received_event_count: usize = 0;
info!("new connection for client: {:?}", cid);
loop {
tokio::select! {
_ = shutdown.recv() => {
// server shutting down, exit loop
_ = ping_interval.tick() => {
// check how long since we talked to client
// if it has been too long, disconnect
if last_message_time.elapsed() > max_quiet_time {
debug!("ending connection due to lack of client ping response");
// Send a ping
Some(notice_msg) = notice_rx.recv() => {
Some(query_result) = query_rx.recv() => {
// database informed us of a query result we asked for
let subesc = query_result.sub_id.replace('"', "");
if query_result.event == "EOSE" {
let send_str = format!("[\"EOSE\",\"{}\"]", subesc);
} else {
client_received_event_count += 1;
// send a result
let send_str = format!("[\"EVENT\",\"{}\",{}]", subesc, &query_result.event);
// TODO: consider logging the LaggedRecv error
Ok(global_event) = bcast_rx.recv() => {
// an event has been broadcast to all clients
// first check if there is a subscription for this event.
let matching_subs = conn.get_matching_subscriptions(&global_event);
for s in matching_subs {
// TODO: serialize at broadcast time, instead of
// once for each consumer.
if let Ok(event_str) = serde_json::to_string(&global_event) {
debug!("sub match: client: {:?}, sub: {:?}, event: {:?}",
cid, s,
// create an event response and send it
let subesc = s.replace('"', "");
ws_stream.send(Message::Text(format!("[\"EVENT\",\"{}\",{}]", subesc, event_str))).await.ok();
} else {
warn!("could not serialize event {:?}", global_event.get_event_id_prefix());
ws_next = ws_stream.next() => {
// update most recent message time for client
last_message_time = Instant::now();
// Consume text messages from the client, parse into Nostr messages.
let nostr_msg = match ws_next {
Some(Ok(Message::Text(m))) => {
Some(Ok(Message::Binary(_))) => {
make_notice_message("binary messages are not accepted")).await.ok();
Some(Ok(Message::Ping(_))) | Some(Ok(Message::Pong(_))) => {
// get a ping/pong, ignore. tungstenite will
// send responses automatically.
Some(Err(WsError::Capacity(MessageTooLong{size, max_size}))) => {
&format!("message too large ({} > {})",size, max_size))).await.ok();
None |
Some(Ok(Message::Close(_))) |
Some(Err(WsError::AlreadyClosed)) |
Some(Err(WsError::ConnectionClosed)) |
=> {
debug!("websocket close from client: {:?}",cid);
Some(Err(WsError::Io(e))) => {
// IO errors are considered fatal
warn!("IO error (client: {:?}): {:?}", cid, e);
x => {
// default condition on error is to close the client connection
info!("unknown error (client: {:?}): {:?} (closing conn)", cid, x);
// convert ws_next into proto_next
match nostr_msg {
Ok(NostrMessage::EventMsg(ec)) => {
// An EventCmd needs to be validated to be converted into an Event
// handle each type of message
let parsed : Result<Event> = Result::<Event>::from(ec);
match parsed {
Ok(e) => {
let id_prefix:String = e.id.chars().take(8).collect();
debug!("successfully parsed/validated event: {:?} from client: {:?}", id_prefix, cid);
// Write this to the database.
let submit_event = SubmittedEvent { event: e.clone(), notice_tx: notice_tx.clone() };
client_published_event_count += 1;
Err(_) => {
info!("client {:?} sent an invalid event", cid);
ws_stream.send(make_notice_message("event was invalid")).await.ok();
Ok(NostrMessage::SubMsg(s)) => {
debug!("client {} requesting a subscription", cid);
// subscription handling consists of:
// * registering the subscription so future events can be matched
// * making a channel to cancel to request later
// * sending a request for a SQL query
let (abandon_query_tx, abandon_query_rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>();
match conn.subscribe(s.clone()) {
Ok(()) => {
// when we insert, if there was a previous query running with the same name, cancel it.
if let Some(previous_query) = running_queries.insert(s.id.to_owned(), abandon_query_tx) {
// start a database query
db::db_query(s, cid.to_owned(), pool.clone(), query_tx.clone(), abandon_query_rx).await;
Err(e) => {
info!("Subscription error: {}", e);
Ok(NostrMessage::CloseMsg(cc)) => {
// closing a request simply removes the subscription.
let parsed : Result<Close> = Result::<Close>::from(cc);
match parsed {
Ok(c) => {
// check if a query is currently
// running, and remove it if so.
let stop_tx = running_queries.remove(&c.id);
if let Some(tx) = stop_tx {
// stop checking new events against
// the subscription
Err(_) => {
info!("invalid command ignored");
ws_stream.send(make_notice_message("could not parse command")).await.ok();
Err(Error::ConnError) => {
debug!("got connection close/error, disconnecting client: {:?}",cid);
Err(Error::EventMaxLengthError(s)) => {
info!("client {:?} sent event larger ({} bytes) than max size", cid, s);
ws_stream.send(make_notice_message("event exceeded max size")).await.ok();
Err(Error::ProtoParseError) => {
info!("client {:?} sent event that could not be parsed", cid);
ws_stream.send(make_notice_message("could not parse command")).await.ok();
Err(e) => {
info!("got non-fatal error from client: {:?}, error: {:?}", cid, e);
// connection cleanup - ensure any still running queries are terminated.
for (_, stop_tx) in running_queries.into_iter() {
"stopping connection for client: {:?} (client sent {} event(s), received {})",
cid, client_published_event_count, client_received_event_count
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
//! Server process
use crate::close::Close;
use crate::close::CloseCmd;
use crate::config;
use crate::conn;
use crate::db;
use crate::db::SubmittedEvent;
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::event::Event;
use crate::event::EventCmd;
use crate::info::RelayInfo;
use crate::nip05;
use crate::subscription::Subscription;
use futures::SinkExt;
use futures::StreamExt;
use hyper::header::ACCEPT;
use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn};
use hyper::upgrade::Upgraded;
use hyper::{
header, server::conn::AddrStream, upgrade, Body, Request, Response, Server, StatusCode,
use log::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::json;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use tokio::runtime::Builder;
use tokio::sync::broadcast::{self, Receiver, Sender};
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use tokio_tungstenite::WebSocketStream;
use tungstenite::error::CapacityError::MessageTooLong;
use tungstenite::error::Error as WsError;
use tungstenite::handshake;
use tungstenite::protocol::Message;
use tungstenite::protocol::WebSocketConfig;
/// Handle arbitrary HTTP requests, including for WebSocket upgrades.
async fn handle_web_request(
mut request: Request<Body>,
pool: db::SqlitePool,
remote_addr: SocketAddr,
broadcast: Sender<Event>,
event_tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<SubmittedEvent>,
shutdown: Receiver<()>,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, Infallible> {
match (
) {
// Request for / as websocket
("/", true) => {
trace!("websocket with upgrade request");
//assume request is a handshake, so create the handshake response
let response = match handshake::server::create_response_with_body(&request, || {
}) {
Ok(response) => {
//in case the handshake response creation succeeds,
//spawn a task to handle the websocket connection
tokio::spawn(async move {
//using the hyper feature of upgrading a connection
match upgrade::on(&mut request).await {
//if successfully upgraded
Ok(upgraded) => {
// set WebSocket configuration options
let mut config = WebSocketConfig::default();
let settings = config::SETTINGS.read().unwrap();
config.max_message_size = settings.limits.max_ws_message_bytes;
config.max_frame_size = settings.limits.max_ws_frame_bytes;
//create a websocket stream from the upgraded object
let ws_stream = WebSocketStream::from_raw_socket(
//pass the upgraded object
//as the base layer stream of the Websocket
pool, ws_stream, broadcast, event_tx, shutdown,
Err(e) => println!(
"error when trying to upgrade connection \
from address {} to websocket connection. \
Error is: {}",
remote_addr, e
//return the response to the handshake request
Err(error) => {
warn!("websocket response failed");
let mut res =
Response::new(Body::from(format!("Failed to create websocket: {}", error)));
*res.status_mut() = StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST;
return Ok(res);
Ok::<_, Infallible>(response)
// Request for Relay info
("/", false) => {
// handle request at root with no upgrade header
// Check if this is a nostr server info request
let accept_header = &request.headers().get(ACCEPT);
// check if application/nostr+json is included
if let Some(media_types) = accept_header {
if let Ok(mt_str) = media_types.to_str() {
if mt_str.contains("application/nostr+json") {
let config = config::SETTINGS.read().unwrap();
// build a relay info response
debug!("Responding to server info request");
let rinfo = RelayInfo::from(config.info.clone());
let b = Body::from(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&rinfo).unwrap());
return Ok(Response::builder()
.header("Content-Type", "application/nostr+json")
.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
.header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
.body(Body::from("Please use a Nostr client to connect."))
(_, _) => {
//handle any other url
.body(Body::from("Nothing here."))
async fn shutdown_signal() {
// Wait for the CTRL+C signal
.expect("failed to install CTRL+C signal handler");
/// Start running a Nostr relay server.
pub fn start_server() -> Result<(), Error> {
let settings = config::SETTINGS.read().unwrap();
trace!("Config: {:?}", settings);
// do some config validation.
if !Path::new(&settings.database.data_directory).is_dir() {
error!("Database directory does not exist");
return Err(Error::DatabaseDirError);
let addr = format!(
let socket_addr = addr.parse().expect("listening address not valid");
// address whitelisting settings
if let Some(addr_whitelist) = &settings.authorization.pubkey_whitelist {
"Event publishing restricted to {} pubkey(s)",
// check if NIP-05 enforced user verification is on
if settings.verified_users.is_active() {
"NIP-05 user verification mode:{:?}",
if let Some(d) = settings.verified_users.verify_update_duration() {
info!("NIP-05 check user verification every: {:?}", d);
if let Some(d) = settings.verified_users.verify_expiration_duration() {
info!("NIP-05 user verification expires after: {:?}", d);
if let Some(wl) = &settings.verified_users.domain_whitelist {
info!("NIP-05 domain whitelist: {:?}", wl);
if let Some(bl) = &settings.verified_users.domain_blacklist {
info!("NIP-05 domain blacklist: {:?}", bl);
// configure tokio runtime
let rt = Builder::new_multi_thread()
// start tokio
rt.block_on(async {
let broadcast_buffer_limit;
let persist_buffer_limit;
let verified_users_active;
let db_min_conn;
let db_max_conn;
// hack to prove we drop the mutexguard prior to any await points
// (https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/6446)
let settings = config::SETTINGS.read().unwrap();
broadcast_buffer_limit = settings.limits.broadcast_buffer;
persist_buffer_limit = settings.limits.event_persist_buffer;
verified_users_active = settings.verified_users.is_active();
db_min_conn = settings.database.min_conn;
db_max_conn = settings.database.max_conn;
info!("listening on: {}", socket_addr);
// all client-submitted valid events are broadcast to every
// other client on this channel. This should be large enough
// to accomodate slower readers (messages are dropped if
// clients can not keep up).
let (bcast_tx, _) = broadcast::channel::<Event>(broadcast_buffer_limit);
// validated events that need to be persisted are sent to the
// database on via this channel.
let (event_tx, event_rx) = mpsc::channel::<SubmittedEvent>(persist_buffer_limit);
// establish a channel for letting all threads now about a
// requested server shutdown.
let (invoke_shutdown, shutdown_listen) = broadcast::channel::<()>(1);
// create a channel for sending any new metadata event. These
// will get processed relatively slowly (a potentially
// multi-second blocking HTTP call) on a single thread, so we
// buffer requests on the channel. No harm in dropping events
// here, since we are protecting against DoS. This can make
// it difficult to setup initial metadata in bulk, since
// overwhelming this will drop events and won't register
// metadata events.
let (metadata_tx, metadata_rx) = broadcast::channel::<Event>(4096);
// start the database writer thread. Give it a channel for
// writing events, and for publishing events that have been
// written (to all connected clients).
info!("db writer created");
// create a nip-05 verifier thread
let verifier_opt = nip05::Verifier::new(metadata_rx, bcast_tx.clone());
if let Ok(mut v) = verifier_opt {
if verified_users_active {
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
info!("starting up NIP-05 verifier...");
// // listen for ctrl-c interruupts
let ctrl_c_shutdown = invoke_shutdown.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
info!("shutting down due to SIGINT");
// build a connection pool for sqlite connections
let pool = db::build_pool(
"client query",
| rusqlite::OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_SHARED_CACHE,
// A `Service` is needed for every connection, so this
// creates one from our `handle_request` function.
let make_svc = make_service_fn(|conn: &AddrStream| {
let svc_pool = pool.clone();
let remote_addr = conn.remote_addr();
let bcast = bcast_tx.clone();
let event = event_tx.clone();
let stop = invoke_shutdown.clone();
async move {
// service_fn converts our function into a `Service`
Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(move |request: Request<Body>| {
let server = Server::bind(&socket_addr)
// run hyper
if let Err(e) = server.await {
eprintln!("server error: {}", e);
// our code
/// Nostr protocol messages from a client
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum NostrMessage {
/// An `EVENT` message
/// A `REQ` message
/// A `CLOSE` message
/// Convert Message to NostrMessage
fn convert_to_msg(msg: String) -> Result<NostrMessage> {
let config = config::SETTINGS.read().unwrap();
let parsed_res: Result<NostrMessage> = serde_json::from_str(&msg).map_err(|e| e.into());
match parsed_res {
Ok(m) => {
if let NostrMessage::EventMsg(_) = m {
if let Some(max_size) = config.limits.max_event_bytes {
// check length, ensure that some max size is set.
if msg.len() > max_size && max_size > 0 {
return Err(Error::EventMaxLengthError(msg.len()));
Err(e) => {
debug!("proto parse error: {:?}", e);
debug!("parse error on message: {}", msg.trim());
/// Turn a string into a NOTICE message ready to send over a WebSocket
fn make_notice_message(msg: &str) -> Message {
Message::text(json!(["NOTICE", msg]).to_string())
/// Handle new client connections. This runs through an event loop
/// for all client communication.
async fn nostr_server(
pool: db::SqlitePool,
mut ws_stream: WebSocketStream<Upgraded>,
broadcast: Sender<Event>,
event_tx: mpsc::Sender<SubmittedEvent>,
mut shutdown: Receiver<()>,
) {
// get a broadcast channel for clients to communicate on
let mut bcast_rx = broadcast.subscribe();
// Track internal client state
let mut conn = conn::ClientConn::new();
let cid = conn.get_client_prefix();
// Create a channel for receiving query results from the database.
// we will send out the tx handle to any query we generate.
let (query_tx, mut query_rx) = mpsc::channel::<db::QueryResult>(256);
// Create channel for receiving NOTICEs
let (notice_tx, mut notice_rx) = mpsc::channel::<String>(32);
// last time this client sent data (message, ping, etc.)
let mut last_message_time = Instant::now();
// ping interval (every 5 minutes)
let default_ping_dur = Duration::from_secs(300);
// disconnect after 20 minutes without a ping response or event.
let max_quiet_time = Duration::from_secs(60 * 20);
let start = tokio::time::Instant::now() + default_ping_dur;
let mut ping_interval = tokio::time::interval_at(start, default_ping_dur);
// maintain a hashmap of a oneshot channel for active subscriptions.
// when these subscriptions are cancelled, make a message
// available to the executing query so it knows to stop.
let mut running_queries: HashMap<String, oneshot::Sender<()>> = HashMap::new();
// for stats, keep track of how many events the client published,
// and how many it received from queries.
let mut client_published_event_count: usize = 0;
let mut client_received_event_count: usize = 0;
info!("new connection for client: {:?}", cid);
loop {
tokio::select! {
_ = shutdown.recv() => {
// server shutting down, exit loop
_ = ping_interval.tick() => {
// check how long since we talked to client
// if it has been too long, disconnect
if last_message_time.elapsed() > max_quiet_time {
debug!("ending connection due to lack of client ping response");
// Send a ping
Some(notice_msg) = notice_rx.recv() => {
Some(query_result) = query_rx.recv() => {
// database informed us of a query result we asked for
let subesc = query_result.sub_id.replace('"', "");
if query_result.event == "EOSE" {
let send_str = format!("[\"EOSE\",\"{}\"]", subesc);
} else {
client_received_event_count += 1;
// send a result
let send_str = format!("[\"EVENT\",\"{}\",{}]", subesc, &query_result.event);
// TODO: consider logging the LaggedRecv error
Ok(global_event) = bcast_rx.recv() => {
// an event has been broadcast to all clients
// first check if there is a subscription for this event.
let matching_subs = conn.get_matching_subscriptions(&global_event);
for s in matching_subs {
// TODO: serialize at broadcast time, instead of
// once for each consumer.
if let Ok(event_str) = serde_json::to_string(&global_event) {
debug!("sub match: client: {:?}, sub: {:?}, event: {:?}",
cid, s,
// create an event response and send it
let subesc = s.replace('"', "");
ws_stream.send(Message::Text(format!("[\"EVENT\",\"{}\",{}]", subesc, event_str))).await.ok();
} else {
warn!("could not serialize event {:?}", global_event.get_event_id_prefix());
ws_next = ws_stream.next() => {
// update most recent message time for client
last_message_time = Instant::now();
// Consume text messages from the client, parse into Nostr messages.
let nostr_msg = match ws_next {
Some(Ok(Message::Text(m))) => {
Some(Ok(Message::Binary(_))) => {
make_notice_message("binary messages are not accepted")).await.ok();
Some(Ok(Message::Ping(_))) | Some(Ok(Message::Pong(_))) => {
// get a ping/pong, ignore. tungstenite will
// send responses automatically.
Some(Err(WsError::Capacity(MessageTooLong{size, max_size}))) => {
&format!("message too large ({} > {})",size, max_size))).await.ok();
None |
Some(Ok(Message::Close(_))) |
Some(Err(WsError::AlreadyClosed)) |
Some(Err(WsError::ConnectionClosed)) |
=> {
debug!("websocket close from client: {:?}",cid);
Some(Err(WsError::Io(e))) => {
// IO errors are considered fatal
warn!("IO error (client: {:?}): {:?}", cid, e);
x => {
// default condition on error is to close the client connection
info!("unknown error (client: {:?}): {:?} (closing conn)", cid, x);
// convert ws_next into proto_next
match nostr_msg {
Ok(NostrMessage::EventMsg(ec)) => {
// An EventCmd needs to be validated to be converted into an Event
// handle each type of message
let parsed : Result<Event> = Result::<Event>::from(ec);
match parsed {
Ok(e) => {
let id_prefix:String = e.id.chars().take(8).collect();
debug!("successfully parsed/validated event: {:?} from client: {:?}", id_prefix, cid);
// Write this to the database.
let submit_event = SubmittedEvent { event: e.clone(), notice_tx: notice_tx.clone() };
client_published_event_count += 1;
Err(_) => {
info!("client {:?} sent an invalid event", cid);
ws_stream.send(make_notice_message("event was invalid")).await.ok();
Ok(NostrMessage::SubMsg(s)) => {
debug!("client {} requesting a subscription", cid);
// subscription handling consists of:
// * registering the subscription so future events can be matched
// * making a channel to cancel to request later
// * sending a request for a SQL query
let (abandon_query_tx, abandon_query_rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>();
match conn.subscribe(s.clone()) {
Ok(()) => {
// when we insert, if there was a previous query running with the same name, cancel it.
if let Some(previous_query) = running_queries.insert(s.id.to_owned(), abandon_query_tx) {
// start a database query
db::db_query(s, cid.to_owned(), pool.clone(), query_tx.clone(), abandon_query_rx).await;
Err(e) => {
info!("Subscription error: {}", e);
Ok(NostrMessage::CloseMsg(cc)) => {
// closing a request simply removes the subscription.
let parsed : Result<Close> = Result::<Close>::from(cc);
match parsed {
Ok(c) => {
// check if a query is currently
// running, and remove it if so.
let stop_tx = running_queries.remove(&c.id);
if let Some(tx) = stop_tx {
// stop checking new events against
// the subscription
Err(_) => {
info!("invalid command ignored");
ws_stream.send(make_notice_message("could not parse command")).await.ok();
Err(Error::ConnError) => {
debug!("got connection close/error, disconnecting client: {:?}",cid);
Err(Error::EventMaxLengthError(s)) => {
info!("client {:?} sent event larger ({} bytes) than max size", cid, s);
ws_stream.send(make_notice_message("event exceeded max size")).await.ok();
Err(Error::ProtoParseError) => {
info!("client {:?} sent event that could not be parsed", cid);
ws_stream.send(make_notice_message("could not parse command")).await.ok();
Err(e) => {
info!("got non-fatal error from client: {:?}, error: {:?}", cid, e);
// connection cleanup - ensure any still running queries are terminated.
for (_, stop_tx) in running_queries.into_iter() {
"stopping connection for client: {:?} (client sent {} event(s), received {})",
cid, client_published_event_count, client_received_event_count
Reference in New Issue
Block a user