improved fetching or requests

added zbd relay and more
added more default initial users to fetch
This commit is contained in:
Vishal 2022-12-22 06:58:02 +05:30
parent c44d7b856e
commit 91ddb3911b
7 changed files with 179 additions and 79 deletions

View File

@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async {
// start application
if( argResults["debug"]) {
gDebug = 1;
@ -133,11 +132,13 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async {
// verify that there is at least one valid relay they provided, otherwise keep defaults
if (parsedRelays.length > 0) {
gListRelayUrls1 = parsedRelays;
defaultServerUrl = gListRelayUrls1.first;
} else {
print("No valid relays were provided, using the default relay list");
printSet( gListRelayUrls1, "Relay List: ");
printSet( gListRelayUrls1, "Primary relays that will be used: ");
print("From among them, default relay: $defaultServerUrl");
if( argResults[lastdaysArg] != null) {
gNumLastDays = int.parse(argResults[lastdaysArg]);
@ -251,8 +252,8 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async {
//"after reading events");
// count events
initialEvents.forEach((element) { element.eventData.kind == 1? numFilePosts++: numFilePosts;});
print("read $numFilePosts posts from file $gEventsFilename");
initialEvents.forEach((element) { numFileEvents++;});
print("read $numFileEvents events from file $gEventsFilename");
// process request string. If this is blank then the application only reads from file and does not connect to internet.
@ -292,40 +293,46 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async {
// then get the events of user-id's mentioned in p-tags of received events and the contact list
// then display them all
int limitFollowPosts = gLimitFollowPosts;
int limitMetaInfoEvents = 300;
int limitSelfEvents = 300;
int limitOthersEvents = 20;
int limitPerSubscription = gLimitPerSubscription;
// if more than 1000 posts have already been read from the file, then don't get too many day's events. Only for last 3 days.
if(numFilePosts > 1000) {
limitPerSubscription = 5000;
limitSelfEvents = 5;
limitMetaInfoEvents = 3;
limitFollowPosts = 3;
limitSelfEvents = 10;
limitOthersEvents = 3;
gDefaultNumWaitSeconds = gDefaultNumWaitSeconds ~/5 ;
} else {
// get event for user
if( userPublicKey!= "") {
getUserEvents(gListRelayUrls1, userPublicKey, limitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(limitSelfEvents));
getMentionEvents(gListRelayUrls2, {userPublicKey}, limitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(limitSelfEvents), "#p"); // from relay group 2
getMentionEvents(gListRelayUrls1, {userPublicKey}, limitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(limitSelfEvents), "#p");
//getKindEvents([gSecretMessageKind], gListRelayUrls1, limitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo( limitSelfEvents));
Set<String> usersFetched = {userPublicKey};
// remove user from default list if he exists in it. because theyv'e already been fetched.
gDefaultFollows = gDefaultFollows.difference(usersFetched);
//print("getting defaultfollows. usersFetched len = ${usersFetched.length} ");
// get other user events
getMultiUserEvents(gListRelayUrls1, gDefaultFollows, limitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(limitFollowPosts));
getMultiUserEvents(gListRelayUrls1, gDefaultFollows, 4 * limitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(limitOthersEvents));
usersFetched = usersFetched.union(gDefaultFollows);
// get group and meta info events
getKindEvents([0, 3, 40, 41], gListRelayUrls1, 3 * limitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(limitMetaInfoEvents)); // get all type 3 etc
getKindEvents([42], gListRelayUrls1, limitPerSubscription * 3, getSecondsDaysAgo( limitFollowPosts)); // get all type 3 etc
getKindEvents([40, 41], gListRelayUrls1, limitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(limitSelfEvents));
getKindEvents([42], gListRelayUrls1, 3 * limitPerSubscription, 40000);
getKindEvents([gSecretMessageKind], gListRelayUrls1, limitPerSubscription * 3, getSecondsDaysAgo( 3)); // get all type 3 etc
getMultiUserEvents(gListRelayUrls1, usersFetched, 4 * limitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(limitSelfEvents), {0,3});
// TODO get all 40 events, and then get all #e for them ( responses to them)
stdout.write('Waiting for user posts to come in.....');
Future.delayed( Duration(milliseconds: gDefaultNumWaitSeconds), () {
//print("total users fetched: ${usersFetched.length}");
@ -333,30 +340,37 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async {
initialEvents.forEach((element) { element.eventData.kind == 1? numUserPosts++: numUserPosts;});
numUserPosts -= numFilePosts;
stdout.write("...done\n");//received $numUserPosts new posts made by the user\n");
if( gDebug > 0)"Received user events.");
initialEvents.forEach((e) => processKind3Event(e)); // first process the kind 3 event
Set<String> contacts = {};
if( userPublicKey != "") {
// get the latest kind 3 event for the user, which lists his 'follows' list
Event? contactEvent = getContactEvent(userPublicKey);
// if contact list was found, get user's feed; also get some default contacts
Set<String> contacts = {};
if (contactEvent != null ) {
if(gDebug > 0) print("In main: found contact list: \n ${contactEvent.originalJson}");
contactEvent.eventData.contactList.forEach((contact) {
contacts = contacts.difference(usersFetched); // remove already fetched users from this list
getContactFeed(gListRelayUrls1, contacts, 3 * gLimitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo( limitOthersEvents));
usersFetched = usersFetched.union(contacts);
} else {
print("Could not find your contact list.");
getContactFeed(gListRelayUrls1, contacts, gLimitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(2 * limitFollowPosts));
// calculate top mentioned ptags, and then get the events for those users
List<String> pTags = getpTags(initialEvents, gMaxPtagsToGet);
getMultiUserEvents(gListRelayUrls1, pTags, gLimitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(limitFollowPosts));
Set<String> pTags = getpTags(initialEvents, gMaxPtagsToGet);
pTags = pTags.difference(usersFetched);
getMultiUserEvents(gListRelayUrls1, pTags, 4 * gLimitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(limitOthersEvents));
usersFetched = usersFetched.union(pTags);
//print("total users fetched: ${usersFetched.length}");
stdout.write('Waiting for feed to come in..............');
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: gDefaultNumWaitSeconds * 1), () {

View File

@ -49,6 +49,14 @@ String mySign(String privateKey, String msg) {
return sign(privateKey, msg, randomSeed);
Future<void> mySleep(int duration) async {
Future<void> foo() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: duration));
await foo();
/* @function sendReplyPostLike Used to send Reply, Post and Like ( event 1 for reply and post, and event 7 for like/reaction)
* If replyToId is blank, then it does not reference any e/p tags, and thus becomes a top post
* otherwise e and p tags are found for the given event being replied to, if that event data is available
@ -92,6 +100,7 @@ Future<void> sendReplyPostLike(Store node, String replyToId, String replyKind, S
String toSendMessage = '["EVENT",{"id":"$id","pubkey":"$userPublicKey","created_at":$createdAt,"kind":$replyKind,"tags":[$vanityTag],"content":"$content","sig":"$sig"}]';
//print("sending $toSendMessage");
sendRequest( gListRelayUrls1, toSendMessage);
await mySleep(200);
// Sends a public channel message

View File

@ -956,6 +956,11 @@ class Event {
factory Event.fromJson(String d, String relay, [bool fromFile = false]) {
try {
if( d.length > gMaxEventLenthAccepted) {
//throw Exception("Event json is larger than max len");
dynamic json = jsonDecode(d);
if( json.length < 3) {
@ -1010,7 +1015,7 @@ void addToHistogram(Map<String, int> histogram, List<String> pTags) {
// return the numMostFrequent number of most frequent p tags ( user pubkeys) in the given events
List<String> getpTags(Set<Event> events, int numMostFrequent) {
Set<String> getpTags(Set<Event> events, int numMostFrequent) {
List<HistogramEntry> listHistogram = [];
Map<String, int> histogramMap = {};
for(var event in events) {
@ -1024,7 +1029,7 @@ List<String> getpTags(Set<Event> events, int numMostFrequent) {
return ptags;
return ptags.toSet();
// From the list of events provided, lookup the lastst contact information for the given user/pubkey

View File

@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ class Relays {
String request = getUserRequest(subscriptionId, publicKey, limit, sinceWhen);
//print("In relay: getKind events: request = $request");
sendRequest(relayUrl, request);
@ -100,29 +101,12 @@ class Relays {
* @connect Connect to given relay and get all events for multiple users/publicKey and insert the
* received events in the given List<Event>
void getMultiUserEvents(String relayUrl, List<String> publicKeys, int limit, int sinceWhen) {
Set<String> reqKeys = {};
if( relays.containsKey(relayUrl)) {
List<String>? users = relays[relayUrl]?.users;
if( users != null) {
// following is too restrictive. TODO improve it
for(int i = 0; i < publicKeys.length; i++) {
if( users.any( (u) => u == publicKeys[i])) {
if( gBots.any( (bot) => bot == publicKeys[i] )) {
} // if relay exists and has a user list
void getMultiUserEvents(String relayUrl, List<String> publicKeys, int limit, int sinceWhen, [Set<int>? kind = null]) {
//print("In relays: getmulti events kind = $kind len ${publicKeys.length}");
String subscriptionId = "multiple_user" + (relays[relayUrl]?.numRequestsSent??"").toString() + "_" + relayUrl.substring(6);
String request = getMultiUserRequest( subscriptionId, reqKeys, limit, sinceWhen);
String request = getMultiUserRequest( subscriptionId, publicKeys.toSet(), limit, sinceWhen, kind);
sendRequest(relayUrl, request);
@ -233,7 +217,7 @@ void getContactFeed(Set<String> relayUrls, Set<String> setContacts, int numEvent
groupContacts.add(contacts[i + j]);
//print( "i = $i upperLimit = $upperLimit") ;
//print( "in getcontact feed . i = $i upperLimit = $upperLimit") ;
relayUrls.forEach((relayUrl) {
relays.getMultiUserEvents(relayUrl, groupContacts, numEventsToGet, sinceWhen);
@ -262,7 +246,8 @@ getKindEvents(List<int> kind, Set<String> serverUrls, int limit, int sinceWhen)
void getMultiUserEvents(Set<String> serverUrls, List<String> publicKeys, int numUserEvents, int sinceWhen) {
void getMultiUserEvents(Set<String> serverUrls, Set<String> setPublicKeys, int numUserEvents, int sinceWhen, [Set<int>? kind]) {
List<String> publicKeys = setPublicKeys.toList();
if( gDebug > 0) print("Sending multi user request for ${publicKeys.length} users");
for(var serverUrl in serverUrls) {
@ -271,9 +256,9 @@ void getMultiUserEvents(Set<String> serverUrls, List<String> publicKeys, int num
if( publicKeys.length - i <= gMaxAuthorsInOneRequest) {
getUserRequests = publicKeys.length - i;
//print(" sending request form $i to ${i + getUserRequests} ");
//print("In getMultiuserevents: sending request form $i to ${i + getUserRequests} ");
List<String> partialList = publicKeys.sublist(i, i + getUserRequests);
relays.getMultiUserEvents(serverUrl, partialList, numUserEvents, sinceWhen);
relays.getMultiUserEvents(serverUrl, partialList, numUserEvents, sinceWhen, kind);

View File

@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ final log = Logger('ExampleLogger');
// for debugging
String gCheckEventId = "x98821b082a1d322e8cba84e8d430da300dea043348f422229f929059d1a9bb05";
int gDefaultNumWaitSeconds = 8000; // is used in main()
int gMaxEventLenthAccepted = 80000; // max event size. events larger than this are rejected.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// encrypted Group settings
const int gSecretMessageKind = 104;
@ -39,11 +40,12 @@ const int gLimitPerSubscription = 10000;
// applicable only for notifications and not for search results. Search results set a flag in EventData and don't use this variable
const int gDontHighlightEventsOlderThan = 4;
const int gMaxAuthorsInOneRequest = 100; // number of author requests to send in one request
const int gMaxPtagsToGet = 150; // maximum number of p tags that are taken from the comments of feed ( the top most, most frequent)
int gDefaultNumWaitSeconds = 12000; // is used in main()
const int gMaxAuthorsInOneRequest = 200; // number of author requests to send in one request
const int gMaxPtagsToGet = 200; // maximum number of p tags that are taken from the comments of feed ( the top most, most frequent)
// global counters of total events read or processed
int numFilePosts = 0, numUserPosts = 0, numFeedPosts = 0, numOtherPosts = 0;
int numFileEvents = 0, numFilePosts = 0, numUserPosts = 0, numFeedPosts = 0, numOtherPosts = 0;
//String defaultServerUrl = 'wss://';
//const String nostrRelayUnther = 'wss://'; not working
@ -52,12 +54,15 @@ String defaultServerUrl = "wss://";
Set<String> gListRelayUrls1 = { defaultServerUrl,
Set<String> gListRelayUrls2 = {
// well known disposable test private key
@ -66,9 +71,36 @@ String userPrivateKey = "";
String userPublicKey = gDefaultPublicKey;
// default follows; taken from
List<String> gDefaultFollows = [
Set<String> gDefaultFollows = {
// 21 dec 2022
"82341f882b6eabcd2ba7f1ef90aad961cf074af15b9ef44a09f9d2a8fbfbe6a2", // Jack Dorsey
"c4eabae1be3cf657bc1855ee05e69de9f059cb7a059227168b80b89761cbc4e0", // Mallers
"a341f45ff9758f570a21b000c17d4e53a3a497c8397f26c0e6d61e5acffc7a98", // Saylor
//"703e26b4f8bc0fa57f99d815dbb75b086012acc24fc557befa310f5aa08d1898", // Adam Back not sure
"04c915daefee38317fa734444acee390a8269fe5810b2241e5e6dd343dfbecc9", // ODELL
"e88a691e98d9987c964521dff60025f60700378a4879180dcbbb4a5027850411", // NVK
"85080d3bad70ccdcd7f74c29a44f55bb85cbcd3dd0cbb957da1d215bdb931204", // Preston
"83e818dfbeccea56b0f551576b3fd39a7a50e1d8159343500368fa085ccd964b", // Jeff Booth
"f728d9e6e7048358e70930f5ca64b097770d989ccd86854fe618eda9c8a38106", // Lopp
"bf2376e17ba4ec269d10fcc996a4746b451152be9031fa48e74553dde5526bce", // CARLA
"e33fe65f1fde44c6dc17eeb38fdad0fceaf1cae8722084332ed1e32496291d42", // wiz
"472f440f29ef996e92a186b8d320ff180c855903882e59d50de1b8bd5669301e", // MartyBent
"1577e4599dd10c863498fe3c20bd82aafaf829a595ce83c5cf8ac3463531b09b", // yegorPetrov
"be1d89794bf92de5dd64c1e60f6a2c70c140abac9932418fee30c5c637fe9479", // walletofsatoshi
"eaf27aa104833bcd16f671488b01d65f6da30163b5848aea99677cc947dd00aa", // grubles
"b9003833fabff271d0782e030be61b7ec38ce7d45a1b9a869fbdb34b9e2d2000", // brockm
"51b826cccd92569a6582e20982fd883fccfa78ad03e0241f7abec1830d7a2565", // Jonas Schnelli
"92de68b21302fa2137b1cbba7259b8ba967b535a05c6d2b0847d9f35ff3cf56a", // Susie bdds
"c48e29f04b482cc01ca1f9ef8c86ef8318c059e0e9353235162f080f26e14c11", // walker
"a9b9525992a486aa16b3c1d3f9d3604bca08f3c15b712d70711b9aecd8c3dc44", // Alana
"24e37c1e5b0c8ba8dde2754bcffc63b5b299f8064f8fb928bcf315b9c4965f3b", // lunaticoin
"4523be58d395b1b196a9b8c82b038b6895cb02b683d0c253a955068dba1facd0", // martii malmi
"97c70a44366a6535c145b333f973ea86dfdc2d7a99da618c40c64705ad98e322", // hodlbod
// pre dec 2022
"3efdaebb1d8923ebd99c9e7ace3b4194ab45512e2be79c1b7d68d9243e0d2681", //damus
"6b0d4c8d9dc59e110d380b0429a02891f1341a0fa2ba1b1cf83a3db4d47e3964", // dergigi
"6b0d4c8d9dc59e110d380b0429a02891f1341a0fa2ba1b1cf83a3db4d47e3964", // dergigi
"32e1827635450ebb3c5a7d12c1f8e7b2b514439ac10a67eef3d9fd9c5c68e245", // jb55
"3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d", // fiatjaf
"2ef93f01cd2493e04235a6b87b10d3c4a74e2a7eb7c3caf168268f6af73314b5", // unclebobmarting
@ -89,7 +121,8 @@ List<String> gDefaultFollows = [
"f43c1f9bff677b8f27b602725ea0ad51af221344f69a6b352a74991a4479bac3", // manfromhighcastle
"80482e60178c2ce996da6d67577f56a2b2c47ccb1c84c81f2b7960637cb71b78", // Leo
"42a0825e980b9f97943d2501d99c3a3859d4e68cd6028c02afe58f96ba661a9d", // zerosequioso
"3235036bd0957dfb27ccda02d452d7c763be40c91a1ac082ba6983b25238388c"]; // vishalxl ];
"3235036bd0957dfb27ccda02d452d7c763be40c91a1ac082ba6983b25238388c"}; // vishalxl ];
// dummy account pubkey
@ -368,6 +401,12 @@ lines.forEach((line) {print(line.length > terminalColumns ? line.substring(0, te
void printInfoForNewUser() {
print("""\nFor new users: The app only gets kind 1 events from people you follow or some popular well known pubkeys.
If you see a message such as 'event not loaded' it implies its from someone you don't follow. Such events
are eventually loaded; however, the ideal way to use this app is to follow people whose posts you want to read or follow.\n""");
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////other settings related functions
void printUsage() {

View File

@ -1948,7 +1948,7 @@ class Store {
for( var tree in allChildEventsMap.values) {
if( tree.event.eventData.isDeleted) { // dont write those deleted
if( gOverWriteFile == false) {
@ -1958,19 +1958,24 @@ class Store {
if( gDummyAccountPubkey == tree.event.eventData.pubkey) {
print("not writing dummy event pubkey");
continue; // dont write dummy events
String line = "${tree.event.originalJson}\n";
if( tree.event.originalJson.length < 10) {
String temp = tree.event.originalJson.trim();
String line = "${temp}\n";
nLinesStr += line;
if( tree.event.eventData.kind == 1) {
//if( temp.length < 10) print('len < 10');
if( eventCounter % numLinesTogether == 0) {
await file.writeAsString(nLinesStr, mode: FileMode.append).then( (file) => file);
//print("nLineStr len = ${nLinesStr.length}");
nLinesStr = "";
linesWritten += numLinesTogether;

View File

@ -331,7 +331,32 @@ String getJsonList(Set<String> publicKeys) {
return s;
String getCommaSeparatedInts(Set<int>? kind) {
if( kind == null) {
return "";
if( kind.length == 0) {
return "";
String strKind = "";
int i = 0;
kind.forEach((k) {
String comma = ",";
if( i == kind.length-1) {
comma = "";
strKind = strKind + k.toString() + comma;
return strKind;
String getKindRequest(String subscriptionId, List<int> kind, int limit, int sinceWhen) {
//print("in getkindrequest: kind = $kind");
String strTime = "";
if( sinceWhen != 0) {
strTime = ', "since":${sinceWhen.toString()}';
@ -339,27 +364,35 @@ String getKindRequest(String subscriptionId, List<int> kind, int limit, int sinc
var strSubscription1 = '["REQ","$subscriptionId",{"kinds":[';
var strSubscription2 ='], "limit":$limit$strTime } ]';
String strKind = "";
for(int i = 0; i < kind.length; i++) {
String comma = ",";
if( i == kind.length-1) {
comma = "";
strKind = strKind + kind[i].toString() + comma;
String strKind = getCommaSeparatedInts(kind.toSet());
String strRequest = strSubscription1 + strKind + strSubscription2;
//print("returning $strRequest");
return strRequest;
String getUserRequest(String subscriptionId, String publicKey, int numUserEvents, int sinceWhen) {
String getUserRequest(String subscriptionId, String publicKey, int numUserEvents, int sinceWhen, [Set<int>? _kind = null]) {
Set<int> kind = {};
if( _kind != null) {
kind = _kind;
String strKind = getCommaSeparatedInts(kind);
String strKindSection = "";
if( strKind.length > 0) {
strKindSection = '"kinds":[$strKind],';
String strTime = "";
if( sinceWhen != 0) {
strTime = ', "since": ${sinceWhen.toString()}';
var strSubscription1 = '["REQ","$subscriptionId",{ "authors": ["';
var strSubscription2 ='"], "limit": $numUserEvents $strTime } ]';
return strSubscription1 + publicKey.toLowerCase() + strSubscription2;
var strSubscription2 ='"],$strKindSection"limit": $numUserEvents $strTime } ]';
String request = strSubscription1 + publicKey.toLowerCase() + strSubscription2;
//print("In getUserRequest: $request");
return request;
String getMentionRequest(String subscriptionId, Set<String> ids, int numUserEvents, int sinceWhen, String tagToGet) {
@ -372,27 +405,36 @@ String getMentionRequest(String subscriptionId, Set<String> ids, int numUserEven
return strSubscription1 + getJsonList(ids) + strSubscription2;
String getMultiUserRequest(String subscriptionId, Set<String> publicKeys, int numUserEvents, int sinceWhen) {
String getMultiUserRequest(String subscriptionId, Set<String> publicKeys, int numUserEvents, int sinceWhen, [Set<int>? kind = null]) {
String strTime = "";
if( sinceWhen != 0) {
strTime = ', "since": ${sinceWhen.toString()}';
String strKind = getCommaSeparatedInts(kind);
String strKindSection = "";
if( strKind.length > 0) {
strKindSection = '"kinds":[$strKind],';
var strSubscription1 = '["REQ","$subscriptionId",{ "authors": [';
var strSubscription2 ='], "limit": $numUserEvents $strTime } ]';
var strSubscription2 ='],$strKindSection"limit": $numUserEvents $strTime } ]';
String s = "";
s = getJsonList(publicKeys);
return strSubscription1 + s + strSubscription2;
String request = strSubscription1 + s + strSubscription2;
//print("In getMultiUserRequest kind = $kind strKindSection = $strKindSection: request = $request");
return request;
// ends with a newline
void printSet( Set<String> toPrint, [ String prefix = ""]) {
void printSet( Set<String> toPrint, [ String prefix = "", String separator = ""]) {
int i = 0;
toPrint.forEach((element) {
if( i != 0) {
stdout.write(", ");
@ -400,3 +442,4 @@ void printSet( Set<String> toPrint, [ String prefix = ""]) {