mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 09:42:09 +01:00
648 lines
19 KiB
648 lines
19 KiB
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:translator/translator.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/settings.dart';
int gDebug = 0;
// global contact list of each user, including of the logged in user.
// maps from pubkey of a user, to the latest contact list of that user, which is the latest kind 3 message
// is updated as kind 3 events are received
Map< String, List<Contact>> gContactLists = {};
final translator = GoogleTranslator();
const int gNumTranslateDays = 1;// translate for this number of days
bool gTranslate = false; // translate flag
void printUnderlined(String x) => { print("$x\n${getNumDashes(x.length)}")};
void printDepth(int d) {
for( int i = 0; i < gSpacesPerDepth * d + gNumLeftMarginSpaces; i++) {
stdout.write(" ");
String getNumSpaces(int num) {
String s = "";
for( int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
s += " ";
return s;
String getNumDashes(int num) {
String s = "";
for( int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
s += "-";
return s;
String rightShiftContent(String s, int numSpaces) {
String newString = "";
int newlineCounter = 0;
String spacesString = getNumSpaces(numSpaces + gNumLeftMarginSpaces);
for(int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if( s[i] == '\n') {
newString += "\n";
newString += spacesString;
newlineCounter = 0;
} else {
if( newlineCounter >= (gTextWidth - numSpaces)) {
newString += "\n";
newString += spacesString;
newlineCounter = 0;
newString += s[i];
return newString;
bool nonEnglish(String str) {
bool result = false;
return result;
bool isNumeric(String s) {
return double.tryParse(s) != null;
bool isWhitespace(String s) {
if( s.length != 1) {
return false;
return s[0] == ' ' || s[0] == '\n' || s[0] == '\r' || s[0] == '\t';
extension StringX on String {
isEnglish( ) {
// since smaller words can be smileys they should not be translated
if( length < 6)
return true;
if( !isLatinAlphabet())
return false;
if (isFrench())
return false;
return true;
bool isFrench() {
// https://www.thoughtco.com/most-common-french-words-1372759
List<String> frenchWords = ["oui", "je", "le", "un", "de", "et", "merci", "une", "ce", "pas"];
for( int i = 0; i < frenchWords.length; i++) {
if( this.toLowerCase().contains(" ${frenchWords[i]} ")) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("isFrench: Found ${this.toString()} is french");
return true;
return false;
isLatinAlphabet({caseSensitive = false}) {
int countLatinletters = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final target = caseSensitive ? this[i] : this[i].toLowerCase();
if ( (target.codeUnitAt(0) > 96 && target.codeUnitAt(0) < 123) || ( isNumeric(target) ) || isWhitespace(target)) {
if( countLatinletters < ( 40.0/100 ) * length ) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("in isLatinAlphabet: latin letters: $countLatinletters and total = $length ");
return false;
} else {
return true;
// The contact only stores id and relay of contact. The actual name is stored in a global variable/map
class Contact {
String id, relay;
Contact(this.id, this.relay);
String toString() {
return 'id: $id ( ${getAuthorName(id)}) relay: $relay';
String addEscapeChars(String str) {
return str.replaceAll("\"", "\\\"");
String getShaId(String pubkey, int createdAt, String kind, String strTags, String content) {
String buf = '[0,"$pubkey",$createdAt,$kind,[$strTags],"$content"]';
if( gDebug > 0) print("In getShaId: for buf = $buf");
var bufInBytes = utf8.encode(buf);
var value = sha256.convert(bufInBytes);
String id = value.toString();
return id;
class EventData {
String id;
String pubkey;
int createdAt;
int kind;
String content;
List<String> eTagsRest;// rest of e tags
List<String> pTags;// list of p tags for kind:1
List<List<String>> tags;
bool isNotification; // whether its to be highlighted using highlight color
String evaluatedContent; // content which has mentions expanded, and which has been translated
Set<String> newLikes; //
List<Contact> contactList = []; // used for kind:3 events, which is contact list event
String getParent() {
if( eTagsRest.isNotEmpty) {
return eTagsRest[eTagsRest.length - 1];
return "";
EventData(this.id, this.pubkey, this.createdAt, this.kind, this.content, this.eTagsRest, this.pTags,
this.contactList, this.tags, this.newLikes, {this.isNotification = false, this.evaluatedContent = ""});
factory EventData.fromJson(dynamic json) {
List<Contact> contactList = [];
List<String> eTagsRead = [];
List<String> pTagsRead = [];
List<List<String>> tagsRead = [];
var jsonTags = json['tags'];
var numTags = jsonTags.length;
// NIP 02: if the event is a contact list type, then populate contactList
if(json['kind'] == 3) {
for( int i = 0; i < numTags; i++) {
var tag = jsonTags[i];
if( tag.length < 2) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("In event fromjson: invalid p tag of size 1");
String server = defaultServerUrl;
if( tag.length >=3 ) {
server = tag[2].toString();
if( server == 'wss://nostr.rocks' || server == "wss://nostr.bitcoiner.social") {
server = defaultServerUrl;
if( tag[0] == "p" && tag[1].length == 64) {
Contact c = Contact(tag[1] as String, server);
} else {
if ( json['kind'] == 1 || json['kind'] == 7 || json['kind'] == 42 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < numTags; i++) {
var tag = jsonTags[i];
if( tag.isEmpty) {
if( tag[0] == "e") {
} else {
if( tag[0] == "p") {
List<String> t = [];
// TODO add other tags
if(gDebug >= 2 ) {
print("----------------------------------------Creating EventData with content: ${json['content']}");
if( json['id'] == gCheckEventId) {
if(gDebug > 0) print("In Event fromJson: got message: $gCheckEventId");
return EventData(json['id'] as String, json['pubkey'] as String,
json['created_at'] as int, json['kind'] as int,
json['content'].trim() as String,
eTagsRead, pTagsRead,
contactList, tagsRead,
String expandMentions(String content) {
if( tags.isEmpty) {
return content;
// just check if there is any square bracket in comment, if not we return
String squareBracketStart = "[", squareBracketEnd = "]";
if( !content.contains(squareBracketStart) || !content.contains(squareBracketEnd) ) {
return content;
// replace the patterns
List<String> placeHolders = ["#[0]", "#[1]", "#[2]", "#[3]", "#[4]", "#[5]", "#[6]", "#[7]" ];
for(int i = 0; i < placeHolders.length && i < tags.length; i++) {
int index = -1;
Pattern p = placeHolders[i];
if( (index = content.indexOf(p)) != -1 ) {
if( tags[i].length >= 2) {
String author = getAuthorName(tags[i][1]);
content = "${content.substring(0, index)} @$author${content.substring(index + 4)}";
return content;
void translateAndExpandMentions() {
if (content == "") {
if( evaluatedContent == "") {
evaluatedContent = expandMentions(content);
if( gTranslate && !evaluatedContent.isEnglish()) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("found that this comment is non-English: $evaluatedContent");
//final input = "Здравствуйте. Ты в порядке?";
// Using the Future API
if( DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(createdAt *1000).compareTo( DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(days:gNumTranslateDays)) ) > 0 ) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("Sending google request: translating $content");
try {
.translate(content, to: 'en')
.catchError( (error, stackTrace) => null )
.then( (result) => { evaluatedContent = "$evaluatedContent\n\nTranslation: ${result.toString()}" , if( gDebug > 0) print("Google translate returned successfully for one call.")}
} on Exception catch(err) {
if( gDebug >= 0) print("Info: Error in trying to use google translate: $err");
// only applicable for kind 42 event
String getChatRoomId() {
if( kind != 42) {
return "";
return getParent();
// prints event data in the format that allows it to be shown in tree form by the Tree class
void printEventData(int depth) {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
if(gDebug > 0) {
print("In Event printEventData: got message: $gCheckEventId");
isNotification = true;
int n = 4;
String maxN(String v) => v.length > n? v.substring(0,n) : v.substring(0, v.length);
void printInColor(String s, String commentColor) => stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes ?stdout.write("$commentColor$s$colorEndMarker"):stdout.write(s);
DateTime dTime = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(createdAt *1000);
// TODO do it in one call
final df1 = DateFormat('hh:mm a');
final df2 = DateFormat(DateFormat.YEAR_ABBR_MONTH_DAY);
String strDate = df1.format(DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(createdAt*1000));
strDate += " ${df2.format(DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(createdAt*1000))}";
if( createdAt == 0) {
print("debug: createdAt == 0 for event $content");
String contentShifted = rightShiftContent(evaluatedContent==""?content: evaluatedContent, gSpacesPerDepth * depth + 10);
String name = getAuthorName(pubkey);
stdout.write("|Author : $name id: ${maxN(id)} Time: $strDate\n");
printReaction(depth); // only prints if there are any likes/reactions
stdout.write("|Message: ");
if( isNotification) {
printInColor(contentShifted, gNotificationColor);
isNotification = false;
} else {
printInColor(contentShifted, gCommentColor);
String getAsLine({int len = 20}) {
if( len == 0 || len > content.length) {
len = content.length;
return '"${content.substring(0, len)}..." - ${getAuthorName(pubkey)}';
// looks up global map of reactions, if this event has any reactions, and then prints the reactions
// in appropriate color( in case one is a notification, which is stored in member variable)
void printReaction(int depth) {
if( gReactions.containsKey(id)) {
String reactorNames = "|Likes : ";
//print("All Likes:");
int numReactions = gReactions[id]?.length??0;
List<List<String>> reactors = gReactions[id]??[];
for( int i = 0; i <numReactions; i++) {
String reactorId = reactors[i][0];
if( newLikes.contains(reactorId)) {
// colorify
reactorNames += gNotificationColor + getAuthorName(reactorId) + colorEndMarker;
} else {
reactorNames += getAuthorName(reactorId);
if( i < numReactions -1) {
reactorNames += ", ";
String toString() {
if( id == "non") {
return '';
String max3(String v) => v.length > 3? v.substring(0,3) : v.substring(0, v.length);
DateTime dTime = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(createdAt *1000);
if( createdAt == 0) {
print("createdAt == 0 for event $content");
return '\n-------+-------------\nAuthor : ${max3(pubkey)}\nMessage: $content\n\nid : ${max3(id)} Time: $dTime Kind: $kind';
// This is mostly a placeholder for EventData. TODO combine both?
class Event {
String event;
String id;
EventData eventData;
String originalJson;
List<String> seenOnRelays;
Event(this.event, this.id, this.eventData, this.seenOnRelays, this.originalJson);
bool operator ==( other) {
return (other is Event) && eventData.id == other.eventData.id;
factory Event.fromJson(String d, String relay) {
try {
dynamic json = jsonDecode(d);
if( json.length < 3) {
String e = "";
e = json.length > 1? json[0]: "";
return Event(e,"",EventData("non","", 0, 0, "", [], [], [], [[]], {}), [relay], "[json]");
return Event(json[0] as String, json[1] as String, EventData.fromJson(json[2]), [relay], d );
} on Exception catch(e) {
return Event("","",EventData("non","", 0, 0, "", [], [], [], [[]], {}), [relay], "[json]");
void printEvent(int depth) {
//stdout.write("\n$originalJson \n");
String toString() {
return '$eventData Seen on: ${seenOnRelays[0]}\n';
class ChatRoom {
String chatRoomId; // id of the kind 40 start event
String name;
String about;
String picture;
List<String> messageIds; // all the 42 kind events in this
ChatRoom(this.chatRoomId, this.name, this.about, this.picture, this.messageIds);
void addToHistogram(Map<String, int> histogram, List<String> pTags) {
Set tempPtags = {};
pTags.retainWhere((x) => tempPtags.add(x));
for(int i = 0; i < pTags.length; i++ ) {
String pTag = pTags[i];
if( histogram.containsKey(pTag)) {
int? val = histogram[pTag];
if( val != null) {
histogram[pTag] = ++val;
} else {
} else {
histogram[pTag] = 1;
//return histogram;
class HistogramEntry {
String str;
int count;
HistogramEntry(this.str, this.count);
static int histogramSorter(HistogramEntry a, HistogramEntry b) {
if( a.count < b.count ) {
return 1;
} if( a.count == b.count ) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
// return the numMostFrequent number of most frequent p tags ( user pubkeys) in the given events
List<String> getpTags(Set<Event> events, int numMostFrequent) {
List<HistogramEntry> listHistogram = [];
Map<String, int> histogramMap = {};
for(var event in events) {
addToHistogram(histogramMap, event.eventData.pTags);
histogramMap.forEach((key, value) {listHistogram.add(HistogramEntry(key, value));/* print("added to list of histogramEntry $key $value"); */});
List<String> ptags = [];
for( int i = 0; i < listHistogram.length && i < numMostFrequent; i++ ) {
//print ( "${listHistogram[i].str} ${listHistogram[i].count} ");
return ptags;
Set<Event> readEventsFromFile(String filename) {
Set<Event> events = {};
final File file = File(filename);
// sync read
try {
List<String> lines = file.readAsLinesSync();
for( int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) {
Event e = Event.fromJson(lines[i], "");
} on Exception catch(err) {
print("cannot open file $gEventsFilename");
return events;
// From the list of events provided, lookup the lastst contact information for the given user/pubkey
Event? getContactEvent(Set<Event> events, String pubkey) {
// get the latest kind 3 event for the user, which lists his 'follows' list
Event? latestContactEvent = null;
int latestContactsTime = 0;
for( var e in events) {
if( e.eventData.pubkey == pubkey && e.eventData.kind == 3 && latestContactsTime < e.eventData.createdAt) {
latestContactsTime = e.eventData.createdAt;
latestContactEvent = e;
return latestContactEvent;
// for the user userPubkey, returns the relay of its contact contactPubkey
String getRelayOfUser(String userPubkey, String contactPubkey) {
if(gDebug > 0) print("In getRelayOfUser: Searching relay for contact $contactPubkey" );
String relay = "";
if( userPubkey == "" || contactPubkey == "") {
return "";
if( gContactLists.containsKey(userPubkey)) {
List<Contact>? contacts = gContactLists[userPubkey];
if( contacts != null) {
for( int i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
//if( gDebug > 0) print( contacts[i].toString() );
if( contacts[i].id == contactPubkey) {
relay = contacts[i].relay;
//if(gDebug > 0) print("In getRelayOfUser: found relay $relay for contact $contactPubkey" );
return relay;
// if not found return empty string
return relay;
// If given event is kind 0 event, then populates gKindONames with that info
void processKind0Event(Event e) {
if( e.eventData.kind != 0) {
String content = e.eventData.content;
if( content.isEmpty) {
String? name = "";
String? about = "";
String? picture = "";
try {
dynamic json = jsonDecode(content);
name = json["name"];
about = json["about"];
picture = json["picture"];
} catch(ex) {
if( gDebug != 0) print("Warning: In processKind0Event: caught exception for content: ${e.eventData.content}");
if(name != Null) {
if( !gKindONames.containsKey(e.eventData.pubkey)) {
gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey] = UserNameInfo(e.eventData.createdAt, name??"", about??"", picture??"");
//print("Created meta data for name: $name about: $about picture: $picture");
} else {
int oldTime = gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey]?.createdAt??0;
if( oldTime < e.eventData.createdAt) {
String oldName = gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey]?.name??"";
gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey] = UserNameInfo(e.eventData.createdAt, name??"", about??"", picture??"");
//print("Updated meta data to name: $name from $oldName");
// returns name by looking up global list gKindONames, which is populated by kind 0 events
String getAuthorName(String pubkey) {
String max3(String v) => v.length > 3? v.substring(0,3) : v.substring(0, v.length);
String name = gKindONames[pubkey]?.name??max3(pubkey);
return name;
// returns full public key(s) for the given username( which can be first few letters of pubkey, or the user name)
Set<String> getPublicKeyFromName(String userName) {
Set<String> pubkeys = {};
gKindONames.forEach((key, value) {
// check both the user name, and the pubkey to search for the user
if( userName == value.name) {
if( userName.length <= key.length) {
if( key.substring(0, userName.length) == userName) {
return pubkeys;
// returns the seconds since eponch N days ago
int getSecondsDaysAgo( int N) {
return DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(days: N)).millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000;