mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 05:41:52 +01:00
1744 lines
70 KiB
1744 lines
70 KiB
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:nostr_console/event_ds.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/tree_ds.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/relays.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/settings.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/utils.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/user.dart';
import 'package:bip340/bip340.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/nip_019.dart';
Future<void> processAnyIncomingEvents(Store node, [bool printNotifications = true]) async {
//print("In process incoming");
const int waitMilliSeconds1 = 100, waitMilliSeconds2 = 200;
Future<void> foo1() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: waitMilliSeconds1));
await foo1();
// need a bit of wait to give other events to execute, so do a delay, which allows
// relays to recieve and handle new events
Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: waitMilliSeconds2 ), () {
Set<String> newEventIds = node.processIncomingEvent(getRecievedEvents());
List<int> numPrinted1 = [0,0,0];
if( printNotifications) {
// print all the new trees, the ones that we want to print
numPrinted1 = node.printTreeNotifications(newEventIds);
// need to clear because only top 20 events in each thread are printed or cleared with above
int clearNotifications (Tree t) => t.treeSelector_clearNotifications();
// print direc room notifications if any, and print summary of all notifications printed
directRoomNotifications(node, numPrinted1[0], numPrinted1[2]);
Future<void> foo() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: waitMilliSeconds2));
await foo();
String mySign(String privateKey, String msg) {
String randomSeed = getRandomPrivKey();
randomSeed = randomSeed.substring(0, 32);
return sign(privateKey, msg, randomSeed);
Future<void> mySleep(int duration) async {
Future<void> foo() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: duration));
await foo();
/* @function sendReplyPostLike Used to send Reply, Post and Like ( event 1 for reply and post, and event 7 for like/reaction)
* If replyToId is blank, then it does not reference any e/p tags, and thus becomes a top post
* otherwise e and p tags are found for the given event being replied to, if that event data is available
Future<void> sendReplyPostLike(Store node, String replyToId, String replyKind, String content) async {
content = addEscapeChars(content);
String strTags = node.getTagStr(replyToId, exename, true, getTagsFromContent(content));
if( replyToId.isNotEmpty && strTags == "") { // this returns empty only when the given replyto ID is non-empty, but its not found ( nor is it 64 bytes)
print("${gWarningColor}The given target id was not found and/or is not a valid id. Not sending the event.$gColorEndMarker");
int createdAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/1000;
String id = getShaId(userPublicKey, createdAt.toString(), replyKind, strTags, content);
// generate POW if required
String vanityTag = strTags;
if (replyKind == "1" && gDifficulty > 0) {
if( gDebug > 0) log.info("Starting pow");
int numBytes = (gDifficulty % 4 == 0)? gDifficulty ~/ 4: gDifficulty ~/ 4 + 1;
String zeroString = "";
for( int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
zeroString += "0";
int numShaDone = 0;
for( numShaDone = 0; numShaDone < 100000000; numShaDone++) {
vanityTag = '$strTags,["nonce","$numShaDone","$gDifficulty"]';
id = getShaId(userPublicKey, createdAt.toString(), replyKind, vanityTag, content);
if( id.substring(0, numBytes) == zeroString) {
await mySleep(500);
if( gDebug > 0) log.info("Ending pow numShaDone = $numShaDone id = $id");
String sig = mySign(userPrivateKey, id);
String toSendMessage = '["EVENT",{"id":"$id","pubkey":"$userPublicKey","created_at":$createdAt,"kind":$replyKind,"tags":[$vanityTag],"content":"$content","sig":"$sig"}]';
//print("sending $toSendMessage");
sendRequest( gListRelayUrls, toSendMessage);
await mySleep(200);
// Sends a public channel message
Future<void> sendChannelMessage(Store node, Channel channel, String messageToSend, String replyKind) async {
messageToSend = addEscapeChars(messageToSend);
String strTags = node.getTagStrForChannel(channel, exename);
int createdAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/1000;
String id = getShaId(userPublicKey, createdAt.toString(), replyKind, strTags, messageToSend);
String sig = mySign(userPrivateKey, id);
String toSendMessage = '["EVENT",{"id":"$id","pubkey":"$userPublicKey","created_at":$createdAt,"kind":$replyKind,"tags":[$strTags],"content":"$messageToSend","sig":"$sig"}]';
//printInColor(toSendMessage, gCommentColor);
sendRequest( gListRelayUrls, toSendMessage);
Future<void> foo() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 300));
await foo();
// Sends a public channel message
Future<void> sendChannelReply(Store node, Channel channel, String replyTo, String messageToSend, String replyKind) async {
messageToSend = addEscapeChars(messageToSend);
String strTags = node.getTagStrForChannelReply(channel, replyTo, exename);
int createdAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/1000;
String id = getShaId(userPublicKey, createdAt.toString(), replyKind, strTags, messageToSend);
String sig = mySign(userPrivateKey, id);
String toSendMessage = '["EVENT",{"id":"$id","pubkey":"$userPublicKey","created_at":$createdAt,"kind":$replyKind,"tags":[$strTags],"content":"$messageToSend","sig":"$sig"}]';
//printInColor(toSendMessage, gCommentColor);
sendRequest( gListRelayUrls, toSendMessage);
Future<void> foo() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 300));
await foo();
// send DM
Future<void> sendDirectMessage(Store node, String otherPubkey, String messageToSend, {String replyKind = "4"}) async {
//messageToSend = addEscapeChars(messageToSend); since this get encrypted , it does not need escaping
String otherPubkey02 = "02$otherPubkey";
String encryptedMessageToSend = myEncrypt(userPrivateKey, otherPubkey02, messageToSend);
//print("in sendDirectMessage: replyKind = $replyKind");
//String replyKind = "4";
String strTags = '["p","$otherPubkey"]';
strTags += gWhetherToSendClientTag?',["client","nostr_console"]':'';
int createdAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/1000;
String id = getShaId(userPublicKey, createdAt.toString(), replyKind, strTags, encryptedMessageToSend);
String sig = mySign(userPrivateKey, id);
String eventStrToSend = '["EVENT",{"id":"$id","pubkey":"$userPublicKey","created_at":$createdAt,"kind":$replyKind,"tags":[$strTags],"content":"$encryptedMessageToSend","sig":"$sig"}]';
//print("calling send for str : $eventStrToSend");
sendRequest( gListRelayUrls, eventStrToSend);
Future<void> foo() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 300));
await foo();
// sends event e; used to send kind 3 event; can send other kinds too like channel create kind 40, or kind 0
// does not honor tags mentioned in the Event, excpet if its kind 3, when it uses contact list to create tags
Future<String> sendEvent(Store node, Event e, [int delayAfterSend = 500]) async {
String strTags = "";
int createdAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/1000;
String content = addEscapeChars( e.eventData.content);
// read the contacts and make them part of the tags, and then the sha
if( e.eventData.kind == 3) {
strTags = ""; // only new contacts will be sent
for(int i = 0; i < e.eventData.contactList.length; i++) {
String relay = e.eventData.contactList[i].relay;
if( relay == "") {
relay = defaultServerUrl;
String comma = ",";
if( i == e.eventData.contactList.length - 1) {
comma = "";
String strContact = '["p","${e.eventData.contactList[i].contactPubkey}","$relay"]$comma';
strTags += strContact;
// strTags += '["client","nostr_console"]';
} else {
strTags += '["client","nostr_console"]';
String id = getShaId(userPublicKey, createdAt.toString(), e.eventData.kind.toString(), strTags, content);
String sig = mySign(userPrivateKey, id);
String toSendMessage = '["EVENT",{"id":"$id","pubkey":"$userPublicKey","created_at":$createdAt,"kind":${e.eventData.kind.toString()},"tags":[$strTags],"content":"$content","sig":"$sig"}]';
//print("in send event: calling sendrequest for string \n $toSendMessage");
sendRequest(gListRelayUrls, toSendMessage);
Future<void> foo() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: delayAfterSend));
await foo();
return id;
Future<String> sendEventWithTags(Store node, Event e, String tags) async {
String strTags = tags;
int createdAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/1000;
String content = addEscapeChars( e.eventData.content);
String id = getShaId(userPublicKey, createdAt.toString(), e.eventData.kind.toString(), strTags, content);
String sig = mySign(userPrivateKey, id);
String toSendMessage = '["EVENT",{"id":"$id","pubkey":"$userPublicKey","created_at":$createdAt,"kind":${e.eventData.kind.toString()},"tags":[$strTags],"content":"$content","sig":"$sig"}]';
//print("in send event: calling sendrequest for string \n $toSendMessage");
sendRequest(gListRelayUrls, toSendMessage);
Future<void> foo() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500));
await foo();
return id;
bool sendDeleteEvent(Store node, String eventIdToDelete) {
if( node.allChildEventsMap.containsKey(eventIdToDelete)) {
Tree? tree = node.allChildEventsMap[eventIdToDelete];
if( tree != null) {
if( tree.event.eventData.id == eventIdToDelete && tree.event.eventData.pubkey == userPublicKey) {
// to delte this event
String replyKind = "5"; // delete event
String content = "";
String strTags = '["e","$eventIdToDelete"]';
strTags += gWhetherToSendClientTag?',["client","nostr_console"]':'';
int createdAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/1000;
String id = getShaId(userPublicKey, createdAt.toString(), replyKind, strTags, content);
String sig = mySign(userPrivateKey, id);
String toSendMessage = '["EVENT",{"id":"$id","pubkey":"$userPublicKey","created_at":$createdAt,"kind":$replyKind,"tags":[$strTags],"content":"$content","sig":"$sig"}]';
sendRequest( gListRelayUrls, toSendMessage);
print("sent event delete request with id = $id");
} else {
print("${gWarningColor}The given id was not found and/or is not a valid id, or is not your event. Not deleted.$gColorEndMarker");
} else {
print("Event not found. Kindly ensure you have entered a valid event id.");
return false;
void reAdjustAlignment() {
// align the text again in case the window size has been changed
if( gAlignment == "center") {
try {
var terminalColumns = gDefaultTextWidth;
if( stdout.hasTerminal ) {
terminalColumns = stdout.terminalColumns;
if( gTextWidth > terminalColumns) {
gTextWidth = terminalColumns - 5;
gNumLeftMarginSpaces = (terminalColumns - gTextWidth )~/2;
} on StdoutException catch (e) {
print("Terminal information not available");
if( gDebug>0) print(e.message);
gNumLeftMarginSpaces = 0;
void printProfile(Store node, String profilePubkey) {
bool onlyUserPostAndLike (Tree t) => t.treeSelectorUserPostAndLike({profilePubkey});
node.printStoreTrees(0, DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(hours:gHoursDefaultPrint)), onlyUserPostAndLike);
String npubPubkey = bech32Encode("npub", profilePubkey);
// if contact list was found, get user's feed, and keep the contact list for later use
String authorName = getAuthorName(profilePubkey);
String pronoun = "";
if( profilePubkey == userPublicKey) {
printUnderlined("\nYour profile - $authorName:");
pronoun = "You";
} else {
printUnderlined("\nProfile for $authorName");
pronoun = "They";
String about = gKindONames[profilePubkey]?.about??"";
String picture = gKindONames[profilePubkey]?.picture??"";
String lud06 = gKindONames[profilePubkey]?.lud06??"";
String lud16 = gKindONames[profilePubkey]?.lud16??"";
String displayName= gKindONames[profilePubkey]?.display_name??"";
String website = gKindONames[profilePubkey]?.website??"";
int dateLastUpdated = gKindONames[profilePubkey]?.createdAt??0;
bool verified = gKindONames[profilePubkey]?.nip05Verified??false;
String nip05Id = gKindONames[profilePubkey]?.nip05Id??"";
// print QR code
print("The QR code for public key:\n\n");
try {
} catch(e) {
print("Could not generate qr code. \n");
// print LNRUL lud06 if it exists
if( lud06.length > gMinLud06AddressLength) {
try {
String lud06LNString = "lightning:$lud06";
List<int>? typesAndModule = getTypeAndModule(lud06LNString);
if( typesAndModule != null) {
print("Printing lud06 LNURL as QR:\n\n");
print(getPubkeyAsQrString(lud06LNString, typesAndModule[0], typesAndModule[1]));
} catch(e) {
print("Could not generate qr code for the lnurl given. \n");
// print LNRUL lud16 if it exists
if( lud16.length > gMinLud16AddressLength) {
try {
String lud16LNString = lud16;
List<int>? typesAndModule = getTypeAndModule(lud16LNString);
if( typesAndModule != null) {
print("Printing lud16 address as QR:\n\n");
print(getPubkeyAsQrString(lud16LNString, typesAndModule[0], typesAndModule[1]));
} catch(e) {
print("Could not generate qr code for the given address.\n");
print("\nName : $authorName ( $profilePubkey / $npubPubkey).");
print("About : $about");
print("Picture : $picture");
print("display_name: $displayName");
print("Website : $website");
print("Lud06 : $lud06");
print("Lud16 : $lud16");
print("Nip 05 : ${verified?"yes. $nip05Id":"no"}");
print("\nLast Updated: ${getPrintableDate(dateLastUpdated)}\n");
// get the latest kind 3 event for the user, which lists his 'follows' list
Event? profileContactEvent = getContactEvent(profilePubkey);
if (profileContactEvent != null ) {
if( profilePubkey != userPublicKey) {
if( profileContactEvent.eventData.contactList.any((x) => (x.contactPubkey == userPublicKey))) {
print("* They follow you");
} else {
print("* They don't follow you");
// print mutual follows
node.printMutualFollows(profileContactEvent, authorName);
// print follow list
stdout.write("$pronoun follow ${profileContactEvent.eventData.contactList.length} accounts: ");
for (var x in profileContactEvent.eventData.contactList) {
stdout.write("${getAuthorName(x.contactPubkey, pubkeyLenShown: 10)}, ");
} else {
// check if you follow the other account
Event? selfContactEvent = getContactEvent(userPublicKey);
bool youFollowThem = false;
if( selfContactEvent != null) {
List<Contact> selfContacts = selfContactEvent.eventData.contactList;
for(int i = 0; i < selfContacts.length; i ++) {
if( selfContacts[i].contactPubkey == profilePubkey) {
youFollowThem = true;
print("* You follow $authorName");
if( youFollowThem == false) {
print("* You don't follow $authorName");
print("* Their contact list was not found.\n");
// print followers
List<String> followers = node.getFollowers(profilePubkey);
stdout.write("$pronoun have ${followers.length} followers: ");
followers.sort((a, b) => getAuthorName(a).compareTo(getAuthorName(b)));
for (var x in followers) {
stdout.write("${getAuthorName(x)}, ");
void printVerifiedAccounts(Store node) {
List<dynamic> listVerified = []; // num follows, pubkey, name, nip05id
printUnderlined("NIP 05 Verified Users");
print("") ;
print("Username Num Followers pubkey Nip Id\n");
gKindONames.forEach((key, value) {
String pubkey = key;
if( value.nip05Verified) {
List<String> followers = node.getFollowers(pubkey);
listVerified.add([followers.length, pubkey, getAuthorName(pubkey), value.nip05Id]);
listVerified.sort((a, b) => a[0] > b[0]? -1: (a[0] == b[0]? 0: 1));
for(var verifiedEntry in listVerified) {
print("${verifiedEntry[2].padRight(30)} ${verifiedEntry[0].toString().padRight(4)} ${verifiedEntry[1]} ${verifiedEntry[3]}");
print("\nHow to use: To get best results, print the main feed a couple of times right after starting; and then check NIP verified list. This gives application time to do the verification from user's given servers.\n\n");
void printMenu(List<String> menuOptions) {
int longestMenuOption = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < menuOptions.length;i++) {
if( longestMenuOption < menuOptions[i].length) {
longestMenuOption = menuOptions[i].length;
var terminalColumns = gDefaultTextWidth;
if( stdout.hasTerminal ) {
terminalColumns = stdout.terminalColumns;
if( longestMenuOption + 5> gMenuWidth ) {
gMenuWidth = longestMenuOption + 8;
if( terminalColumns~/gMenuWidth > 4) {
terminalColumns = gMenuWidth * 4;
int rowLen = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < menuOptions.length;i++) {
String str = "${i+1}. ${menuOptions[i]}";
str = str.padRight(gMenuWidth);
rowLen += gMenuWidth;
if( rowLen + gMenuWidth> terminalColumns ) {
stdout.write("\n" );
rowLen = 0;
stdout.write("\n" );
int showMenu(List<String> menuOptions, String menuName, [String menuInfo = ""]) {
if(menuInfo.isNotEmpty) {
while(true) {
printInColor(" $menuName", yellowColor);
String promptWithName = userPrivateKey.length == 64?
"Signed in as $gCommentColor${getAuthorName(userPublicKey)}$gColorEndMarker":
"${gWarningColor}You are not signed in so can't send any messages$gColorEndMarker";
stdout.write("$promptWithName. ");
stdout.write("Type option number: ");
String? userOptionInput = stdin.readLineSync();
String userOption = userOptionInput??"";
userOption = userOption.trim();
if( userOption == 'x') {
userOption = menuOptions.length.toString();
if( int.tryParse(userOption) != null) {
int? valueOption = int.tryParse(userOption);
if( valueOption != null) {
if( valueOption >= 1 && valueOption <= menuOptions.length) {
reAdjustAlignment(); // in case user has changed alignment
print('You picked: $valueOption');
// reset this
gInvalidInputCount = 0;
return valueOption;
} on FormatException catch (e) {
} on Exception catch (e) {
printWarning("\nInvalid option. Kindly try again. The valid options are from 1 to ${menuOptions.length}");
if( gInvalidInputCount > gMaxInValidInputAccepted) {
printWarning("The program has received an invalid input more than $gMaxInValidInputAccepted. There seems to be some problem etc, so exiting");
bool confirmFirstContact() {
String s = getStringFromUser(
"""\nIt appears your contact list is empty.
If you are a new user, you should proceed, but if you already
had added people in past, then that contact list would be overwritten.
Do you want to proceed. Press y/Y or n/N: """, "n");
if( s == 'y' || s == 'Y') {
return true;
return false;
void printPubkeys(Set<String> pubkey) {
print("${myPadRight("pubkey",64)} ${myPadRight("name", 20)} ${myPadRight("about", 40)} ${myPadRight("Nip05", 30)}");
for (var x in pubkey) {
print("$x ${myPadRight(getAuthorName(x), 20)} ${myPadRight(gKindONames[x]?.about??"", 40)} ${myPadRight(gKindONames[x]?.nip05Id??"No", 30)}");
void printPubkeyResult(Set<String> pubkey) {
if( pubkey.isEmpty) {
print("There is no pubkey for that given name.");
} else {
if( pubkey.length == 1) {
print("There is 1 public key for the given name, which is: ");
} else {
print("There are ${pubkey.length} public keys for the given name, which are: ");
Future<void> otherOptionsMenuUi(Store node) async {
bool continueOtherMenu = true;
while(continueOtherMenu) {
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node); // this takes 300 ms
int option = showMenu([
'Search by client name', // 1
'Edit your profile', // 2
'Delete event', // 3
'Re-Broadcast contact list+', // 4
'Application stats', // 5
'Help and About', // 6
'E(x)it to main menu'], // 7
"Other Options Menu"); // menu name
switch(option) {
case 1:
stdout.write("Enter nostr client name whose events you want to see: ");
String? $tempWords = stdin.readLineSync();
String clientName = $tempWords??"";
if( clientName != "") {
bool fromClient (Tree t) => t.treeSelectorClientName(clientName);
node.printStoreTrees(0, DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(hours:gHoursDefaultPrint)), fromClient); // search for last gHoursDefaultPrint hours only
case 2: //edit your profile
if( userPublicKey == "" || userPrivateKey == "") {
printWarning("No private key provided so you can't edit your profile.");
print("Your current name: ${getAuthorName(userPublicKey)}");
print("Your 'about me': ${gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.about}");
print("Your current profile picture: ${gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.picture}");
print("Your current display name: ${gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.display_name}");
print("Your current website: ${gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.website}");
print("Your current NIP 05 id: ${gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.nip05Id}");
print("Your current lud06: ${gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.lud06}");
print("Your current lud16: ${gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.lud16}");
// TODO use robohash in future: https://robohash.org/npub19yzp0sntplrcl6v85kxqahtkqzyh03s9g0w6suljfzmqm0uf5ywqwpjkda
print("\n\nEnter new data. Leave blank to use the old value. Some clients use name, others use display name; you can enter same value for both:\n");
String userName = getStringFromUser("Enter your new name : ", getAuthorName(userPublicKey));
String userAbout = getStringFromUser("Enter new 'about me' for yourself : ", gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.about??"");
String userPic = getStringFromUser("Enter url to your new display picture: ", gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.picture??"https://placekitten.com/200/200");
String displayName = getStringFromUser("Enter your new display name : ", gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.display_name??"");
String website = getStringFromUser("Enter your new website : ", gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.website??"");
String nip05id = getStringFromUser("Enter your nip 05 id. Leave blank if unknown/none: ", gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.nip05Id??"");
String lud06 = getStringFromUser("Enter your lud06 or lnurl. Leave blank if unknown/none: ", gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.lud06??"");
String lud16 = getStringFromUser("Enter your lud16 address. Leave blank if unknown/none: ", gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.lud16??"");
String strLud06 = lud06.isNotEmpty? '"lud06":"$lud06",': '';
String strLud16 = lud16.isNotEmpty? '"lud16":"$lud16",': '';
String strDispName = displayName.isNotEmpty? '"display_name":"$displayName",': '';
String strWebsite = website.isNotEmpty? '"website":"$website",': '';
String content = "{\"name\": \"$userName\", \"about\": \"$userAbout\", \"picture\": \"$userPic\"${ nip05id.isNotEmpty ? ", $strDispName $strWebsite $strLud06 $strLud16 \"nip05\": \"$nip05id\"":""}}";
int createdAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/1000;
EventData eventData = EventData('id', userPublicKey, createdAt, 0, content, [], [], [], [], {}, );
Event userKind0Event = Event("EVENT", "id", eventData, [], "");
String userKind0EventId = await sendEvent(node, userKind0Event); // takes 400 ms
printInColor("Updated your profile.\n", gCommentColor);
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node, false); // get latest event, this takes 300 ms
case 3:
if( userPublicKey == "" || userPrivateKey == "") {
printWarning("No private key provided so you can't delete any event.");
stdout.write("Enter event id to delete: ");
String? $tempEventId = stdin.readLineSync();
String userInputId = $tempEventId??"";
Set<String> eventIdToDelete = node.getEventEidFromPrefix(userInputId);
if( eventIdToDelete.length == 1) {
String toDeleteId = eventIdToDelete.first;
print("Going to send a delete event for the following event with id $toDeleteId");
sendDeleteEvent(node, eventIdToDelete.first);
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node, false); // get latest event, this takes 300 ms
} else {
if( eventIdToDelete.isEmpty) {
printWarning("Could not find the given event id. Kindly try again, by entering a 64 byte long hex event id, or by entering a unique prefix for the given event id.");
} else {
printWarning("Invalid Event Id(s). Kindly enter a more unique id.");
case 4:
printSet(gListRelayUrls, "Going to broadcast your contact list ( kind 3) and About me( kind 0) to all relays. The relays are: ", ",");
stdout.write("Hold on, sending events to relays ...");
int count = 0;
Set<int> kindBroadcast = {};
node.allChildEventsMap.forEach((id, tree) {
if( tree.event.eventData.pubkey == userPublicKey && [0,3].contains(tree.event.eventData.kind)) {
sendEvent(node, tree.event, 100);
print("\nFinished re-broadcasting $count events to all the servers.");
case 5: // application info
printUnderlined("Application stats");
printUnderlined("Event and User Info");
//print("Total number of kind-1 posts: ${node.count()}");
print("\nEvent distribution by event kind:\n");
print("\nTotal number of all events: ${node.allChildEventsMap.length}");
print("\nTotal events translated for $gNumTranslateDays days: $numEventsTranslated");
print("Total number of user profiles: ${gKindONames.length}\n");
printUnderlined("Logged in user Info");
if( userPrivateKey.length == 64) {
print("You are signed in, and your public key is: $userPublicKey");
} else {
print("You are not signed in, and are using public key: $userPublicKey");
print("Your name as seen in metadata event is: ${getAuthorName(userPublicKey)}\n");
case 6:
case 7:
continueOtherMenu = false;
// sends event creating a new public channel
Future<void> createPublicChannel(Store node) async {
String channelName = getStringFromUser("Enter channel name: ");
String channelAbout = getStringFromUser("Enter description for channel: ");
String channelPic = getStringFromUser("Enter display picture if any: ", "https://placekitten.com/200/200");
String content = "{\"name\": \"$channelName\", \"about\": \"$channelAbout\", \"picture\": \"$channelPic\"}";
int createdAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/1000;
EventData eventData = EventData('id', userPublicKey, createdAt, 40, content, [], [], [], [], {}, );
Event channelCreateEvent = Event("EVENT", "id", eventData, [], "");
String newChannelId = await sendEvent(node, channelCreateEvent); // takes 400 ms
print("Created new channel with id: $newChannelId");
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node, false); // get latest event, this takes 300 ms
Future<void> channelMenuUI(Store node) async {
bool continueChatMenu = true;
bool justShowedChannels = false;
while(continueChatMenu) {
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node); // this takes 300 ms
if( !justShowedChannels) {
printInColor(" Public Channels ", gCommentColor);
node.printChannelsOverview(node.channels, gNumRoomsShownByDefault, selectorShowAllRooms, node.allChildEventsMap, null);
justShowedChannels = true;
String menuInfo = """Public channel howto: To enter a channel, enter first few letters of its name or the channel identifier.
When inside a channel, the first column is the id of the given post. It can be used when you want to reply to a specific post.
To reply to a specific post, type '/reply <first few letters of id of post to reply to> <your message>.
The most latest updated channels are shown at bottom.
When in a channel, press 'x' to exit. """;
int option = showMenu([ 'Enter a channel', // 1
'Show all public channels', // 2
'Show all tag channels', // 3
'Create a public channel', // 4
'E(x)it to main menu'], // 5
"Public Channels Menu", // name of menu
switch(option) {
case 1:
justShowedChannels = false;
bool showChannelOption = true;
stdout.write("\nType channel id or name, or their 1st few letters; or type 'x' to go to menu: ");
String? $tempUserInput = stdin.readLineSync();
String channelId = $tempUserInput??"";
if( channelId == "x") {
showChannelOption = false;
int pageNum = 1;
bool firstIteration = true;
while(showChannelOption) {
if( firstIteration) {
firstIteration = false;
String fullChannelId = node.showChannel(node.channels, channelId, null, null, null, pageNum); // direct channel does not need this, only encrypted channels needs them
if( fullChannelId == "") {
//print("Could not find the given channel.");
showChannelOption = false;
stdout.write("\nType message; or type 'x' to exit, or press <enter> to refresh: ");
$tempUserInput = stdin.readLineSync(encoding: utf8);
String messageToSend = $tempUserInput??"";
print("got word: $messageToSend");
if( messageToSend != "") {
if( messageToSend == 'x') {
showChannelOption = false;
} else {
int retval = 0;
if( (retval = messageToSend.isChannelPageNumber(gMaxChannelPagesDisplayed)) != 0 ) {
print('is channel page number: $retval');
pageNum = retval;
} else {
// in case the program was invoked with --pubkey, then user can't send messages
if( userPrivateKey == "") {
printWarning("Since no user private key has been supplied, posts/messages can't be sent. Invoke with --prikey \n");
} else {
if( messageToSend.length >= 7 && messageToSend.substring(0, 7).compareTo("/reply ") == 0) {
List<String> tokens = messageToSend.split(' ');
if( tokens.length >= 3) {
String replyTo = tokens[1];
Channel? channel = node.getChannelFromId(node.channels, fullChannelId);
String actualMessage = messageToSend.substring(7);
if( messageToSend.indexOf(tokens[1]) + tokens[1].length < messageToSend.length) {
actualMessage = messageToSend.substring( messageToSend.indexOf(tokens[1]) + tokens[1].length + 1);
if( channel != null) {
await sendChannelReply(node, channel, replyTo, actualMessage, getPostKindFrom( channel.roomType));
pageNum = 1; // reset it
} else {
// send message to the given room
Channel? channel = node.getChannelFromId(node.channels, fullChannelId);
if( channel != null) {
await sendChannelMessage(node, channel, messageToSend, getPostKindFrom(channel.roomType));
pageNum = 1; // reset it
} else {
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node, false);
} // end while showChannelOption
case 2:
printInColor(" All Public Channels ", gCommentColor);
node.printChannelsOverview(node.channels, node.channels.length, selectorShowOnlyPublicChannel, node.allChildEventsMap, null);
justShowedChannels = true;
case 3:
printInColor(" All Tag Channels", gCommentColor);
node.printChannelsOverview(node.channels, node.channels.length, selectorShowOnlyTagChannel, node.allChildEventsMap, null);
justShowedChannels = true;
case 4:
if( userPrivateKey == "") {
printWarning("Since no user private key has been supplied, you cannot create channels or send any event. Invoke with --prikey \n");
justShowedChannels = false;
print("Creating new channel. Kindly enter info about channel: \n");
await createPublicChannel(node);
justShowedChannels = false;
// TODO put user in the newly created channel
case 5:
continueChatMenu = false;
// sends event creating a new public channel
Future<void> createEncryptedChannel(Store node) async {
String channelName = getStringFromUser("Enter encrypted channel name: ");
String channelAbout = getStringFromUser("Enter description for the new encrypted channel: ");
String channelPic = getStringFromUser("Enter display picture if any: ", "https://placekitten.com/200/200");
String content = "{\"name\": \"$channelName\", \"about\": \"$channelAbout\", \"picture\": \"$channelPic\"}";
int createdAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/1000;
List<String> participants = [userPublicKey];
String pTags = '';
for( int i = 0; i < participants.length; i++) {
if( i > 0) {
pTags += ",";
pTags += '["p","${participants[i]}"]';
EventData eventData = EventData('id', userPublicKey, createdAt, 140, content, [], [], [], [], {}, );
Event encryptedChannelCreateEvent = Event("EVENT", "id", eventData, [], "");
String newEncryptedChannelId = await sendEventWithTags(node, encryptedChannelCreateEvent, pTags); // takes 400 ms
print("Created new encrypted channel with id: $newEncryptedChannelId\n");
String newPriKey = getRandomPrivKey();
// Created and going to use new random privake key
String channelPriKey = newPriKey, channelPubKey = myGetPublicKey(newPriKey);
// now send password as direct message to yourself and to all the people you tagged
String messageToSend = "App Encrypted Channels: inviting you to encrypted channel $newEncryptedChannelId encrypted using private public keys $channelPriKey $channelPubKey";
for( int i = 0; i < participants.length; i++) {
// send message to all ( including self which is in that list)
await sendDirectMessage(node, participants[i], messageToSend, replyKind: gSecretMessageKind.toString());
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node, false); // get latest event, this takes 300 ms
// sends event creating a new public channel
Future<void> updateEncryptedChannel(Store node, String channelId,
String channelName, String channelAbout, String channelPic, String content, String tags,
Set<String> participants, Set<String> newParticipants) async {
List<String> keys = getEncryptedChannelKeys(node.encryptedGroupInviteIds, node.allChildEventsMap, channelId);
if( keys.length == 2) {
String channelPriKey = keys[0], channelPubKey = keys[1];
// now send password as direct message to yourself and to all the people you tagged
String messageToSend = "App Encrypted Channels: inviting you to encrypted channel $channelId encrypted using private public keys $channelPriKey $channelPubKey";
// send message to all new participants
newParticipants.forEach((participant) async {
await sendDirectMessage(node, participant, messageToSend, replyKind: gSecretMessageKind.toString());
int createdAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/1000;
EventData eventData = EventData('id', userPublicKey, createdAt, 141, content, [], [], [], [], {}, );
Event channelUpdateEvent = Event("EVENT", "id", eventData, [], "");
await sendEventWithTags(node, channelUpdateEvent, tags); // takes 400 ms
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node, false); // get latest event, this takes 300 ms
} else {
printWarning("Could not find shared-secret keys for the channel. Could not update.");
String encryptChannelMessage(Store node, String channelId, String messageToSend) {
String encryptedMessage = '';
List<String> keys = getEncryptedChannelKeys(node.encryptedGroupInviteIds, node.allChildEventsMap, channelId);
if( keys.length != 2) {
printWarning("Could not get channel secret for channel id: $channelId");
return '';
String priKey = keys[0], pubKey = keys[1];
encryptedMessage = myEncrypt(priKey, "02$pubKey", messageToSend);
return encryptedMessage;
Future<void> addUsersToEncryptedChannel(Store node, String fullChannelId, Set<String> newPubKeys) async {
// first check user is creator of channel
Event? channelEvent = node.allChildEventsMap[fullChannelId]?.event;
if( channelEvent != null) {
if( channelEvent.eventData.pubkey == userPublicKey) {
Channel? channel = node.getChannelFromId(node.encryptedChannels, fullChannelId);
if( channel != null ) {
Set<String> newParticipants = {};
Set<String> participants = channel.participants;
int numOldUsers = participants.length;
// now send invite
List<String> toAdd = [];
for(var newPubkey in newPubKeys) {
if( newPubkey.length != 64) {
printWarning("Invalid pubkey. The given pubkey should be 64 byte long. offending pubkey: $newPubkey");
String channelName = node.getChannelNameFromId(node.encryptedChannels, fullChannelId);
String channelAbout = "";
String channelPic = "https://placekitten.com/200/200";
String content = channelEvent.eventData.content;
String tags = '["e","$fullChannelId"]';
for (var participant in participants) {
tags += ',["p","$participant"]';
int numNewUsers = participants.length;
if( numNewUsers > numOldUsers) {
print("\nSending kind 141 invites to new participants: $newParticipants");
await updateEncryptedChannel(node, fullChannelId, channelName, channelAbout, channelPic, content, tags, participants, newParticipants);
} else {
printWarning("\nNote: No new users added. Kindly check whether the given user(s) aren't already members of the group, that pubkeys are valid etc");
} else {
printWarning("Not being the creator of this channel, you cannot add members to it.");
Future<void> sendInvitesForEncryptedChannel(Store node, String channelId, Set<String> newPubKeys) async {
// first check user is creator of channel
Event? channelEvent = node.allChildEventsMap[channelId]?.event;
if( channelEvent != null) {
if( channelEvent.eventData.pubkey == userPublicKey) {
Channel? channel = node.getChannelFromId(node.encryptedChannels, channelId);
if( channel != null ) {
List<String> keys = getEncryptedChannelKeys(node.encryptedGroupInviteIds, node.allChildEventsMap, channelId);
String channelPriKey = keys[0], channelPubKey = keys[1];
// now send password as direct message to yourself and to all the people you tagged
String messageToSend = "App Encrypted Channels: inviting you to encrypted channel $channelId encrypted using private public keys $channelPriKey $channelPubKey";
// send message to all new participants
newPubKeys.forEach((participant) async {
await sendDirectMessage(node, participant, messageToSend, replyKind: gSecretMessageKind.toString());
Future<void> encryptedChannelMenuUI(Store node) async {
bool continueChatMenu = true;
bool justShowedChannels = false;
while(continueChatMenu) {
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node, false); // this takes 300 ms
if( !justShowedChannels) {
printInColor(" Encrypted Channels ", gCommentColor);
node.printChannelsOverview(node.encryptedChannels, gNumRoomsShownByDefault, selectorShowAllRooms, node.allChildEventsMap, node.encryptedGroupInviteIds);
justShowedChannels = true;
String menuInfo = """Encrypted Channel howto: Enter a channel by typing the first few unique letters of its pubkey or full name.
Once in a room/channel: add new participants by typing '/add <their 64 byte hex public key>' and pressing enter,
To reply to a message, type '/reply <first few letters of id of post to reply to> <your message>,
The channels updated latest are shown at bottom.
Type '/help' to see more info. When in a channel, press 'x' and then enter to exit. """;
int option = showMenu([ 'Enter an encrypted channel', // 1
'Show all encrypted channels', // 2
'Create encrypted channel', // 3
'E(x)it to main menu'], // 4
"Encrypted Channels Menu", // name of menu
switch(option) {
case 1:
justShowedChannels = false;
bool showChannelOption = true;
stdout.write("\nType channel id or name, or their 1st few letters; or type 'x' to go to menu: ");
String? $tempUserInput = stdin.readLineSync();
String channelId = $tempUserInput??"";
if( channelId == "x") {
showChannelOption = false;
bool firstIteration = true;
int pageNum = 1;
while(showChannelOption) {
if( firstIteration) {
firstIteration = false;
String fullChannelId = node.showChannel(node.encryptedChannels, channelId, node.allChildEventsMap, node.encryptedGroupInviteIds, node.encryptedChannels, pageNum);
if( fullChannelId == "") {
//print("Could not find the given channel.");
showChannelOption = false;
stdout.write("\nType message; or type 'x' to exit, or press <enter> to refresh: ");
$tempUserInput = stdin.readLineSync(encoding: utf8);
String messageToSend = $tempUserInput??"";
if( messageToSend != "") {
if( messageToSend == 'x') {
showChannelOption = false;
} else {
int retval = 0;
if( (retval = messageToSend.isChannelPageNumber(gMaxChannelPagesDisplayed) ) != 0) {
pageNum = retval;
} else {
// in case the program was invoked with --pubkey, then user can't send messages
if( userPrivateKey == "") {
printWarning("Since no user private key has been supplied, posts/messages can't be sent. Invoke with --prikey");
} else {
if( messageToSend.startsWith('/add ')) {
Set<String> newPubKeys = messageToSend.split(' ').sublist(1).toSet();
await addUsersToEncryptedChannel(node, fullChannelId, newPubKeys);
Channel? channel = node.getChannelFromId(node.encryptedChannels, fullChannelId);
if( channel == null) {
switch( messageToSend.trim()) {
case '/reinvite all':
Set<String> participantPubkeys = channel.participants;
print("Sending the shared secret again to: $participantPubkeys");
await sendInvitesForEncryptedChannel(node, fullChannelId, participantPubkeys);
continue; // get to next while loop to avoid clearscreen
case '/members':
print("\nMembers names and pubkeys:\n");
printPubkeys(channel.participants );
continue; // get to next while loop to avoid clearscreen
case '/help':
print("Help commands available:");
print("""\n /members - print names/pubkeys of all members
/add <pubkey1> <pubkey2> ... - Space-separated pubkeys are taken as new user pubkeys, and they're added to group (admin only).
/reinvite all - send secret password to all again (admin only)
continue; // get to next while loop to avoid clearscreen
// send message to the given room
if( messageToSend.length >= 7 && messageToSend.substring(0, 7).compareTo("/reply ") == 0) {
List<String> tokens = messageToSend.split(' ');
if( tokens.length >= 3) {
String replyTo = tokens[1];
String actualMessage = messageToSend.substring(7);
if( messageToSend.indexOf(tokens[1]) + tokens[1].length < messageToSend.length) {
actualMessage = messageToSend.substring( messageToSend.indexOf(tokens[1]) + tokens[1].length + 1);
String encryptedMessageToSend = encryptChannelMessage(node, fullChannelId, actualMessage);
if( encryptedMessageToSend != "") {
await sendChannelReply(node, channel, replyTo, encryptedMessageToSend, "142");
pageNum = 1; // reset it
} else {
printWarning("\nCould not get send reply message because could not encrypt message.");
else {
String encryptedMessageToSend = encryptChannelMessage(node, fullChannelId, messageToSend);
if( encryptedMessageToSend != "") {
await sendChannelMessage(node, channel, encryptedMessageToSend, "142");
pageNum = 1; // reset it
} else {
printWarning("\nCould not get send message because could not encrypt message.");
}// inner switch
} else {
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node, false);
} // end while showChennelOption ( showing each page)
case 2:
printInColor(" All Encrypted Channels ", gCommentColor);
node.printChannelsOverview(node.encryptedChannels, node.encryptedChannels.length, selectorShowAllRooms, node.allChildEventsMap, node.encryptedGroupInviteIds);
justShowedChannels = true;
case 3:
if( userPrivateKey == "") {
printWarning("Since no user private key has been supplied, you cannot create channels or send any event. Invoke with --prikey \n");
justShowedChannels = false;
print("Creating new encrypted channel. Kindly enter info about channel: \n");
await createEncryptedChannel(node);
justShowedChannels = false;
case 4:
continueChatMenu = false;
Future<void> PrivateMenuUI(Store node) async {
bool justShowedChannels = false;
bool continueChatMenu = true;
while(continueChatMenu) {
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node, true); // this takes 300 ms
if( !justShowedChannels) {
printInColor(" Direct Messages", gCommentColor);
node.printDirectRoomsOverview(showAllRooms, gNumRoomsShownByDefault, node.allChildEventsMap);
justShowedChannels = true;
String menuInfo = """Direct Message howto: To send a Direct Message to someone for the first time, enter their 64 byte hex pubkey into menu option #1.
To enter or continue a conversation seen in overview, enter the first few letters of the other person's name or of their pubkey.
Latest conversations are shown at bottom.""";
int option = showMenu([
'Reply or Send a direct message',
'Show all direct rooms',
'E(x)it to main menu'], // 3
"Direct Message Menu", // name of menu
switch(option) {
case 1:
// in case the program was invoked with --pubkey, then user can't send messages
if( userPrivateKey == "") {
print("Since no private key has been supplied, messages and replies can't be sent. Invoke with --prikey \n");
justShowedChannels = false;
bool showChannelOption = true;
stdout.write("\nType user public key, or their name, or their 1st few letters; or type 'x' to cancel: ");
String? $tempUserInput = stdin.readLineSync();
String directRoomId = $tempUserInput??"";
if( directRoomId == "x") {
showChannelOption = false;
int pageNum = 1;
while(showChannelOption) {
String fullChannelId = node.showDirectRoom(directRoomId, pageNum);
if( fullChannelId == "") {
printWarning("Could not find the given direct room.");
showChannelOption = false;
stdout.write("\nType message; or type 'x' to exit, or press <enter> to refresh: ");
$tempUserInput = stdin.readLineSync(encoding: utf8);
String messageToSend = $tempUserInput??"";
if( messageToSend != "") {
if( messageToSend == 'x') {
showChannelOption = false;
} else {
int retval = 0;
if( (retval = messageToSend.isChannelPageNumber(gMaxChannelPagesDisplayed)) != 0 ) {
pageNum = retval;
} else {
// in case the program was invoked with --pubkey, then user can't send messages
if( userPrivateKey == "") {
printWarning("Since no user private key has been supplied, posts/messages can't be sent. Invoke with --prikey \n");
// send message to the given room
await sendDirectMessage(node, fullChannelId, messageToSend);
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node, false); // get latest message
pageNum = 1; // reset it
} else {
justShowedChannels = false;
case 2:
printInColor(" Direct Messages", gCommentColor);
node.printDirectRoomsOverview(showAllRooms, node.directRooms.length, node.allChildEventsMap);
justShowedChannels = true;
case 3:
continueChatMenu = false;
Future<void> socialMenuUi(Store node) async {
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node); // this takes 300 ms
bool socialMenuContinue = true;
bool firstTime = true;
while(socialMenuContinue) {
if( !firstTime) {
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node); // this takes 300 ms
firstTime = false;
// the main menu
int option = showMenu([
'Your Feed', // 1
'Post/Reply/Like', // 2
'Replies/Likes to you',// 3
'Your Posts', // 4
'Your Replies/Likes',//5
'Follows\' Posts/Replies/Likes', // 6
'Search word(s) or event id', // 7
'Follow new contact', // 8
'Show user profile', // 9
'Change # of hours printed', // 10
'E(x)it to main menu'], // 11
"Social Network Menu");
switch(option) {
case 1:
bool selectorTrees_followActionsNoNotifications (Tree t) => t.treeSelectorUserPostAndLike(getFollows( userPublicKey).union(gDefaultFollows).union({userPublicKey}), enableNotifications: false);
node.printStoreTrees(0, DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(hours:gHoursDefaultPrint)), selectorTrees_followActionsNoNotifications, true);
case 2:
// in case the program was invoked with --pubkey, then user can't send messages
if( userPrivateKey == "") {
printWarning("Since no user private key has been supplied, posts/messages can't be sent. Invoke with --prikey \n");
stdout.write("Type comment to post/reply (type '+' to send a like): ");
String? $contentVar = stdin.readLineSync();
String content = $contentVar??"";
if( content == "") {
stdout.write("\nType id of event to reply to (leave blank to make a new post; type x to cancel): ");
String? $replyToVar = stdin.readLineSync();
String replyToId = $replyToVar??"";
print("got id");
if( replyToId == "x") {
print("Cancelling post/reply.");
String replyKind = "1";
if( content == "+") {
print("Sending a like to given post.");
replyKind = "7";
} else if( content == "!") {
print("Hiding the given post.");
replyKind = "7";
await sendReplyPostLike(node, replyToId, replyKind, content);
case 3:
bool selectorTrees_userNotifications (Tree t) => t.treeSelectorotificationsFor({userPublicKey});
int notificationHours = gHoursDefaultPrint>24? gHoursDefaultPrint: 24; // minimum 24
List<int> numPrinted = node.printStoreTrees(0, DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(hours:notificationHours)), selectorTrees_userNotifications, true);
if( numPrinted[2] > 0) {
print("Showed ${numPrinted[2]} replies/likes that were made to your posts.\n");
} else {
print("No replies or likes.");
case 4:
List<int> numPrinted = node.printStoreTrees(0, DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(hours:gHoursDefaultPrint)), selectorTrees_selfPosts, true);
if( numPrinted[0] > 0) {
print("Showed ${numPrinted[0]} posts made by you in last $gHoursDefaultPrint hours.\n");
} else {
print("No posts made by you in last $gHoursDefaultPrint hours.");
case 5:
bool selectorTrees_userActions (Tree t) => t.treeSelectorUserPostAndLike({userPublicKey});
List<int> numPrinted = node.printStoreTrees(0, DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(hours:gHoursDefaultPrint)), selectorTrees_userActions, true);
if( numPrinted[0] > 0) {
print("Showed ${numPrinted[0]} thread where you replied or liked in in last $gHoursDefaultPrint hours.\n");
} else {
print("No replies/likes made by you in last $gHoursDefaultPrint hours.");
case 6:
bool selectorTrees_followActionsWithNotifications (Tree t) => t.treeSelectorUserPostAndLike(getFollows( userPublicKey), enableNotifications: true);
List<int> numPrinted = node.printStoreTrees(0, DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(hours:gHoursDefaultPrint)), selectorTrees_followActionsWithNotifications, true);
if( numPrinted[0] > 0) {
print("Showed ${numPrinted[0]} threads where your follows participated.\n");
} else {
print("No threads to show where your follows participated in last $gHoursDefaultPrint hours.");
case 7: // search word or event id
stdout.write("Enter word(s) to search: ");
String? $tempWords = stdin.readLineSync();
String words = $tempWords??"";
if( words != "") {
bool onlyWords (Tree t) => t.treeSelectorHasWords(words.toLowerCase());
List<int> numPrinted = node.printStoreTrees(0, DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(hours:gHoursDefaultPrint)), onlyWords, false, gMaxInteger); // search for last default hours only
if( numPrinted[0] == 0) {
print("\nNot found in the last $gHoursDefaultPrint hours. Try increasing the number of days printed, from social network options to search further back into history.\n");
} else {
printWarning("Blank word entered. Try again.");
case 700: // display contact list
String authorName = getAuthorName(userPublicKey);
List<Contact>? contactList = gKindONames[userPublicKey]?.latestContactEvent?.eventData.contactList;
if( contactList != null) {
print("\nHere is the contact list for user $userPublicKey ($authorName), which has ${contactList.length} profiles in it:\n");
contactList.forEach((Contact contact) => stdout.write("${getAuthorName(contact.id)}, "));
case 8: // follow new contact
// in case the program was invoked with --pubkey, then user can't send messages
if( userPrivateKey == "") {
printWarning("Since no user private key has been supplied, posts/messages can't be sent. Invoke with --prikey");
stdout.write("Enter username or first few letters of user's public key( or full public key): ");
String? $tempUserName = stdin.readLineSync();
String userName = $tempUserName??"";
if( userName != "") {
Set<String> pubkey = getPublicKeyFromName(userName);
if( pubkey.length > 1) {
if( pubkey.length > 1) {
printWarning("Got multiple users with the same name. Try again, and type a more unique name or id-prefix");
} else {
if (pubkey.isEmpty && userName.length != 64) {
printWarning("Could not find the user with that id or username. You can try again by providing the full 64 byte long hex public key.");
else {
if( pubkey.isEmpty) {
printWarning("Could not find the user with that id or username in internal store/list. However, since the given id is 64 bytes long, taking that as hex public key and adding them as contact.");
String pk = pubkey.first;
// get this users latest contact list event ( kind 3 event)
Event? contactEvent = getContactEvent(userPublicKey);
if( contactEvent != null) {
Event newContactEvent = contactEvent;
bool alreadyContact = false;
for(int i = 0; i < newContactEvent.eventData.contactList.length; i++) {
if( newContactEvent.eventData.contactList[i].contactPubkey == pubkey.first) {
alreadyContact = true;
if( !alreadyContact) {
print('Sending new contact event');
Contact newContact = Contact(pk, defaultServerUrl);
getUserEvents(gListRelayUrls, pk, gLimitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(gLimitFollowPosts));
sendEvent(node, newContactEvent);
} else {
print("The contact already exists in the contact list. Republishing the old contact list.");
getUserEvents(gListRelayUrls, pk, gLimitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(gLimitFollowPosts));
sendEvent(node, contactEvent);
} else {
// TODO fix the send event functions by streamlining them
if(confirmFirstContact()) {
print('Sending first contact event');
String newId = "", newPubkey = userPublicKey, newContent = "";
int newKind = 3;
List<List<String>> newEtags = [];
List<String> newPtags = [pk];
List<List<String>> newTags = [[]];
Set<String> newNewLikes = {};
int newCreatedAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000;
List<Contact> newContactList = [ Contact(pk, defaultServerUrl) ];
EventData newEventData = EventData(newId, newPubkey, newCreatedAt, newKind, newContent, newEtags, newPtags, newContactList, newTags, newNewLikes,);
Event newEvent = Event( "EVENT", newId, newEventData, [], "");
getUserEvents(gListRelayUrls, pk, gLimitPerSubscription, getSecondsDaysAgo(gLimitFollowPosts));
sendEvent(node, newEvent);
case 9:
stdout.write("Printing profile of a user; type username or first few letters of user's public key( or full public key): ");
String? $tempUserName = stdin.readLineSync();
String userName = $tempUserName??"";
stdout.write( "user name: $userName");
if( userName != "") {
Set<String> pubkey = getPublicKeyFromName(userName);
if( pubkey.length > 1) {
if( pubkey.length > 1) {
printWarning("Got multiple users with the same name. Try again, and/or type a more unique name or their full public keys.");
} else {
if (pubkey.isEmpty ) {
printWarning("Could not find the user with that id or username.");
else {
printProfile(node, pubkey.first);
case 10: // change number of days printed
stdout.write("Enter number of hours for which you want to see latest posts: ");
String? $tempHoursDefaultPrint = stdin.readLineSync();
String strHoursDefaultPrint = $tempHoursDefaultPrint??"";
try {
gHoursDefaultPrint = int.parse(strHoursDefaultPrint);
print("Changed number of hours printed to $gHoursDefaultPrint");
} on FormatException catch (e) {
printWarning("Invalid input. Kindly try again.");
if( gDebug > 0) print(" ${e.message}");
} on Exception catch (e) {
printWarning("Invalid input. Kindly try again.");
if( gDebug > 0) print(" $e");
case 11:
socialMenuContinue = false;
} // end menu switch
} // end while
} // end socialMenuUi()
void directRoomNotifications(Store node, [int x = 0, int y = 0]) {
//print("In showAllNotifications. x = $x y = $y");
List<int> numPrinted = [x, 0, y];
// print direct messages and count the number printed
bool showNotifications (ScrollableMessages room) => room.selectorNotifications();
int numDirectRoomsPrinted = node.printDirectRoomsOverview( showNotifications, 100, node.allChildEventsMap);
if( numDirectRoomsPrinted > 0) {
int totalNotifications = numPrinted[2] + numDirectRoomsPrinted;
if( totalNotifications > 0) {
print("Showed $totalNotifications notifications.\n");
//print("printed $totalNotifications notifications") ;
Future<void> mainMenuUi(Store node) async {
var n;
ProcessSignal.sigint.watch().listen((signal) {
print(" caught ${n} of 3");
print("\nExiting. Writing file $gEventsFilename. ");
if( gEventsFilename != "") {
}); */
//Show only notifications
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node); // this takes 300 ms
bool mainMenuContinue = true;
bool firstTime = true;
while(mainMenuContinue) {
if( !firstTime) {
await processAnyIncomingEvents(node); // this takes 300 ms
firstTime = false;
// the main menu
int option = showMenu(['Global Feed', // 1
'Social Network', // 2
'Public Channels', // 3
'Encrypted Channels',// 4
'Private Messages', // 5
'Other Options', // 6
'E(x)it Application'], // 7
"Main Menu");
switch(option) {
case 1:
node.printStoreTrees(0, DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(hours:gHoursDefaultPrint)), selectorTrees_all);
case 2:
await socialMenuUi(node);
case 3:
await channelMenuUI(node);
case 4:
await encryptedChannelMenuUI(node);
case 5:
await PrivateMenuUI(node);
case 6:
await otherOptionsMenuUi(node);
case 7:
mainMenuContinue = false;
String authorName = getAuthorName(userPublicKey);
print("\nFinished Nostr session for user: $authorName ($userPublicKey)");
if( gEventsFilename != "") {
await node.writeEventsToFile(gEventsFilename);
} // end menu switch
} // end while
} // end mainMenuUi()
Future<void> programExit([String message= ""]) async {
if( gEventsFilename != "") {
await gStore?.writeEventsToFile(gEventsFilename);
print("In programexit");