1783 lines
62 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:bip340/bip340.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/tree_ds.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/user.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/utils.dart';
import 'package:translator/translator.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/settings.dart';
import "dart:typed_data";
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import "package:pointycastle/export.dart";
import 'package:kepler/kepler.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:nostr_console/nip_019.dart';
String getStrInColor(String s, String commentColor) => stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes ?"$commentColor$s$gColorEndMarker":s;
void printInColor(String s, String commentColor) => stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes ?stdout.write("$commentColor$s$gColorEndMarker"):stdout.write(s);
void printWarning(String s) => stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes ?stdout.write("$gWarningColor$s$gColorEndMarker\n"):stdout.write("$s\n");
// translate
GoogleTranslator? translator; // initialized in main when argument given
const int gNumTranslateDays = 1;// translate for this number of days
bool gTranslate = false; // translate flag
int numEventsTranslated = 0;
List<String> nip08PlaceHolders = ["#[0]", "#[1]", "#[2]", "#[3]", "#[4]", "#[5]", "#[6]", "#[7]", "#[8]", "#[9]", "#[10]", "#[11]", "#[12]"];
// Structure to store kind 0 event meta data, and kind 3 meta data for each user. Will have info from latest
// kind 0 event and/or kind 3 event, both with their own time stamps.
class UserNameInfo {
int? createdAt;
String? name, about, picture, lud06, lud16, display_name, website;
int? createdAtKind3;
Event ?latestContactEvent;
bool nip05Verified;
String? nip05Id;
UserNameInfo(this.createdAt, this.name, this.about, this.picture, this.lud06, this.lud16, this.display_name, this.website, this.nip05Id , this.latestContactEvent, [this.createdAtKind3, this.nip05Verified = false]);
* global user names from kind 0 events, mapped from public key to a 3 element array of [name, about, picture]
* JSON object {name: <username>, about: <string>, picture: <url, string>}
* only has info from latest kind 0 event
Map<String, UserNameInfo> gKindONames = {};
// global reactions entry. Map of form <id of event reacted to, List of Reactors>
// reach Reactor is a list of 2-elements ( first is pubkey of reactor event, second is comment)
// each eventID -> multiple [ pubkey, comment ]
Map< String, List<List<String>> > gReactions = {};
// for the given eventID returns the pubkeys of reactors
Set<String> getReactorPubkeys(String eventId) {
Set<String> reactorIds = {};
List<List<String>>? reactions = gReactions[eventId];
if( reactions != null) {
for (var reaction in reactions) { reactorIds.add(reaction[0]);}
return reactorIds;
// global contact list of each user, including of the logged in user.
// maps from pubkey of a user, to the latest contact list of that user, which is the latest kind 3 message
// is updated as kind 3 events are received
Map< String, List<Contact>> gContactLists = {};
bool verifyEvent(dynamic json) {
return true;
gSpecificDebug = 0;
if(gSpecificDebug > 0) print("----\nIn verify event:");
String createdAt = json['created_at'].toString();
String strTags = getStrTagsFromJson(json['tags']);
//print("strTags = $strTags");
String id = json['id'];
String eventPubkey = json['pubkey'];
String strKind = json['kind'].toString();
String content = json['content'];
content = unEscapeChars( content);
String eventSig = json['sig'];
if( false) {
String calculatedId = getShaId(eventPubkey, createdAt.toString(), strKind, strTags, content);
bool verified = true;//verify( eventPubkey, calculatedId, eventSig);
if( !verified && !eventPubkey.startsWith("00")) {
if(gSpecificDebug > 0) printWarning("\nwrong sig event\nevent sig = $eventSig\nevent id = $id\ncalculated id = $calculatedId " );
if(gSpecificDebug > 0) print("Event: kind = $strKind\n");
//getShaId(eventPubkey, createdAt.toString(), strKind, strTags, content);
//throw Exception();
} else {
if(gSpecificDebug > 0) printInColor("\nverified correct sig for event id $id\n", gCommentColor);
return true;
class EventData {
String id;
String pubkey;
int createdAt;
int kind;
String content;
List<List<String>> eTags;// e tags
List<String> pTags;// list of p tags
List<List<String>> tags;
bool isNotification; // whether its to be highlighted using highlight color
String evaluatedContent; // content which has mentions expanded, and which has been translated
Set<String> newLikes; // used for notifications, are colored as notifications and then reset ; set of pubkeys that are new likers
List<Contact> contactList = []; // used for kind:3 events, which is contact list event
bool isHidden; // hidden by sending a reaction kind 7 event to this event, by the logged in user
bool isDeleted; // deleted by kind 5 event
EventData(this.id, this.pubkey, this.createdAt, this.kind, this.content,
this.eTags, this.pTags, this.contactList,this.tags, this.newLikes,
this.isNotification = false, this.evaluatedContent = "", this.isHidden = false, this.isDeleted = false
// returns the immediate kind 1 parent
String getParent(Map<String, Tree> allEventsMap) {
if( eTags.isNotEmpty) {
int numRoot = 0, numReply = 0;
// first go over all tags and find out at least one reply and root tag, and count their numbers
String rootId = "", replyId = "";
for( int i = 0; i < eTags.length; i++) {
String eventId = eTags[i][0];
if( eTags[i].length >= 3) {
if( eTags[i][2].toLowerCase() == "root") {
rootId = eventId;
} else {
if( eTags[i][2].toLowerCase() == "reply") {
replyId = eventId;
// then depending on the numbers and values ( of root and replyto) return the parent
if( replyId.isNotEmpty) {
if( numReply == 1) {
return replyId;
} else {
// if there are multiply reply's we can't tell which is which, so we return the one at top
if( replyId.isNotEmpty) {
return replyId;
} else {
// this is case when there is no reply id . should not actually happen given if conditions
if( rootId.isNotEmpty) {
return rootId;
} else {
if( rootId.isNotEmpty) {
//printWarning("returning root id. no reply id found.");
return rootId;
// but if reply/root tags don't work, then try to look for parent tag with the deprecated logic from NIP-10
//if( gDebug > 0) log.info("using deprecated logic of nip10 for event id : $id");
for( int i = tags.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if( tags[i][0] == "e") {
String eventId = tags[i][1];
// ignore this e tag if its mentioned in the body of the event
String placeholder = nip08PlaceHolders.length > i? nip08PlaceHolders[i]: "INVALIDPLACEHOLDER_SHOULDNOTEXIST";
if( content.contains(placeholder)) {
if( allEventsMap[eventId]?.event.eventData.kind == 1) {
String? parentId = allEventsMap[eventId]?.event.eventData.id;
if( parentId != null) {
return parentId;
} else {
// if first e tag ( from end, which is the immediate parent) does not exist in the store, then return that eventID still.
// Child comment would get a dummy parent, and called could then fetch that event
return eventId;
return "";
List<String>? getTTags() {
List<String>? tTags;
for( int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
List<String> tag = tags[i];
if( tag.length < 2) {
if( tag[0] == 't') {
tTags ??= [];
return tTags;
// returns valueof location tag if present. returns null if that tag is not present.
String? getSpecificTag(String tagName) {
for( int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
List<String> tag = tags[i];
if( tag.length < 2) {
if( tag[0] == tagName) {
// return the first value
return tag[1];
return null;
factory EventData.fromJson(dynamic json) {
List<Contact> contactList = [];
List<List<String>> eTagsRead = [];
List<String> pTagsRead = [];
List<List<String>> tagsRead = [];
var jsonTags = json['tags'];
var numTags = jsonTags.length;
//print("\n----\nIn fromJson\n");
String sig = json['sig'];
if(sig.length == 128) {
//print("found sig == 128 bytes");
//if(json['id'] == "15dd45769dd0ccb9c4ca1c69fcd27011d53c4b95c8b7c786265bf7377bc7fdad") {
// printInColor("found 15dd45769dd0ccb9c4ca1c69fcd27011d53c4b95c8b7c786265bf7377bc7fdad sig ${json['sig']}", gCommentColor);
try {
} on Exception {
//printWarning("verify gave exception $e");
throw Exception("in Event constructor: sig verify gave exception");
// NIP 02: if the event is a contact list type, then populate contactList
if(json['kind'] == 3) {
for( int i = 0; i < numTags; i++) {
var tag = jsonTags[i];
if( tag.length < 2) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("In event fromjson: invalid p tag of size 1");
String server = defaultServerUrl;
if( tag.length >=3 ) {
server = tag[2].toString();
if( server == 'wss://nostr.rocks' || server == "wss://offchain.pub") {
server = defaultServerUrl;
if( tag[0] == "p" && tag[1].length == 64) {
Contact c = Contact(tag[1] as String, server);
} else {
int eKind = json['kind'];
if ( eKind == 1 || eKind == 7 || eKind == 42 || eKind == 5 || eKind == 4 || eKind == 140 || eKind == 141 || eKind == 142 || eKind == gSecretMessageKind) {
for( int i = 0; i < numTags; i++) {
var tag = jsonTags[i];
if( tag.isEmpty) {
if( tag[0] == "e") {
List<String> listTag = [];
for(int i = 1; i < tag.length; i ++) {
} else {
if( tag[0] == "p") {
List<String> t = [];
// TODO add other tags
if( gDebug > 0 && json['id'] == gCheckEventId) {
print("\n----------------------------------------Creating EventData with content: ${json['content']}");
print("In Event fromJson: got message: $gCheckEventId");
return EventData(json['id'] as String, json['pubkey'] as String,
json['created_at'] as int, json['kind'] as int,
json['content'].trim() as String,
eTagsRead, pTagsRead,
contactList, tagsRead,
String expandMentions(String content, Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap) {
if( tags.isEmpty) {
return content;
// just check whether "nostr:" is in comment, because only that indicates a mention; if not we return
if( !content.contains("nostr:") ) {
return content;
//print("------------------\nin expandMentions: content = $content \n");
String replaceMentions(Match mentionTagMatch) {
//print("in replaceMentions\n");
String? mentionTag = mentionTagMatch.group(0);
if( mentionTag != null) {
//print("mentionTag = $mentionTag");
String strBechId = mentionTag.substring(6, mentionTag.length);
String tempType = strBechId.substring(0, 4);
if( tempType != "note" && tempType != "npub") {
return "nostr:$strBechId";
//print("Going to decode: $strBechId");
try {
Map<String, String> nsec = bech32Decode(strBechId);
String? type = nsec["prefix"]; // type can be "note" or "npub"
String? strHex = nsec["data"]; // this is 64 byte hex pubkey or note id
if( strHex != null && type != null) {
String mentionedId = strHex;
//print("strHex = $strHex type = $type");
if( type == "npub") {
if( gKindONames.containsKey(mentionedId)) {
String? author = getOnlyAuthorName(mentionedId);
if( author == null) {
return "nostr:$strBechId";
} else {
return "@$author";
} else {
if( type == "note") {
EventData? mentionedEventData = tempChildEventsMap[mentionedId]?.event.eventData;
if( mentionedEventData != null) {
//print("Found note");
String quotedAuthor = getAuthorName(mentionedEventData.pubkey);
String prefixId = mentionedId.substring(0, 3);
String mentionedContent = mentionedEventData.content;
if( mentionedEventData.evaluatedContent != "") {
//print("found evaluated content");
mentionedContent = mentionedEventData.evaluatedContent;
} else {
//print("didnt find evaluated content");
String quote = "<Quoted event id '$prefixId' by $quotedAuthor: \"$mentionedContent\">";
//print("evaluatedContent: ${mentionedEventData.evaluatedContent}\n");
return quote;
} else {
//print("Could not find event!\n");
return "nostr:$strBechId";
} else {
//print("Could not parse the given nsec/private key. Exiting.");
return mentionTag;
} on Exception {
//print("====================Caught exctption.");
return "nostr:$strBechId";
if( gDebug >= 0) printWarning("In replaceMentions returning nothing");
return "";
} // end replaceMentions()
// replace the mentions, if any are found
// The Bech32 alphabet contains 32 characters, including lowercase letters a-z and the numbers 0-9, excluding the number 1 and the letters b, i, o to avoid reader confusion.
String mentionStr = "(nostr:(npub1|note1)[a0c-hj-np-z2-9]{58})"; // bech32
RegExp mentionRegExp = RegExp(mentionStr, caseSensitive: false);
content = content.replaceAllMapped(mentionRegExp, replaceMentions);
return content;
// is called only once for each event received ( or read from file)
void translateAndExpandMentions(Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap) {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
//printInColor("in translateAndExpandMentions: decoding $gCheckEventId\n", redColor);
if (content == "" || evaluatedContent != "") {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
//printInColor("in translateAndExpandMentions: returning \n", redColor);
switch(kind) {
case 1:
case 42:
evaluatedContent = expandMentions(content, tempChildEventsMap);
if( gShowLnInvoicesAsQr) {
evaluatedContent = expandLNInvoices(evaluatedContent);
if( translator != null && gTranslate && !evaluatedContent.isEnglish()) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("found that this comment is non-English: $evaluatedContent");
// only translate for latest events
if( DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(createdAt *1000).compareTo( DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(days:gNumTranslateDays)) ) > 0 ) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("Sending google request: translating $content");
if( translator != null) {
try {
translator?.translate(content, to: 'en')
.then( (result) => { evaluatedContent = "$evaluatedContent\n\nTranslation: ${result.toString()}" , if( gDebug > 0) print("Google translate returned successfully for one call.")} )
.onError((error, stackTrace) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("Translate error = $error\n for content = $content\n");
return {} ;
} on Exception catch(err) {
if( gDebug >= 0) print("Info: Error in trying to use google translate: $err");
} // end switch
} // end translateAndExpandMentions
// is called only once for each event received ( or read from file)
String? TranslateAndDecryptGroupInvite() {
if (content == "" || evaluatedContent != "") {
return null;
switch(kind) {
case gSecretMessageKind:
if( userPrivateKey == ""){ // cant process if private key not given
return null;
if(!isValidDirectMessage(this, acceptableKind: kind)) {
return null;
String? decrypted = decryptDirectMessage();
if( decrypted != null) {
evaluatedContent = decrypted;
return id;
} // end switch
return null;
} // end TranslateAndDecryptGroupInvite
// is called only once for each event received ( or read from file)
void translateAndDecryptKind4(Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap) {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
printInColor("in translateAndDecryptKind4: decoding $gCheckEventId\n", redColor);
if (content == "" || evaluatedContent != "") {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
printInColor("in translateAndDecryptKind4: returning \n", redColor);
switch(kind) {
case 4:
if( userPrivateKey == ""){ // cant process if private key not given
//if( pubkey == userPublicKey ) break; // crashes right now otherwise
if(!isValidDirectMessage(this)) {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
printInColor("in translateAndExpandMensitons: gonna decrypt \n", redColor);
//log.info("decrypting a message of kind 4");
String? decrypted = decryptDirectMessage();
if( decrypted != null) {
evaluatedContent = decrypted;
evaluatedContent = expandMentions(evaluatedContent, tempChildEventsMap);
//print("evaluatedContent: $evaluatedContent");
} // end switch
} // end translateAndExpandMentions
// is called only once for each event received ( or read from file)
void translateAndDecrypt14x(Set<String> secretMessageIds, List<Channel> encryptedChannels, Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap) {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
//printInColor("in translateAndExpand14x: decoding ee810ea73072af056cceaa6d051b4fcce60739247f7bcc752e72fa5defb64f09\n", redColor);
if (content == "" || evaluatedContent != "") {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
//printInColor("in translateAndExpand14x: returning \n", redColor);
if( createdAt < getSecondsDaysAgo(3)) {
//print("old 142. not decrypting");
switch(kind) {
case 142:
//print("in translateAndDecrypt14x");
Channel? channel = getChannelForMessage( encryptedChannels, id);
if( channel == null) {
if(!channel.participants.contains(userPublicKey)) {
if(!channel.participants.contains(pubkey)) {
String? decrypted = decryptEncryptedChannelMessage(secretMessageIds, tempChildEventsMap);
if( decrypted != null) {
//printWarning("Successfully decrypted kind 142: $id");
evaluatedContent = decrypted;
//print("in translateAndDecrypt14x: calling expandMentions");
evaluatedContent = expandMentions(evaluatedContent, tempChildEventsMap);
//print("content = $content");
} // end switch
} // end translateAndExpand14x
String? decryptDirectMessage() {
int ivIndex = content.indexOf("?iv=");
if( ivIndex > 0) {
var iv = content.substring( ivIndex + 4, content.length);
var encStr = content.substring(0, ivIndex);
String userKey = userPrivateKey ;
String otherUserPubKey = "02$pubkey";
if( pubkey == userPublicKey) { // if user themselve is the sender change public key used to decrypt
userKey = userPrivateKey;
int numPtags = 0;
for (var tag in tags) {
if(tag[0] == "p" ) {
otherUserPubKey = "02${tag[1]}";
// if there are more than one p tags, we don't know who its for
if( numPtags != 1) {
if( gDebug >= 0) printInColor(" in translateAndExpand: got event $id with number of p tags != one : $numPtags . not decrypting", redColor);
return null;
var decrypted = myPrivateDecrypt( userKey, otherUserPubKey, encStr, iv); // use bob's privatekey and alic's publickey means bob can read message from alic
return decrypted;
} else {
if(gDebug > 0) print("Invalid content for dm, could not get ivIndex: $content");
return null;
Channel? getChannelForMessage(List<Channel>? listChannel, String messageId) {
if( listChannel == null) {
return null;
for(int i = 0; i < listChannel.length; i++) {
if( listChannel[i].messageIds.contains(messageId)) {
return listChannel[i];
return null;
String? decryptEncryptedChannelMessage(Set<String> secretMessageIds, Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap) {
if( id == "865c9352de11a3959c06fce5350c5a1b9fa0475d3234078a1bb45d152b370f0b") { // known issue
return null;
int ivIndex = content.indexOf("?iv=");
if( ivIndex == -1) {
return null;
var iv = content.substring( ivIndex + 4, content.length);
var encStr = content.substring(0, ivIndex);
String channelId = getChannelIdForKind4x();
List<String> keys = [];
keys = getEncryptedChannelKeys(secretMessageIds, tempChildEventsMap, channelId);
if( keys.length != 2) {
//printWarning("\nCould not get keys for event id: $id and channelId: $channelId\n");
//print("keys = $keys\n\n");
return null;
String priKey = keys[0];
String pubKey = "02${keys[1]}";
var decrypted = myPrivateDecrypt( priKey, pubKey, encStr, iv); // use bob's privatekey and alic's publickey means bob can read message from alic
return decrypted;
// only applicable for kind 42/142 event; returns the channel 40/140 id of which the event is part of
String getChannelIdForKind4x() {
if( kind != 42 && kind != 142 && kind!=141) {
return "";
// get first e tag, which should be the channel of which this is part of
for( int i = 0; i < eTags.length; i++) {
List tag = eTags[i];
if( tag.isNotEmpty) {
return tag[0];
return '';
String getChannelIdForTTagRoom(String tagValue) {
return "$tagValue #t";
// only applicable for kind 42/142 event; returns the channel 40/140 id of which the event is part of
String getChannelIdForLocationRooms() {
String ? location = getSpecificTag("location");
if( kind == 1 && location != null && location != "") {
return location + gLocationTagIdSuffix;
return '';
// prints event data in the format that allows it to be shown in tree form by the Tree class
void printEventData(int depth, bool topPost, Map<String, Tree>? tempChildEventsMap, Set<String>? secretMessageIds, List<Channel>? encryptedChannels) {
if( !(kind == 1 || kind == 4 || kind == 42)) {
return; // only print kind 1 and 42 and 4
// will only do decryption if its not been decrypted yet by looking at 'evaluatedContent'
if( tempChildEventsMap != null ) {
if(kind == 4) {
translateAndDecryptKind4( tempChildEventsMap);
} else if ([1, 42].contains(kind)) {
} else if ([142].contains(kind)) {
if( secretMessageIds != null && encryptedChannels != null) {
translateAndDecrypt14x( secretMessageIds, encryptedChannels, tempChildEventsMap);
int n = gEventLenPrinted; // is 6
String maxN(String v) => v.length > n? v.substring(0,n) : v.substring(0, v.length);
String name = getAuthorName(pubkey, maxDisplayLen: gNameLengthInPost);
String strDate = getPrintableDate(createdAt);
String tempEvaluatedContent = evaluatedContent;
String tempContent = content;
if( isHidden) {
name = "<hidden>";
strDate = "<hidden>";
tempEvaluatedContent = tempContent = "<You have hidden this post>";
// delete supercedes hidden
if( isDeleted) {
name = "<deleted>";
strDate = "<deleted>";
tempEvaluatedContent = tempContent = content; // content would be changed so show that
if( createdAt == 0) {
print("debug: createdAt == 0 for event $id $content");
String commentColor = "";
if( isNotification) {
commentColor = gNotificationColor;
isNotification = false;
} else {
commentColor = gCommentColor;
int tempEffectiveLen = name.length < gNameLengthInPost? name.length: gNameLengthInPost;
name = name.substring(0,tempEffectiveLen);
int effectiveNameFieldLen = gNameLengthInPost + 3; // get this before name is mangled by color
String nameColor = getNameColor(pubkey);
// pad name to left
name = name.padLeft(gNameLengthInPost);
name = name.substring(0, gNameLengthInPost);
name = getStrInColor(name, nameColor);
String strToPrint = "";
if(!topPost) {
strToPrint += "\n";
strToPrint += getDepthSpaces(depth);
strToPrint += " "; // in place of block for top posts
} else {
strToPrint += getDepthSpaces(depth);
strToPrint += "";
strToPrint += "$name: ";
const int typicalxLen = "|id: 82b5 , 12:04 AM Sep 19".length + 5; // not sure where 5 comes from
List<dynamic> reactionString = getReactionStr(depth);
//print("\n|${reactionString[0]}|\n ${ reactionString[1]}\n }");
String idDateLikes = " |id: ${maxN(id)}, $strDate ${reactionString[0]}" ;
idDateLikes = idDateLikes.padRight(typicalxLen);
String temp = tempEvaluatedContent==""?tempContent: tempEvaluatedContent;
String contentShifted = makeParagraphAtDepth( temp, gSpacesPerDepth * depth + effectiveNameFieldLen);
int maxLineLen = gTextWidth - gSpacesPerDepth * depth - effectiveNameFieldLen ;
int lastLineLen = contentShifted.length;
int i = 0;
contentShifted = contentShifted.trim();
// find the effective length of the last line of the content
for(i = contentShifted.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if( contentShifted[i] == "\n") {
if( i >= 0 && contentShifted[i] == "\n") {
lastLineLen = contentShifted.length - i;
// effective len of last line is used to calcluate where the idDateLikes str is affixed at the end
int effectiveLastLineLen = lastLineLen - gSpacesPerDepth * depth - effectiveNameFieldLen - gNumLeftMarginSpaces;
if( contentShifted.length <= maxLineLen ) {
effectiveLastLineLen = contentShifted.length;
// needed to use this because the color padding in notifications reactions will mess up the length calculation in the actual reaction string
int colorStrLen = reactionString[0].length - reactionString[1];
// now actually find where the likesDates string goes
if( (gSpacesPerDepth * depth + effectiveNameFieldLen + effectiveLastLineLen + idDateLikes.length ) <= gTextWidth) {
idDateLikes = idDateLikes.padLeft((gTextWidth ) + colorStrLen - (gSpacesPerDepth * depth + effectiveNameFieldLen + effectiveLastLineLen));
} else {
idDateLikes = "\n${idDateLikes.padLeft(gNumLeftMarginSpaces + gTextWidth + colorStrLen)}";
// print content and the dateslikes string
strToPrint += getStrInColor("$contentShifted$idDateLikes\n", commentColor);
String getAsLine(var tempChildEventsMap, Set<String>? secretMessageIds, List<Channel>? encryptedChannels, {int len = 20}) {
// will only do decryption if its not been decrypted yet by looking at 'evaluatedContent'
if(kind == 4) {
translateAndDecryptKind4( tempChildEventsMap);
} else if ([1, 42].contains(kind)) {
} else if ([142].contains(kind)) {
if( tempChildEventsMap != null && secretMessageIds != null && encryptedChannels != null) {
translateAndDecrypt14x(secretMessageIds, encryptedChannels, tempChildEventsMap);
String contentToPrint = evaluatedContent.isEmpty? content: evaluatedContent;
if( len == 0 || len > contentToPrint.length) {
//len = contentToPrint.length;
contentToPrint = contentToPrint.replaceAll("\n", " ");
contentToPrint = contentToPrint.replaceAll("\r", " ");
contentToPrint = contentToPrint.replaceAll("\t", " ");
contentToPrint = contentToPrint.padRight(len).substring(0, len);
//contentToPrint = contentToPrint.padRight(len);
String strToPrint = '$contentToPrint - ${getAuthorName(pubkey, maxDisplayLen: gNameLengthInPost).padLeft(12)}';
String paddedStrToPrint = strToPrint;
if( isNotification) {
paddedStrToPrint = "$gNotificationColor$paddedStrToPrint$gColorEndMarker";
isNotification = false;
//print("returning $paddedStrToPrint");
return paddedStrToPrint;
String getStrForChannel(int depth, Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap, Set<String>? secretMessageIds, List<Channel>? encryptedChannels) {
// will only do decryption if its not been decrypted yet by looking at 'evaluatedContent'
// will only do decryption if its not been decrypted yet by looking at 'evaluatedContent'
if(kind == 4) {
translateAndDecryptKind4( tempChildEventsMap);
} else if ([1, 42].contains(kind)) {
} else if ([142].contains(kind)) {
if( secretMessageIds != null && encryptedChannels != null) {
//print('decrypting 14x in getStrForChannel');
translateAndDecrypt14x(secretMessageIds, encryptedChannels, tempChildEventsMap);
String strToPrint = "";
String name = getAuthorName(pubkey, maxDisplayLen: gNameLengthInPost);
String strDate = getPrintableDate(createdAt);
String tempEvaluatedContent = evaluatedContent;
String tempContent = evaluatedContent.isEmpty? content: evaluatedContent;
if( isHidden) {
name = strDate = "<hidden>";
tempEvaluatedContent = tempContent = "<You have hidden this post>";
// delete supercedes hidden
if( isDeleted) {
name = strDate = "<deleted>";
tempEvaluatedContent = tempContent = content; // content would be changed so show that
if( tempEvaluatedContent=="") {
tempEvaluatedContent = tempContent;
const int nameWidthDepth = 16~/gSpacesPerDepth; // how wide name will be in depth spaces
const int timeWidthDepth = 18~/gSpacesPerDepth;
int nameWidth = gSpacesPerDepth * nameWidthDepth;
// get name in color and pad it too
String nameToPrint = name.padLeft(nameWidth).substring(0, nameWidth);
nameToPrint = getStrInColor(nameToPrint, getNameColor(pubkey));
String dateToPrint = strDate.padLeft(gSpacesPerDepth * timeWidthDepth).substring(0, gSpacesPerDepth * timeWidthDepth);
// depth above + ( depth numberof spaces = 1) + (depth of time = 2) + (depth of name = 3)
int contentDepth = depth + 1 + timeWidthDepth + nameWidthDepth;
int magicNumberDepth6 = 2; // magic number for gSpacesPerDepth == 6
int finalContentDepthInSpaces = gSpacesPerDepth * contentDepth + magicNumberDepth6;
int contentPlacementColumn = finalContentDepthInSpaces + gNumLeftMarginSpaces;
String contentShifted = makeParagraphAtDepth(tempEvaluatedContent, finalContentDepthInSpaces);
Event? replyToEvent = getReplyToChannelEvent(tempChildEventsMap);
String strReplyTo = "";
if( replyToEvent != null) {
//print("in getStrForChannel: got replyTo id = ${replyToEvent.eventData.id}");
if( replyToEvent.eventData.kind == 1 || replyToEvent.eventData.kind == 42 || replyToEvent.eventData.kind == 142) { // make sure its a kind 1 or 40 message
if( replyToEvent.eventData.id != id) { // basic self test
// quote only a part of the reply if its too long. add ellipsis if requried.
String replyToPrint = "";
if( replyToEvent.eventData.evaluatedContent.length <= gReplyLengthPrinted){
replyToPrint = replyToEvent.eventData.evaluatedContent;
} else {
replyToPrint = "${replyToEvent.eventData.evaluatedContent.substring(0, gReplyLengthPrinted)}...";
strReplyTo = 'In reply to:"${getAuthorName(replyToEvent.eventData.pubkey)}: $replyToPrint"';
strReplyTo = makeParagraphAtDepth(strReplyTo, finalContentDepthInSpaces + 6); // one extra for content
// add reply to string to end of the content. How it will show:
contentShifted += ( "\n${getNumSpaces( contentPlacementColumn + gSpacesPerDepth)}$strReplyTo");
} else {
//printWarning("no reply to event for event id $id");
String msgId = id.substring(0, 3).padLeft(gSpacesPerDepth~/2).padRight(gSpacesPerDepth) ;
if( isNotification) {
strToPrint = "$gNotificationColor${getDepthSpaces(depth-1)}$msgId $dateToPrint $nameToPrint: $gNotificationColor$contentShifted$gColorEndMarker";
isNotification = false;
} else {
strToPrint = "${getDepthSpaces(depth-1)}$msgId $dateToPrint $nameToPrint: $contentShifted";
return strToPrint;
// looks up global map of reactions, if this event has any reactions, and then prints the reactions
// in appropriate color( in case one is a notification, which is stored in member variable)
// returns the string and its length in a dynamic list
List<dynamic> getReactionStr(int depth) {
String reactorNames = "";
int len = 0;
if( isHidden || isDeleted) {
return ["",0];
if( gReactions.containsKey(id)) {
reactorNames = "Likes: ";
len = reactorNames.length;
int numReactions = gReactions[id]?.length??0;
List<List<String>> reactors = gReactions[id]??[];
bool firstEntry = true;
for( int i = 0; i <numReactions; i++) {
String comma = (firstEntry)?"":", ";
String authorName = "";
String reactorId = reactors[i][0];
if( newLikes.contains(reactorId) && reactors[i][1] == "+") {
// this is a notifications, print it and then later empty newLikes
authorName = getAuthorName(reactorId);
reactorNames += comma + gNotificationColor + authorName + gColorEndMarker + gCommentColor ; // restart with comment color because this is part of ongoing print
len += 2 + authorName.length;
firstEntry = false;
} else {
// this is normal printing of the reaction. only print for + for now
if( reactors[i][1] == "+") {
authorName = getAuthorName(reactorId);
reactorNames += comma + authorName;
len += (2 + authorName.length);
firstEntry = false;
} // end for
// if at least one entry as colored notification was made
if( firstEntry == false) {
reactorNames += gColorEndMarker;
reactorNames += "";
return [reactorNames, len];
// returns the last e tag as reply to event for kind 42 and 142 events
Event? getReplyToChannelEvent(Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap) {
switch (kind) {
case 42:
case 142:
for(int i = tags.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
List tag = tags[i];
if( tag[0] == 'e') {
String replyToEventId = tag[1];
Event? eventInReplyTo = (gStore?.allChildEventsMap[replyToEventId]?.event);
if( eventInReplyTo != null) {
// add 1 cause 42 can reply to or tag kind 1, and we'll show that kind 1
if ( [1,42,142].contains( eventInReplyTo.eventData.kind)) {
return eventInReplyTo;
case 1:
String replyToId = getParent(tempChildEventsMap);
return tempChildEventsMap[replyToId]?.event;
} // end of switch
return null;
} // end getReplyToChannelEvent()
// This is mostly a placeholder for EventData. TODO combine both?
class Event {
String event;
String id;
EventData eventData;
String originalJson;
List<String> seenOnRelays;
bool readFromFile;
bool userRelevant; // is made true if the event has been printed for the user ( and its relevant to user, which will later be saved in file)
Event(this.event, this.id, this.eventData, this.seenOnRelays, this.originalJson, [this.readFromFile = false, this.userRelevant = false]);
bool operator ==( other) {
return (other is Event) && eventData.id == other.eventData.id;
factory Event.fromJson(String d, String relay, [bool fromFile = false]) {
try {
if( d.length > gMaxEventLenthAccepted) {
//throw Exception("Event json is larger than max len");
dynamic json = jsonDecode(d);
if( json.length < 3) {
String e = "";
e = json.length > 1? json[0]: "";
if( gDebug > 0) {
print("Could not create event. json.length = ${json.length} string d= $d $e");
throw Exception("Event json has less than 3 elements");
EventData newEventData = EventData.fromJson(json[2]);
if( !fromFile) {
newEventData.isNotification = true;
return Event(json[0] as String, json[1] as String, newEventData, [relay], d, fromFile );
} on Exception catch(e) {
if( gDebug > 0) {
print("Could not create event. $e\nproblem str: $d\n");
void printEvent(int depth, bool topPost) {
eventData.printEventData(depth, topPost, null, null, null);
//stdout.write("\n$originalJson --------------------------------\n\n");
String toString() {
return '$eventData Seen on: ${seenOnRelays[0]}\n';
// for the user userPubkey, returns the relay of its contact contactPubkey
String getRelayOfUser(String userPubkey, String contactPubkey) {
if(gDebug > 0) print("In getRelayOfUser: Searching relay for contact $contactPubkey" );
String relay = "";
if( userPubkey == "" || contactPubkey == "") {
return "";
if( gContactLists.containsKey(userPubkey)) {
List<Contact>? contacts = gContactLists[userPubkey];
if( contacts != null) {
for( int i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
if( contacts[i].contactPubkey == contactPubkey) {
relay = contacts[i].relay;
return relay;
// if not found return empty string
return relay;
// https://codewithandrea.com/articles/flutter-exception-handling-try-catch-result-type/
Future<http.Response> fetchNip05Info(String nip05Url) {
http.Response resp404 = http.Response.bytes([], 404);
try {
return http.get(Uri.parse(nip05Url));
} catch(ex) {
return Future.value(resp404);
// If given event is kind 0 event, then populates gKindONames with that info
// returns true if entry was created or modified, false otherwise
bool processKind0Event(Event e) {
if( e.eventData.kind != 0) {
return false;
String content = e.eventData.content;
if( content.isEmpty) {
return false;
String name = "";
String about = "";
String picture = "";
String lud06 = "";
String lud16 = "";
String displayName = "";
String website = "";
String nip05 = "";
try {
dynamic json = jsonDecode(content);
name = json["name"]??"";
about = json["about"]??"";
picture = json["picture"]??"";
lud06 = json["lud06"]??"";
lud16 = json["lud16"]??"";
displayName = json["display_name"]??"";
website = json["website"]??"";
nip05 = json['nip05']??"";
//String twitterId = json['twitter']??"";
//String githubId = json['github']??"";
} catch(ex) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("Error in processKind0Event: $ex for pubkey: ${e.eventData.pubkey}");
bool newEntry = false, entryModified = false;
if( !gKindONames.containsKey(e.eventData.pubkey)) {
gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey] = UserNameInfo(e.eventData.createdAt, name, about, picture, lud06, lud16, displayName, website, nip05, null);
newEntry = true;
} else {
int oldTime = gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey]?.createdAt??0;
if( oldTime < e.eventData.createdAt) {
gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey] = UserNameInfo(e.eventData.createdAt, name, about, picture, lud06, lud16, displayName, website, nip05, null);
entryModified = true;
if(gDebug > 0) {
print("At end of processKind0Events: for pubkey ${e.eventData.pubkey} for name = $name ${newEntry? "added entry": ( entryModified?"modified entry": "No change done")} ");
bool localDebug = false; //e.eventData.pubkey == "9ec7a778167afb1d30c4833de9322da0c08ba71a69e1911d5578d3144bb56437"? true: false;
if( newEntry || entryModified) {
if(nip05.isNotEmpty) {
List<String> urlSplit = nip05.split("@");
if( urlSplit.length == 2) {
String urlNip05 = "${urlSplit[1]}/.well-known/nostr.json?name=${urlSplit[0]}";
if( !urlNip05.startsWith("http")) {
urlNip05 = "http://$urlNip05";
.then((httpResponse) {
if( localDebug ) print("-----\nnip future for $urlNip05 returned body ${httpResponse.body}");
var namesInResponse;
try {
dynamic json = jsonDecode(httpResponse.body);
namesInResponse = json["names"];
if( namesInResponse.length > 0) {
for(var returntedName in namesInResponse.keys) {
if( returntedName == urlSplit[0] && namesInResponse[returntedName] == e.eventData.pubkey) {
int oldTime = 0;
if( !gKindONames.containsKey(e.eventData.pubkey)) {
//printWarning("in response handing. creating user info");
gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey] = UserNameInfo(e.eventData.createdAt, name, about, picture, lud06, lud16, displayName, website,null, null);
} else {
oldTime = gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey]?.createdAt??0;
//print("in response handing. user info exists with old time = $oldTime and this event time = ${e.eventData.createdAt}");
if( oldTime <= e.eventData.createdAt ) {
gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey]?.nip05Verified = true;
gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey]?.nip05Id = nip05;
} else {
//print("names = 0");
} catch(ex) {
.catchError((e){if( gDebug > 0) print('in fetch nip caught error $e for url $urlNip05');});
return newEntry || entryModified;
// If given event is kind 3 event, then populates gKindONames with contact info
// returns true if entry was created or modified, false otherwise
bool processKind3Event(Event newContactEvent) {
if( newContactEvent.eventData.kind != 3) {
return false;
bool newEntry = false, entryModified = false;
if( !gKindONames.containsKey(newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey)) {
gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey] = UserNameInfo(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, newContactEvent, newContactEvent.eventData.createdAt);
newEntry = true;
} else {
// if entry already exists, then check its old time and update only if we have a newer entry now
int oldTime = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.createdAtKind3??0;
if( oldTime < newContactEvent.eventData.createdAt) {
int? createdAt = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.createdAt;
String? name = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.name,
about = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.about,
picture = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.picture,
lud06 = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.lud06,
lud16 = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.lud16,
displayName = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.display_name,
website = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.website,
nip05id = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.nip05Id??"";
gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey] = UserNameInfo(createdAt, name, about, picture, lud06, lud16, displayName, website, nip05id, newContactEvent, newContactEvent.eventData.createdAt );
entryModified = true;
if(gDebug > 0) {
print("At end of processKind3Events: ${newEntry? "added entry": ( entryModified?"modified entry": "No change done")} ");
return newEntry || entryModified;
String getNip05Name( String pubkey) {
String nip05name = "";
if( gKindONames[pubkey]?.name == null || gKindONames[pubkey]?.name?.length == 0) {
nip05name = "";
else {
String name = gKindONames[pubkey]?.name??"";
if( gKindONames[pubkey]?.nip05Verified??false) {
nip05name = "$name (nip05: ${gKindONames[pubkey]?.nip05Id??""})";
} else {
nip05name = name;
return nip05name;
// returns name by looking up global list gKindONames, which is populated by kind 0 events
String getAuthorName(String pubkey, {int maxDisplayLen = gMaxInteger, int pubkeyLenShown = 5}) {
if( gFollowList.isEmpty) {
gFollowList = getFollows(userPublicKey);
bool isFollow = gFollowList.contains(pubkey) && (pubkey != userPublicKey);
String maxLen(String pubkey) => pubkey.length > pubkeyLenShown? pubkey.substring(0,pubkeyLenShown) : pubkey.substring(0, pubkey.length);
String name = "";
if( gKindONames[pubkey]?.name == null || gKindONames[pubkey]?.name?.length == 0) {
name = maxLen(pubkey);
} else {
name = (gKindONames[pubkey]?.name)??maxLen(pubkey);
// then add valid check mark in default follows
if( isFollow) {
if( name.length >= maxDisplayLen ) {
name = name.substring(0, maxDisplayLen-1) + gValidCheckMark;
} else {
name = name + gValidCheckMark;
} else {
// remove this tick from other names to avoid 'tick hack'
name = name.replaceAll(gValidCheckMark, "");
return name;
// returns only name if it is available. Returns null if name is not available.
String? getOnlyAuthorName(String pubkey, {int maxDisplayLen = gMaxInteger, int pubkeyLenShown = 5}) {
if( gFollowList.isEmpty) {
gFollowList = getFollows(userPublicKey);
bool isFollow = gFollowList.contains(pubkey) && (pubkey != userPublicKey);
String maxLen(String pubkey) => pubkey.length > pubkeyLenShown? pubkey.substring(0,pubkeyLenShown) : pubkey.substring(0, pubkey.length);
String name = "";
var temp = gKindONames[pubkey];
if( temp == null) {
return null;
} else {
var temp2 = temp.name;
if( temp2 == null) {
return null;
} else {
name = temp2;
// then add valid check mark in default follows
if( isFollow) {
if( name.length >= maxDisplayLen ) {
name = name.substring(0, maxDisplayLen-1) + gValidCheckMark;
} else {
name = name + gValidCheckMark;
} else {
// remove this tick from other names to avoid 'tick hack'
name = name.replaceAll(gValidCheckMark, "");
return name;
// returns full public key(s) for the given username( which can be first few letters of pubkey, or the user name)
Set<String> getPublicKeyFromName(String inquiredName) {
if( inquiredName.isEmpty) {
return {};
Set<String> pubkeys = {};
gKindONames.forEach((pubkey, userInfo) {
// check both the user name, and the pubkey to search for the user
// check username
if( userInfo.name != null) {
int minNameLen = min( inquiredName.length, (userInfo.name?.length)??0);
if( inquiredName.toLowerCase() == userInfo.name?.substring(0, minNameLen).toLowerCase()) {
// check public key
if( inquiredName.length >= 2 && inquiredName.length <= pubkey.length) {
if( pubkey.substring(0, inquiredName.length) == inquiredName) {
return pubkeys;
// returns the seconds since epoch N days ago
int getSecondsDaysAgo( int N) {
return DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(days: N)).millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000;
// returns the seconds since epoch S seconds ago
int getTimeSecondsAgo( int S) {
return DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(seconds: S)).millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000;
// will write d tabs worth of space ( where tab width is in settings)
void printDepth(int d) {
for( int i = 0; i < gSpacesPerDepth * d + gNumLeftMarginSpaces; i++) {
stdout.write(" ");
void printCenteredHeadline(displayName) {
int numDashes = 10; // num of dashes on each side
int startText = gNumLeftMarginSpaces + ( gTextWidth - (displayName.length + 2 * numDashes)) ~/ 2;
if( startText < 0) {
startText = 0;
String str = getNumSpaces(startText) + getNumDashes(numDashes) + displayName + getNumDashes(numDashes);
String getDepthSpaces(int d) {
String str = "";
for( int i = 0; i < gSpacesPerDepth * d + gNumLeftMarginSpaces; i++) {
str += " ";
return str;
// make a paragraph of s that starts at numSpaces ( from screen left), and does not extend beyond gTextWidth+gNumLeftMarginSpaces. break it, or add
// a newline if it goes beyond gTextWidth + gNumLeftMarginSpaces
String makeParagraphAtDepth(String s, int depthInSpaces) {
List<List<int>> urlRanges = getUrlRanges(s);
String newString = "";
String spacesString = getNumSpaces(depthInSpaces + gNumLeftMarginSpaces);
int lenPerLine = gTextWidth - depthInSpaces;
//print("In makeParagraphAtDepth: gNumLeftMarginSpaces = $gNumLeftMarginSpaces depthInSPaces = $depthInSpaces LenPerLine = $lenPerLine gTextWidth = $gTextWidth ");
for(int startIndex = 0; startIndex < s.length; ) {
List listCulledLine = getLineWithMaxLen(s, startIndex, lenPerLine, spacesString, urlRanges);
String line = listCulledLine[0];
int lenReturned = listCulledLine[1] as int;
if( line.isEmpty || lenReturned == 0) break;
newString += line;
startIndex += lenReturned;
return newString;
// returns from string[startIndex:] the first len number of chars. no newline is added.
List getLineWithMaxLen(String s, int startIndex, int lenPerLine, String spacesString, List<List<int>> urlRanges) {
if( startIndex >= s.length) {
return ["", 0];
String line = ""; // is returned
// if length required is greater than the length of string remaing, return whatever remains
int numCharsInLine = 0;
int i = startIndex;
// i indexes over the input line ( which is the whole comment)
for(; i < startIndex + lenPerLine && i < s.length; i++) {
line += s[i];
numCharsInLine ++;
if( s[i] == "\n") {
numCharsInLine = 0;
line += spacesString;
int urlEnd = 0;
if( (urlEnd = isInRange(i, urlRanges)) != 0) {
line = line + s.substring(i, urlEnd);
i = urlEnd;
} else {
if( numCharsInLine > lenPerLine || ( (numCharsInLine == lenPerLine) && (s.length > startIndex + numCharsInLine) )) {
bool lineBroken = false;
// line is broken only if the returned line is the longest it can be, and
// if its length is greater than the gMaxLenBrokenWord constant
if( line.length >= lenPerLine && line.length > gMaxLenUnbrokenWord ) {
int i = line.length - 1;
// find a whitespace character
for( ; i > 0 && !isWordSeparater(line[i]); i--) {
// for ended
if( line.length - i < gMaxLenUnbrokenWord) {
// break the line here if its a word separator
if( isWordSeparater(line[i])) {
int newLineStart = i + 1;
if( line[i] != ' ') {
newLineStart = i;
line = "${line.substring(0, i)}\n$spacesString${line.substring(newLineStart, line.length)}";
lineBroken = true;
if( !lineBroken ) {
if( s.length > i ) {
line += "\n";
line += spacesString;
return [line, i - startIndex];
// The contact only stores id and relay of contact. The actual name is stored in a global variable/map
class Contact implements Comparable<Contact> {
String contactPubkey, relay;
Contact(this.contactPubkey, this.relay);
String toString() {
return 'id: $contactPubkey ( ${getAuthorName(contactPubkey)}) relay: $relay';
int compareTo(Contact other) {
return getAuthorName(contactPubkey).compareTo(getAuthorName(other.contactPubkey));
String getShaId(String pubkey, String createdAt, String kind, String strTags, String content) {
String buf = '[0,"$pubkey",$createdAt,$kind,[$strTags],"$content"]';
if(gSpecificDebug > 0) print("in getShaId for buf: |$buf|");
var bufInBytes = utf8.encode(buf);
var value = sha256.convert(bufInBytes);
return value.toString();
// get printable date from seconds since epoch
String getPrintableDate(int createdAt) {
final df1 = DateFormat('hh:mm a');
final df2 = DateFormat(DateFormat.ABBR_MONTH_DAY);
String strDate = df1.format(DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(createdAt*1000));
strDate += " ${df2.format(DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(createdAt*1000))}";
return strDate;
* Returns true if this is a valid direct message to just this user. Direct message = kind 4 AND 104
bool isValidDirectMessage(EventData directMessageData, {int acceptableKind = 4}) {
if( acceptableKind != directMessageData.kind) {
return false;
bool validUserMessage = false;
List<String> allPtags = [];
for (var tag in directMessageData.tags) {
if( tag.length < 2 ) {
if( tag[0] == "p" && tag[1].length == 64) { // basic length sanity test
if(gDebug >= 0 && gCheckEventId == directMessageData.id) print("In isvalid direct message: ptags len: ${allPtags.length}, ptags = $allPtags");
if( directMessageData.pubkey == userPublicKey && allPtags.length == 1) {
if( allPtags[0].substring(0, 32) != "0".padLeft(32, '0')) { // check that the message hasn't been sent to an invalid pubkey
validUserMessage = true; // case where this user is sender
} else {
if(gCheckEventId == directMessageData.id) print("in else case 3");
if ( directMessageData.pubkey != userPublicKey) {
if(gDebug > 0 && gCheckEventId == directMessageData.id) print("in if 5 allpags 1st = ${allPtags[0]} userPUblic key = $userPublicKey");
if( allPtags.length == 1 && allPtags[0] == userPublicKey) {
validUserMessage = true; // case where this user is recipeint
return validUserMessage;
String getRandomPrivKey() {
FortunaRandom fr = FortunaRandom();
final sGen = Random.secure();
Uint8List.fromList(List.generate(32, (_) => sGen.nextInt(255)))));
BigInt randomNumber = fr.nextBigInteger(256);
String strKey = randomNumber.toRadixString(16);
if( strKey.length < 64) {
int numZeros = 64 - strKey.length;
for(int i = 0; i < numZeros; i++) {
strKey = "0$strKey";
return strKey;
// pointy castle source https://github.com/PointyCastle/pointycastle/blob/master/tutorials/aes-cbc.md
// https://github.com/bcgit/pc-dart/blob/master/tutorials/aes-cbc.md
// 3 https://github.com/Dhuliang/flutter-bsv/blob/42a2d92ec6bb9ee3231878ffe684e1b7940c7d49/lib/src/aescbc.dart
/// Decrypt data using self private key
String myPrivateDecrypt( String privateString,
String publicString,
String b64encoded,
[String b64IV = ""]) {
Uint8List encdData = convert.base64.decode(b64encoded);
final rawData = myPrivateDecryptRaw(privateString, publicString, encdData, b64IV);
return convert.Utf8Decoder().convert(rawData.toList());
Map<String, List<List<int>>> gMapByteSecret = {};
Uint8List myPrivateDecryptRaw( String privateString,
String publicString,
Uint8List cipherText,
[String b64IV = ""]) {
try {
List<List<int>> byteSecret = [];
if( gMapByteSecret.containsKey(publicString)) {
byteSecret = gMapByteSecret[publicString]??[];
if( byteSecret.isEmpty) {
byteSecret = Kepler.byteSecret(privateString, publicString);
gMapByteSecret[publicString] = byteSecret;
final secretIV = byteSecret;
final key = Uint8List.fromList(secretIV[0]);
final iv = b64IV.length > 6
? convert.base64.decode(b64IV)
: Uint8List.fromList(secretIV[1]);
CipherParameters params = PaddedBlockCipherParameters(
ParametersWithIV(KeyParameter(key), iv), null);
PaddedBlockCipherImpl cipherImpl = PaddedBlockCipherImpl(
PKCS7Padding(), CBCBlockCipher(AESEngine()));
params as PaddedBlockCipherParameters<CipherParameters?,
final Uint8List finalPlainText = Uint8List(cipherText.length); // allocate space
var offset = 0;
while (offset < cipherText.length - 16) {
offset += cipherImpl.processBlock(cipherText, offset, finalPlainText, offset);
//remove padding
offset += cipherImpl.doFinal(cipherText, offset, finalPlainText, offset);
return finalPlainText.sublist(0, offset);
} catch(e) {
if( gDebug >= 0) print("Decryption error = $e");
return Uint8List(0);
// Encrypt data using self private key in nostr format ( with trailing ?iv=)
String myEncrypt( String privateString,
String publicString,
String plainText) {
Uint8List uintInputText = convert.Utf8Encoder().convert(plainText);
final encryptedString = myEncryptRaw(privateString, publicString, uintInputText);
return encryptedString;
String myEncryptRaw( String privateString,
String publicString,
Uint8List uintInputText) {
final secretIV = Kepler.byteSecret(privateString, publicString);
final key = Uint8List.fromList(secretIV[0]);
// generate iv https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63630661/aes-engine-not-initialised-with-pointycastle-securerandom
FortunaRandom fr = FortunaRandom();
final sGen = Random.secure();
Uint8List.fromList(List.generate(32, (_) => sGen.nextInt(255)))));
final iv = fr.nextBytes(16);
CipherParameters params = PaddedBlockCipherParameters(
ParametersWithIV(KeyParameter(key), iv), null);
PaddedBlockCipherImpl cipherImpl = PaddedBlockCipherImpl(
PKCS7Padding(), CBCBlockCipher(AESEngine()));
cipherImpl.init(true, // means to encrypt
params as PaddedBlockCipherParameters<CipherParameters?,
// allocate space
final Uint8List outputEncodedText = Uint8List(uintInputText.length + 16);
var offset = 0;
while (offset < uintInputText.length - 16) {
offset += cipherImpl.processBlock(uintInputText, offset, outputEncodedText, offset);
//add padding
offset += cipherImpl.doFinal(uintInputText, offset, outputEncodedText, offset);
final Uint8List finalEncodedText = outputEncodedText.sublist(0, offset);
String stringIv = convert.base64.encode(iv);
String outputPlainText = convert.base64.encode(finalEncodedText);
outputPlainText = "$outputPlainText?iv=$stringIv";
return outputPlainText;
/// Read events from file. a flag is set for such events, so that when writing events back, the ones read from file aren't added, and only
/// new events from relays are written to file.
Set<Event> readEventsFromFile(String filename) {
Set<Event> events = {};
final File file = File(filename);
// sync read
try {
List<String> lines = file.readAsLinesSync();
for( int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) {
Event e = Event.fromJson(lines[i], "", true);
} on Exception catch(e) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("Could not open file. error = $e");
if( gDebug > 0) print("In readEventsFromFile: returning ${events.length} total events");
return events;
List<String> getEncryptedChannelKeys(Set<String> inviteMessageIds, Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap, String channelId) {
Event? e = tempChildEventsMap[channelId]?.event;
if( e != null) {
for( String inviteMessageid in inviteMessageIds) {
Event? messageEvent = tempChildEventsMap[inviteMessageid]?.event;
if( messageEvent != null) {
String evaluatedContent = messageEvent.eventData.evaluatedContent;
if( evaluatedContent.startsWith("App Encrypted Channels:")) {
if( evaluatedContent.contains(channelId) && evaluatedContent.length == 288) {
String priKey = evaluatedContent.substring(159, 159 + 64);
String pubKey = evaluatedContent.substring(224, 224 + 64);
if( priKey.length == 64 && pubKey.length == 64) {
return [priKey, pubKey];
} else {
print("could not get message event");
return [];
String myGetPublicKey(String prikey) {
String pubkey = getPublicKey(prikey);
if( pubkey.length < 64) {
int numZeros = 64 - pubkey.length;
for(int i = 0; i < numZeros; i++) {
pubkey = "0$pubkey";
return pubkey;