mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 13:51:57 +01:00
1783 lines
62 KiB
1783 lines
62 KiB
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:bip340/bip340.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/tree_ds.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/user.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/utils.dart';
import 'package:translator/translator.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:nostr_console/settings.dart';
import "dart:typed_data";
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import "package:pointycastle/export.dart";
import 'package:kepler/kepler.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:nostr_console/nip_019.dart';
String getStrInColor(String s, String commentColor) => stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes ?"$commentColor$s$gColorEndMarker":s;
void printInColor(String s, String commentColor) => stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes ?stdout.write("$commentColor$s$gColorEndMarker"):stdout.write(s);
void printWarning(String s) => stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes ?stdout.write("$gWarningColor$s$gColorEndMarker\n"):stdout.write("$s\n");
// translate
GoogleTranslator? translator; // initialized in main when argument given
const int gNumTranslateDays = 1;// translate for this number of days
bool gTranslate = false; // translate flag
int numEventsTranslated = 0;
List<String> nip08PlaceHolders = ["#[0]", "#[1]", "#[2]", "#[3]", "#[4]", "#[5]", "#[6]", "#[7]", "#[8]", "#[9]", "#[10]", "#[11]", "#[12]"];
// Structure to store kind 0 event meta data, and kind 3 meta data for each user. Will have info from latest
// kind 0 event and/or kind 3 event, both with their own time stamps.
class UserNameInfo {
int? createdAt;
String? name, about, picture, lud06, lud16, display_name, website;
int? createdAtKind3;
Event ?latestContactEvent;
bool nip05Verified;
String? nip05Id;
UserNameInfo(this.createdAt, this.name, this.about, this.picture, this.lud06, this.lud16, this.display_name, this.website, this.nip05Id , this.latestContactEvent, [this.createdAtKind3, this.nip05Verified = false]);
* global user names from kind 0 events, mapped from public key to a 3 element array of [name, about, picture]
* JSON object {name: <username>, about: <string>, picture: <url, string>}
* only has info from latest kind 0 event
Map<String, UserNameInfo> gKindONames = {};
// global reactions entry. Map of form <id of event reacted to, List of Reactors>
// reach Reactor is a list of 2-elements ( first is pubkey of reactor event, second is comment)
// each eventID -> multiple [ pubkey, comment ]
Map< String, List<List<String>> > gReactions = {};
// for the given eventID returns the pubkeys of reactors
Set<String> getReactorPubkeys(String eventId) {
Set<String> reactorIds = {};
List<List<String>>? reactions = gReactions[eventId];
if( reactions != null) {
for (var reaction in reactions) { reactorIds.add(reaction[0]);}
return reactorIds;
// global contact list of each user, including of the logged in user.
// maps from pubkey of a user, to the latest contact list of that user, which is the latest kind 3 message
// is updated as kind 3 events are received
Map< String, List<Contact>> gContactLists = {};
bool verifyEvent(dynamic json) {
return true;
gSpecificDebug = 0;
if(gSpecificDebug > 0) print("----\nIn verify event:");
String createdAt = json['created_at'].toString();
String strTags = getStrTagsFromJson(json['tags']);
//print("strTags = $strTags");
String id = json['id'];
String eventPubkey = json['pubkey'];
String strKind = json['kind'].toString();
String content = json['content'];
content = unEscapeChars( content);
String eventSig = json['sig'];
if( false) {
String calculatedId = getShaId(eventPubkey, createdAt.toString(), strKind, strTags, content);
bool verified = true;//verify( eventPubkey, calculatedId, eventSig);
if( !verified && !eventPubkey.startsWith("00")) {
if(gSpecificDebug > 0) printWarning("\nwrong sig event\nevent sig = $eventSig\nevent id = $id\ncalculated id = $calculatedId " );
if(gSpecificDebug > 0) print("Event: kind = $strKind\n");
//getShaId(eventPubkey, createdAt.toString(), strKind, strTags, content);
//throw Exception();
} else {
if(gSpecificDebug > 0) printInColor("\nverified correct sig for event id $id\n", gCommentColor);
return true;
class EventData {
String id;
String pubkey;
int createdAt;
int kind;
String content;
List<List<String>> eTags;// e tags
List<String> pTags;// list of p tags
List<List<String>> tags;
bool isNotification; // whether its to be highlighted using highlight color
String evaluatedContent; // content which has mentions expanded, and which has been translated
Set<String> newLikes; // used for notifications, are colored as notifications and then reset ; set of pubkeys that are new likers
List<Contact> contactList = []; // used for kind:3 events, which is contact list event
bool isHidden; // hidden by sending a reaction kind 7 event to this event, by the logged in user
bool isDeleted; // deleted by kind 5 event
EventData(this.id, this.pubkey, this.createdAt, this.kind, this.content,
this.eTags, this.pTags, this.contactList,this.tags, this.newLikes,
this.isNotification = false, this.evaluatedContent = "", this.isHidden = false, this.isDeleted = false
// returns the immediate kind 1 parent
String getParent(Map<String, Tree> allEventsMap) {
if( eTags.isNotEmpty) {
int numRoot = 0, numReply = 0;
// first go over all tags and find out at least one reply and root tag, and count their numbers
String rootId = "", replyId = "";
for( int i = 0; i < eTags.length; i++) {
String eventId = eTags[i][0];
if( eTags[i].length >= 3) {
if( eTags[i][2].toLowerCase() == "root") {
rootId = eventId;
} else {
if( eTags[i][2].toLowerCase() == "reply") {
replyId = eventId;
// then depending on the numbers and values ( of root and replyto) return the parent
if( replyId.isNotEmpty) {
if( numReply == 1) {
return replyId;
} else {
// if there are multiply reply's we can't tell which is which, so we return the one at top
if( replyId.isNotEmpty) {
return replyId;
} else {
// this is case when there is no reply id . should not actually happen given if conditions
if( rootId.isNotEmpty) {
return rootId;
} else {
if( rootId.isNotEmpty) {
//printWarning("returning root id. no reply id found.");
return rootId;
// but if reply/root tags don't work, then try to look for parent tag with the deprecated logic from NIP-10
//if( gDebug > 0) log.info("using deprecated logic of nip10 for event id : $id");
for( int i = tags.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if( tags[i][0] == "e") {
String eventId = tags[i][1];
// ignore this e tag if its mentioned in the body of the event
String placeholder = nip08PlaceHolders.length > i? nip08PlaceHolders[i]: "INVALIDPLACEHOLDER_SHOULDNOTEXIST";
if( content.contains(placeholder)) {
if( allEventsMap[eventId]?.event.eventData.kind == 1) {
String? parentId = allEventsMap[eventId]?.event.eventData.id;
if( parentId != null) {
return parentId;
} else {
// if first e tag ( from end, which is the immediate parent) does not exist in the store, then return that eventID still.
// Child comment would get a dummy parent, and called could then fetch that event
return eventId;
return "";
List<String>? getTTags() {
List<String>? tTags;
for( int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
List<String> tag = tags[i];
if( tag.length < 2) {
if( tag[0] == 't') {
tTags ??= [];
return tTags;
// returns valueof location tag if present. returns null if that tag is not present.
String? getSpecificTag(String tagName) {
for( int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
List<String> tag = tags[i];
if( tag.length < 2) {
if( tag[0] == tagName) {
// return the first value
return tag[1];
return null;
factory EventData.fromJson(dynamic json) {
List<Contact> contactList = [];
List<List<String>> eTagsRead = [];
List<String> pTagsRead = [];
List<List<String>> tagsRead = [];
var jsonTags = json['tags'];
var numTags = jsonTags.length;
//print("\n----\nIn fromJson\n");
String sig = json['sig'];
if(sig.length == 128) {
//print("found sig == 128 bytes");
//if(json['id'] == "15dd45769dd0ccb9c4ca1c69fcd27011d53c4b95c8b7c786265bf7377bc7fdad") {
// printInColor("found 15dd45769dd0ccb9c4ca1c69fcd27011d53c4b95c8b7c786265bf7377bc7fdad sig ${json['sig']}", gCommentColor);
try {
} on Exception {
//printWarning("verify gave exception $e");
throw Exception("in Event constructor: sig verify gave exception");
// NIP 02: if the event is a contact list type, then populate contactList
if(json['kind'] == 3) {
for( int i = 0; i < numTags; i++) {
var tag = jsonTags[i];
if( tag.length < 2) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("In event fromjson: invalid p tag of size 1");
String server = defaultServerUrl;
if( tag.length >=3 ) {
server = tag[2].toString();
if( server == 'wss://nostr.rocks' || server == "wss://offchain.pub") {
server = defaultServerUrl;
if( tag[0] == "p" && tag[1].length == 64) {
Contact c = Contact(tag[1] as String, server);
} else {
int eKind = json['kind'];
if ( eKind == 1 || eKind == 7 || eKind == 42 || eKind == 5 || eKind == 4 || eKind == 140 || eKind == 141 || eKind == 142 || eKind == gSecretMessageKind) {
for( int i = 0; i < numTags; i++) {
var tag = jsonTags[i];
if( tag.isEmpty) {
if( tag[0] == "e") {
List<String> listTag = [];
for(int i = 1; i < tag.length; i ++) {
} else {
if( tag[0] == "p") {
List<String> t = [];
// TODO add other tags
if( gDebug > 0 && json['id'] == gCheckEventId) {
print("\n----------------------------------------Creating EventData with content: ${json['content']}");
print("In Event fromJson: got message: $gCheckEventId");
return EventData(json['id'] as String, json['pubkey'] as String,
json['created_at'] as int, json['kind'] as int,
json['content'].trim() as String,
eTagsRead, pTagsRead,
contactList, tagsRead,
String expandMentions(String content, Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap) {
if( tags.isEmpty) {
return content;
// just check whether "nostr:" is in comment, because only that indicates a mention; if not we return
if( !content.contains("nostr:") ) {
return content;
//print("------------------\nin expandMentions: content = $content \n");
String replaceMentions(Match mentionTagMatch) {
//print("in replaceMentions\n");
String? mentionTag = mentionTagMatch.group(0);
if( mentionTag != null) {
//print("mentionTag = $mentionTag");
String strBechId = mentionTag.substring(6, mentionTag.length);
String tempType = strBechId.substring(0, 4);
if( tempType != "note" && tempType != "npub") {
return "nostr:$strBechId";
//print("Going to decode: $strBechId");
try {
Map<String, String> nsec = bech32Decode(strBechId);
String? type = nsec["prefix"]; // type can be "note" or "npub"
String? strHex = nsec["data"]; // this is 64 byte hex pubkey or note id
if( strHex != null && type != null) {
String mentionedId = strHex;
//print("strHex = $strHex type = $type");
if( type == "npub") {
if( gKindONames.containsKey(mentionedId)) {
String? author = getOnlyAuthorName(mentionedId);
if( author == null) {
return "nostr:$strBechId";
} else {
return "@$author";
} else {
if( type == "note") {
EventData? mentionedEventData = tempChildEventsMap[mentionedId]?.event.eventData;
if( mentionedEventData != null) {
//print("Found note");
String quotedAuthor = getAuthorName(mentionedEventData.pubkey);
String prefixId = mentionedId.substring(0, 3);
String mentionedContent = mentionedEventData.content;
if( mentionedEventData.evaluatedContent != "") {
//print("found evaluated content");
mentionedContent = mentionedEventData.evaluatedContent;
} else {
//print("didnt find evaluated content");
String quote = "<Quoted event id '$prefixId' by $quotedAuthor: \"$mentionedContent\">";
//print("evaluatedContent: ${mentionedEventData.evaluatedContent}\n");
return quote;
} else {
//print("Could not find event!\n");
return "nostr:$strBechId";
} else {
//print("Could not parse the given nsec/private key. Exiting.");
return mentionTag;
} on Exception {
//print("====================Caught exctption.");
return "nostr:$strBechId";
if( gDebug >= 0) printWarning("In replaceMentions returning nothing");
return "";
} // end replaceMentions()
// replace the mentions, if any are found
// The Bech32 alphabet contains 32 characters, including lowercase letters a-z and the numbers 0-9, excluding the number 1 and the letters ‘b’, ‘i’, ‘o’ to avoid reader confusion.
String mentionStr = "(nostr:(npub1|note1)[a0c-hj-np-z2-9]{58})"; // bech32
RegExp mentionRegExp = RegExp(mentionStr, caseSensitive: false);
content = content.replaceAllMapped(mentionRegExp, replaceMentions);
return content;
// is called only once for each event received ( or read from file)
void translateAndExpandMentions(Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap) {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
//printInColor("in translateAndExpandMentions: decoding $gCheckEventId\n", redColor);
if (content == "" || evaluatedContent != "") {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
//printInColor("in translateAndExpandMentions: returning \n", redColor);
switch(kind) {
case 1:
case 42:
evaluatedContent = expandMentions(content, tempChildEventsMap);
if( gShowLnInvoicesAsQr) {
evaluatedContent = expandLNInvoices(evaluatedContent);
if( translator != null && gTranslate && !evaluatedContent.isEnglish()) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("found that this comment is non-English: $evaluatedContent");
// only translate for latest events
if( DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(createdAt *1000).compareTo( DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(days:gNumTranslateDays)) ) > 0 ) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("Sending google request: translating $content");
if( translator != null) {
try {
translator?.translate(content, to: 'en')
.then( (result) => { evaluatedContent = "$evaluatedContent\n\nTranslation: ${result.toString()}" , if( gDebug > 0) print("Google translate returned successfully for one call.")} )
.onError((error, stackTrace) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("Translate error = $error\n for content = $content\n");
return {} ;
} on Exception catch(err) {
if( gDebug >= 0) print("Info: Error in trying to use google translate: $err");
} // end switch
} // end translateAndExpandMentions
// is called only once for each event received ( or read from file)
String? TranslateAndDecryptGroupInvite() {
if (content == "" || evaluatedContent != "") {
return null;
switch(kind) {
case gSecretMessageKind:
if( userPrivateKey == ""){ // cant process if private key not given
return null;
if(!isValidDirectMessage(this, acceptableKind: kind)) {
return null;
String? decrypted = decryptDirectMessage();
if( decrypted != null) {
evaluatedContent = decrypted;
return id;
} // end switch
return null;
} // end TranslateAndDecryptGroupInvite
// is called only once for each event received ( or read from file)
void translateAndDecryptKind4(Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap) {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
printInColor("in translateAndDecryptKind4: decoding $gCheckEventId\n", redColor);
if (content == "" || evaluatedContent != "") {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
printInColor("in translateAndDecryptKind4: returning \n", redColor);
switch(kind) {
case 4:
if( userPrivateKey == ""){ // cant process if private key not given
//if( pubkey == userPublicKey ) break; // crashes right now otherwise
if(!isValidDirectMessage(this)) {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
printInColor("in translateAndExpandMensitons: gonna decrypt \n", redColor);
//log.info("decrypting a message of kind 4");
String? decrypted = decryptDirectMessage();
if( decrypted != null) {
evaluatedContent = decrypted;
evaluatedContent = expandMentions(evaluatedContent, tempChildEventsMap);
//print("evaluatedContent: $evaluatedContent");
} // end switch
} // end translateAndExpandMentions
// is called only once for each event received ( or read from file)
void translateAndDecrypt14x(Set<String> secretMessageIds, List<Channel> encryptedChannels, Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap) {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
//printInColor("in translateAndExpand14x: decoding ee810ea73072af056cceaa6d051b4fcce60739247f7bcc752e72fa5defb64f09\n", redColor);
if (content == "" || evaluatedContent != "") {
if( id == gCheckEventId) {
//printInColor("in translateAndExpand14x: returning \n", redColor);
if( createdAt < getSecondsDaysAgo(3)) {
//print("old 142. not decrypting");
switch(kind) {
case 142:
//print("in translateAndDecrypt14x");
Channel? channel = getChannelForMessage( encryptedChannels, id);
if( channel == null) {
if(!channel.participants.contains(userPublicKey)) {
if(!channel.participants.contains(pubkey)) {
String? decrypted = decryptEncryptedChannelMessage(secretMessageIds, tempChildEventsMap);
if( decrypted != null) {
//printWarning("Successfully decrypted kind 142: $id");
evaluatedContent = decrypted;
//print("in translateAndDecrypt14x: calling expandMentions");
evaluatedContent = expandMentions(evaluatedContent, tempChildEventsMap);
//print("content = $content");
} // end switch
} // end translateAndExpand14x
String? decryptDirectMessage() {
int ivIndex = content.indexOf("?iv=");
if( ivIndex > 0) {
var iv = content.substring( ivIndex + 4, content.length);
var encStr = content.substring(0, ivIndex);
String userKey = userPrivateKey ;
String otherUserPubKey = "02$pubkey";
if( pubkey == userPublicKey) { // if user themselve is the sender change public key used to decrypt
userKey = userPrivateKey;
int numPtags = 0;
for (var tag in tags) {
if(tag[0] == "p" ) {
otherUserPubKey = "02${tag[1]}";
// if there are more than one p tags, we don't know who its for
if( numPtags != 1) {
if( gDebug >= 0) printInColor(" in translateAndExpand: got event $id with number of p tags != one : $numPtags . not decrypting", redColor);
return null;
var decrypted = myPrivateDecrypt( userKey, otherUserPubKey, encStr, iv); // use bob's privatekey and alic's publickey means bob can read message from alic
return decrypted;
} else {
if(gDebug > 0) print("Invalid content for dm, could not get ivIndex: $content");
return null;
Channel? getChannelForMessage(List<Channel>? listChannel, String messageId) {
if( listChannel == null) {
return null;
for(int i = 0; i < listChannel.length; i++) {
if( listChannel[i].messageIds.contains(messageId)) {
return listChannel[i];
return null;
String? decryptEncryptedChannelMessage(Set<String> secretMessageIds, Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap) {
if( id == "865c9352de11a3959c06fce5350c5a1b9fa0475d3234078a1bb45d152b370f0b") { // known issue
return null;
int ivIndex = content.indexOf("?iv=");
if( ivIndex == -1) {
return null;
var iv = content.substring( ivIndex + 4, content.length);
var encStr = content.substring(0, ivIndex);
String channelId = getChannelIdForKind4x();
List<String> keys = [];
keys = getEncryptedChannelKeys(secretMessageIds, tempChildEventsMap, channelId);
if( keys.length != 2) {
//printWarning("\nCould not get keys for event id: $id and channelId: $channelId\n");
//print("keys = $keys\n\n");
return null;
String priKey = keys[0];
String pubKey = "02${keys[1]}";
var decrypted = myPrivateDecrypt( priKey, pubKey, encStr, iv); // use bob's privatekey and alic's publickey means bob can read message from alic
return decrypted;
// only applicable for kind 42/142 event; returns the channel 40/140 id of which the event is part of
String getChannelIdForKind4x() {
if( kind != 42 && kind != 142 && kind!=141) {
return "";
// get first e tag, which should be the channel of which this is part of
for( int i = 0; i < eTags.length; i++) {
List tag = eTags[i];
if( tag.isNotEmpty) {
return tag[0];
return '';
String getChannelIdForTTagRoom(String tagValue) {
return "$tagValue #t";
// only applicable for kind 42/142 event; returns the channel 40/140 id of which the event is part of
String getChannelIdForLocationRooms() {
String ? location = getSpecificTag("location");
if( kind == 1 && location != null && location != "") {
return location + gLocationTagIdSuffix;
return '';
// prints event data in the format that allows it to be shown in tree form by the Tree class
void printEventData(int depth, bool topPost, Map<String, Tree>? tempChildEventsMap, Set<String>? secretMessageIds, List<Channel>? encryptedChannels) {
if( !(kind == 1 || kind == 4 || kind == 42)) {
return; // only print kind 1 and 42 and 4
// will only do decryption if its not been decrypted yet by looking at 'evaluatedContent'
if( tempChildEventsMap != null ) {
if(kind == 4) {
translateAndDecryptKind4( tempChildEventsMap);
} else if ([1, 42].contains(kind)) {
} else if ([142].contains(kind)) {
if( secretMessageIds != null && encryptedChannels != null) {
translateAndDecrypt14x( secretMessageIds, encryptedChannels, tempChildEventsMap);
int n = gEventLenPrinted; // is 6
String maxN(String v) => v.length > n? v.substring(0,n) : v.substring(0, v.length);
String name = getAuthorName(pubkey, maxDisplayLen: gNameLengthInPost);
String strDate = getPrintableDate(createdAt);
String tempEvaluatedContent = evaluatedContent;
String tempContent = content;
if( isHidden) {
name = "<hidden>";
strDate = "<hidden>";
tempEvaluatedContent = tempContent = "<You have hidden this post>";
// delete supercedes hidden
if( isDeleted) {
name = "<deleted>";
strDate = "<deleted>";
tempEvaluatedContent = tempContent = content; // content would be changed so show that
if( createdAt == 0) {
print("debug: createdAt == 0 for event $id $content");
String commentColor = "";
if( isNotification) {
commentColor = gNotificationColor;
isNotification = false;
} else {
commentColor = gCommentColor;
int tempEffectiveLen = name.length < gNameLengthInPost? name.length: gNameLengthInPost;
name = name.substring(0,tempEffectiveLen);
int effectiveNameFieldLen = gNameLengthInPost + 3; // get this before name is mangled by color
String nameColor = getNameColor(pubkey);
// pad name to left
name = name.padLeft(gNameLengthInPost);
name = name.substring(0, gNameLengthInPost);
name = getStrInColor(name, nameColor);
String strToPrint = "";
if(!topPost) {
strToPrint += "\n";
strToPrint += getDepthSpaces(depth);
strToPrint += " "; // in place of block for top posts
} else {
strToPrint += getDepthSpaces(depth);
strToPrint += "█";
strToPrint += "$name: ";
const int typicalxLen = "|id: 82b5 , 12:04 AM Sep 19".length + 5; // not sure where 5 comes from
List<dynamic> reactionString = getReactionStr(depth);
//print("\n|${reactionString[0]}|\n ${ reactionString[1]}\n }");
String idDateLikes = " |id: ${maxN(id)}, $strDate ${reactionString[0]}" ;
idDateLikes = idDateLikes.padRight(typicalxLen);
String temp = tempEvaluatedContent==""?tempContent: tempEvaluatedContent;
String contentShifted = makeParagraphAtDepth( temp, gSpacesPerDepth * depth + effectiveNameFieldLen);
int maxLineLen = gTextWidth - gSpacesPerDepth * depth - effectiveNameFieldLen ;
int lastLineLen = contentShifted.length;
int i = 0;
contentShifted = contentShifted.trim();
// find the effective length of the last line of the content
for(i = contentShifted.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if( contentShifted[i] == "\n") {
if( i >= 0 && contentShifted[i] == "\n") {
lastLineLen = contentShifted.length - i;
// effective len of last line is used to calcluate where the idDateLikes str is affixed at the end
int effectiveLastLineLen = lastLineLen - gSpacesPerDepth * depth - effectiveNameFieldLen - gNumLeftMarginSpaces;
if( contentShifted.length <= maxLineLen ) {
effectiveLastLineLen = contentShifted.length;
// needed to use this because the color padding in notifications reactions will mess up the length calculation in the actual reaction string
int colorStrLen = reactionString[0].length - reactionString[1];
// now actually find where the likesDates string goes
if( (gSpacesPerDepth * depth + effectiveNameFieldLen + effectiveLastLineLen + idDateLikes.length ) <= gTextWidth) {
idDateLikes = idDateLikes.padLeft((gTextWidth ) + colorStrLen - (gSpacesPerDepth * depth + effectiveNameFieldLen + effectiveLastLineLen));
} else {
idDateLikes = "\n${idDateLikes.padLeft(gNumLeftMarginSpaces + gTextWidth + colorStrLen)}";
// print content and the dateslikes string
strToPrint += getStrInColor("$contentShifted$idDateLikes\n", commentColor);
String getAsLine(var tempChildEventsMap, Set<String>? secretMessageIds, List<Channel>? encryptedChannels, {int len = 20}) {
// will only do decryption if its not been decrypted yet by looking at 'evaluatedContent'
if(kind == 4) {
translateAndDecryptKind4( tempChildEventsMap);
} else if ([1, 42].contains(kind)) {
} else if ([142].contains(kind)) {
if( tempChildEventsMap != null && secretMessageIds != null && encryptedChannels != null) {
translateAndDecrypt14x(secretMessageIds, encryptedChannels, tempChildEventsMap);
String contentToPrint = evaluatedContent.isEmpty? content: evaluatedContent;
if( len == 0 || len > contentToPrint.length) {
//len = contentToPrint.length;
contentToPrint = contentToPrint.replaceAll("\n", " ");
contentToPrint = contentToPrint.replaceAll("\r", " ");
contentToPrint = contentToPrint.replaceAll("\t", " ");
contentToPrint = contentToPrint.padRight(len).substring(0, len);
//contentToPrint = contentToPrint.padRight(len);
String strToPrint = '$contentToPrint - ${getAuthorName(pubkey, maxDisplayLen: gNameLengthInPost).padLeft(12)}';
String paddedStrToPrint = strToPrint;
if( isNotification) {
paddedStrToPrint = "$gNotificationColor$paddedStrToPrint$gColorEndMarker";
isNotification = false;
//print("returning $paddedStrToPrint");
return paddedStrToPrint;
String getStrForChannel(int depth, Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap, Set<String>? secretMessageIds, List<Channel>? encryptedChannels) {
// will only do decryption if its not been decrypted yet by looking at 'evaluatedContent'
// will only do decryption if its not been decrypted yet by looking at 'evaluatedContent'
if(kind == 4) {
translateAndDecryptKind4( tempChildEventsMap);
} else if ([1, 42].contains(kind)) {
} else if ([142].contains(kind)) {
if( secretMessageIds != null && encryptedChannels != null) {
//print('decrypting 14x in getStrForChannel');
translateAndDecrypt14x(secretMessageIds, encryptedChannels, tempChildEventsMap);
String strToPrint = "";
String name = getAuthorName(pubkey, maxDisplayLen: gNameLengthInPost);
String strDate = getPrintableDate(createdAt);
String tempEvaluatedContent = evaluatedContent;
String tempContent = evaluatedContent.isEmpty? content: evaluatedContent;
if( isHidden) {
name = strDate = "<hidden>";
tempEvaluatedContent = tempContent = "<You have hidden this post>";
// delete supercedes hidden
if( isDeleted) {
name = strDate = "<deleted>";
tempEvaluatedContent = tempContent = content; // content would be changed so show that
if( tempEvaluatedContent=="") {
tempEvaluatedContent = tempContent;
const int nameWidthDepth = 16~/gSpacesPerDepth; // how wide name will be in depth spaces
const int timeWidthDepth = 18~/gSpacesPerDepth;
int nameWidth = gSpacesPerDepth * nameWidthDepth;
// get name in color and pad it too
String nameToPrint = name.padLeft(nameWidth).substring(0, nameWidth);
nameToPrint = getStrInColor(nameToPrint, getNameColor(pubkey));
String dateToPrint = strDate.padLeft(gSpacesPerDepth * timeWidthDepth).substring(0, gSpacesPerDepth * timeWidthDepth);
// depth above + ( depth numberof spaces = 1) + (depth of time = 2) + (depth of name = 3)
int contentDepth = depth + 1 + timeWidthDepth + nameWidthDepth;
int magicNumberDepth6 = 2; // magic number for gSpacesPerDepth == 6
int finalContentDepthInSpaces = gSpacesPerDepth * contentDepth + magicNumberDepth6;
int contentPlacementColumn = finalContentDepthInSpaces + gNumLeftMarginSpaces;
String contentShifted = makeParagraphAtDepth(tempEvaluatedContent, finalContentDepthInSpaces);
Event? replyToEvent = getReplyToChannelEvent(tempChildEventsMap);
String strReplyTo = "";
if( replyToEvent != null) {
//print("in getStrForChannel: got replyTo id = ${replyToEvent.eventData.id}");
if( replyToEvent.eventData.kind == 1 || replyToEvent.eventData.kind == 42 || replyToEvent.eventData.kind == 142) { // make sure its a kind 1 or 40 message
if( replyToEvent.eventData.id != id) { // basic self test
// quote only a part of the reply if its too long. add ellipsis if requried.
String replyToPrint = "";
if( replyToEvent.eventData.evaluatedContent.length <= gReplyLengthPrinted){
replyToPrint = replyToEvent.eventData.evaluatedContent;
} else {
replyToPrint = "${replyToEvent.eventData.evaluatedContent.substring(0, gReplyLengthPrinted)}...";
strReplyTo = 'In reply to:"${getAuthorName(replyToEvent.eventData.pubkey)}: $replyToPrint"';
strReplyTo = makeParagraphAtDepth(strReplyTo, finalContentDepthInSpaces + 6); // one extra for content
// add reply to string to end of the content. How it will show:
contentShifted += ( "\n${getNumSpaces( contentPlacementColumn + gSpacesPerDepth)}$strReplyTo");
} else {
//printWarning("no reply to event for event id $id");
String msgId = id.substring(0, 3).padLeft(gSpacesPerDepth~/2).padRight(gSpacesPerDepth) ;
if( isNotification) {
strToPrint = "$gNotificationColor${getDepthSpaces(depth-1)}$msgId $dateToPrint $nameToPrint: $gNotificationColor$contentShifted$gColorEndMarker";
isNotification = false;
} else {
strToPrint = "${getDepthSpaces(depth-1)}$msgId $dateToPrint $nameToPrint: $contentShifted";
return strToPrint;
// looks up global map of reactions, if this event has any reactions, and then prints the reactions
// in appropriate color( in case one is a notification, which is stored in member variable)
// returns the string and its length in a dynamic list
List<dynamic> getReactionStr(int depth) {
String reactorNames = "";
int len = 0;
if( isHidden || isDeleted) {
return ["",0];
if( gReactions.containsKey(id)) {
reactorNames = "Likes: ";
len = reactorNames.length;
int numReactions = gReactions[id]?.length??0;
List<List<String>> reactors = gReactions[id]??[];
bool firstEntry = true;
for( int i = 0; i <numReactions; i++) {
String comma = (firstEntry)?"":", ";
String authorName = "";
String reactorId = reactors[i][0];
if( newLikes.contains(reactorId) && reactors[i][1] == "+") {
// this is a notifications, print it and then later empty newLikes
authorName = getAuthorName(reactorId);
reactorNames += comma + gNotificationColor + authorName + gColorEndMarker + gCommentColor ; // restart with comment color because this is part of ongoing print
len += 2 + authorName.length;
firstEntry = false;
} else {
// this is normal printing of the reaction. only print for + for now
if( reactors[i][1] == "+") {
authorName = getAuthorName(reactorId);
reactorNames += comma + authorName;
len += (2 + authorName.length);
firstEntry = false;
} // end for
// if at least one entry as colored notification was made
if( firstEntry == false) {
reactorNames += gColorEndMarker;
reactorNames += "";
return [reactorNames, len];
// returns the last e tag as reply to event for kind 42 and 142 events
Event? getReplyToChannelEvent(Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap) {
switch (kind) {
case 42:
case 142:
for(int i = tags.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
List tag = tags[i];
if( tag[0] == 'e') {
String replyToEventId = tag[1];
Event? eventInReplyTo = (gStore?.allChildEventsMap[replyToEventId]?.event);
if( eventInReplyTo != null) {
// add 1 cause 42 can reply to or tag kind 1, and we'll show that kind 1
if ( [1,42,142].contains( eventInReplyTo.eventData.kind)) {
return eventInReplyTo;
case 1:
String replyToId = getParent(tempChildEventsMap);
return tempChildEventsMap[replyToId]?.event;
} // end of switch
return null;
} // end getReplyToChannelEvent()
// This is mostly a placeholder for EventData. TODO combine both?
class Event {
String event;
String id;
EventData eventData;
String originalJson;
List<String> seenOnRelays;
bool readFromFile;
bool userRelevant; // is made true if the event has been printed for the user ( and its relevant to user, which will later be saved in file)
Event(this.event, this.id, this.eventData, this.seenOnRelays, this.originalJson, [this.readFromFile = false, this.userRelevant = false]);
bool operator ==( other) {
return (other is Event) && eventData.id == other.eventData.id;
factory Event.fromJson(String d, String relay, [bool fromFile = false]) {
try {
if( d.length > gMaxEventLenthAccepted) {
//throw Exception("Event json is larger than max len");
dynamic json = jsonDecode(d);
if( json.length < 3) {
String e = "";
e = json.length > 1? json[0]: "";
if( gDebug > 0) {
print("Could not create event. json.length = ${json.length} string d= $d $e");
throw Exception("Event json has less than 3 elements");
EventData newEventData = EventData.fromJson(json[2]);
if( !fromFile) {
newEventData.isNotification = true;
return Event(json[0] as String, json[1] as String, newEventData, [relay], d, fromFile );
} on Exception catch(e) {
if( gDebug > 0) {
print("Could not create event. $e\nproblem str: $d\n");
void printEvent(int depth, bool topPost) {
eventData.printEventData(depth, topPost, null, null, null);
//stdout.write("\n$originalJson --------------------------------\n\n");
String toString() {
return '$eventData Seen on: ${seenOnRelays[0]}\n';
// for the user userPubkey, returns the relay of its contact contactPubkey
String getRelayOfUser(String userPubkey, String contactPubkey) {
if(gDebug > 0) print("In getRelayOfUser: Searching relay for contact $contactPubkey" );
String relay = "";
if( userPubkey == "" || contactPubkey == "") {
return "";
if( gContactLists.containsKey(userPubkey)) {
List<Contact>? contacts = gContactLists[userPubkey];
if( contacts != null) {
for( int i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
if( contacts[i].contactPubkey == contactPubkey) {
relay = contacts[i].relay;
return relay;
// if not found return empty string
return relay;
// https://codewithandrea.com/articles/flutter-exception-handling-try-catch-result-type/
Future<http.Response> fetchNip05Info(String nip05Url) {
http.Response resp404 = http.Response.bytes([], 404);
try {
return http.get(Uri.parse(nip05Url));
} catch(ex) {
return Future.value(resp404);
// If given event is kind 0 event, then populates gKindONames with that info
// returns true if entry was created or modified, false otherwise
bool processKind0Event(Event e) {
if( e.eventData.kind != 0) {
return false;
String content = e.eventData.content;
if( content.isEmpty) {
return false;
String name = "";
String about = "";
String picture = "";
String lud06 = "";
String lud16 = "";
String displayName = "";
String website = "";
String nip05 = "";
try {
dynamic json = jsonDecode(content);
name = json["name"]??"";
about = json["about"]??"";
picture = json["picture"]??"";
lud06 = json["lud06"]??"";
lud16 = json["lud16"]??"";
displayName = json["display_name"]??"";
website = json["website"]??"";
nip05 = json['nip05']??"";
//String twitterId = json['twitter']??"";
//String githubId = json['github']??"";
} catch(ex) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("Error in processKind0Event: $ex for pubkey: ${e.eventData.pubkey}");
bool newEntry = false, entryModified = false;
if( !gKindONames.containsKey(e.eventData.pubkey)) {
gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey] = UserNameInfo(e.eventData.createdAt, name, about, picture, lud06, lud16, displayName, website, nip05, null);
newEntry = true;
} else {
int oldTime = gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey]?.createdAt??0;
if( oldTime < e.eventData.createdAt) {
gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey] = UserNameInfo(e.eventData.createdAt, name, about, picture, lud06, lud16, displayName, website, nip05, null);
entryModified = true;
if(gDebug > 0) {
print("At end of processKind0Events: for pubkey ${e.eventData.pubkey} for name = $name ${newEntry? "added entry": ( entryModified?"modified entry": "No change done")} ");
bool localDebug = false; //e.eventData.pubkey == "9ec7a778167afb1d30c4833de9322da0c08ba71a69e1911d5578d3144bb56437"? true: false;
if( newEntry || entryModified) {
if(nip05.isNotEmpty) {
List<String> urlSplit = nip05.split("@");
if( urlSplit.length == 2) {
String urlNip05 = "${urlSplit[1]}/.well-known/nostr.json?name=${urlSplit[0]}";
if( !urlNip05.startsWith("http")) {
urlNip05 = "http://$urlNip05";
.then((httpResponse) {
if( localDebug ) print("-----\nnip future for $urlNip05 returned body ${httpResponse.body}");
var namesInResponse;
try {
dynamic json = jsonDecode(httpResponse.body);
namesInResponse = json["names"];
if( namesInResponse.length > 0) {
for(var returntedName in namesInResponse.keys) {
if( returntedName == urlSplit[0] && namesInResponse[returntedName] == e.eventData.pubkey) {
int oldTime = 0;
if( !gKindONames.containsKey(e.eventData.pubkey)) {
//printWarning("in response handing. creating user info");
gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey] = UserNameInfo(e.eventData.createdAt, name, about, picture, lud06, lud16, displayName, website,null, null);
} else {
oldTime = gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey]?.createdAt??0;
//print("in response handing. user info exists with old time = $oldTime and this event time = ${e.eventData.createdAt}");
if( oldTime <= e.eventData.createdAt ) {
gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey]?.nip05Verified = true;
gKindONames[e.eventData.pubkey]?.nip05Id = nip05;
} else {
//print("names = 0");
} catch(ex) {
.catchError((e){if( gDebug > 0) print('in fetch nip caught error $e for url $urlNip05');});
return newEntry || entryModified;
// If given event is kind 3 event, then populates gKindONames with contact info
// returns true if entry was created or modified, false otherwise
bool processKind3Event(Event newContactEvent) {
if( newContactEvent.eventData.kind != 3) {
return false;
bool newEntry = false, entryModified = false;
if( !gKindONames.containsKey(newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey)) {
gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey] = UserNameInfo(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, newContactEvent, newContactEvent.eventData.createdAt);
newEntry = true;
} else {
// if entry already exists, then check its old time and update only if we have a newer entry now
int oldTime = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.createdAtKind3??0;
if( oldTime < newContactEvent.eventData.createdAt) {
int? createdAt = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.createdAt;
String? name = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.name,
about = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.about,
picture = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.picture,
lud06 = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.lud06,
lud16 = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.lud16,
displayName = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.display_name,
website = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.website,
nip05id = gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey]?.nip05Id??"";
gKindONames[newContactEvent.eventData.pubkey] = UserNameInfo(createdAt, name, about, picture, lud06, lud16, displayName, website, nip05id, newContactEvent, newContactEvent.eventData.createdAt );
entryModified = true;
if(gDebug > 0) {
print("At end of processKind3Events: ${newEntry? "added entry": ( entryModified?"modified entry": "No change done")} ");
return newEntry || entryModified;
String getNip05Name( String pubkey) {
String nip05name = "";
if( gKindONames[pubkey]?.name == null || gKindONames[pubkey]?.name?.length == 0) {
nip05name = "";
else {
String name = gKindONames[pubkey]?.name??"";
if( gKindONames[pubkey]?.nip05Verified??false) {
nip05name = "$name (nip05: ${gKindONames[pubkey]?.nip05Id??""})";
} else {
nip05name = name;
return nip05name;
// returns name by looking up global list gKindONames, which is populated by kind 0 events
String getAuthorName(String pubkey, {int maxDisplayLen = gMaxInteger, int pubkeyLenShown = 5}) {
if( gFollowList.isEmpty) {
gFollowList = getFollows(userPublicKey);
bool isFollow = gFollowList.contains(pubkey) && (pubkey != userPublicKey);
String maxLen(String pubkey) => pubkey.length > pubkeyLenShown? pubkey.substring(0,pubkeyLenShown) : pubkey.substring(0, pubkey.length);
String name = "";
if( gKindONames[pubkey]?.name == null || gKindONames[pubkey]?.name?.length == 0) {
name = maxLen(pubkey);
} else {
name = (gKindONames[pubkey]?.name)??maxLen(pubkey);
// then add valid check mark in default follows
if( isFollow) {
if( name.length >= maxDisplayLen ) {
name = name.substring(0, maxDisplayLen-1) + gValidCheckMark;
} else {
name = name + gValidCheckMark;
} else {
// remove this tick from other names to avoid 'tick hack'
name = name.replaceAll(gValidCheckMark, "");
return name;
// returns only name if it is available. Returns null if name is not available.
String? getOnlyAuthorName(String pubkey, {int maxDisplayLen = gMaxInteger, int pubkeyLenShown = 5}) {
if( gFollowList.isEmpty) {
gFollowList = getFollows(userPublicKey);
bool isFollow = gFollowList.contains(pubkey) && (pubkey != userPublicKey);
String maxLen(String pubkey) => pubkey.length > pubkeyLenShown? pubkey.substring(0,pubkeyLenShown) : pubkey.substring(0, pubkey.length);
String name = "";
var temp = gKindONames[pubkey];
if( temp == null) {
return null;
} else {
var temp2 = temp.name;
if( temp2 == null) {
return null;
} else {
name = temp2;
// then add valid check mark in default follows
if( isFollow) {
if( name.length >= maxDisplayLen ) {
name = name.substring(0, maxDisplayLen-1) + gValidCheckMark;
} else {
name = name + gValidCheckMark;
} else {
// remove this tick from other names to avoid 'tick hack'
name = name.replaceAll(gValidCheckMark, "");
return name;
// returns full public key(s) for the given username( which can be first few letters of pubkey, or the user name)
Set<String> getPublicKeyFromName(String inquiredName) {
if( inquiredName.isEmpty) {
return {};
Set<String> pubkeys = {};
gKindONames.forEach((pubkey, userInfo) {
// check both the user name, and the pubkey to search for the user
// check username
if( userInfo.name != null) {
int minNameLen = min( inquiredName.length, (userInfo.name?.length)??0);
if( inquiredName.toLowerCase() == userInfo.name?.substring(0, minNameLen).toLowerCase()) {
// check public key
if( inquiredName.length >= 2 && inquiredName.length <= pubkey.length) {
if( pubkey.substring(0, inquiredName.length) == inquiredName) {
return pubkeys;
// returns the seconds since epoch N days ago
int getSecondsDaysAgo( int N) {
return DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(days: N)).millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000;
// returns the seconds since epoch S seconds ago
int getTimeSecondsAgo( int S) {
return DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(seconds: S)).millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000;
// will write d tabs worth of space ( where tab width is in settings)
void printDepth(int d) {
for( int i = 0; i < gSpacesPerDepth * d + gNumLeftMarginSpaces; i++) {
stdout.write(" ");
void printCenteredHeadline(displayName) {
int numDashes = 10; // num of dashes on each side
int startText = gNumLeftMarginSpaces + ( gTextWidth - (displayName.length + 2 * numDashes)) ~/ 2;
if( startText < 0) {
startText = 0;
String str = getNumSpaces(startText) + getNumDashes(numDashes) + displayName + getNumDashes(numDashes);
String getDepthSpaces(int d) {
String str = "";
for( int i = 0; i < gSpacesPerDepth * d + gNumLeftMarginSpaces; i++) {
str += " ";
return str;
// make a paragraph of s that starts at numSpaces ( from screen left), and does not extend beyond gTextWidth+gNumLeftMarginSpaces. break it, or add
// a newline if it goes beyond gTextWidth + gNumLeftMarginSpaces
String makeParagraphAtDepth(String s, int depthInSpaces) {
List<List<int>> urlRanges = getUrlRanges(s);
String newString = "";
String spacesString = getNumSpaces(depthInSpaces + gNumLeftMarginSpaces);
int lenPerLine = gTextWidth - depthInSpaces;
//print("In makeParagraphAtDepth: gNumLeftMarginSpaces = $gNumLeftMarginSpaces depthInSPaces = $depthInSpaces LenPerLine = $lenPerLine gTextWidth = $gTextWidth ");
for(int startIndex = 0; startIndex < s.length; ) {
List listCulledLine = getLineWithMaxLen(s, startIndex, lenPerLine, spacesString, urlRanges);
String line = listCulledLine[0];
int lenReturned = listCulledLine[1] as int;
if( line.isEmpty || lenReturned == 0) break;
newString += line;
startIndex += lenReturned;
return newString;
// returns from string[startIndex:] the first len number of chars. no newline is added.
List getLineWithMaxLen(String s, int startIndex, int lenPerLine, String spacesString, List<List<int>> urlRanges) {
if( startIndex >= s.length) {
return ["", 0];
String line = ""; // is returned
// if length required is greater than the length of string remaing, return whatever remains
int numCharsInLine = 0;
int i = startIndex;
// i indexes over the input line ( which is the whole comment)
for(; i < startIndex + lenPerLine && i < s.length; i++) {
line += s[i];
numCharsInLine ++;
if( s[i] == "\n") {
numCharsInLine = 0;
line += spacesString;
int urlEnd = 0;
if( (urlEnd = isInRange(i, urlRanges)) != 0) {
line = line + s.substring(i, urlEnd);
i = urlEnd;
} else {
if( numCharsInLine > lenPerLine || ( (numCharsInLine == lenPerLine) && (s.length > startIndex + numCharsInLine) )) {
bool lineBroken = false;
// line is broken only if the returned line is the longest it can be, and
// if its length is greater than the gMaxLenBrokenWord constant
if( line.length >= lenPerLine && line.length > gMaxLenUnbrokenWord ) {
int i = line.length - 1;
// find a whitespace character
for( ; i > 0 && !isWordSeparater(line[i]); i--) {
// for ended
if( line.length - i < gMaxLenUnbrokenWord) {
// break the line here if its a word separator
if( isWordSeparater(line[i])) {
int newLineStart = i + 1;
if( line[i] != ' ') {
newLineStart = i;
line = "${line.substring(0, i)}\n$spacesString${line.substring(newLineStart, line.length)}";
lineBroken = true;
if( !lineBroken ) {
if( s.length > i ) {
line += "\n";
line += spacesString;
return [line, i - startIndex];
// The contact only stores id and relay of contact. The actual name is stored in a global variable/map
class Contact implements Comparable<Contact> {
String contactPubkey, relay;
Contact(this.contactPubkey, this.relay);
String toString() {
return 'id: $contactPubkey ( ${getAuthorName(contactPubkey)}) relay: $relay';
int compareTo(Contact other) {
return getAuthorName(contactPubkey).compareTo(getAuthorName(other.contactPubkey));
String getShaId(String pubkey, String createdAt, String kind, String strTags, String content) {
String buf = '[0,"$pubkey",$createdAt,$kind,[$strTags],"$content"]';
if(gSpecificDebug > 0) print("in getShaId for buf: |$buf|");
var bufInBytes = utf8.encode(buf);
var value = sha256.convert(bufInBytes);
return value.toString();
// get printable date from seconds since epoch
String getPrintableDate(int createdAt) {
final df1 = DateFormat('hh:mm a');
final df2 = DateFormat(DateFormat.ABBR_MONTH_DAY);
String strDate = df1.format(DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(createdAt*1000));
strDate += " ${df2.format(DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(createdAt*1000))}";
return strDate;
* Returns true if this is a valid direct message to just this user. Direct message = kind 4 AND 104
bool isValidDirectMessage(EventData directMessageData, {int acceptableKind = 4}) {
if( acceptableKind != directMessageData.kind) {
return false;
bool validUserMessage = false;
List<String> allPtags = [];
for (var tag in directMessageData.tags) {
if( tag.length < 2 ) {
if( tag[0] == "p" && tag[1].length == 64) { // basic length sanity test
if(gDebug >= 0 && gCheckEventId == directMessageData.id) print("In isvalid direct message: ptags len: ${allPtags.length}, ptags = $allPtags");
if( directMessageData.pubkey == userPublicKey && allPtags.length == 1) {
if( allPtags[0].substring(0, 32) != "0".padLeft(32, '0')) { // check that the message hasn't been sent to an invalid pubkey
validUserMessage = true; // case where this user is sender
} else {
if(gCheckEventId == directMessageData.id) print("in else case 3");
if ( directMessageData.pubkey != userPublicKey) {
if(gDebug > 0 && gCheckEventId == directMessageData.id) print("in if 5 allpags 1st = ${allPtags[0]} userPUblic key = $userPublicKey");
if( allPtags.length == 1 && allPtags[0] == userPublicKey) {
validUserMessage = true; // case where this user is recipeint
return validUserMessage;
String getRandomPrivKey() {
FortunaRandom fr = FortunaRandom();
final sGen = Random.secure();
Uint8List.fromList(List.generate(32, (_) => sGen.nextInt(255)))));
BigInt randomNumber = fr.nextBigInteger(256);
String strKey = randomNumber.toRadixString(16);
if( strKey.length < 64) {
int numZeros = 64 - strKey.length;
for(int i = 0; i < numZeros; i++) {
strKey = "0$strKey";
return strKey;
// pointy castle source https://github.com/PointyCastle/pointycastle/blob/master/tutorials/aes-cbc.md
// https://github.com/bcgit/pc-dart/blob/master/tutorials/aes-cbc.md
// 3 https://github.com/Dhuliang/flutter-bsv/blob/42a2d92ec6bb9ee3231878ffe684e1b7940c7d49/lib/src/aescbc.dart
/// Decrypt data using self private key
String myPrivateDecrypt( String privateString,
String publicString,
String b64encoded,
[String b64IV = ""]) {
Uint8List encdData = convert.base64.decode(b64encoded);
final rawData = myPrivateDecryptRaw(privateString, publicString, encdData, b64IV);
return convert.Utf8Decoder().convert(rawData.toList());
Map<String, List<List<int>>> gMapByteSecret = {};
Uint8List myPrivateDecryptRaw( String privateString,
String publicString,
Uint8List cipherText,
[String b64IV = ""]) {
try {
List<List<int>> byteSecret = [];
if( gMapByteSecret.containsKey(publicString)) {
byteSecret = gMapByteSecret[publicString]??[];
if( byteSecret.isEmpty) {
byteSecret = Kepler.byteSecret(privateString, publicString);
gMapByteSecret[publicString] = byteSecret;
final secretIV = byteSecret;
final key = Uint8List.fromList(secretIV[0]);
final iv = b64IV.length > 6
? convert.base64.decode(b64IV)
: Uint8List.fromList(secretIV[1]);
CipherParameters params = PaddedBlockCipherParameters(
ParametersWithIV(KeyParameter(key), iv), null);
PaddedBlockCipherImpl cipherImpl = PaddedBlockCipherImpl(
PKCS7Padding(), CBCBlockCipher(AESEngine()));
params as PaddedBlockCipherParameters<CipherParameters?,
final Uint8List finalPlainText = Uint8List(cipherText.length); // allocate space
var offset = 0;
while (offset < cipherText.length - 16) {
offset += cipherImpl.processBlock(cipherText, offset, finalPlainText, offset);
//remove padding
offset += cipherImpl.doFinal(cipherText, offset, finalPlainText, offset);
return finalPlainText.sublist(0, offset);
} catch(e) {
if( gDebug >= 0) print("Decryption error = $e");
return Uint8List(0);
// Encrypt data using self private key in nostr format ( with trailing ?iv=)
String myEncrypt( String privateString,
String publicString,
String plainText) {
Uint8List uintInputText = convert.Utf8Encoder().convert(plainText);
final encryptedString = myEncryptRaw(privateString, publicString, uintInputText);
return encryptedString;
String myEncryptRaw( String privateString,
String publicString,
Uint8List uintInputText) {
final secretIV = Kepler.byteSecret(privateString, publicString);
final key = Uint8List.fromList(secretIV[0]);
// generate iv https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63630661/aes-engine-not-initialised-with-pointycastle-securerandom
FortunaRandom fr = FortunaRandom();
final sGen = Random.secure();
Uint8List.fromList(List.generate(32, (_) => sGen.nextInt(255)))));
final iv = fr.nextBytes(16);
CipherParameters params = PaddedBlockCipherParameters(
ParametersWithIV(KeyParameter(key), iv), null);
PaddedBlockCipherImpl cipherImpl = PaddedBlockCipherImpl(
PKCS7Padding(), CBCBlockCipher(AESEngine()));
cipherImpl.init(true, // means to encrypt
params as PaddedBlockCipherParameters<CipherParameters?,
// allocate space
final Uint8List outputEncodedText = Uint8List(uintInputText.length + 16);
var offset = 0;
while (offset < uintInputText.length - 16) {
offset += cipherImpl.processBlock(uintInputText, offset, outputEncodedText, offset);
//add padding
offset += cipherImpl.doFinal(uintInputText, offset, outputEncodedText, offset);
final Uint8List finalEncodedText = outputEncodedText.sublist(0, offset);
String stringIv = convert.base64.encode(iv);
String outputPlainText = convert.base64.encode(finalEncodedText);
outputPlainText = "$outputPlainText?iv=$stringIv";
return outputPlainText;
/// Read events from file. a flag is set for such events, so that when writing events back, the ones read from file aren't added, and only
/// new events from relays are written to file.
Set<Event> readEventsFromFile(String filename) {
Set<Event> events = {};
final File file = File(filename);
// sync read
try {
List<String> lines = file.readAsLinesSync();
for( int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) {
Event e = Event.fromJson(lines[i], "", true);
} on Exception catch(e) {
if( gDebug > 0) print("Could not open file. error = $e");
if( gDebug > 0) print("In readEventsFromFile: returning ${events.length} total events");
return events;
List<String> getEncryptedChannelKeys(Set<String> inviteMessageIds, Map<String, Tree> tempChildEventsMap, String channelId) {
Event? e = tempChildEventsMap[channelId]?.event;
if( e != null) {
for( String inviteMessageid in inviteMessageIds) {
Event? messageEvent = tempChildEventsMap[inviteMessageid]?.event;
if( messageEvent != null) {
String evaluatedContent = messageEvent.eventData.evaluatedContent;
if( evaluatedContent.startsWith("App Encrypted Channels:")) {
if( evaluatedContent.contains(channelId) && evaluatedContent.length == 288) {
String priKey = evaluatedContent.substring(159, 159 + 64);
String pubKey = evaluatedContent.substring(224, 224 + 64);
if( priKey.length == 64 && pubKey.length == 64) {
return [priKey, pubKey];
} else {
print("could not get message event");
return [];
String myGetPublicKey(String prikey) {
String pubkey = getPublicKey(prikey);
if( pubkey.length < 64) {
int numZeros = 64 - pubkey.length;
for(int i = 0; i < numZeros; i++) {
pubkey = "0$pubkey";
return pubkey;