
Nostr console client using Dart



usage: dart run bin/nostr_console.dart [OPTIONS] 


      --prikey  <private key>   The hex private key of user whose events and feed are shown. Also used to sign events
                                sent. Default is a hard-coded well known private key. -p is same.
      --relay   <relay wss url> The relay url that is used as main relay. Default is wss:// . -r is same.
      --days    <N>             The latest number of days for which events are shown. Default is 1. -d is same.
      --request <REQ string>    This request is sent verbatim to the default relay. It can be used to recieve all events
                                from a relay. If not provided, then events for default or given user are shown. -q is same.
      --align  <left>           When "left" is given as option to this argument, then the text is aligned to left. By default
                                the posts or text is aligned to the center of the terminal. Same as -a 
      --width  <width as num>   This specifies how wide you want the text to be, in number of columns. Default is 80. 
                                Cant be less than 60. Same as -c
      --help                    Print this usage message and exit. Same as -h

To get ALL the latest messages for last 3 days:

 dart run bin/nostr_console.dart  --request=`echo "[\"REQ\",\"l\",{\"since\":$(date -d '-3 day' +%s)}]"`

To get the latest messages for user with private key K ( that is also used to sign posted/sent messages):

 dart run bin/nostr_console.dart  --prikey=K

To get the latest messages for user with private key K for last 4 days ( default is 1) from relay R:

dart run bin/nostr_console.dart  --prikey=K --relay=R --days=4 


latest in mid Aug 2022.

Nostr console is an open-source twitter-like social network, direct chat app and group chat all bundled into one program. Built on the decentralized Nostr protocol.
Readme AGPL-3.0 15 MiB
Dart 98.8%
Shell 1%
Dockerfile 0.2%