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synced 2025-03-25 17:23:09 +01:00
506 lines
13 KiB
506 lines
13 KiB
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:qr/qr.dart';
enum enumRoomType { kind4, kind40, kind140, RoomLocationTag, RoomTTag}
String getPostKindFrom(enumRoomType eType) {
switch (eType) {
case enumRoomType.kind4:
return "4";
case enumRoomType.kind40:
return "42";
case enumRoomType.kind140:
return "142";
case enumRoomType.RoomLocationTag:
return "1";
case enumRoomType.RoomTTag:
return "1";
Set<String>? getTagsFromContent(String content) {
Set<String>? tags = null;
String regexp1 = '(#[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+ )|(#[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\$';
RegExp httpRegExp = RegExp(regexp1);
for( var match in httpRegExp.allMatches(content) ) {
if( tags == null)
tags = {};
tags.add( content.substring(match.start + 1, match.end).trim() );
return tags;
class HistogramEntry {
String str;
int count;
HistogramEntry(this.str, this.count);
static int histogramSorter(HistogramEntry a, HistogramEntry b) {
if( a.count < b.count ) {
return 1;
} if( a.count == b.count ) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
Future<void> myWait(int ms) async {
Future<void> foo1() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: ms));
await foo1();
bool isNumeric(String s) {
return double.tryParse(s) != null;
bool isWordSeparater(String s) {
if( s.length != 1) {
return false;
return s[0] == ' ' || s[0] == '\n' || s[0] == '\r' || s[0] == '\t'
|| s[0] == ',' || s[0] == '.' || s[0] == '-' || s[0] == '('|| s[0] == ')';
bool isWhitespace(String s) {
if( s.length != 1) {
return false;
return s[0] == ' ' || s[0] == '\n' || s[0] == '\r' || s[0] == '\t';
extension StringX on String {
int isChannelPageNumber(int max) {
if(this.length < 2 || this[0] != '/') {
return 0;
String rest = this.substring(1);
//print("rest = $rest");
int? n = int.tryParse(rest);
if( n != null) {
if( n < max)
return n;
return 0;
isEnglish( ) {
// since smaller words can be smileys they should not be translated
if( length < 10)
return true;
if( !isLatinAlphabet())
return false;
if (isRomanceLanguage())
return false;
return true;
isPortugese() {
false; // https://1000mostcommonwords.com/1000-most-common-portuguese-words/
bool isRomanceLanguage() {
// https://www.thoughtco.com/most-common-french-words-1372759
Set<String> frenchWords = {"oui", "je", "le", "un", "de", "merci", "une", "ce", "pas"}; // "et" is in 'et al'
Set<String> spanishWords = {"y", "se", "el", "uso", "que", "te", "los", "va", "ser", "si", "por", "lo", "es", "era", "un", "o"};
Set<String> portugeseWords = {"como", "seu", "que", "ele", "foi", "eles", "tem", "este", "por", "quente", "vai",
"ter", "mas", "ou", "teve", "fora", "é", "te", "mais"};
Set<String> romanceWords = frenchWords.union(spanishWords).union(portugeseWords);
for( String word in romanceWords) {
if( this.toLowerCase().contains(" $word ")) {
return true;
return false;
isLatinAlphabet({caseSensitive = false}) {
int countLatinletters = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final target = caseSensitive ? this[i] : this[i].toLowerCase();
if ( (target.codeUnitAt(0) > 96 && target.codeUnitAt(0) < 123) || ( isNumeric(target) ) || isWhitespace(target)) {
if( countLatinletters < ( 40.0/100 ) * length ) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
bool isValidPubkey(String pubkey) {
if( pubkey.length == 64) {
return true;
return false;
String myPadRight(String str, int width) {
String newStr = "";
if( str.length < width) {
newStr = str.padRight(width);
} else {
newStr = str.substring(0, width);
return newStr;
// returns tags as string that can be used to calculate event has. called from EventData constructor
String getStrTagsFromJson(dynamic json) {
String str = "";
int i = 0;
for( dynamic tag in json ) {
if( i != 0) {
str += ",";
str += "[";
int j = 0;
for(dynamic element in tag) {
if( j != 0) {
str += ",";
str += "\"${element.toString()}\"";
str += "]";
return str;
String addEscapeChars(String str) {
String temp = "";
//temp = temp.replaceAll("\\", "\\\\");
temp = str.replaceAll("\"", "\\\"");
return temp.replaceAll("\n", "\\n");
String unEscapeChars(String str) {
//print("in unEscape: |$str|");
String temp = str.replaceAll("\"", "\\\"");
//temp = temp.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\");
temp = temp.replaceAll("\n", "\\n");
//print("returning |$temp|\n");
return temp;
void printUnderlined(String x) => { stdout.write("$x\n${getNumDashes(x.length)}\n")};
String getNumSpaces(int num) {
String s = "";
for( int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
s += " ";
return s;
String getNumDashes(int num, [String dashType = "-"]) {
String s = "";
for( int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
s += dashType;
return s;
List<List<int>> getUrlRanges(String s) {
List<List<int>> urlRanges = [];
String regexp1 = "http[s]*:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+([.a-zA-Z0-9/_\\-\\#\\+=\\&\\?]*)";
RegExp httpRegExp = RegExp(regexp1);
for( var match in httpRegExp.allMatches(s) ) {
List<int> entry = [match.start, match.end];
return urlRanges;
// returns true if n is in any of the ranges given in list
int isInRange( int n, List<List<int>> ranges ) {
for( int i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
if( n >= ranges[i][0] && n < ranges[i][1]) {
return ranges[i][1];
return 0;
List<int> getTypeAndModule(String str) {
int type = 14, module = 73;
if( str.length > 3688 /~ 8) {
type = 16;
module = 81;
if( str.length > 4712 /~ 8) {
type = 18;
module = 89;
return [type, module];
int gMaxStrLenForQrCode = 600; // in bytes, maximum acceptable length of string that is converted to qr code. for lnbc1 invoices
String expandLNInvoices(String content) {
String regexp1 = '(lnbc1[a-zA-Z0-9]+)';
RegExp httpRegExp = RegExp(regexp1);
for( var match in httpRegExp.allMatches(content) ) {
String lnInvoice = content.substring(match.start, match.end);
if( lnInvoice.length > gMaxStrLenForQrCode) {
String qrStr = "";
List<int> typeAndModule = getTypeAndModule(lnInvoice);
qrStr = getPubkeyAsQrString(lnInvoice, typeAndModule[0], typeAndModule[1], "");
content = content.substring(0, match.start) + "\n\n" + qrStr + "\n\n" + content.substring(match.end);
return content;
// https://www.sproutqr.com/blog/qr-code-types
// default 4 and 33 work for pubkey
String getPubkeyAsQrString(String str, [int typeNumber = 4, moduleCount = 33, String leftPadding = " "]) {
String output = "";
final qrCode = QrCode(typeNumber, QrErrorCorrectLevel.L)
final qrImage = QrImage(qrCode);
assert( qrImage.moduleCount == moduleCount);
//print("qrimage modulecount = ${qrImage.moduleCount}");
var x = 0;
for (x = 0; x < qrImage.moduleCount -1 ; x += 2) {
output += leftPadding;
for (var y = 0; y < qrImage.moduleCount ; y++) {
bool topDark = qrImage.isDark(y, x);
bool bottomDark = qrImage.isDark(y, x + 1);
if (topDark && bottomDark) {
output += "█";
else if (topDark ) {
output += "▀";
} else if ( bottomDark) {
output += "▄";
} else if( !topDark && !bottomDark) {
output += " ";
output += "\n";
if( qrImage.moduleCount %2 == 1) {
output += leftPadding;
for (var y = 0; y < qrImage.moduleCount ; y++) {
bool dark = qrImage.isDark(y, x);
if (dark ) {
output += "▀";
} else {
output += " ";
output += "\n";
return output;
void clearScreen() {
// returns a string entered by the user
String getStringFromUser(String prompt, [String defaultValue=""] ) {
String str = "";
str = (stdin.readLineSync())??"";
if( str.length == 0)
str = defaultValue;
return str;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// relay related functions
// returns list in form ( if 3 sized list)
// "pubkey1","pubkey2","pubkey3"
String getCommaSeparatedQuotedStrs(Set<String> publicKeys) {
String s = "";
int i = 0;
for(String pubkey in publicKeys) {
s += "\"${pubkey.toLowerCase()}\"";
if( i < publicKeys.length - 1) {
s += ",";
return s;
String getCommaSeparatedInts(Set<int>? kind) {
if( kind == null) {
return "";
if( kind.length == 0) {
return "";
String strKind = "";
int i = 0;
kind.forEach((k) {
String comma = ",";
if( i == kind.length-1) {
comma = "";
strKind = strKind + k.toString() + comma;
return strKind;
String getKindRequest(String subscriptionId, List<int> kind, int limit, int sinceWhen) {
//print("in getkindrequest: kind = $kind");
String strTime = "";
if( sinceWhen != 0) {
strTime = ', "since":${sinceWhen.toString()}';
var strSubscription1 = '["REQ","$subscriptionId",{"kinds":[';
var strSubscription2 ='], "limit":$limit$strTime } ]';
String strKind = getCommaSeparatedInts(kind.toSet());
String strRequest = strSubscription1 + strKind + strSubscription2;
//print("returning $strRequest");
return strRequest;
String getUserRequest(String subscriptionId, String publicKey, int numUserEvents, int sinceWhen, [Set<int>? _kind = null]) {
Set<int> kind = {};
if( _kind != null) {
kind = _kind;
String strKind = getCommaSeparatedInts(kind);
String strKindSection = "";
if( strKind.length > 0) {
strKindSection = '"kinds":[$strKind],';
String strTime = "";
if( sinceWhen != 0) {
strTime = ', "since": ${sinceWhen.toString()}';
var strSubscription1 = '["REQ","$subscriptionId",{ "authors": ["';
var strSubscription2 ='"],$strKindSection"limit": $numUserEvents $strTime } ]';
String request = strSubscription1 + publicKey.toLowerCase() + strSubscription2;
//print("In getUserRequest: $request");
return request;
String getMentionRequest(String subscriptionId, Set<String> ids, int numUserEvents, int sinceWhen, String tagToGet) {
String strTime = "";
if( sinceWhen != 0) {
strTime = ', "since": ${sinceWhen.toString()}';
var strSubscription1 = '["REQ","$subscriptionId",{ "$tagToGet": [';
var strSubscription2 ='], "limit": $numUserEvents $strTime } ]';
return strSubscription1 + getCommaSeparatedQuotedStrs(ids) + strSubscription2;
String getIdAndMentionRequest(String subscriptionId, Set<String> ids, int numUserEvents, int sinceWhen, String tagToGet) {
String strTime = "";
if( sinceWhen != 0) {
strTime = ', "since": ${sinceWhen.toString()}';
var strSubscription1 = '["REQ","$subscriptionId",{ "$tagToGet": [';
var strSubscription2 ='], "limit": $numUserEvents $strTime } ]';
String req = '["REQ","$subscriptionId",{ "$tagToGet": [' + getCommaSeparatedQuotedStrs(ids) + '], "limit": $numUserEvents $strTime},{"authors":[' + getCommaSeparatedQuotedStrs(ids) + ']} ]';
//print("Created id and mention request: $req");
return req;
String getMultiUserRequest(String subscriptionId, Set<String> publicKeys, int numUserEvents, int sinceWhen, [Set<int>? kind = null]) {
String strTime = "";
if( sinceWhen != 0) {
strTime = ', "since": ${sinceWhen.toString()}';
String strKind = getCommaSeparatedInts(kind);
String strKindSection = "";
if( strKind.length > 0) {
strKindSection = '"kinds":[$strKind],';
var strSubscription1 = '["REQ","$subscriptionId",{ "authors": [';
var strSubscription2 ='],$strKindSection"limit": $numUserEvents $strTime } ]';
String s = "";
s = getCommaSeparatedQuotedStrs(publicKeys);
String request = strSubscription1 + s + strSubscription2;
//print("In getMultiUserRequest kind = $kind strKindSection = $strKindSection: request = $request");
return request;
// ends with a newline
void printSet( Set<String> toPrint, [ String prefix = "", String separator = ""]) {
int i = 0;
toPrint.forEach((element) {
if( i != 0) {