2023-11-28 10:08:43 +01:00
2023-11-27 00:02:56 +01:00
import base64
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
import json
2023-11-26 20:56:48 +01:00
import os
2023-11-26 13:10:19 +01:00
import urllib.parse
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
import requests
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
2023-11-26 20:56:48 +01:00
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad
2023-11-26 10:31:38 +01:00
from bech32 import bech32_decode, convertbits, bech32_encode
2023-11-26 20:56:48 +01:00
from nostr_sdk import nostr_sdk, PublicKey, SecretKey, Event, EventBuilder, Tag, Keys
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
from utils.database_utils import get_or_add_user
2023-11-21 23:51:48 +01:00
from utils.dvmconfig import DVMConfig
2023-11-28 10:08:43 +01:00
from utils.nostr_utils import get_event_by_id, check_and_decrypt_own_tags
2023-11-26 13:10:19 +01:00
import lnurl
2023-11-26 20:56:48 +01:00
from hashlib import sha256
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
2023-11-24 21:29:24 +01:00
def parse_zap_event_tags(zap_event, keys, name, client, config):
zapped_event = None
invoice_amount = 0
anon = False
2023-11-26 21:47:33 +01:00
message = ""
2023-11-24 21:29:24 +01:00
sender = zap_event.pubkey()
for tag in zap_event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'bolt11':
invoice_amount = parse_amount_from_bolt11_invoice(tag.as_vec()[1])
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == 'e':
zapped_event = get_event_by_id(tag.as_vec()[1], client=client, config=config)
2023-11-27 23:37:44 +01:00
zapped_event = check_and_decrypt_own_tags(zapped_event, config)
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == 'p':
p_tag = tag.as_vec()[1]
2023-11-24 21:29:24 +01:00
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == 'description':
2023-11-27 00:02:56 +01:00
zap_request_event = Event.from_json(tag.as_vec()[1])
sender = check_for_zapplepay(zap_request_event.pubkey().to_hex(),
for z_tag in zap_request_event.tags():
if z_tag.as_vec()[0] == 'anon':
if len(z_tag.as_vec()) > 1:
# print("[" + name + "] Private Zap received.")
decrypted_content = decrypt_private_zap_message(z_tag.as_vec()[1],
decrypted_private_event = Event.from_json(decrypted_content)
if decrypted_private_event.kind() == 9733:
sender = decrypted_private_event.pubkey().to_hex()
message = decrypted_private_event.content()
# if message != "":
# print("Zap Message: " + message)
anon = True
"[" + name + "] Anonymous Zap received. Unlucky, I don't know from whom, and never will")
2023-11-24 21:29:24 +01:00
2023-11-26 21:47:33 +01:00
return invoice_amount, zapped_event, sender, message, anon
2023-11-24 21:29:24 +01:00
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
def parse_amount_from_bolt11_invoice(bolt11_invoice: str) -> int:
def get_index_of_first_letter(ip):
index = 0
for c in ip:
if c.isalpha():
return index
index = index + 1
return len(ip)
remaining_invoice = bolt11_invoice[4:]
index = get_index_of_first_letter(remaining_invoice)
identifier = remaining_invoice[index]
number_string = remaining_invoice[:index]
number = float(number_string)
if identifier == 'm':
number = number * 100000000 * 0.001
elif identifier == 'u':
number = number * 100000000 * 0.000001
elif identifier == 'n':
number = number * 100000000 * 0.000000001
elif identifier == 'p':
number = number * 100000000 * 0.000000000001
return int(number)
2023-11-21 23:51:48 +01:00
def create_bolt11_ln_bits(sats: int, config: DVMConfig) -> (str, str):
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
if config.LNBITS_URL == "":
return None
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
url = config.LNBITS_URL + "/api/v1/payments"
2023-11-21 23:51:48 +01:00
data = {'out': False, 'amount': sats, 'memo': "Nostr-DVM " + config.NIP89.name}
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
headers = {'X-API-Key': config.LNBITS_INVOICE_KEY, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'charset': 'UTF-8'}
res = requests.post(url, json=data, headers=headers)
obj = json.loads(res.text)
return obj["payment_request"], obj["payment_hash"]
except Exception as e:
2023-11-20 23:18:05 +01:00
print("LNBITS: " + str(e))
2023-11-21 23:51:48 +01:00
return None, None
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
2023-11-20 22:09:38 +01:00
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
def create_bolt11_lud16(lud16, amount):
if lud16.startswith("LNURL") or lud16.startswith("lnurl"):
url = lnurl.decode(lud16)
elif '@' in lud16: # LNaddress
url = 'https://' + str(lud16).split('@')[1] + '/.well-known/lnurlp/' + str(lud16).split('@')[0]
else: # No lud16 set or format invalid
return None
response = requests.get(url)
ob = json.loads(response.content)
callback = ob["callback"]
response = requests.get(callback + "?amount=" + str(int(amount) * 1000))
ob = json.loads(response.content)
return ob["pr"]
return None
2023-11-21 23:51:48 +01:00
def check_bolt11_ln_bits_is_paid(payment_hash: str, config: DVMConfig):
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
url = config.LNBITS_URL + "/api/v1/payments/" + payment_hash
headers = {'X-API-Key': config.LNBITS_INVOICE_KEY, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'charset': 'UTF-8'}
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
obj = json.loads(res.text)
2023-11-26 10:31:38 +01:00
return obj["paid"]
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
except Exception as e:
return None
2023-11-26 13:10:19 +01:00
2023-11-26 10:31:38 +01:00
def pay_bolt11_ln_bits(bolt11: str, config: DVMConfig):
url = config.LNBITS_URL + "/api/v1/payments"
data = {'out': True, 'bolt11': bolt11}
headers = {'X-API-Key': config.LNBITS_ADMIN_KEY, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'charset': 'UTF-8'}
res = requests.post(url, json=data, headers=headers)
obj = json.loads(res.text)
return obj["payment_hash"]
except Exception as e:
print("LNBITS: " + str(e))
return None, None
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
2023-11-21 23:51:48 +01:00
def check_for_zapplepay(pubkey_hex: str, content: str):
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
# Special case Zapplepay
2023-11-24 22:07:00 +01:00
if (pubkey_hex == PublicKey.from_bech32("npub1wxl6njlcgygduct7jkgzrvyvd9fylj4pqvll6p32h59wyetm5fxqjchcan")
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
real_sender_bech32 = content.replace("From: nostr:", "")
2023-11-21 23:51:48 +01:00
pubkey_hex = PublicKey.from_bech32(real_sender_bech32).to_hex()
return pubkey_hex
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
except Exception as e:
2023-11-21 23:51:48 +01:00
return pubkey_hex
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
2023-11-26 20:56:48 +01:00
def enrypt_private_zap_message(message, privatekey, publickey):
# Generate a random IV
shared_secret = nostr_sdk.generate_shared_key(privatekey, publickey)
iv = os.urandom(16)
# Encrypt the message
cipher = AES.new(bytearray(shared_secret), AES.MODE_CBC, bytearray(iv))
utf8message = message.encode('utf-8')
padded_message = pad(utf8message, AES.block_size)
encrypted_msg = cipher.encrypt(padded_message)
encrypted_msg_bech32 = bech32_encode("pzap", convertbits(encrypted_msg, 8, 5, True))
iv_bech32 = bech32_encode("iv", convertbits(iv, 8, 5, True))
return encrypted_msg_bech32 + "_" + iv_bech32
2023-11-21 23:51:48 +01:00
def decrypt_private_zap_message(msg: str, privkey: SecretKey, pubkey: PublicKey):
2023-11-18 20:20:18 +01:00
shared_secret = nostr_sdk.generate_shared_key(privkey, pubkey)
if len(shared_secret) != 16 and len(shared_secret) != 32:
return "invalid shared secret size"
parts = msg.split("_")
if len(parts) != 2:
return "invalid message format"
_, encrypted_msg = bech32_decode(parts[0])
encrypted_bytes = convertbits(encrypted_msg, 5, 8, False)
_, iv = bech32_decode(parts[1])
iv_bytes = convertbits(iv, 5, 8, False)
except Exception as e:
return e
cipher = AES.new(bytearray(shared_secret), AES.MODE_CBC, bytearray(iv_bytes))
decrypted_bytes = cipher.decrypt(bytearray(encrypted_bytes))
plaintext = decrypted_bytes.decode("utf-8")
decoded = plaintext.rsplit("}", 1)[0] + "}" # weird symbols at the end
return decoded
except Exception as ex:
return str(ex)
2023-11-26 10:31:38 +01:00
2023-11-26 20:56:48 +01:00
def zap(lud16: str, amount: int, content, zapped_event: Event, keys, dvm_config, zaptype="public"):
2023-11-26 13:10:19 +01:00
if lud16.startswith("LNURL") or lud16.startswith("lnurl"):
url = lnurl.decode(lud16)
2023-11-26 20:56:48 +01:00
elif '@' in lud16: # LNaddress
2023-11-26 13:10:19 +01:00
url = 'https://' + str(lud16).split('@')[1] + '/.well-known/lnurlp/' + str(lud16).split('@')[0]
else: # No lud16 set or format invalid
return None
response = requests.get(url)
ob = json.loads(response.content)
callback = ob["callback"]
encoded_lnurl = lnurl.encode(url)
amount_tag = Tag.parse(['amount', str(amount * 1000)])
relays_tag = Tag.parse(['relays', str(dvm_config.RELAY_LIST)])
2023-11-26 20:56:48 +01:00
p_tag = Tag.parse(['p', zapped_event.pubkey().to_hex()])
e_tag = Tag.parse(['e', zapped_event.id().to_hex()])
2023-11-26 13:10:19 +01:00
lnurl_tag = Tag.parse(['lnurl', encoded_lnurl])
2023-11-26 20:56:48 +01:00
tags = [amount_tag, relays_tag, p_tag, e_tag, lnurl_tag]
if zaptype == "private":
key_str = keys.secret_key().to_hex() + zapped_event.id().to_hex() + str(zapped_event.created_at().as_secs())
encryption_key = sha256(key_str.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
zap_request = EventBuilder(9733, content,
[p_tag, e_tag]).to_event(keys).as_json()
keys = Keys.from_sk_str(encryption_key)
encrypted_content = enrypt_private_zap_message(zap_request, keys.secret_key(), zapped_event.pubkey())
anon_tag = Tag.parse(['anon', encrypted_content])
content = ""
2023-11-26 13:10:19 +01:00
zap_request = EventBuilder(9734, content,
2023-11-26 20:56:48 +01:00
2023-11-26 13:10:19 +01:00
response = requests.get(callback + "?amount=" + str(int(amount) * 1000) + "&nostr=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(
2023-11-26 20:56:48 +01:00
zap_request) + "&lnurl=" + encoded_lnurl)
2023-11-26 13:10:19 +01:00
ob = json.loads(response.content)
return ob["pr"]
2023-11-26 10:31:38 +01:00
2023-11-26 13:10:19 +01:00
except Exception as e:
2023-11-26 20:56:48 +01:00
return None
2023-11-27 00:02:56 +01:00
2023-11-28 08:16:34 +01:00
def parse_cashu(cashu_token: str):
2023-11-27 00:02:56 +01:00
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
prefix = "cashuA"
assert cashu_token.startswith(prefix), Exception(
f"Token prefix not valid. Expected {prefix}."
2023-11-28 08:16:34 +01:00
if not cashu_token.endswith("="):
cashu_token = cashu_token + "="
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
token_base64 = cashu_token[len(prefix):]
cashu = json.loads(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(token_base64))
except Exception as e:
2023-11-27 00:02:56 +01:00
token = cashu["token"][0]
proofs = token["proofs"]
mint = token["mint"]
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
total_amount = 0
2023-11-27 00:02:56 +01:00
for proof in proofs:
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
total_amount += proof["amount"]
2023-11-27 23:37:44 +01:00
fees = max(int(total_amount * 0.02), 3)
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
redeem_invoice_amount = total_amount - fees
2023-11-27 23:37:44 +01:00
return proofs, mint, redeem_invoice_amount, total_amount
2023-11-27 00:02:56 +01:00
except Exception as e:
print("Could not parse this cashu token")
2023-11-27 23:37:44 +01:00
return None, None, None, None
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
2023-11-27 23:37:44 +01:00
def redeem_cashu(cashu, required_amount, config, client) -> (bool, str):
proofs, mint, redeem_invoice_amount, total_amount = parse_cashu(cashu)
fees = total_amount - redeem_invoice_amount
if redeem_invoice_amount <= required_amount:
err = ("Token value (Payment: " + str(total_amount) + " Sats. Fees: " +
str(fees) + " Sats) below required amount of " + str(required_amount)
+ " Sats. Cashu token has not been claimed.")
print("[" + config.NIP89.name + "] " + err)
return False, err
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
if config.LNBITS_INVOICE_KEY != "":
invoice = create_bolt11_ln_bits(redeem_invoice_amount, config)
2023-11-27 23:37:44 +01:00
user = get_or_add_user(db=config.DB, npub=config.PUBLIC_KEY,
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
client=client, config=config)
invoice = create_bolt11_lud16(user.lud16, redeem_invoice_amount)
if invoice is None:
2023-11-27 23:37:44 +01:00
return False, "couldn't create invoice"
2023-11-27 00:02:56 +01:00
url = mint + "/melt" # Melt cashu tokens at Mint
json_object = {"proofs": proofs, "pr": invoice}
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
request_body = json.dumps(json_object).encode('utf-8')
request = requests.post(url, data=request_body, headers=headers)
tree = json.loads(request.text)
2023-11-27 23:37:44 +01:00
2023-11-28 08:16:34 +01:00
is_paid = tree["paid"] if tree.get("paid") else False
2023-11-27 23:37:44 +01:00
2023-11-28 08:16:34 +01:00
if is_paid:
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
print("token redeemed")
2023-11-27 23:37:44 +01:00
return True, "success"
2023-11-27 15:45:32 +01:00
msg = tree.get("detail").split('.')[0].strip() if tree.get("detail") else None
2023-11-27 23:37:44 +01:00
return False, msg
2023-11-27 00:02:56 +01:00
except Exception as e:
2023-11-27 23:37:44 +01:00
return False, ""