noogle: update towards subscriptions

This commit is contained in:
Believethehype 2024-03-18 19:41:50 +01:00
parent f45924601a
commit 53658548e3
9 changed files with 672 additions and 261 deletions

.idea/dataSources.xml generated
View File

@ -101,5 +101,17 @@
<data-source source="LOCAL" name="subscriptions" uuid="ccd96349-b12f-47d5-8caf-c0c8c359d831">
<url>file://$APPLICATION_CONFIG_DIR$/jdbc-drivers/Xerial SQLiteJDBC/3.43.0/org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc/</url>

nostr_dvm/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
import json
import math
import os
import signal
import time
from datetime import timedelta
from nostr_sdk import (Keys, Client, Timestamp, Filter, nip04_decrypt, HandleNotification, EventBuilder, PublicKey,
Options, Tag, Event, nip04_encrypt, NostrSigner, EventId, Nip19Event, nip44_decrypt, Kind)
from nostr_dvm.utils.database_utils import fetch_user_metadata
from nostr_dvm.utils.definitions import EventDefinitions
from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import DVMConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.nip89_utils import NIP89Config
from nostr_dvm.utils.nwc_tools import nwc_zap
from nostr_dvm.utils.subscription_utils import create_subscription_sql_table, add_to_subscription_sql_table, \
get_from_subscription__sql_table, update_subscription_sql_table
from nostr_dvm.utils.zap_utils import create_bolt11_lud16, zaprequest
class Subscription:
job_list: list
# This is a simple list just to keep track which events we created and manage, so we don't pay for other requests
def __init__(self, dvm_config, admin_config=None):
self.NAME = "Subscription Handler"
dvm_config.DB = "db/" + self.NAME + ".db"
self.dvm_config = dvm_config
nip89config = NIP89Config()
nip89config.NAME = self.NAME
self.dvm_config.NIP89 = nip89config
self.admin_config = admin_config
self.keys = Keys.parse(dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY)
wait_for_send = True
skip_disconnected_relays = True
opts = (Options().wait_for_send(wait_for_send).send_timeout(timedelta(seconds=self.dvm_config.RELAY_TIMEOUT))
signer = NostrSigner.keys(self.keys)
self.client = Client.with_opts(signer, opts)
pk = self.keys.public_key()
self.job_list = []
print("Nostr Subscription Handler public key: " + str(pk.to_bech32()) + " Hex: " + str(
pk.to_hex()) + " Name: " + self.NAME +
" Supported DVM tasks: " +
', '.join(p.NAME + ":" + p.TASK for p in self.dvm_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS) + "\n")
for relay in self.dvm_config.RELAY_LIST:
zap_filter = Filter().pubkey(pk).kinds([EventDefinitions.KIND_ZAP]).since(
cancel_subscription_filter = Filter().kinds([EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP88_STOP_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT]).since(
# TODO define allowed senders somewhere
dm_filter = Filter().author(
self.client.subscribe([zap_filter, dm_filter, cancel_subscription_filter], None)
# admin_make_database_updates(adminconfig=self.admin_config, dvmconfig=self.dvm_config, client=self.client)
class NotificationHandler(HandleNotification):
client = self.client
dvm_config = self.dvm_config
keys = self.keys
def handle(self, relay_url, subscription_id, nostr_event: Event):
if nostr_event.kind().as_u64() == EventDefinitions.KIND_DM.as_u64():
elif nostr_event.kind().as_u64() == EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP88_STOP_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT.as_u64():
def handle_msg(self, relay_url, msg):
def handle_cancel(nostr_event):
sender =
kind7001eventid = ""
recipient = ""
if sender == self.keys.public_key().to_hex():
for tag in nostr_event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "p":
recipient = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "e":
kind7001eventid = tag.as_vec()[1]
if kind7001eventid != "":
subscription = get_from_subscription__sql_table("db/subscriptions", kind7001eventid)
if subscription is not None:
update_subscription_sql_table("db/subscriptions", kind7001eventid, recipient,
subscription.subscriber, subscription.nwc, subscription.cadence,
subscription.amount, subscription.begin, subscription.end,
subscription.tier_dtag, subscription.zaps, subscription.recipe, False)
def handle_dm(nostr_event):
sender =
if sender == self.keys.public_key().to_hex():
decrypted_text = nip04_decrypt(self.keys.secret_key(),, nostr_event.content())
jsonevent = json.loads(decrypted_text)
nwc = nip44_decrypt(self.keys.secret_key(),, jsonevent['nwc'])
event7001 = jsonevent['subscribe_event']
cadence = jsonevent['cadence']
recipient = jsonevent['recipient']
subscriber = jsonevent['subscriber']
overall_amount = int(jsonevent['overall_amount'])
tier_dtag = jsonevent['tier_dtag']
start =
end =
isactivesubscription = False
recipe = ""
subscription = get_from_subscription__sql_table("db/subscriptions", event7001)
if subscription is not None and subscription.end > start:
start = subscription.end
isactivesubscription = True
if cadence == "daily":
end = start + 60 * 60 * 24
elif cadence == "weekly":
end = start + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
elif cadence == "monthly":
# TODO check days of month -.-
end = start + 60 * 60 * 24 * 31
elif cadence == "yearly":
# TODO check extra day every 4 years
end = start + 60 * 60 * 24 * 356
zapsstr = json.dumps(jsonevent['zaps'])
success = True
if subscription is None or subscription.end <=
overallsplit = 0
for zap in jsonevent['zaps']:
overallsplit += int(zap['split'])
zapped_amount = 0
for zap in jsonevent['zaps']:
name, nip05, lud16 = fetch_user_metadata(zap['key'], self.client)
splitted_amount = math.floor(
(int(zap['split']) / overallsplit) * int(jsonevent['overall_amount']) / 1000)
# invoice = create_bolt11_lud16(lud16, splitted_amount)
# TODO add details about DVM in message
invoice = zaprequest(lud16, splitted_amount, "DVM subscription", None,
PublicKey.parse(zap['key']), self.keys, DVMConfig.RELAY_LIST)
if invoice is not None:
nwc_event_id = nwc_zap(nwc, invoice, self.keys, zap['relay'])
if nwc_event_id is None:
print("error zapping " + lud16)
zapped_amount = zapped_amount + (splitted_amount * 1000)
print(str(zapped_amount) + "/" + str(overall_amount))
if zapped_amount < overall_amount * 0.8: # TODO how do we handle failed zaps for some addresses? we are ok with 80% for now
success = False
print("Zapped successfully")
# if no active subscription exists OR the subscription ended, pay
if success:
message = "payed by subscription service"
pTag = Tag.parse(["p", recipient])
PTag = Tag.parse(["P", subscriber])
eTag = Tag.parse(["e", event7001])
validTag = Tag.parse(["valid", str(start), str(end)])
tierTag = Tag.parse(["tier", tier_dtag])
alttag = Tag.parse(["alt", "This is a NIP90 DVM Subscription Payment Recipe"])
tags = [pTag, PTag, eTag, validTag, tierTag, alttag]
event = EventBuilder(EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP88_PAYMENT_RECIPE,
message, tags).to_event(self.keys)
dvmconfig = DVMConfig()
signer = NostrSigner.keys(self.keys)
client = Client(signer)
for relay in dvmconfig.RELAY_LIST:
recipeid = client.send_event(event)
recipe = recipeid.to_hex()
print("RECIPE " + recipe)
isactivesubscription = True
if subscription is None:
add_to_subscription_sql_table("db/subscriptions", event7001, recipient, subscriber, nwc,
cadence, overall_amount, start, end, tier_dtag,
zapsstr, recipe, isactivesubscription)
print("new subscription entry")
update_subscription_sql_table("db/subscriptions", event7001, recipient, subscriber, nwc,
cadence, overall_amount, start, end,
tier_dtag, zapsstr, recipe, isactivesubscription)
print("updated subscription entry")
except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:
print("Error in Subscriber " + str(e))
while True:
print("Checking Subscription")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Stay weird!')
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)

View File

@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ const submitHandler = async () => {
<figure className="w-full" >
<img v-if="dvm.result" :src="dvm.result" className="tooltip" data-top='Click to copy url' height="200" alt="DVM Picture" @click="copyurl(dvm.result)"/>
<div v-if="dvm.result && store.state.pubkey.toHex() !== Keys.parse('ece3c0aa759c3e895ecb3c13ab3813c0f98430c6d4bd22160b9c2219efc9cf0e').publicKey.toHex()" >
<div v-if="dvm.result && store.state.pubkey.toHex() !== Keys.parse(store.state.nooglekey).publicKey.toHex()" >
<button @click="openModal('Look what I created on\n\n' + dvm.result)" class="w-8 h-8 rounded-full bg-nostr border-white border-1 text-white flex items-center justify-center focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-black tooltip" data-top='Share' aria-label="make note" role="button">
<svg xmlns="" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-pencil" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"></path>

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
<div className="card-body">
<h3 className="card-title">Your account</h3>
<!--<p>Sign out</p> -->
<button className="btn" onclick="nwcmodal.showModal()" >Nostr Wallet Connect</button>
<dialog id="nwcmodal" class="modal">
<div class="modal-box rounded-3xl inner shadow-lg p-6 flex flex-col items-center transition-all duration-1000 bg-base-600/60 ">
@ -210,7 +211,6 @@ const isDark = useDark();
let nip89dvms = []
const nsec = ref("");
let logger = false
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ export default {
let keys = Keys.parse("ece3c0aa759c3e895ecb3c13ab3813c0f98430c6d4bd22160b9c2219efc9cf0e")
let keys = Keys.parse(store.state.nooglekey)
this.signer = NostrSigner.keys(keys) //TODO store keys
let opts = new Options().waitForSend(false).connectionTimeout(Duration.fromSecs(5));
let client = new ClientBuilder().signer(this.signer).opts(opts).build()
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ export default {
if (connectionstring === ""){
connectionstring = "bunker://7f2d38c4f3cf2070935bad7cab046ad088dcef2de4b0b985f2174ea22a094778?relay=wss://"
connectionstring = ""
if (connectionstring.startsWith("nsecbunker://")){
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ export default {
async getnip89s(){
//let keys = Keys.generate()
let keys = Keys.parse("ece3c0aa759c3e895ecb3c13ab3813c0f98430c6d4bd22160b9c2219efc9cf0e")
let keys = Keys.parse(store.state.nooglekey)
let signer = NostrSigner.keys(keys) //TODO store keys
let client = new ClientBuilder().signer(signer).build()
@ -741,9 +741,13 @@ export default {
description: "",
eventid: "",
event: "",
p: "",
hasActiveSubscription: false,
subscribedUntil: 0,
subscriptionId: "",
d : "",
expires : false,
subscriptionId: ""
if (jsonentry.picture){
@ -786,7 +790,15 @@ export default {
else if(tag.asVec()[0] === "zap_local"){
else if(tag.asVec()[0] === "p") {
nip88.p = tag.asVec()[1]
else if(tag.asVec()[0] === "d") {
nip88.d = tag.asVec()[1]
else if(tag.asVec()[0] === "zap"){
let zap = {
key: (tag.asVec()[1] !== "" ? tag.asVec()[1] : PublicKey.parse("npub1nxa4tywfz9nqp7z9zp7nr7d4nchhclsf58lcqt5y782rmf2hefjquaa6q8").toHex()) ,
relay: tag.asVec()[2],
@ -805,10 +817,11 @@ export default {
let subscription_status = await hasActiveSubscription(localStorage.getItem("nostr-key"),,, nip88.amounts)
let subscription_status = await hasActiveSubscription(store.state.pubkey.toHex(), nip88.d,, nip88.amounts)
nip88.hasActiveSubscription = subscription_status.isActive
nip88.subscribedUntil = subscription_status.validuntil
nip88.subscribedUntil = subscription_status.validUntil
nip88.subscriptionId = subscription_status.subscriptionId
nip88.expires = subscription_status.expires
jsonentry.nip88 = nip88
@ -844,7 +857,7 @@ export default {
async reconcile_all_profiles(publicKey) {
let dbclient = Client
let keys = Keys.parse("ece3c0aa759c3e895ecb3c13ab3813c0f98430c6d4bd22160b9c2219efc9cf0e")
let keys = Keys.parse(store.state.nooglekey)
let db = NostrDatabase.indexeddb("profiles");
let signer = NostrSigner.keys(keys) //TODO store keys
dbclient = new ClientBuilder().signer(signer).database(await db).build()

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ const submitHandler = async () => {
<div data-tip="Make Summarization" v-if="dvm.result.length > 0 && store.state.pubkey.toHex() !== Keys.parse('ece3c0aa759c3e895ecb3c13ab3813c0f98430c6d4bd22160b9c2219efc9cf0e').publicKey.toHex()" >
<div data-tip="Make Summarization" v-if="dvm.result.length > 0 && store.state.pubkey.toHex() !== Keys.parse(store.state.nooglekey).publicKey.toHex()" >
<button @click="openModal(dvm.result)" class="w-8 h-8 rounded-full bg-nostr border-white border-1 text-white flex items-center justify-center focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-black tooltip" data-top='Share' aria-label="make note" role="button">
<svg class="w-4 h-4 text-gray-800 dark:text-white" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
<path d="M9 19V.352A3.451 3.451 0 0 0 7.5 0a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-3.261 2.238A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 2.04 6.015a3.518 3.518 0 0 0-.766 1.128c-.042.1-.064.209-.1.313a3.34 3.34 0 0 0-.106.344 3.463 3.463 0 0 0 .02 1.468A4.016 4.016 0 0 0 .3 10.5l-.015.036a3.861 3.861 0 0 0-.216.779A3.968 3.968 0 0 0 0 12a4.032 4.032 0 0 0 .107.889 4 4 0 0 0 .2.659c. 3.85 0 0 0 .417.727c. 3.506 0 0 0 3.03 3.469 3.426 3.426 0 0 0 4.154.577A.972.972 0 0 1 9 19Zm10.934-7.68a3.956 3.956 0 0 0-.215-.779l-.017-.038a4.016 4.016 0 0 0-.79-1.235 3.417 3.417 0 0 0 .017-1.468 3.387 3.387 0 0 0-.1-.333c-.034-.108-.057-.22-.1-.324a3.517 3.517 0 0 0-.766-1.128 3.5 3.5 0 0 0-2.202-3.777A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 12.5 0a3.451 3.451 0 0 0-1.5.352V19a.972.972 0 0 1-.184.546 3.426 3.426 0 0 0 4.154-.577A3.506 3.506 0 0 0 18 15.5v-.049c.02-.012.039-.027.059-.04.106-.064.208-.13.308-.2s.214-.169.315-.26c.077-.07.153-.14.225-.216a4.007 4.007 0 0 0 .459-.588c.115-.176.215-.361.3-.554.006-.014.015-.027.021-.041.087-.213.156-.434.205-.659.013-.057.024-.115.035-.173.046-.237.07-.478.073-.72a3.948 3.948 0 0 0-.066-.68Z"/>

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import {
Timestamp, UnsignedEvent
} from "@rust-nostr/nostr-sdk";
import miniToastr from "mini-toastr/mini-toastr";
import VueNotifications from "vue-notifications";
@ -369,197 +369,59 @@ export async function fetchAsync (url) {
export async function hasActiveSubscription(pubkeystring, tiereventid, tierauthorid, amounts) {
console.log("Checking for subscription")
let client = store.state.client
let subscriptionstatus = {
isActive: false,
validuntil: 0,
subscriptionId: "",
export async function hasActiveSubscription(pubkeystring, tiereventdtag, tierauthorid, amounts) {
let event7001id = EventId
// look if user has 7001 event, and if 7001 has been canceled by 7002
const filter = new Filter().kind(7001).author(PublicKey.parse(pubkeystring)).pubkey(PublicKey.parse(tierauthorid)).event(EventId.parse(tiereventid)) //only get latest with these conditions
let evts = await client.getEventsOf([filter], Duration.fromSecs(5))
if (evts.length > 0) {
//console.log("7001: " + evts[0].asJson())
let checkispaid = []
for (let tag of evts[0].tags){
/*if (tag.asVec()[0] === "e"){
console.log("sanity check")
const filtercheck = new Filter().kind(37001).id(EventId.parse(tag.asVec()[1])).limit(1) // get latest with these conditons # customTag(SingleLetterTag.lowercase(Alphabet.A), [eventid])
let sanityevents = await client.getEventsOf([filtercheck], Duration.fromSecs(5))
if (sanityevents.length === 0){
subscriptionstatus.isActive = false
return subscriptionstatus
} */
if (tag.asVec()[0] === "zap"){
console.log("Checking for subscription")
let client = store.state.client
let subscriptionstatus = {
isActive: false,
validUntil: 0,
subscriptionId: "",
expires: false
let splitids = []
for (let tag of checkispaid){
if (checkispaid.length === 0){
subscriptionstatus.isActive = false
return subscriptionstatus
for (let evt in evts){
event7001id = evts[0].id
event7001id = evts[0].id
const filter = new Filter().kind(7002).pubkey(PublicKey.parse(tierauthorid)).event(event7001id).limit(1) // get latest with these conditons # customTag(SingleLetterTag.lowercase(Alphabet.A), [eventid])
let cancelevts = await client.getEventsOf([filter], Duration.fromSecs(5))
if (cancelevts.length > 0) {
if (cancelevts[0].createdAt.asSecs() > evts[0].createdAt.asSecs()) {
console.log("A subscription exists, but has been canceled")
subscriptionstatus.isActive = false
subscriptionstatus.subscriptionId = event7001id.toHex()
return subscriptionstatus
else {
console.log("A subscription exists, checking payment status")
const zapfilter = new Filter().kind(9735).pubkeys(splitids).event(event7001id).limit(checkispaid.length)
let zapevents = await client.getEventsOf([zapfilter], Duration.fromSecs(5))
if (zapevents.length > 0) {
let timeofourlastzap = 0
let overallamount = 0
let overall = 0
for (let tag of checkispaid){
let split = parseInt(tag.asVec()[2])
overall += split
let subscriptionfilter = new Filter().kind(7003).pubkey(PublicKey.parse(tierauthorid)).customTag(SingleLetterTag.uppercase(Alphabet.P), [pubkeystring]).limit(1)
let evts = await client.getEventsOf([subscriptionfilter], Duration.fromSecs(5))
if (evts.length > 0){
let matchesdtag = false
for (let tag of evts[0].tags){
if (tag.asVec()[0] === "valid"){
subscriptionstatus["validUntil"] = parseInt(tag.asVec()[2])
for(let zapevent of zapevents) {
if (zapevent.createdAt.asSecs() > timeofourlastzap) {
timeofourlastzap = zapevent.createdAt.asSecs()
else if (tag.asVec()[0] === "e"){
subscriptionstatus["subscriptionId"] = tag.asVec()[1]
for (let tag of zapevent.tags) {
if (tag.asVec()[0] === "description") {
let event9734 = Event.fromJson(tag.asVec()[1])
for (let tag of event9734.tags) {
if (tag.asVec()[0] === "amount") {
let amount = parseInt(tag.asVec()[1])
console.log("AMOUNT: " + amount)
overallamount = overallamount + amount
else if (tag.asVec()[0] === "tier"){
if (tag.asVec()[1] === tiereventdtag)
matchesdtag = true
if (subscriptionstatus["validUntil"] > && matchesdtag){
subscriptionstatus["isActive"] = true
let entry
for (let index in amounts){
if(parseInt(amounts[index].amount) === overallamount ){
entry = amounts[index]
if( subscriptionstatus["isActive"] === true){
const filter = new Filter().kind(7002).author(PublicKey.parse(pubkeystring)).pubkey(PublicKey.parse(tierauthorid)).event(EventId.parse(subscriptionstatus["subscriptionId"])).limit(1) // get latest with these conditons # customTag(SingleLetterTag.lowercase(Alphabet.A), [eventid])
let cancelevts = await client.getEventsOf([filter], Duration.fromSecs(5))
if (cancelevts.length > 0) {
if (cancelevts[0].createdAt.asSecs() > evts[0].createdAt.asSecs()) {
subscriptionstatus["expires"] = true
console.log("Undefined amount")
subscriptionstatus.isActive = false
subscriptionstatus.subscriptionId = event7001id.toHex()
//subscriptionstatus.validuntil = zapevent.createdAt.asSecs() + 24*60*60
return subscriptionstatus
console.log(entry.amount + " " + entry.cadence)
if (entry.cadence === "daily"){
if (timeofourlastzap + 24*60*60 >{
console.log("A daily subscription exists, and is active")
subscriptionstatus.isActive = true
subscriptionstatus.subscriptionId = event7001id.toHex()
subscriptionstatus.validuntil = timeofourlastzap + 24*60*60
return subscriptionstatus
else if (entry.cadence === "monthly"){
if (timeofourlastzap + 31*24*60*60 >{
console.log("A monthly subscription exists, and is active")
subscriptionstatus.isActive = true
subscriptionstatus.subscriptionId = event7001id.toHex()
subscriptionstatus.validuntil = timeofourlastzap + 31*24*60*60
return subscriptionstatus
else if (entry.cadence === "yearly"){
if (timeofourlastzap + 366*24*60*60 >{
console.log("A yearly subscription exists, and is active")
subscriptionstatus.isActive = true
subscriptionstatus.subscriptionId = event7001id.toHex()
subscriptionstatus.validuntil = timeofourlastzap + 366*24*60*60
return subscriptionstatus
/*else if (tag.asVec()[0] === "bolt11"){
let lnurl = tag.asVec()[1]
} */
// todo check that subscription is within the range
} else {
console.log("A subscription exists, but no payment has been made")
subscriptionstatus.isActive = false
subscriptionstatus.subscriptionId = event7001id.toHex()
return subscriptionstatus
else {
console.log("No subscription exists")
subscriptionstatus.isActive = false
return subscriptionstatus

View File

@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ export async function zap_lud16(lud16, eventid, authorid){
return ob["pr"]
console.log("HELLO" + e)

View File

@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ const store = createStore({
state () {
return {
count: 0,
test: "hello",
client: Client,
signer: NostrSigner,
dbclient: Client,
pubkey: PublicKey,
nooglekey: "ece3c0aa759c3e895ecb3c13ab3813c0f98430c6d4bd22160b9c2219efc9cf0e",
subscription_verifier_pubkey: "5b5c045ecdf66fb540bdf2049fe0ef7f1a566fa427a4fe50d400a011b65a3a7e",
requestidSearch: String,
requestidSearchProfile: String,
requestidImage: String,