mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 13:21:48 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
VERSION = '0.2.6'
VERSION = '0.3.0'
DESCRIPTION = 'A framework to build and run Nostr NIP90 Data Vending Machines'
LONG_DESCRIPTION = ('A framework to build and run Nostr NIP90 Data Vending Machines. '
'This is an early stage release. Interfaces might change/brick')
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
<script setup>
import {
Nip19Event, Alphabet, Keys, nip04_decrypt, SecretKey, Duration
} from "@rust-nostr/nostr-sdk";
import store from '../store';
import miniToastr from "mini-toastr";
import VueNotifications from "vue-notifications";
import {computed, watch} from "vue";
import deadnip89s from "@/components/data/deadnip89s.json";
import {data} from "autoprefixer";
import {requestProvider} from "webln";
import Newnote from "@/components/Newnote.vue";
import SummarizationGeneration from "@/components/SummarizationGeneration.vue"
import {post_note, schedule, copyurl, copyinvoice, sleep, getEvents, get_user_infos, nextInput, createBolt11Lud16, getEventsOriginalOrder} from "../components/helper/Helper.vue"
import amberSignerService from "./android-signer/AndroidSigner";
import StringUtil from "@/components/helper/string.ts";
let dvms =[]
async function generate_feed() {
try {
if(store.state.pubkey === undefined || localStorage.getItem('nostr-key-method') === "anon"){
miniToastr.showMessage("Some algorithms may need your profile to give personalized recommendations. Sign-in for a better experience.", "Not signed in.", VueNotifications.types.warn)
dvms = []
store.commit('set_recommendation_dvms', dvms)
let client = store.state.client
let content = "NIP 90 Content Discovery request"
let kind = 5300
let tags = []
let res;
let requestid;
if (localStorage.getItem('nostr-key-method') === 'android-signer') {
let draft = {
content: content,
kind: kind,
pubkey: store.state.pubkey.toHex(),
tags: tags,
createdAt: Date.now()
res = await amberSignerService.signEvent(draft)
await client.sendEvent(Event.fromJson(JSON.stringify(res)))
requestid = res.id;
else {
let tags_t = []
for (let tag of tags){
let evt = new EventBuilder(kind, content, tags_t)
res = await client.sendEventBuilder(evt);
requestid = res.toHex();
store.commit('set_current_request_id_recommendation', requestid)
if (!store.state.recommendationehasEventListener){
store.commit('set_recommendationEventListener', true)
console.log("Already has event listener")
} catch (error) {
async function listen() {
let client = store.state.client
let pubkey = store.state.pubkey
const filter = new Filter().kinds([7000, 6300]).pubkey(pubkey).since(Timestamp.now());
await client.subscribe([filter]);
const handle = {
// Handle event
handleEvent: async (relayUrl, event) => {
/* if (store.state.recommendationehasEventListener === false){
return true
//const dvmname = getNamefromId(event.author.toHex())
console.log("Received new event from", relayUrl);
let resonsetorequest = false
sleep(1200).then(async () => {
for (let tag in event.tags) {
if (event.tags[tag].asVec()[0] === "e") {
if (event.tags[tag].asVec()[1] === store.state.requestidRecommendation) {
resonsetorequest = true
if (resonsetorequest === true) {
if (event.kind === 7000) {
try {
console.log("7000: ", event.content);
// console.log("DVM: " + event.author.toHex())
//miniToastr.showMessage("DVM: " + dvmname, event.content, VueNotifications.types.info)
await addDVM(event)
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error: ", error);
else if (event.kind === 6300) {
let entries = []
//console.log("6300:", event.content);
let event_etags = JSON.parse(event.content)
if (event_etags.length > 0) {
for (let etag of event_etags) {
const eventid = EventId.fromHex(etag[1]).toHex()
const events = await getEventsOriginalOrder(entries)
let authors = []
for (const evt of events) {
if (authors.length > 0) {
let profiles = await get_user_infos(authors)
let items = []
let index = 0
for (const evt of events) {
let p = profiles.find(record => record.author === evt.author.toHex())
let bech32id = evt.id.toBech32()
let nip19 = new Nip19Event(evt.id, evt.author, store.state.relays)
let nip19bech32 = nip19.toBech32()
let picture = p === undefined ? "../assets/nostr-purple.svg" : p["profile"]["picture"]
let name = p === undefined ? bech32id : p["profile"]["name"]
let highlighterurl = "https://highlighter.com/e/" + nip19bech32
let njumpurl = "https://njump.me/" + nip19bech32
let nostrudelurl = "https://nostrudel.ninja/#/n/" + bech32id
let uri = "nostr:" + bech32id // nip19.toNostrUri()
if (items.find(e => e.id.toHex() === evt.id.toHex()) === undefined) {
id: evt.id,
content: evt.content,
author: name,
authorurl: "https://njump.me/" + evt.author.toBech32(),
links: {
"uri": uri,
"highlighter": highlighterurl,
"njump": njumpurl,
"nostrudel": nostrudelurl
avatar: picture,
index: index,
indicator: {"time": evt.createdAt.toHumanDatetime(), "index": index}
index = index+1
if (dvms.find(i => i.id === event.author.toHex()) === undefined){
await addDVM(event)
console.log("add dvm because of bug")
dvms.find(i => i.id === event.author.toHex()).result.length = 0
dvms.find(i => i.id === event.author.toHex()).result.push.apply(dvms.find(i => i.id === event.author.toHex()).result, items)
dvms.find(i => i.id === event.author.toHex()).status = "finished"
store.commit('set_recommendation_dvms', dvms)
// Handle relay message
handleMsg: async (relayUrl, message) => {
//console.log("Received message from", relayUrl, message.asJson());
const urlinput = ref("");
async function addDVM(event){
let status = "unknown"
let jsonentry = {
id: event.author.toHex(),
kind: "",
status: status,
result: [],
name: event.author.toBech32(),
about: "",
image: "",
amount: 0,
bolt11: ""
for (const tag in event.tags) {
if (event.tags[tag].asVec()[0] === "status") {
status = event.tags[tag].asVec()[1]
if (event.tags[tag].asVec()[0] === "amount") {
jsonentry.amount = event.tags[tag].asVec()[1]
if (event.tags[tag].asVec().length > 2) {
jsonentry.bolt11 = event.tags[tag].asVec()[2]
let profiles = await get_user_infos([event.author])
let created = 0
if (profiles.length > 0){
// for (const profile of profiles){
let current = profiles[0]
// if (profiles[0].profile.createdAt > created){
// created = profile.profile.createdAt
// current = profile
// }
let lud16 = current.profile.lud16
if (lud16 !== null && lud16 !== ""){
console.log("LUD16: " + lud16)
jsonentry.bolt11 = await createBolt11Lud16(lud16, jsonentry.amount)
if(jsonentry.bolt11 === ""){
status = "error"
else {
console.log("NO LNURL")
else {
console.log("PROFILE NOT FOUND")
//let dvm = store.state.nip89dvms.find(x => JSON.parse(x.event).pubkey === event.author.toHex())
for (const el of store.state.nip89dvms) {
if (JSON.parse(el.event).pubkey === event.author.toHex().toString()) {
jsonentry.name = el.name
jsonentry.about = el.about
jsonentry.image = el.image
if (event.content !== "" && status !== "payment-required" && status !== "error" && status !== "finished" && status !== "paid"){
status = event.content
jsonentry.status = status
if (dvms.filter(i => i.id === jsonentry.id).length === 0) {
//dvms.find(i => i.id === jsonentry.id).status = status
store.commit('set_recommendation_dvms', dvms)
async function zap_local(invoice) {
let success = await zap(invoice)
if (success){
dvms.find(i => i.bolt11 === invoice).status = "paid"
store.commit('set_recommendation_results', dvms)
msg: {
type: String,
required: false
import { ref } from "vue";
import ModalComponent from "../components/Newnote.vue";
import VueDatePicker from "@vuepic/vue-datepicker";
import {timestamp} from "@vueuse/core";
import NoteTable from "@/components/NoteTable.vue";
import zap from "@/components/helper/Zap.vue";
const isModalOpened = ref(false);
const modalcontent = ref("");
const datetopost = ref(Date.now());
const openModal = result => {
datetopost.value = Date.now();
isModalOpened.value = true;
//let resevents = ""
//for (let evt of result){
// resevents = resevents + "nostr:" + (evt.id.toBech32()) + "\n"
modalcontent.value = result
const closeModal = () => {
isModalOpened.value = false;
const submitHandler = async () => {
<!-- font-thin bg-gradient-to-r from-white to-nostr bg-clip-text text-transparent -->
<div class="greetings">
<h1 class="text-7xl font-black tracking-wide">Noogle</h1>
<h1 class="text-7xl font-black tracking-wide">Content</h1>
<h1 class="text-7xl font-black tracking-wide">Discovery</h1>
<h2 class="text-base-200-content text-center tracking-wide text-2xl font-thin ">
Algorithms, but you are the one in control.</h2>
<button class="v-Button" @click="generate_feed()">Recommend me Notes</button>
<ModalComponent :isOpen="isModalOpened" @modal-close="closeModal" @submit="submitHandler" name="first-modal">
<template #header>Summarize Results <br></template>
<template #content>
<SummarizationGeneration :events="modalcontent"></SummarizationGeneration>
<template #footer>
<!-- <div>
<VueDatePicker :min-date="new Date()" :teleport="false" :dark="true" position="right" className="bg-base-200 inline-flex flex-none" style="width: 220px;" v-model="datetopost"></VueDatePicker>
<button className="v-Button" @click="schedule(modalcontent, datetopost)" @click.stop="closeModal"><img width="25px" style="margin-right: 5px" src="../../public/shipyard.ico"/>Schedule Note with Shipyard DVM</button>
<button className="v-Button" style="margin-bottom: 0px" @click="post_note(modalcontent)" @click.stop="closeModal"><img width="25px" style="margin-right: 5px;" src="../../public/favicon.ico"/>Post Note now</button>
</div> -->
<div class=" relative space-y-3">
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-6">
<div className="card w-70 bg-base-100 shadow-xl flex flex-col" v-for="dvm in store.state.recommendationdvms"
<div className="card-body">
<div className="playeauthor-wrapper">
<figure className="w-20">
<img className="avatar" v-if="dvm.image" :src="dvm.image" alt="DVM Picture" />
<img class="avatar" v-else src="@/assets/nostr-purple.svg" />
<h2 className="card-title">{{ dvm.name }}</h2>
<h3 class="fa-cut" v-html="StringUtil.parseHyperlinks(dvm.about)"></h3>
<div className="card-actions justify-end mt-auto" >
<div className="tooltip mt-auto">
<button v-if="dvm.status !== 'finished' && dvm.status !== 'paid' && dvm.status !== 'payment-required' && dvm.status !== 'error'" className="btn">{{dvm.status}}</button>
<button v-if="dvm.status === 'finished'" className="btn">Done</button>
<button v-if="dvm.status === 'paid'" className="btn">Paid, waiting for DVM..</button>
<button v-if="dvm.status === 'error'" className="btn">Error</button>
<button v-if="dvm.status === 'payment-required'" className="zap-Button" @click="zap_local(dvm.bolt11);">{{ dvm.amount/1000 }} Sats</button>
<!-- <div v-if="dvm.result.length > 0" class="collapse bg-base-200">
<input type="checkbox" class="peer" />
<div class="collapse-title bg-primary text-primary-content peer-checked:bg-secondary peer-checked:text-secondary-content">
Click me to show/hide content
<div class="collapse-content bg-primary text-primary-content peer-checked:bg-base-200 peer-checked:text-accent">
</div> -->
<!-- <details open ></details> -->
<details v-if="dvm.status === 'finished'" class="collapse bg-base">
<summary class="collapse-title "><div class="btn">Show/Hide Results</div></summary>
<div class="collapse-content font-size-0" className="z-10" id="collapse">
<NoteTable :data="dvm.result" ></NoteTable>
<div data-tip="Make Summarization" v-if="dvm.result.length > 0 && store.state.pubkey.toHex() !== Keys.parse(store.state.nooglekey).publicKey.toHex()" >
<button @click="openModal(dvm.result)" class="w-8 h-8 rounded-full bg-nostr border-white border-1 text-white flex items-center justify-center focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-black tooltip" data-top='Share' aria-label="make note" role="button">
<svg class="w-4 h-4 text-gray-800 dark:text-white" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
<path d="M9 19V.352A3.451 3.451 0 0 0 7.5 0a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-3.261 2.238A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 2.04 6.015a3.518 3.518 0 0 0-.766 1.128c-.042.1-.064.209-.1.313a3.34 3.34 0 0 0-.106.344 3.463 3.463 0 0 0 .02 1.468A4.016 4.016 0 0 0 .3 10.5l-.015.036a3.861 3.861 0 0 0-.216.779A3.968 3.968 0 0 0 0 12a4.032 4.032 0 0 0 .107.889 4 4 0 0 0 .2.659c. 3.85 0 0 0 .417.727c. 3.506 0 0 0 3.03 3.469 3.426 3.426 0 0 0 4.154.577A.972.972 0 0 1 9 19Zm10.934-7.68a3.956 3.956 0 0 0-.215-.779l-.017-.038a4.016 4.016 0 0 0-.79-1.235 3.417 3.417 0 0 0 .017-1.468 3.387 3.387 0 0 0-.1-.333c-.034-.108-.057-.22-.1-.324a3.517 3.517 0 0 0-.766-1.128 3.5 3.5 0 0 0-2.202-3.777A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 12.5 0a3.451 3.451 0 0 0-1.5.352V19a.972.972 0 0 1-.184.546 3.426 3.426 0 0 0 4.154-.577A3.506 3.506 0 0 0 18 15.5v-.049c.02-.012.039-.027.059-.04.106-.064.208-.13.308-.2s.214-.169.315-.26c.077-.07.153-.14.225-.216a4.007 4.007 0 0 0 .459-.588c.115-.176.215-.361.3-.554.006-.014.015-.027.021-.041.087-.213.156-.434.205-.659.013-.057.024-.115.035-.173.046-.237.07-.478.073-.72a3.948 3.948 0 0 0-.066-.68Z"/>
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Reference in New Issue
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