add from: filter to search in noogle

This commit is contained in:
Believethehype 2024-01-17 21:20:54 +01:00
parent 97b3b402e5
commit af2ad2e990

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@ -17,8 +17,31 @@ async function send_search_request(message) {
store.state.results = []
let client = store.state.client
let tags = []
let users = [];
const taggedUsersFrom = message.split(' ')
.filter(word => word.startsWith('from:'))
.map(word => word.replace('from:', ''));
// search
let search = message;
// tags
for (const word of taggedUsersFrom) {
search = search.replace(word, "");
const userPubkey = PublicKey.fromBech32(word.replace("@", "")).toHex()
const pTag = Tag.parse(["p", userPubkey]);
message = search.replace(/from:|to:|@/g, '').trim();
tags.push(Tag.parse(["i", message, "text"]))
tags.push(Tag.parse(["param", "max_results", "100"]))
tags.push(Tag.parse(['param', 'users', JSON.stringify(users)]))
let evt = new EventBuilder(5302, "NIP 90 Search request", tags)
let res = await client.sendEventBuilder(evt)
miniToastr.showMessage("Sent Request to DVMs", "Awaiting results", VueNotifications.types.warn)