attempt for currently popular algo

This commit is contained in:
Believethehype 2024-03-05 16:09:28 +01:00
parent c489b76145
commit b53dd0d8ee
4 changed files with 218 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
import json
import os
from datetime import timedelta
from nostr_sdk import Client, Timestamp, PublicKey, Tag, Keys, Options, SecretKey, NostrSigner, NostrDatabase, \
ClientBuilder, Filter, NegentropyOptions, NegentropyDirection, init_logger, LogLevel, Event, EventId
from nostr_dvm.interfaces.dvmtaskinterface import DVMTaskInterface, process_venv
from nostr_dvm.utils.admin_utils import AdminConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.definitions import EventDefinitions
from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import DVMConfig, build_default_config
from nostr_dvm.utils.nip89_utils import NIP89Config, check_and_set_d_tag
from nostr_dvm.utils.output_utils import post_process_list_to_events, post_process_list_to_users
This File contains a Module to search for notes
Accepted Inputs: a search query
Outputs: A list of events
Params: None
class SearchUser(DVMTaskInterface):
TASK: str = "discover-content"
FIX_COST: float = 0
dvm_config: DVMConfig
last_schedule: int
def __init__(self, name, dvm_config: DVMConfig, nip89config: NIP89Config,
admin_config: AdminConfig = None, options=None):
dvm_config.SCRIPT = os.path.abspath(__file__)
self.last_schedule =
use_logger = False
if use_logger:
super().__init__(name, dvm_config, nip89config, admin_config, options)
def is_input_supported(self, tags, client=None, dvm_config=None):
for tag in tags:
if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'i':
input_value = tag.as_vec()[1]
input_type = tag.as_vec()[2]
if input_type != "text":
return False
return True
def create_request_from_nostr_event(self, event, client=None, dvm_config=None):
self.dvm_config = dvm_config
request_form = {"jobID":}
# default values
search = ""
max_results = 100
for tag in event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'i':
input_type = tag.as_vec()[2]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == 'param':
param = tag.as_vec()[1]
if param == "max_results": # check for param type
max_results = int(tag.as_vec()[2])
options = {
"max_results": max_results,
request_form['options'] = json.dumps(options)
return request_form
def process(self, request_form):
from nostr_sdk import Filter
from types import SimpleNamespace
ns = SimpleNamespace()
options = DVMTaskInterface.set_options(request_form)
opts = (Options().wait_for_send(False).send_timeout(timedelta(seconds=self.dvm_config.RELAY_TIMEOUT)))
sk = SecretKey.from_hex(self.dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY)
keys = Keys.parse(sk.to_hex())
signer = NostrSigner.keys(keys)
database = NostrDatabase.sqlite("db/nostr_recent_notes.db")
cli = ClientBuilder().database(database).signer(signer).opts(opts).build()
# cli.add_relay("wss://")
# Negentropy reconciliation
# Query events from database
timestamp_hour_ago = - 3600
lasthour = Timestamp.from_secs(timestamp_hour_ago)
filter1 = Filter().kind(1).since(lasthour)
events = cli.database().query([filter1])
ns.finallist = {}
for event in events:
ns.finallist[] = 0
filt = Filter().kinds([9735, 7, 1]).event(
reactions = cli.database().query([filt])
ns.finallist[] = len(reactions)
# for event in events:
# print(event.as_json())
# events = cli.get_events_of([notes_filter], timedelta(seconds=5))
result_list = []
finallist_sorted = sorted(ns.finallist.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:int(options["max_results"])]
for entry in finallist_sorted:
print(EventId.parse(entry[0]).to_bech32() + "/" + EventId.parse(entry[0]).to_hex() + ": " + str(entry[1]))
e_tag = Tag.parse(["e", entry[0]])
return json.dumps(result_list)
def post_process(self, result, event):
"""Overwrite the interface function to return a social client readable format, if requested"""
for tag in event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'output':
format = tag.as_vec()[1]
if format == "text/plain": # check for output type
result = post_process_list_to_users(result)
# if not text/plain, don't post-process
return result
def schedule(self, dvm_config):
if dvm_config.SCHEDULE_UPDATES_SECONDS == 0:
return 0
if >= self.last_schedule + dvm_config.SCHEDULE_UPDATES_SECONDS:
self.last_schedule =
return 1
def sync_db(self):
opts = (Options().wait_for_send(False).send_timeout(timedelta(seconds=self.dvm_config.RELAY_TIMEOUT)))
sk = SecretKey.from_hex(self.dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY)
keys = Keys.parse(sk.to_hex())
signer = NostrSigner.keys(keys)
database = NostrDatabase.sqlite("db/nostr_recent_notes.db")
cli = ClientBuilder().signer(signer).database(database).opts(opts).build()
timestamp_hour_ago = - 3600
lasthour = Timestamp.from_secs(timestamp_hour_ago)
filter1 = Filter().kinds([1, 7, 9735]).since(lasthour) # Notes, reactions, zaps
# filter = Filter().author(keys.public_key())
print("Syncing Notes of last hour.. this might take a while..")
dbopts = NegentropyOptions().direction(NegentropyDirection.DOWN)
cli.reconcile(filter1, dbopts)
print("Done Syncing Notes of Last hour.")
# We build an example here that we can call by either calling this file directly from the main directory,
# or by adding it to our playground. You can call the example and adjust it to your needs or redefine it in the
# playground or elsewhere
def build_example(name, identifier, admin_config):
dvm_config = build_default_config(identifier)
dvm_config.USE_OWN_VENV = False
dvm_config.SHOWLOG = True
dvm_config.SCHEDULE_UPDATES_SECONDS = 600 # Every 10 seconds
# Add NIP89
nip89info = {
"name": name,
"image": "",
"about": "I show popular content",
"encryptionSupported": True,
"cashuAccepted": True,
"nip90Params": {
"users": {
"required": False,
"values": [],
"description": "Search for content from specific users"
"since": {
"required": False,
"values": [],
"description": "A unix timestamp in the past from where the search should start"
"until": {
"required": False,
"values": [],
"description": "A unix timestamp that tells until the search should include results"
"max_results": {
"required": False,
"values": [],
"description": "The number of maximum results to return (default currently 20)"
nip89config = NIP89Config()
nip89config.DTAG = check_and_set_d_tag(identifier, name, dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY, nip89info["image"])
nip89config.CONTENT = json.dumps(nip89info)
options = {"relay": "wss://"}
return SearchUser(name=name, dvm_config=dvm_config, nip89config=nip89config,
admin_config=admin_config, options=options)
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from pathlib import Path
import dotenv
from nostr_sdk import Keys
from nostr_dvm.tasks import content_discovery_test
from nostr_dvm.tasks import content_discovery_currently_popular
from nostr_dvm.utils.admin_utils import AdminConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.backend_utils import keep_alive
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def playground():
admin_config.REBROADCAST_NIP89 = False
admin_config.UPDATE_PROFILE = False
discovery_test = content_discovery_test.build_example("Dicovery Test DVM", "discovery_content_test", admin_config)
discovery_test = content_discovery_currently_popular.build_example("Currently Popular Notes DVM", "discovery_content_test", admin_config)

View File

@ -630,7 +630,6 @@ export default {
let client = store.state.client
const profile_filter = new Filter().kind(0).author(pubkey).limit(1)
let evts = await client.getEventsOf([profile_filter], Duration.fromSecs(5))
console.log("PROFILES:" + evts.length)
if (evts.length > 0){
let latest_entry = evts[0]
let latest_time = 0

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@ -163,11 +163,11 @@ export async function parseandreplacenpubs(note){
let finalnote = ""
for (let word in myArray){
let pk = PublicKey.parse(myArray[word].replace("nostr:", ""))
let profiles = await get_user_infos([pk])
myArray[word] = profiles[0].profile.nip05 // replace with nip05 for now
// <href>=''>test[0].profile.nip05</href>test[0].profile.nip05