mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 18:41:43 +01:00
add nutzaps (beta)
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ class DVM:
job_list: list
jobs_on_hold_list: list
def __init__(self, dvm_config, admin_config=None):
asyncio.run(self.run_dvm(dvm_config, admin_config))
#def __init__(self, dvm_config, admin_config=None):
# asyncio.run(self.run_dvm(dvm_config, admin_config))
async def run_dvm(self, dvm_config, admin_config):
self.dvm_config = dvm_config
self.admin_config = admin_config
self.keys = Keys.parse(dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY)
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class DVM:
await self.client.add_relay(relay)
await self.client.connect()
zap_filter = Filter().pubkey(pk).kinds([EventDefinitions.KIND_ZAP]).since(Timestamp.now())
zap_filter = Filter().pubkey(pk).kinds([EventDefinitions.KIND_ZAP, EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP61_NUT_ZAP]).since(Timestamp.now())
kinds = [EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_GENERIC]
for dvm in self.dvm_config.SUPPORTED_DVMS:
if dvm.KIND not in kinds:
@ -80,10 +80,8 @@ class DVM:
await nutzap_wallet.create_new_nut_wallet(self.dvm_config.NUZAP_MINTS, self.dvm_config.NUTZAP_RELAYS,
self.client, self.keys, "DVM", "DVM Nutsack")
nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(self.client, self.keys)
if nut_wallet is not None:
await nutzap_wallet.announce_nutzap_info_event(nut_wallet, self.client, self.keys)
print("Couldn't fetch wallet, please restart and see if it is there")
await nutzap_wallet.announce_nutzap_info_event(nut_wallet, self.client, self.keys)
class NotificationHandler(HandleNotification):
client = self.client
@ -314,24 +312,80 @@ class DVM:
self.client, self.keys)
user = await get_or_add_user(db=self.dvm_config.DB, npub=sender, client=self.client,
zapped_event = None
for tag in nut_zap_event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'e':
zapped_event = await get_event_by_id(tag.as_vec()[1], client=self.client,
if zapped_event is not None:
if zapped_event.kind() == EventDefinitions.KIND_FEEDBACK:
amount = 0
job_event = None
p_tag_str = ""
status = ""
for tag in zapped_event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'amount':
amount = int(float(tag.as_vec()[1]) / 1000)
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == 'e':
job_event = await get_event_by_id(tag.as_vec()[1], client=self.client,
if job_event is not None:
job_event = check_and_decrypt_tags(job_event, self.dvm_config)
if job_event is None:
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == 'status':
status = tag.as_vec()[1]
# if a reaction by us got zapped
task_supported, task = await check_task_is_supported(job_event, client=self.client,
if job_event is not None and task_supported:
print("NutZap received for NIP90 task: " + str(received_amount) + " Sats from " + str(
if amount <= received_amount:
print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Payment-request fulfilled...")
await send_job_status_reaction(job_event, "processing", client=self.client,
dvm_config=self.dvm_config, user=user)
indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.job_list) if
x.event == job_event]
index = -1
if len(indices) > 0:
index = indices[0]
if index > -1:
if self.job_list[index].is_processed:
self.job_list[index].is_paid = True
await check_and_return_event(self.job_list[index].result, job_event)
elif not (self.job_list[index]).is_processed:
# If payment-required appears before processing
print("Starting work...")
await do_work(job_event, received_amount)
print("Job not in List, but starting work...")
await do_work(job_event, received_amount)
await send_job_status_reaction(job_event, "payment-rejected",
False, received_amount, client=self.client,
print("[" + self.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Invoice was not paid sufficiently")
if self.dvm_config.ENABLE_AUTO_MELT:
balance = nut_wallet.balance + received_amount
if balance > self.dvm_config.AUTO_MELT_AMOUNT:
lud16 = None
npub = None
lud16 = self.admin_config.LUD16
npub = self.dvm_config.PUBLIC_KEY
mint_index = 0
await nutzap_wallet.melt_cashu(nut_wallet, self.dvm_config.NUZAP_MINTS[mint_index],
self.dvm_config.AUTO_MELT_AMOUNT, self.client, self.keys,
lud16, npub)
nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(self.client, self.keys)
print("NutZaps not enabled for this DVM. ")
@ -103,11 +103,13 @@ class DVMTaskInterface:
print("Installing global Module: " + module)
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package])
def run(self, join=False):
nostr_dvm_thread = Thread(target=self.DVM, args=[self.dvm_config, self.admin_config])
if join:
async def run_dvm(self, dvm_config, admin_config):
print("Implement the run dvm function")
def run(self):
dvm = DVM()
asyncio.run(dvm.run_dvm(self.dvm_config, self.admin_config))
async def schedule(self, dvm_config):
"""schedule something, e.g. define some time to update or to post, does nothing by default"""
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ class DVMConfig:
PER_UNIT_COST: float = None
RELAY_LIST = ["wss://relay.primal.net",
"wss://nostr.mom", "wss://nostr.oxtr.dev", "wss://relay.nostr.bg",
"wss://nostr.mom", "wss://nostr.oxtr.dev",
RECONCILE_DB_RELAY_LIST = ["wss://relay.damus.io", "wss://nostr21.com",
"wss://nostr.oxtr.dev", "wss://relay.nostr.bg",
"wss://relay.nostr.net" , "wss://relay.primal.net"] #, "wss://relay.snort.social"]
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ class DVMConfig:
NUTZAP_RELAYS = ["wss://relay.primal.net"]
NUZAP_MINTS = ["https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin", "https://mint.gwoq.com"]
def build_default_config(identifier):
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
import asyncio
import json
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import timedelta
import requests
from nostr_dvm.utils.database_utils import fetch_user_metadata
from nostr_dvm.utils.definitions import EventDefinitions
from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import DVMConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.nostr_utils import check_and_set_private_key
from nostr_dvm.utils.zap_utils import pay_bolt11_ln_bits, zaprequest
from nostr_sdk import Tag, Keys, nip44_encrypt, nip44_decrypt, Nip44Version, EventBuilder, Client, Filter, Kind, \
EventId, nip04_decrypt, nip04_encrypt, Options, NostrSigner, PublicKey, init_logger, LogLevel, Metadata
from nostr_dvm.utils.print import bcolors
class NutWallet(object):
def __init__(self):
self.name: str = "NutWallet"
self.description: str = ""
self.balance: int = 0
self.unit: str = "sat"
self.mints: list = []
self.relays: list = []
self.nutmints: list = []
self.privkey: str = ""
self.d: str = ""
self.a: str = ""
self.legacy_encryption: bool = False # Use Nip04 instead of Nip44, for reasons, turn to False ASAP.
self.trust_unknown_mints: bool = False
class NutMint(object):
def __init__(self):
self.previous_event_id = None
self.proofs: list = []
self.mint_url: str = ""
self.previous_event_id: EventId
self.a: str = ""
def available_balance(self):
balance = 0
for proof in self.proofs:
balance += proof.amount
return balance
class NutZapWallet:
async def client_connect(self, relay_list):
keys = Keys.parse(check_and_set_private_key("TEST_ACCOUNT_PK"))
wait_for_send = False
skip_disconnected_relays = True
opts = (Options().wait_for_send(wait_for_send).send_timeout(timedelta(seconds=5))
signer = NostrSigner.keys(keys)
client = Client.with_opts(signer, opts)
for relay in relay_list:
await client.add_relay(relay)
await client.connect()
return client, keys
async def create_new_nut_wallet(self, mint_urls, relays, client, keys, name, description):
new_nut_wallet = NutWallet()
new_nut_wallet.privkey = Keys.generate().secret_key().to_hex()
new_nut_wallet.balance = 0
new_nut_wallet.unit = "sats"
new_nut_wallet.name = name
new_nut_wallet.description = description
new_nut_wallet.mints = mint_urls
new_nut_wallet.relays = relays
new_nut_wallet.d = "wallet" # sha256(str(new_nut_wallet.name + new_nut_wallet.description).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:16]
new_nut_wallet.a = str(Kind(7375).as_u64()) + ":" + keys.public_key().to_hex() + ":" + new_nut_wallet.d
print("Creating Wallet..")
send_response_id = await self.create_or_update_nut_wallet_event(new_nut_wallet, client, keys)
if send_response_id is None:
print("Warning: Not published")
print(new_nut_wallet.name + ": " + str(new_nut_wallet.balance) + " " + new_nut_wallet.unit + " Mints: " + str(
new_nut_wallet.mints) + " Key: " + new_nut_wallet.privkey)
async def create_or_update_nut_wallet_event(self, nut_wallet: NutWallet, client, keys):
innertags = [Tag.parse(["balance", str(nut_wallet.balance), nut_wallet.unit]).as_vec(),
Tag.parse(["privkey", nut_wallet.privkey]).as_vec()]
if nut_wallet.legacy_encryption:
content = nip04_encrypt(keys.secret_key(), keys.public_key(), json.dumps(innertags))
content = nip44_encrypt(keys.secret_key(), keys.public_key(), json.dumps(innertags), Nip44Version.V2)
if nut_wallet.unit is None:
nut_wallet.unit = "sat"
tags = [Tag.parse(["name", nut_wallet.name]),
Tag.parse(["unit", nut_wallet.unit]),
Tag.parse(["description", nut_wallet.description]),
Tag.parse(["d", nut_wallet.d])]
for mint in nut_wallet.mints:
mint_tag = Tag.parse(["mint", mint])
for relay in nut_wallet.relays:
relay_tag = Tag.parse(["relay", relay])
event = EventBuilder(EventDefinitions.KIND_NUT_WALLET, content, tags).to_event(keys)
send_response = await client.send_event(event)
bcolors.BLUE + "[" + nut_wallet.name + "] announced nut wallet (" + send_response.id.to_hex() + ")" + bcolors.ENDC)
return send_response.id
async def get_nut_wallet(self, client, keys) -> NutWallet:
from cashu.core.base import Proof
nut_wallet = None
wallet_filter = Filter().kind(EventDefinitions.KIND_NUT_WALLET).author(keys.public_key())
wallets = await client.get_events_of([wallet_filter], timedelta(10))
if len(wallets) > 0:
nut_wallet = NutWallet()
latest = 0
best_wallet = None
for wallet_event in wallets:
isdeleted = False
for tag in wallet_event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "deleted":
isdeleted = True
if isdeleted:
if wallet_event.created_at().as_secs() > latest:
latest = wallet_event.created_at().as_secs()
best_wallet = wallet_event
content = nip44_decrypt(keys.secret_key(), keys.public_key(), best_wallet.content())
content = nip04_decrypt(keys.secret_key(), keys.public_key(), best_wallet.content())
print("Warning: This Wallet is using a NIP04 enconding.., it should use NIP44 encoding ")
nut_wallet.legacy_encryption = True
inner_tags = json.loads(content)
for tag in inner_tags:
# These tags must be encrypted instead of in the outer tags
if tag[0] == "balance":
nut_wallet.balance = int(tag[1])
elif tag[0] == "privkey":
nut_wallet.privkey = tag[1]
# These tags can be encrypted instead of in the outer tags
elif tag[0] == "name":
nut_wallet.name = tag[1]
elif tag[0] == "description":
nut_wallet.description = tag[1]
elif tag[0] == "unit":
nut_wallet.unit = tag[1]
elif tag[0] == "relay":
if tag[1] not in nut_wallet.relays:
elif tag[0] == "mint":
if tag[1] not in nut_wallet.mints:
for tag in best_wallet.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "d":
nut_wallet.d = tag.as_vec()[1]
# These tags can be in the outer tags (if not encrypted)
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "name":
nut_wallet.name = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "description":
nut_wallet.description = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "unit":
nut_wallet.unit = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "relay":
if tag.as_vec()[1] not in nut_wallet.relays:
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "mint":
if tag.as_vec()[1] not in nut_wallet.mints:
nut_wallet.a = str("37375:" + best_wallet.author().to_hex() + ":" + nut_wallet.d)
# Now all proof events
proof_filter = Filter().kind(Kind(7375)).author(keys.public_key())
proof_events = await client.get_events_of([proof_filter], timedelta(5))
latest_proof_sec = 0
latest_proof_event_id = EventId
for proof_event in proof_events:
if proof_event.created_at().as_secs() > latest_proof_sec:
latest_proof_sec = proof_event.created_at().as_secs()
latest_proof_event_id = proof_event.id()
for proof_event in proof_events:
content = nip44_decrypt(keys.secret_key(), keys.public_key(), proof_event.content())
content = nip04_decrypt(keys.secret_key(), keys.public_key(), proof_event.content())
print("Warning: This Proofs event is using a NIP04 enconding.., it should use NIP44 encoding ")
proofs_json = json.loads(content)
mint_url = ""
a = ""
mint_url = proofs_json['mint']
print("mint: " + mint_url)
a = proofs_json['a']
print("a: " + a)
except Exception as e:
for tag in proof_event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "mint":
mint_url = tag.as_vec()[1]
print("mint: " + mint_url)
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "a":
a = tag.as_vec()[1]
print("a: " + a)
nut_mint = NutMint()
nut_mint.mint_url = mint_url
nut_mint.a = a
nut_mint.previous_event_id = latest_proof_event_id
nut_mint.proofs = []
for proof in proofs_json['proofs']:
proofs = [x for x in nut_mint.proofs if x.secret == proof['secret']]
if len(proofs) == 0:
nut_proof = Proof()
nut_proof.id = proof['id']
nut_proof.secret = proof['secret']
nut_proof.amount = proof['amount']
nut_proof.C = proof['C']
mints = [x for x in nut_wallet.nutmints if x.mint_url == mint_url]
if len(mints) == 0:
print("Mint Balance: " + str(nut_mint.available_balance()) + " Sats")
return nut_wallet
async def update_nut_wallet(self, nut_wallet, mints, client, keys):
for mint in mints:
if mint not in nut_wallet.mints:
balance = 0
for mint in nut_wallet.nutmints:
for proof in mint.proofs:
balance += proof.amount
nut_wallet.balance = balance
id = await self.create_or_update_nut_wallet_event(nut_wallet, client, keys)
if id is None:
print(bcolors.RED + str("Error publishing WalletEvent") + bcolors.ENDC)
print(nut_wallet.name + ": " + str(nut_wallet.balance) + " " + nut_wallet.unit + " Mints: " + str(
nut_wallet.mints) + " Key: " + nut_wallet.privkey)
return nut_wallet
def get_mint(self, nut_wallet, mint_url) -> NutMint:
mints = [x for x in nut_wallet.nutmints if x.mint_url == mint_url]
if len(mints) == 0:
mint = NutMint()
mint.proofs = []
mint.previous_event_id = None
mint.a = nut_wallet.a
mint.mint_url = mint_url
mint = mints[0]
return mint
async def create_transaction_history_event(self, nut_wallet: NutWallet, amount: int, unit: str,
event_old: EventId | None,
event_new: EventId, direction: str, marker, sender_hex, event_hex,
client: Client, keys: Keys):
# direction
# in = received
# out = sent
# marker:
# created - A new token event was created.
# destroyed - A token event was destroyed.
# redeemed - A [[NIP-61]] nutzap was redeemed."
relays = await client.relays()
relay_hints = relays.keys()
relay_hint = list(relay_hints)[0]
inner_tags = []
inner_tags.append(["direction", direction])
inner_tags.append(["amount", str(amount), unit])
if event_old is not None:
inner_tags.append(["e", event_old.to_hex(), relay_hint, "destroyed"])
inner_tags.append(["e", event_new.to_hex(), relay_hint, "created"])
message = json.dumps(inner_tags)
if nut_wallet.legacy_encryption:
content = nip04_encrypt(keys.secret_key(), keys.public_key(), message)
content = nip44_encrypt(keys.secret_key(), keys.public_key(), message, Nip44Version.V2)
tags = [Tag.parse(["a", nut_wallet.a])]
if marker == "redeemed" or marker == "zapped":
e_tag = Tag.parse(["e", event_hex, relay_hint, marker])
p_tag = Tag.parse(["p", sender_hex])
event = EventBuilder(Kind(7376), content, tags).to_event(keys)
eventid = await client.send_event(event)
async def create_unspent_proof_event(self, nut_wallet: NutWallet, mint_proofs, mint_url, amount, direction, marker,
sender_hex, event_hex,
client, keys):
new_proofs = []
mint = self.get_mint(nut_wallet, mint_url)
mint.proofs = mint_proofs
for proof in mint_proofs:
proofjson = {
"id": proof['id'],
"amount": proof['amount'],
"secret": proof['secret'],
"C": proof['C']
#print("Mint proofs:")
old_event_id = mint.previous_event_id
if mint.previous_event_id is not None:
bcolors.MAGENTA + "[" + nut_wallet.name + "] Deleted previous proofs event.. : (" + mint.previous_event_id.to_hex() + ")" + bcolors.ENDC)
evt = EventBuilder.delete([mint.previous_event_id], reason="deleted").to_event(
keys) # .to_pow_event(keys, 28)
response = await client.send_event(evt)
tags = []
# print(nut_wallet.a)
a_tag = Tag.parse(["a", nut_wallet.a])
j = {
"mint": mint_url,
"proofs": new_proofs
message = json.dumps(j)
# print(message)
if nut_wallet.legacy_encryption:
content = nip04_encrypt(keys.secret_key(), keys.public_key(), message)
content = nip44_encrypt(keys.secret_key(), keys.public_key(), message, Nip44Version.V2)
event = EventBuilder(Kind(7375), content, tags).to_event(keys)
eventid = await client.send_event(event)
await self.create_transaction_history_event(nut_wallet, amount, nut_wallet.unit, old_event_id, eventid.id,
direction, marker, sender_hex, event_hex, client, keys)
bcolors.GREEN + "[" + nut_wallet.name + "] Published new proofs event.. : (" + eventid.id.to_hex() + ")" + bcolors.ENDC)
return eventid.id
async def mint_token(self, mint, amount):
from cashu.wallet.wallet import Wallet
# TODO probably there's a library function for this
url = mint + "/v1/mint/quote/bolt11"
json_object = {"unit": "sat", "amount": amount}
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
request_body = json.dumps(json_object).encode('utf-8')
request = requests.post(url, data=request_body, headers=headers)
tree = json.loads(request.text)
lnbits_config = {
"LNBITS_URL": os.getenv("LNBITS_HOST")
lnbits_config_obj = namedtuple("LNBITSCONFIG", lnbits_config.keys())(*lnbits_config.values())
paymenthash = pay_bolt11_ln_bits(tree["request"], lnbits_config_obj)
url = f"{mint}/v1/mint/quote/bolt11/{tree['quote']}"
response = requests.get(url, data=request_body, headers=headers)
tree2 = json.loads(response.text)
waitfor = 5
while not tree2["paid"]:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
response = requests.get(url, data=request_body, headers=headers)
tree2 = json.loads(response.text)
waitfor -= 1
if waitfor == 0:
if tree2["paid"]:
# print(response.text)
wallet = await Wallet.with_db(
await wallet.load_mint()
proofs = await wallet.mint(amount, tree['quote'], None)
return proofs
async def announce_nutzap_info_event(self, nut_wallet, client, keys):
tags = []
for relay in nut_wallet.relays:
tags.append(Tag.parse(["relay", relay]))
for mint in nut_wallet.mints:
tags.append(Tag.parse(["mint", mint]))
pubkey = Keys.parse(nut_wallet.privkey).public_key().to_hex()
tags.append(Tag.parse(["pubkey", pubkey]))
event = EventBuilder(Kind(10019), "", tags).to_event(keys)
eventid = await client.send_event(event)
bcolors.CYAN + "[" + nut_wallet.name + "] Announced mint preferences info event (" + eventid.id.to_hex() + ")" + bcolors.ENDC)
async def fetch_mint_info_event(self, pubkey, client):
mint_info_filter = Filter().kind(Kind(10019)).author(PublicKey.parse(pubkey))
preferences = await client.get_events_of([mint_info_filter], timedelta(5))
mints = []
relays = []
pubkey = ""
if len(preferences) > 0:
preference = preferences[0]
for tag in preference.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "pubkey":
pubkey = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "relay":
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "mint":
return pubkey, mints, relays
async def update_spend_mint_proof_event(self, nut_wallet, send_proofs, mint_url, marker, sender_hex, event_hex,
client, keys):
mint = self.get_mint(nut_wallet, mint_url)
amount = 0
for send_proof in send_proofs:
entry = [x for x in mint.proofs if x.id == send_proof.id and x.secret == send_proof.secret]
if len(entry) > 0:
amount += send_proof.amount
# create new event
mint.previous_event_id = await self.create_unspent_proof_event(nut_wallet, mint.proofs, mint.mint_url, amount,
marker, sender_hex,
event_hex, client, keys)
nut_wallet.balance = nut_wallet.balance - amount
return await self.update_nut_wallet(nut_wallet, [mint.mint_url], client, keys)
async def mint_cashu(self, nut_wallet: NutWallet, mint_url, client, keys, amount):
print("Minting new tokens on: " + mint_url)
# Mint the Token at the selected mint
proofs = await self.mint_token(mint_url, amount)
return await self.add_proofs_to_wallet(nut_wallet, mint_url, proofs, "created", None, None, client, keys)
async def add_proofs_to_wallet(self, nut_wallet, mint_url, new_proofs, marker, sender, event, client: Client,
keys: Keys):
mint = self.get_mint(nut_wallet, mint_url)
additional_amount = 0
# store the new proofs in proofs_temp
all_proofs = []
# check for other proofs from same mint, add them to the list of proofs
for nut_proof in mint.proofs:
# add new proofs and calculate additional balance
for proof in new_proofs:
nut_wallet.balance += proof.amount
additional_amount += proof.amount
print("New amount: " + str(additional_amount))
mint.previous_event_id = await self.create_unspent_proof_event(nut_wallet, all_proofs, mint_url,
additional_amount, "in",
sender, event, client, keys)
return await self.update_nut_wallet(nut_wallet, [mint_url], client, keys)
async def handle_low_balance_on_mint(self, nut_wallet, mint_url, mint, amount, client, keys):
mint_amount = amount - mint.available_balance()
reserved_fees = 3
await self.mint_cashu(nut_wallet, mint_url, client, keys, mint_amount+reserved_fees)
async def send_nut_zap(self, amount, comment, nut_wallet: NutWallet, zapped_event, zapped_user, client: Client,
keys: Keys):
from cashu.wallet.wallet import Wallet
unit = "sats"
p2pk_pubkey, mints, relays = await self.fetch_mint_info_event(zapped_user, client)
if len(mints) == 0:
print("No preferred mint set, returning")
mint_success = False
index = 0
mint_url = ""
sufficent_budget = False
# Some logic.
# First look if we have balance on a mint the user has in their list of trusted mints and use it
for mint in nut_wallet.nutmints:
if mint.available_balance() >= amount and mint.mint_url in mints:
mint_url = mint.mint_url
sufficent_budget = True
# If that's not the case, lets look or mints we both trust, take the first one.
if not sufficent_budget:
mint_url = next(i for i in nut_wallet.mints if i in mints)
mint = self.get_mint(nut_wallet, mint_url)
if mint.available_balance() < amount:
await self.handle_low_balance_on_mint(nut_wallet, mint_url, mint, amount, client, keys)
# If that's not the case, iterate over the recipents mints and try to mint there. This might be a bit dangerous as not all mints might give cashu, so loss of ln is possible
if mint_url is None:
if nut_wallet.trust_unknown_mints:
# maybe we don't do this for now..
while not mint_success:
mint_url = mints[index] #
# Maybe we introduce a list of known failing mints..
if mint_url == "https://stablenut.umint.cash":
raise Exception("stablemint bad")
mint = self.get_mint(nut_wallet, mint_url)
if mint.available_balance() < amount:
await self.handle_low_balance_on_mint(nut_wallet, mint_url, mint, amount, client, keys)
mint_success = True
mint_success = False
index += 1
print("No trusted mints founds, enable trust_unknown_mints if you still want to proceed...")
tags = [Tag.parse(["amount", str(amount)]),
Tag.parse(["unit", unit]),
Tag.parse(["u", mint_url]),
Tag.parse(["p", zapped_user])]
if zapped_event != "" and zapped_event is not None:
tags.append(Tag.parse(["e", zapped_event]))
mint = self.get_mint(nut_wallet, mint_url)
cashu_wallet = await Wallet.with_db(
await cashu_wallet.load_mint()
secret_lock = await cashu_wallet.create_p2pk_lock("02" + p2pk_pubkey) # sender side
proofs, fees = await cashu_wallet.select_to_send(mint.proofs, amount)
_, send_proofs = await cashu_wallet.swap_to_send(
proofs, amount, secret_lock=secret_lock, set_reserved=True
for proof in send_proofs:
nut_proof = {
'id': proof.id,
'C': proof.C,
'amount': proof.amount,
'secret': proof.secret,
tags.append(Tag.parse(["proof", json.dumps(nut_proof)]))
event = EventBuilder(Kind(9321), comment, tags).to_event(keys)
response = await client.send_event(event)
await self.update_spend_mint_proof_event(nut_wallet, proofs, mint_url, "zapped", keys.public_key().to_hex(),
response.id.to_hex(), client, keys)
print(bcolors.YELLOW + "[" + nut_wallet.name + "] Sent NutZap 🥜️⚡ with " + str(
amount) + " " + nut_wallet.unit + " to "
+ PublicKey.parse(zapped_user).to_bech32() +
"(" + response.id.to_hex() + ")" + bcolors.ENDC)
except Exception as e:
def print_transaction_history(self, transactions, keys):
for transaction in transactions:
content = nip44_decrypt(keys.secret_key(), keys.public_key(), transaction.content())
content = nip04_decrypt(keys.secret_key(), keys.public_key(), transaction.content())
innertags = json.loads(content)
direction = ""
amount = ""
unit = "sats"
for tag in innertags:
if tag[0] == "direction":
direction = tag[1]
elif tag[0] == "amount":
amount = tag[1]
unit = tag[2]
if amount == "1" and unit == "sats":
unit = "sat"
sender = ""
event = ""
for tag in transaction.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "p":
sender = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "e":
event = tag.as_vec()[1]
# marker = tag.as_vec()[2]
if direction == "in":
color = bcolors.GREEN
action = "minted"
dir = "from"
color = bcolors.RED
action = "spent"
dir = "to"
if sender != "" and event != "":
color + f"{direction:3}" + " " + f"{amount:6}" + " " + unit + " at " + transaction.created_at().to_human_datetime().replace(
"T", " ").replace("Z",
" ") + "GMT" + bcolors.ENDC + " " + bcolors.YELLOW + " (Nutzap 🥜⚡️ " + dir + ": " + PublicKey.parse(
sender).to_bech32() + "(" + event + "))" + bcolors.ENDC)
color + f"{direction:3}" + " " + f"{amount:6}" + " " + unit + " at " + transaction.created_at().to_human_datetime().replace(
"T", " ").replace("Z", " ") + "GMT" + " " + " (" + action + ")" + bcolors.ENDC)
async def reedeem_nutzap(self, event, nut_wallet: NutWallet, client: Client, keys: Keys):
from cashu.wallet.wallet import Wallet
from cashu.core.base import Proof
from cashu.core.crypto.keys import PrivateKey
proofs = []
mint_url = ""
amount = 0
unit = "sat"
zapped_user = ""
zapped_event = ""
sender = event.author().to_hex()
message = event.content()
for tag in event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "proof":
proof_json = json.loads(tag.as_vec()[1])
proof = Proof().from_dict(proof_json)
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "u":
mint_url = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "amount":
amount = int(tag.as_vec()[1])
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "unit":
unit = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "p":
zapped_user = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == "e":
zapped_event = tag.as_vec()[1]
cashu_wallet = await Wallet.with_db(
cashu_wallet.private_key = PrivateKey(bytes.fromhex(nut_wallet.privkey), raw=True)
await cashu_wallet.load_mint()
new_proofs, _ = await cashu_wallet.redeem(proofs)
mint = self.get_mint(nut_wallet, mint_url)
count_amount = 0
for proof in new_proofs:
count_amount += proof.amount
await self.add_proofs_to_wallet(nut_wallet, mint_url, new_proofs, "redeemed", event.author().to_hex(),
event.id().to_hex(), client, keys)
return count_amount, message, sender
except Exception as e:
print(bcolors.RED + str(e) + bcolors.ENDC)
return None, message, sender
async def melt_cashu(self, nut_wallet, mint_url, total_amount, client, keys, lud16=None, npub=None):
from cashu.wallet.wallet import Wallet
mint = self.get_mint(nut_wallet, mint_url)
cashu_wallet = await Wallet.with_db(
await cashu_wallet.load_mint()
cashu_wallet.proofs = mint.proofs
estimated_fees = max(int(total_amount * 0.02), 3)
estimated_redeem_invoice_amount = total_amount - estimated_fees
if npub is None:
# if we don't pass the npub, we default to our pubkey
npub = Keys.parse(check_and_set_private_key("TEST_ACCOUNT_PK")).public_key().to_hex()
if lud16 is None:
# if we don't pass a lud16, we try to fetch one from our profile (make sure it's set)
name, nip05, lud16 = await fetch_user_metadata(npub, client)
invoice = zaprequest(lud16, estimated_redeem_invoice_amount, "Melting from your nutsack", None,
PublicKey.parse(npub), keys, DVMConfig().RELAY_LIST, zaptype="private")
# else:
# invoice = create_bolt11_lud16(lud16, estimated_redeem_invoice_amount)
quote = await cashu_wallet.melt_quote(invoice)
send_proofs, _ = await cashu_wallet.select_to_send(cashu_wallet.proofs, total_amount)
await cashu_wallet.melt(send_proofs, invoice, estimated_fees, quote.quote)
await self.update_spend_mint_proof_event(nut_wallet, send_proofs, mint_url, "", None,
None, client, keys)
print(bcolors.YELLOW + "[" + nut_wallet.name + "] Redeemed on Lightning ⚡ " + str(
total_amount - estimated_fees) + " (Fees: " + str(estimated_fees) + ") " + nut_wallet.unit
+ bcolors.ENDC)
async def set_profile(self, name, about, lud16, image, client, keys):
metadata = Metadata() \
.set_name(name) \
.set_display_name(name) \
.set_about(about) \
.set_picture(image) \
.set_lud16(lud16) \
print("[" + name + "] Setting profile metadata for " + keys.public_key().to_bech32() + "...")
await client.set_metadata(metadata)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
VERSION = '0.7.16'
VERSION = '0.8.0'
DESCRIPTION = 'A framework to build and run Nostr NIP90 Data Vending Machines'
LONG_DESCRIPTION = ('A framework to build and run Nostr NIP90 Data Vending Machines. See the github repository for more information')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import dotenv
from nostr_sdk import Keys, LogLevel, init_logger
from nostr_dvm.tasks import search_users, advanced_search
from nostr_dvm.tasks.advanced_search import AdvancedSearch
from nostr_dvm.tasks.advanced_search_wine import AdvancedSearchWine
from nostr_dvm.tasks.imagegeneration_openai_dalle import ImageGenerationDALLE
from nostr_dvm.tasks.search_users import SearchUser
from nostr_dvm.utils.admin_utils import AdminConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import DVMConfig, build_default_config
from nostr_dvm.utils.nip89_utils import NIP89Config, check_and_set_d_tag
from nostr_dvm.utils.nostr_utils import check_and_set_private_key
from nostr_dvm.utils.zap_utils import check_and_set_ln_bits_keys, get_price_per_sat
rebroadcast_NIP89 = False # Announce NIP89 on startup Only do this if you know what you're doing.
rebroadcast_NIP65_Relay_List = False
update_profile = False
#use_logger = True
log_level = LogLevel.ERROR
#if use_logger:
# init_logger(log_level)
def build_dalle(name, identifier):
dvm_config = build_default_config(identifier)
dvm_config.NEW_USER_BALANCE = 0
dvm_config.USE_OWN_VENV = False
dvm_config.ENABLE_NUTZAP = True
profit_in_sats = 10
dvm_config.FIX_COST = int(((4.0 / (get_price_per_sat("USD") * 100)) + profit_in_sats))
nip89info = {
"name": name,
"image": "https://image.nostr.build/22f2267ca9d4ee9d5e8a0c7818a9fa325bbbcdac5573a60a2d163e699bb69923.jpg",
"about": "I create Images bridging OpenAI's DALL·E 3",
"encryptionSupported": True,
"cashuAccepted": True,
"nip90Params": {
"size": {
"required": False,
"values": ["1024:1024", "1024x1792", "1792x1024"]
nip89config = NIP89Config()
nip89config.DTAG = check_and_set_d_tag(identifier, name, dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY,
nip89config.CONTENT = json.dumps(nip89info)
aconfig = AdminConfig()
aconfig.REBROADCAST_NIP89 = False # We add an optional AdminConfig for this one, and tell the dvm to rebroadcast its NIP89
aconfig.LUD16 = dvm_config.LN_ADDRESS
return ImageGenerationDALLE(name=name, dvm_config=dvm_config, nip89config=nip89config, admin_config=aconfig)
def playground():
if os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") is not None and os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") != "":
dalle = build_dalle("Dall-E 3", "dalle3")
if __name__ == '__main__':
env_path = Path('.env')
if not env_path.is_file():
with open('.env', 'w') as f:
print("Writing new .env file")
if env_path.is_file():
print(f'loading environment from {env_path.resolve()}')
dotenv.load_dotenv(env_path, verbose=True, override=True)
raise FileNotFoundError(f'.env file not found at {env_path} ')
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ update_profile = False
global_update_rate = 120 # set this high on first sync so db can fully sync before another process trys to.
use_logger = True
log_level = LogLevel.ERROR
log_level = LogLevel.INFO
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
from datetime import timedelta
from pathlib import Path
import dotenv
from nostr_sdk import PublicKey, Timestamp, Event, HandleNotification, Alphabet, Filter, SingleLetterTag, Kind
import asyncio
import argparse
from nostr_dvm.utils import dvmconfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import DVMConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.nut_wallet_utils import NutZapWallet
from nostr_dvm.utils.print import bcolors
# Run with params for test functions or set the default here
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Nutzaps')
parser.add_argument("--mint", type=bool, default=False)
parser.add_argument("--zap", type=bool, default=True)
parser.add_argument("--melt", type=bool, default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
async def test(relays, mints):
nutzap_wallet = NutZapWallet()
update_wallet_info = False # leave this on false except when you manually changed relays/mints/keys
client, keys = await nutzap_wallet.client_connect(relays)
set_profile = False # Attention, this overwrites your current profile if on True, do not set if you use an non-test account
if set_profile:
lud16 = "hype@bitcoinfixesthis.org" #overwrite with your ln address
await nutzap_wallet.set_profile("Test", "I'm a nutsack test account", lud16, "https://i.nostr.build/V4FwExrV5aXHNm70.jpg", client, keys)
# Test 1 Config: Mint Tokens
mint_to_wallet = args.mint # Test function to mint 5 sats on the mint in your list with given index below
mint_index = 0 # Index of mint in mints list to mint a token
mint_amount = 10 # Amount to mint
# Test 2 Config: Send Nutzap
send_test = args.zap # Send a Nutzap
send_zap_amount = 3
send_zap_message = "From my nutsack"
send_reveiver = "npub139nfkqamy53j7vce9lw6w7uwxm3a8zrwnd2m836tj5y3aytv37vqygz42j" # keys.public_key().to_bech32() # This is ourself, for testing purposes, some other people to nutzap: #npub1nxa4tywfz9nqp7z9zp7nr7d4nchhclsf58lcqt5y782rmf2hefjquaa6q8 # dbth #npub1l2vyh47mk2p0qlsku7hg0vn29faehy9hy34ygaclpn66ukqp3afqutajft # pablof7z
send_zapped_event = None # None, or zap an event like this: Nip19Event.from_nostr_uri("nostr:nevent1qqsxq59mhz8s6aj9jzltcmqmmv3eutsfcpkeny2x755vdu5dtq44ldqpz3mhxw309ucnydewxqhrqt338g6rsd3e9upzp75cf0tahv5z7plpdeaws7ex52nmnwgtwfr2g3m37r844evqrr6jqvzqqqqqqyqtxyr6").event_id().to_hex()
# Test 3 Config: Melt to ln address
melt = args.melt
melt_amount = 6
print("PrivateKey: " + keys.secret_key().to_bech32() + " PublicKey: " + keys.public_key().to_bech32())
# See if we already have a wallet and fetch it
nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(client, keys)
# If we have a wallet but want to maually update the info..
if nut_wallet is not None and update_wallet_info:
await nutzap_wallet.update_nut_wallet(nut_wallet, mints, client, keys)
await nutzap_wallet.announce_nutzap_info_event(nut_wallet, client, keys)
# If we don't have a wallet, we create one, fetch it and announce our info
if nut_wallet is None:
await nutzap_wallet.create_new_nut_wallet(mints, relays, client, keys, "Test", "My Nutsack")
nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(client, keys)
if nut_wallet is not None:
await nutzap_wallet.announce_nutzap_info_event(nut_wallet, client, keys)
print("Couldn't fetch wallet, please restart and see if it is there")
# Test 1: We mint to our own wallet
if mint_to_wallet:
await nutzap_wallet.mint_cashu(nut_wallet, mints[mint_index], client, keys, mint_amount)
nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(client, keys)
# Test 2: We send a nutzap to someone (can be ourselves)
if send_test:
zapped_event_id_hex = send_zapped_event
zapped_user_hex = PublicKey.parse(send_reveiver).to_hex()
await nutzap_wallet.send_nut_zap(send_zap_amount, send_zap_message, nut_wallet, zapped_event_id_hex, zapped_user_hex, client,
#Test 3: Melt back to lightning:
if melt:
# you can overwrite the lu16 and/or npub, otherwise it's fetched from the profile (set it once by setting set_profile to True)
lud16 = None
npub = None
await nutzap_wallet.melt_cashu(nut_wallet, mints[mint_index], melt_amount, client, keys, lud16, npub)
await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(client, keys)
if __name__ == '__main__':
env_path = Path('.env')
if env_path.is_file():
print(f'loading environment from {env_path.resolve()}')
dotenv.load_dotenv(env_path, verbose=True, override=True)
raise FileNotFoundError(f'.env file not found at {env_path} ')
show_history = True
asyncio.run(test(DVMConfig().NUTZAP_RELAYS, DVMConfig().NUZAP_MINTS))
@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ rebroadcast_NIP89 = False # Announce NIP89 on startup Only do this if you know
rebroadcast_NIP65_Relay_List = False
update_profile = False
use_logger = True
#use_logger = True
log_level = LogLevel.ERROR
if use_logger:
#if use_logger:
# init_logger(log_level)
RELAY_LIST = ["wss://relay.primal.net",
@ -37,16 +37,17 @@ def build_advanced_search(name, identifier):
dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY = check_and_set_private_key(identifier)
npub = Keys.parse(dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY).public_key().to_bech32()
invoice_key, admin_key, wallet_id, user_id, lnaddress = check_and_set_ln_bits_keys(identifier, npub)
dvm_config.LNBITS_INVOICE_KEY = invoice_key
dvm_config.LNBITS_ADMIN_KEY = admin_key # The dvm might pay failed jobs back
dvm_config = build_default_config(identifier)
# dvm_config.LNBITS_URL = os.getenv("LNBITS_HOST")
dvm_config.ENABLE_NUTZAP = True
dvm_config.FIX_COST = 5
admin_config = AdminConfig()
admin_config.REBROADCAST_NIP89 = rebroadcast_NIP89
admin_config.REBROADCAST_NIP65_RELAY_LIST = rebroadcast_NIP65_Relay_List
admin_config.UPDATE_PROFILE = update_profile
admin_config.LUD16 = lnaddress
admin_config.LUD16 = dvm_config.LN_ADDRESS
# Add NIP89
nip89info = {
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import time
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Thread
from nostr_dvm.utils.nut_wallet_utils import NutZapWallet
from nostr_dvm.utils.print import bcolors
import dotenv
from nostr_sdk import Keys, Client, Tag, EventBuilder, Filter, HandleNotification, Timestamp, nip04_decrypt, \
nip04_encrypt, NostrSigner, PublicKey, Event, Kind, RelayOptions
@ -47,12 +50,9 @@ async def nostr_client_test_search_profile(input):
keys = Keys.parse(check_and_set_private_key("test_client"))
iTag = Tag.parse(["i", input, "text"])
relaysTag = Tag.parse(['relays', "wss://relay.damus.io", "wss://blastr.f7z.xyz", "wss://relayable.org",
alttag = Tag.parse(["alt", "This is a NIP90 DVM AI task to translate a given Input"])
event = EventBuilder(EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_USER_SEARCH, str("Search for user"),
[iTag, relaysTag, alttag]).to_event(keys)
[iTag, alttag]).to_event(keys)
relay_list = ["wss://relay.damus.io", "wss://blastr.f7z.xyz", "wss://relayable.org",
@ -83,12 +83,9 @@ async def nostr_client_test_image(prompt):
event = EventBuilder(EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_GENERATE_IMAGE, str("Generate an Image."),
[iTag, outTag, tTag, paramTag1, bidTag, relaysTag, alttag]).to_event(keys)
relay_list = ["wss://relay.damus.io", "wss://blastr.f7z.xyz", "wss://relayable.org",
signer = NostrSigner.keys(keys)
client = Client(signer)
for relay in relay_list:
for relay in DVMConfig().RELAY_LIST:
await client.add_relay(relay)
await client.connect()
config = DVMConfig
@ -154,7 +151,7 @@ async def nostr_client_test_inactive_filter(user):
async def nostr_client_test_tts(prompt):
keys = Keys.parse(check_and_set_private_key("test_client"))
iTag = Tag.parse(["i", "9d867cd3e868111a31c8acfa41ab7523b9940fc46c804d7db89d7f373c007fa6", "event"])
#iTag = Tag.parse(["i", prompt, "text"])
# iTag = Tag.parse(["i", prompt, "text"])
paramTag1 = Tag.parse(["param", "language", "en"])
bidTag = Tag.parse(['bid', str(1000 * 1000), str(1000 * 1000)])
@ -230,6 +227,7 @@ async def nostr_client_test_discovery_user(user, ptag):
eventid = await send_event(event, client=client, dvm_config=config)
return event.as_json()
async def nostr_client_test_discovery_gallery(user, ptag):
keys = Keys.parse(check_and_set_private_key("test_client"))
@ -311,25 +309,26 @@ async def nostr_client():
Timestamp.now()) # events to us specific
kinds = [EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_GENERIC]
SUPPORTED_KINDS = [Kind(6301)]
SUPPORTED_KINDS = [Kind(6100), Kind(7000)]
for kind in SUPPORTED_KINDS:
if kind not in kinds:
dvm_filter = (Filter().kinds(kinds).since(Timestamp.now()))
dvm_filter = (Filter().kinds(kinds).since(Timestamp.now()).pubkey(pk))
await client.subscribe([dm_zap_filter, dvm_filter], None)
# await nostr_client_test_translation("This is the result of the DVM in spanish", "text", "es", 20, 20)
# await nostr_client_test_translation("note1p8cx2dz5ss5gnk7c59zjydcncx6a754c0hsyakjvnw8xwlm5hymsnc23rs", "event", "es", 20,20)
# await nostr_client_test_translation("44a0a8b395ade39d46b9d20038b3f0c8a11168e67c442e3ece95e4a1703e2beb", "event", "zh", 20, 20)
# await nostr_client_test_image("a beautiful purple ostrich watching the sunset")
# await nostr_client_test_search_profile("dontbelieve")
wot = ["99bb5591c9116600f845107d31f9b59e2f7c7e09a1ff802e84f1d43da557ca64"]
#await nostr_client_test_discovery("99bb5591c9116600f845107d31f9b59e2f7c7e09a1ff802e84f1d43da557ca64", "ab6cdf12ca3ae5109416295b8cd8a53fdec3a9d54beb7a9aee0ebfb67cb4edf7")
#await nostr_client_test_discovery_gallery("99bb5591c9116600f845107d31f9b59e2f7c7e09a1ff802e84f1d43da557ca64", "4add3944eb596a27a650f9b954f5ed8dfefeec6ca50473605b0fbb058dd11306")
await nostr_client_test_discovery("99bb5591c9116600f845107d31f9b59e2f7c7e09a1ff802e84f1d43da557ca64",
await nostr_client_test_image("a beautiful purple ostrich watching the sunset, eating a cashew nut")
# await nostr_client_test_search_profile("dontbelieve")
#wot = ["99bb5591c9116600f845107d31f9b59e2f7c7e09a1ff802e84f1d43da557ca64"]
# await nostr_client_test_discovery("99bb5591c9116600f845107d31f9b59e2f7c7e09a1ff802e84f1d43da557ca64", "ab6cdf12ca3ae5109416295b8cd8a53fdec3a9d54beb7a9aee0ebfb67cb4edf7")
# await nostr_client_test_discovery_gallery("99bb5591c9116600f845107d31f9b59e2f7c7e09a1ff802e84f1d43da557ca64", "4add3944eb596a27a650f9b954f5ed8dfefeec6ca50473605b0fbb058dd11306")
# await nostr_client_test_discovery("99bb5591c9116600f845107d31f9b59e2f7c7e09a1ff802e84f1d43da557ca64",
# "2cf10ff849d2769b2b021bd93a0270d03eecfd14126d07f94c6ca2269cb3f3b1")
# await nostr_client_test_censor_filter(wot)
# await nostr_client_test_inactive_filter("99bb5591c9116600f845107d31f9b59e2f7c7e09a1ff802e84f1d43da557ca64")
@ -338,11 +337,35 @@ async def nostr_client():
# await nostr_client_test_image_private("a beautiful ostrich watching the sunset")
nutzap_wallet = NutZapWallet()
nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(client, keys)
class NotificationHandler(HandleNotification):
async def handle(self, relay_url, subscription_id, event: Event):
print(f"Received new event from {relay_url}: {event.as_json()}")
bcolors.BLUE + f"Received new event from {relay_url}: {event.as_json()}" + bcolors.ENDC)
if event.kind().as_u64() == 7000:
print("[Nostr Client]: " + event.as_json())
amount_sats = 0
for tag in event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "amount":
amount_sats = int(int(tag.as_vec()[1]) / 1000) # millisats
if event.author().to_hex() == "89669b03bb25232f33192fdda77b8e36e3d3886e9b55b3c74b95091e916c8f98":
nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(client, keys)
if nut_wallet is None:
await nutzap_wallet.create_new_nut_wallet(dvmconfig.NUZAP_MINTS, dvmconfig.NUTZAP_RELAYS, client, keys, "Test", "My Nutsack")
nut_wallet = await nutzap_wallet.get_nut_wallet(client, keys)
if nut_wallet is not None:
await nutzap_wallet.announce_nutzap_info_event(nut_wallet, client, keys)
print("Couldn't fetch wallet, please restart and see if it is there")
await nutzap_wallet.send_nut_zap(amount_sats, "From my nutsack lol", nut_wallet, event.id().to_hex(),
event.author().to_hex(), client,
elif 6000 < event.kind().as_u64() < 6999:
print("[Nostr Client]: " + event.as_json())
print("[Nostr Client]: " + event.content())
@ -358,9 +381,10 @@ async def nostr_client():
async def handle_msg(self, relay_url, msg):
await client.handle_notifications(NotificationHandler())
# await client.handle_notifications(NotificationHandler())
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(5.0)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user