fixes for amber

This commit is contained in:
Believethehype 2024-03-22 15:10:20 +01:00
parent 1fe047071b
commit e6b590496c
2 changed files with 84 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -88,8 +88,9 @@ async function generate_feed(id) {
let res;
let requestid;
// for now we only want to use encrypted events for subscribed dvms (might change later)
if(current_dvm.encryptionSupported && current_dvm.nip88 && current_dvm.nip88.hasActiveSubscription){
// for now we only want to use encrypted events for subscribed dvms (might change later, also we dont encrypt on amber because decryption and update doesnt work)
if(current_dvm.encryptionSupported && current_dvm.nip88 && current_dvm.nip88.hasActiveSubscription && localStorage.getItem('nostr-key-method') !== 'android-signer' ){
let tags_str = []
for (let tag in tags){
@ -100,6 +101,31 @@ async function generate_feed(id) {
let client = store.state.client
let signer = store.state.signer
if (localStorage.getItem('nostr-key-method') === 'android-signer') {
// let content = await amberSignerService.nip04Encrypt(id, params_as_str)
let ttags = []
ttags.push(["p", id])
ttags.push(["client", "noogle"])
let draft = {
content: "",
kind: kind,
pubkey: store.state.pubkey.toHex(),
tags: ttags,
res = await amberSignerService.signEvent(draft)
await client.sendEvent(Event.fromJson(JSON.stringify(res)))
requestid =;
let content = await signer.nip04Encrypt(PublicKey.parse(id), params_as_str)
let tags_t = []
@ -112,6 +138,12 @@ async function generate_feed(id) {
res = await client.sendEventBuilder(evt);
requestid = res.toHex();
@ -210,9 +242,18 @@ async function listen() {
if (is_encrypted){
let tags_str = ""
if (ptag === store.state.pubkey.toHex()){
let signer = store.state.signer
let tags_str = await signer.nip04Decrypt(, event.content)
if (localStorage.getItem('nostr-key-method') === 'android-signer') {
// tags_str = await amberSignerService.nip04Decrypt(, event.content)
tags_str = await signer.nip04Decrypt(, event.content)
let params = JSON.parse(tags_str)
@ -320,7 +361,14 @@ async function listen() {
if (is_encrypted){
if (ptag === store.state.pubkey.toHex()){
let signer = store.state.signer
content = await signer.nip04Decrypt(, event.content)
//content = await signer.nip04Decrypt(, event.content)
if (localStorage.getItem('nostr-key-method') === 'android-signer') {
content = await amberSignerService.nip04Decrypt(, event.content)
content = await signer.nip04Decrypt(, event.content)
else {
console.log("not addressed to us")
@ -892,7 +940,7 @@ const closeNWCModal = () => {
<h2 class="text-base-200-content text-center tracking-wide text-2xl font-thin ">
Algorithms, but you are the one in control.</h2>
<button v-if="store.state.recommendationdvms.length === 0" class="v-Button">Loading DVMs..</button>
<button v-if="store.state.recommendationdvms.length === 0" class="v-Button">Loading DVMs <span class="loading loading-infinity loading-md"></span></button>
@ -983,7 +1031,7 @@ const closeNWCModal = () => {
<svg v-if="dvm.encryptionSupported && dvm.nip88" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: 5px" class="w-4 h-4 text-gray-800 dark:text-white flex" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M18 10v-4c0-3.313-2.687-6-6-6s-6 2.687-6 6v4h-3v14h18v-14h-3zm-5 7.723v2.277h-2v-2.277c-.595-.347-1-.984-1-1.723 0-1.104.896-2 2-2s2 .896 2 2c0 .738-.404 1.376-1 1.723zm-5-7.723v-4c0-2.206 1.794-4 4-4 2.205 0 4 1.794 4 4v4h-8z"/>
<span class="tooltiptext">This DVM uses encrypted communication. Only the DVM can see your request, and only you can see the results.</span>
<span class="tooltiptext">This DVM uses encrypted communication. Only the DVM can see your request, and only you can see the results. <br> Currently not encrypted when using Amber Signer.</span>
<button v-if="dvm.nip88 && dvm.nip88.hasActiveSubscription" onclick='subscr.showModal()' class=" badge relative inline-flex items-center justify-center p-0.5 mb-2 me-2 overflow-hidden text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 rounded-lg group bg-gradient-to-br from-pink-500 to-orange-400 group-hover:from-pink-500 group-hover:to-orange-400 hover:text-white dark:text-white focus:ring-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring-pink-200 dark:focus:ring-pink-800">
<span class="relative px-5 py-2.5 transition-all ease-in duration-75 rounded-md group-hover:bg-opacity-0">
@ -1299,8 +1347,10 @@ h3 {
/* Tooltip text */
.tooltip .tooltiptext {
top: -5px;
right: 105%;
visibility: hidden;
width: 250px;
width: 200px;
background-color: black;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
// taken from
import { nip19, verifyEvent } from "nostr-tools";
import createDefer, { Deferred } from "./classes/deffered";
import { getPubkeyFromDecodeResult, isHexKey } from "./helpers/nip19";
import { NostrEvent } from "./types/nostr-event";
import {nip19, verifyEvent} from "nostr-tools";
import createDefer, {Deferred} from "./classes/deffered";
import {getPubkeyFromDecodeResult, isHexKey} from "./helpers/nip19";
import {NostrEvent} from "./types/nostr-event";
export function createGetPublicKeyIntent() {
return `intent:#Intent;scheme=nostrsigner;S.compressionType=none;S.returnType=signature;S.type=get_public_key;end`;
@ -23,6 +23,26 @@ function rejectPending() {
export function createNip04EncryptIntent(pubkey: string, plainText: string) {
return `intent:${encodeURIComponent(
export function createNip04DecryptIntent(pubkey: string, data: string) {
return `intent:${encodeURIComponent(
async function nip04Encrypt(pubkey: string, plaintext: string): Promise<string> {
return await intentRequest(createNip04EncryptIntent(pubkey, plaintext));
async function nip04Decrypt(pubkey: string, data: string): Promise<string> {
return await intentRequest(createNip04DecryptIntent(pubkey, data));
function onVisibilityChange() {
if (document.visibilityState === "visible") {
if (!pendingRequest || !navigator.clipboard) return;
@ -74,7 +94,9 @@ async function signEvent(draft): Promise<NostrEvent> {
const amberSignerService = {
supported: navigator.userAgent.includes("Android") && navigator.clipboard,
export default amberSignerService;