mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 21:31:52 +01:00
208 lines
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208 lines
8.3 KiB
import asyncio
import json
from datetime import timedelta
from pathlib import Path
import dotenv
from duck_chat import ModelType
from nostr_sdk import Kind, Filter, PublicKey, SecretKey, Keys, NostrSigner, RelayLimits, Options, Client, Tag, \
LogLevel, Timestamp, NostrDatabase
from nostr_dvm.tasks.generic_dvm import GenericDVM
from nostr_dvm.utils import definitions
from nostr_dvm.utils.admin_utils import AdminConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.definitions import relay_timeout
from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import build_default_config
from nostr_dvm.utils.nip89_utils import NIP89Config, check_and_set_d_tag
from nostr_dvm.utils.output_utils import send_job_status_reaction
def playground(announce=False):
# admin_config_db_scheduler = AdminConfig()
# options = {
# "db_name": "db/nostr_recent_notes.db",
# "db_since": 24 * 60 * 60, # 48h since gmt,
# "personalized": False,
# "logger": False}
# image = ""
# about = "I just update the Database based on my schedule"
# db_scheduler = build_db_scheduler("DB Scheduler",
# "db_scheduler",
# admin_config_db_scheduler, options,
# image=image,
# description=about,
# update_rate=global_update_rate,
# cost=0,
# update_db=True)
# db_scheduler.run()
kind = 5300
admin_config = AdminConfig()
admin_config.REBROADCAST_NIP89 = announce
admin_config.REBROADCAST_NIP65_RELAY_LIST = announce
admin_config.UPDATE_PROFILE = announce
name = "Your topics (beta)"
identifier = "duckduckchat_llm" # Chose a unique identifier in order to get a lnaddress
dvm_config = build_default_config(identifier)
dvm_config.KIND = Kind(kind) # Manually set the Kind Number (see data-vending-machines.org)
dvm_config.CUSTOM_PROCESSING_MESSAGE = "Creating a personalized feed based on the topics you write about. This might take a moment."
dvm_config.FIX_COST = 0
#admin_config.DELETE_NIP89 = True
#admin_config.POW = True
#admin_config.EVENTID = "5322b731230cf8961f8403d025722a381af9b012b5d5f6dcc09f88e160f4e4ff"
#admin_config.PRIVKEY = dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY
# Add NIP89
nip89info = {
"name": name,
"image": "https://i.nostr.build/I8fJo0n355cbNEbS.png", # "https://image.nostr.build/28da676a19841dcfa7dcf7124be6816842d14b84f6046462d2a3f1268fe58d03.png",
"about": "I create a personalized feed based on topics you were writing about recently",
"encryptionSupported": True,
"cashuAccepted": True,
"nip90Params": {
nip89config = NIP89Config()
nip89config.KIND = Kind(kind)
nip89config.DTAG = check_and_set_d_tag(identifier, name, dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY, nip89info["image"])
nip89config.CONTENT = json.dumps(nip89info)
options = {
"input": "How do you call a noisy ostrich?",
dvm = GenericDVM(name=name, dvm_config=dvm_config, nip89config=nip89config,
admin_config=admin_config, options=options)
async def process_request(options, prompt):
result = ""
from duck_chat import DuckChat
async with DuckChat(model=ModelType.GPT4o) as chat:
query = prompt
result = await chat.ask_question(query)
result = result.replace(", ", ",")
except Exception as e:
return result
async def process(request_form):
since = 2 * 60 * 60
options = dvm.set_options(request_form)
sk = SecretKey.from_hex(dvm.dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY)
keys = Keys.parse(sk.to_hex())
signer = NostrSigner.keys(keys)
relaylimits = RelayLimits.disable()
opts = (
cli = Client.with_opts(signer, opts)
for relay in dvm.dvm_config.RELAY_LIST:
await cli.add_relay(relay)
# ropts = RelayOptions().ping(False)
# await cli.add_relay_with_opts("wss://nostr.band", ropts)
await cli.connect()
#pip install -U https://github.com/mrgick/duckduckgo-chat-ai/archive/master.zip
author = PublicKey.parse(options["request_event_author"])
filterauth = Filter().kind(definitions.EventDefinitions.KIND_NOTE).author(author).limit(100)
evts = await cli.get_events_of([filterauth], relay_timeout)
text = ""
for event in evts:
text = text + event.content() + ";"
text = text[:6000]
prompt = "Only reply with the result. Here is a list of notes, seperated by ;. Find the 20 most important keywords and return them by a comma seperated list: " + text
#loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
result = await process_request(options, prompt)
content = "I identified these as your topics:\n\n"+result.replace(",", ", ") + "\n\nProcessing, just a few more seconds..."
await send_job_status_reaction(original_event_id_hex=dvm.options["request_event_id"], original_event_author_hex=dvm.options["request_event_author"], client=cli, dvm_config=dvm_config, content=content)
#prompt = "Only reply with the result. For each word in this comma seperated list, add 3 synonyms to the list. Return one single list seperated with commas.: " + result
#async with DuckChat(model=ModelType.GPT4o) as chat:
# query = prompt
# result = await chat.ask_question(query)
# result = result.replace(", ", ",")
# print(result)
from types import SimpleNamespace
ns = SimpleNamespace()
database = NostrDatabase.lmdb("db/nostr_recent_notes.db")
timestamp_since = Timestamp.now().as_secs() - since
since = Timestamp.from_secs(timestamp_since)
filter1 = Filter().kind(definitions.EventDefinitions.KIND_NOTE).since(since)
events = await database.query([filter1])
if dvm.dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.DEBUG.value:
print("[" + dvm.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Considering " + str(len(events)) + " Events")
ns.finallist = {}
#search_list = result.split(',')
for event in events:
#if all(ele in event.content().lower() for ele in []):
if any(ele in event.content().lower() for ele in result):
#if not any(ele in event.content().lower() for ele in []):
filt = Filter().kinds(
[definitions.EventDefinitions.KIND_ZAP, definitions.EventDefinitions.KIND_REACTION,
reactions = await database.query([filt])
if len(reactions) >= 1:
ns.finallist[event.id().to_hex()] = len(reactions)
result_list = []
finallist_sorted = sorted(ns.finallist.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:int(200)]
for entry in finallist_sorted:
# print(EventId.parse(entry[0]).to_bech32() + "/" + EventId.parse(entry[0]).to_hex() + ": " + str(entry[1]))
e_tag = Tag.parse(["e", entry[0]])
if dvm.dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.DEBUG.value:
print("[" + dvm.dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "] Filtered " + str(
len(result_list)) + " fitting events.")
# await cli.shutdown()
return json.dumps(result_list)
dvm.process = process # overwrite the process function with the above one
if __name__ == '__main__':
env_path = Path('.env')
if not env_path.is_file():
with open('.env', 'w') as f:
print("Writing new .env file")
if env_path.is_file():
print(f'loading environment from {env_path.resolve()}')
dotenv.load_dotenv(env_path, verbose=True, override=True)
raise FileNotFoundError(f'.env file not found at {env_path} ')