2023-12-13 22:22:41 +01:00

175 lines
6.6 KiB

import json
import os
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
import dotenv
import requests
from PIL import Image
from nostr_dvm.interfaces.dvmtaskinterface import DVMTaskInterface
from nostr_dvm.utils.admin_utils import AdminConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.backend_utils import keep_alive
from nostr_dvm.utils.definitions import EventDefinitions
from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import DVMConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.nip89_utils import NIP89Config, check_and_set_d_tag
from nostr_dvm.utils.nostr_utils import check_and_set_private_key
from nostr_dvm.utils.output_utils import upload_media_to_hoster
from nostr_dvm.utils.zap_utils import get_price_per_sat, check_and_set_ln_bits_keys
from nostr_sdk import Keys
This File contains a Module to transform Text input on NOVA-Server and receive results back.
Accepted Inputs: Prompt (text)
Outputs: An url to an Image
class ImageGenerationReplicateSDXL(DVMTaskInterface):
KIND: int = EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_GENERATE_IMAGE
TASK: str = "text-to-image"
FIX_COST: float = 120
dependencies = ["replicate==0.21.1"]
def __init__(self, name, dvm_config: DVMConfig, nip89config: NIP89Config,
admin_config: AdminConfig = None, options=None):
super().__init__(name, dvm_config, nip89config, admin_config, options)
def is_input_supported(self, tags):
for tag in tags:
if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'i':
input_value = tag.as_vec()[1]
input_type = tag.as_vec()[2]
if input_type != "text":
return False
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == 'output':
output = tag.as_vec()[1]
if (output == "" or
not (output == "image/png" or "image/jpg"
or output == "image/png;format=url" or output == "image/jpg;format=url")):
print("Output format not supported, skipping..")
return False
return True
def create_request_from_nostr_event(self, event, client=None, dvm_config=None):
request_form = {"jobID": + "_" + self.NAME.replace(" ", "")}
prompt = ""
width = "1024"
height = "1024"
for tag in event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == 'i':
input_type = tag.as_vec()[2]
if input_type == "text":
prompt = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[0] == 'param':
print("Param: " + tag.as_vec()[1] + ": " + tag.as_vec()[2])
if tag.as_vec()[1] == "size":
if len(tag.as_vec()) > 3:
width = (tag.as_vec()[2])
height = (tag.as_vec()[3])
elif len(tag.as_vec()) == 3:
split = tag.as_vec()[2].split("x")
if len(split) > 1:
width = split[0]
height = split[1]
elif tag.as_vec()[1] == "model":
model = tag.as_vec()[2]
elif tag.as_vec()[1] == "quality":
quality = tag.as_vec()[2]
options = {
"prompt": prompt,
"size": width + "x" + height,
"number": 1
request_form['options'] = json.dumps(options)
return request_form
def process(self, request_form):
options = DVMTaskInterface.set_options(request_form)
import replicate
width = int(options["size"].split("x")[0])
height = int(options["size"].split("x")[1])
output =
input={"prompt": options["prompt"],
"width": width,
"height": height,
"disable_safety_checker": True}
response = requests.get(output[0])
image ="RGB")"./outputs/image.jpg")
result = upload_media_to_hoster("./outputs/image.jpg")
return result
except Exception as e:
print("Error in Module")
raise Exception(e)
# We build an example here that we can call by either calling this file directly from the main directory,
# or by adding it to our playground. You can call the example and adjust it to your needs or redefine it in the
# playground or elsewhere
def build_example(name, identifier, admin_config):
dvm_config = DVMConfig()
dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY = check_and_set_private_key(identifier)
npub = Keys.from_sk_str(dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY).public_key().to_bech32()
invoice_key, admin_key, wallet_id, user_id, lnaddress = check_and_set_ln_bits_keys(identifier, npub)
dvm_config.LNBITS_INVOICE_KEY = invoice_key
dvm_config.LNBITS_ADMIN_KEY = admin_key # The dvm might pay failed jobs back
dvm_config.LNBITS_URL = os.getenv("LNBITS_HOST")
admin_config.LUD16 = lnaddress
profit_in_sats = 10
dvm_config.FIX_COST = int(((4.0 / (get_price_per_sat("USD") * 100)) + profit_in_sats))
nip90params = {
"size": {
"required": False,
"values": ["1024:1024", "1024x1792", "1792x1024"]
nip89info = {
"name": name,
"image": "",
"about": "I use Replicate to run StableDiffusion XL",
"encryptionSupported": True,
"cashuAccepted": True,
"nip90Params": nip90params
nip89config = NIP89Config()
nip89config.DTAG = check_and_set_d_tag(identifier, name, dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY,
nip89config.CONTENT = json.dumps(nip89info)
# We add an optional AdminConfig for this one, and tell the dvm to rebroadcast its NIP89
return ImageGenerationReplicateSDXL(name=name, dvm_config=dvm_config, nip89config=nip89config, admin_config=admin_config)
if __name__ == '__main__':
env_path = Path('.env')
if env_path.is_file():
print(f'loading environment from {env_path.resolve()}')
dotenv.load_dotenv(env_path, verbose=True, override=True)
raise FileNotFoundError(f'.env file not found at {env_path} ')
admin_config = AdminConfig()
admin_config.REBROADCAST_NIP89 = False
admin_config.UPDATE_PROFILE = False
dvm = build_example("Stable Diffusion XL", "replicate_sdxl", admin_config)