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# Welcome to part 3. This actually is is a simplistic client that will interact with our DVM.
# We will address the DVM we created in part 02, so make sure it's still running and run this Script in a new instance.
# Copy the DVM's hex key that pops up at the beginning and replace the one down in the main function with your DVM's key.
# This way we will tag it and it will know it should reply to us.
import asyncio
from pathlib import Path
from secp256k1 import PublicKey
from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import DVMConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.print_utils import bcolors
import dotenv
from nostr_sdk import Keys, Client, Tag, EventBuilder, Filter, HandleNotification, Timestamp, nip04_decrypt, \
NostrSigner, Event, Kind, PublicKey
from nostr_dvm.utils.nostr_utils import send_event, check_and_set_private_key
from nostr_dvm.utils.definitions import EventDefinitions
async def nostr_client_generic_test(ptag):
# Create or manage some private keys for our client.
keys = Keys.parse(check_and_set_private_key("test_client"))
# We tell the DVM to which relays it should reply
relay_list = ["wss://nostr.oxtr.dev", "wss://relay.primal.net"]
relaysTag = Tag.parse(["relays"] + relay_list)
# The alt tag is optional, and just describes what the event does.
alttag = Tag.parse(["alt", "This is a NIP90 DVM AI task"])
#We know our DVM has an option some_option. We can also overwrite it by setting the parameter.
paramTag = Tag.parse(["param", "some_option", "#RUNDVM - The client puts the option."])
# The ptag tags the DVM we want to address. Make sure to set it down in the main function.
pTag = Tag.parse(["p", PublicKey.parse(ptag).to_hex()])
# These are out tags
tags = [relaysTag, alttag, pTag, paramTag]
# We now send a 5050 Request (for Text Generation) with our tags. The content is optional.
event = EventBuilder(Kind(5050), "This is a test",
# We create a signer with some random keys
signer = NostrSigner.keys(keys)
client = Client(signer)
# We add the relays we defined above and told our DVM we would want to receive events to.
for relay in relay_list:
await client.add_relay(relay)
# We connect the client
await client.connect()
# and send the Event.
result = await send_event(event, client=client, dvm_config=DVMConfig())
async def nostr_client(target_dvm_npub):
# This is some logic for listening to events. For example we want to see replies from the DVM.
keys = Keys.parse(check_and_set_private_key("test_client"))
sk = keys.secret_key()
pk = keys.public_key()
print(f"Nostr Client public key: {pk.to_bech32()}, Hex: {pk.to_hex()} ")
signer = NostrSigner.keys(keys)
client = Client(signer)
dvmconfig = DVMConfig()
for relay in dvmconfig.RELAY_LIST:
await client.add_relay(relay)
await client.connect()
dm_zap_filter = Filter().pubkey(pk).kinds([EventDefinitions.KIND_DM,
kinds = [EventDefinitions.KIND_NIP90_GENERIC]
for kind in range(6000, 7001):
if kind not in kinds:
dvm_filter = (Filter().kinds(kinds).since(Timestamp.now()).pubkey(pk))
await client.subscribe([dm_zap_filter, dvm_filter], None)
# This will send a request to the DVM
await nostr_client_generic_test(target_dvm_npub)
# We listen to
class NotificationHandler(HandleNotification):
last_event_time = 0
async def handle(self, relay_url, subscription_id, event: Event):
bcolors.BLUE + f"Received new event from {relay_url}: {event.as_json()}" + bcolors.ENDC)
if event.kind().as_u16() == 7000:
print(bcolors.YELLOW + "[Nostr Client]: " + event.content() + bcolors.ENDC)
amount_sats = 0
status = ""
for tag in event.tags():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "amount":
amount_sats = int(int(tag.as_vec()[1]) / 1000) # millisats
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "status":
status = tag.as_vec()[1]
elif 6000 < event.kind().as_u16() < 6999:
print(bcolors.GREEN + "[Nostr Client]: " + event.content() + bcolors.ENDC)
elif event.kind().as_u16() == 4:
dec_text = nip04_decrypt(sk, event.author(), event.content() )
print("[Nostr Client]: " + f"Received new msg: {dec_text}")
elif event.kind().as_u16() == 9735:
print("[Nostr Client]: " + f"Received new zap:")
async def handle_msg(self, relay_url, msg):
# await client.handle_notifications(NotificationHandler())
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
env_path = Path('.env')
if env_path.is_file():
print(f'loading environment from {env_path.resolve()}')
dotenv.load_dotenv(env_path, verbose=True, override=True)
raise FileNotFoundError(f'.env file not found at {env_path} ')
# Replace this key with the one from your DVM from part 3.
target_dvm_npub = "aaf3b2bda1f19651417af4b1ccc35ebb6675d718843fdc444bdca4da1c8cd2fc"