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synced 2025-03-28 18:41:43 +01:00
334 lines
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334 lines
13 KiB
import datetime as datetime
import json
import os
import random
from types import NoneType
import emoji
import pandas
import requests
from nostr_sdk import Tag, PublicKey, EventId, Keys, EventBuilder, LogLevel
from pyupload.uploader import CatboxUploader
from nostr_dvm.utils.definitions import EventDefinitions
from nostr_dvm.utils.nip98_utils import generate_nip98_header
from nostr_dvm.utils.nostr_utils import send_event_outbox
from nostr_dvm.utils.print_utils import bcolors
Post process results to either given output format or a Nostr readable plain text.
class PostProcessFunctionType:
NONE = 0
def post_process_result(anno, original_event):
if isinstance(anno, pandas.DataFrame): # if input is an anno we parse it to required output format
print("Pandas Dataframe...")
has_output_tag = False
output_format = "text/plain"
for tag in original_event.tags().to_vec():
if tag.as_vec()[0] == "output":
output_format = tag.as_vec()[1]
has_output_tag = True
print("requested output is " + str(output_format) + "...")
if has_output_tag:
print("Output Tag found: " + output_format)
if output_format == "text/plain":
result = pandas_to_plaintext(anno)
result = replace_broken_words(
str(result).replace("\"", "").replace('[', "").replace(']',
return result
elif output_format == "text/vtt":
result = "WEBVTT\n\n"
for element in anno:
name = element["name"] # name
start = float(element["from"])
convertstart = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=start))
end = float(element["to"])
convertend = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=end))
print(str(convertstart) + " --> " + str(convertend))
cleared_name = str(name).lstrip("\'").rstrip("\'")
result = result + str(convertstart) + " --> " + str(
convertend) + "\n" + cleared_name + "\n\n"
result = replace_broken_words(
str(result).replace("\"", "").replace('[', "").replace(']',
return result
elif output_format == "text/json" or output_format == "json":
# result = json.dumps(json.loads(anno.data.to_json(orient="records")))
result = replace_broken_words(json.dumps(anno.data.tolist()))
return result
# TODO add more
print("Pandas Dataframe but output tag not supported.. falling back to default..")
result = pandas_to_plaintext(anno)
result = str(result).replace("\"", "").replace('[', "").replace(']',
return result
except Exception as e:
result = replace_broken_words(str(anno.data))
return result
print("Pandas Dataframe but no output tag set.. falling back to default..")
result = pandas_to_plaintext(anno)
result = str(result).replace("\"", "").replace('[', "").replace(']',
return result
elif isinstance(anno, NoneType):
return "An error occurred"
result = replace_broken_words(anno) # TODO
return result
def post_process_list_to_events(result):
result_list = json.loads(result)
result_str = ""
if len(result_list) == 0:
return "No results found"
for tag in result_list:
e_tag = Tag.parse(tag)
id = EventId.parse(e_tag.as_vec()[1]).to_bech32()
result_str = result_str + "nostr:" + id + "\n"
except Exception as e:
return result_str
def post_process_list_to_users(result):
result_list = json.loads(result)
result_str = ""
if len(result_list) == 0:
return "No results found"
for tag in result_list:
p_tag = Tag.parse(tag)
key = PublicKey.parse(p_tag.as_vec()[1]).to_bech32()
result_str = result_str + "nostr:" + key + "\n"
except Exception as e:
return result_str
def pandas_to_plaintext(anno):
result = ""
for each_row in anno['name']:
if each_row is not None:
for i in str(each_row).split('\n'):
result = result + i + "\n"
return result
Convenience function to replace words like Noster with Nostr
def replace_broken_words(text):
result = (text.replace("Noster", "Nostr").replace("Nostra", "Nostr").replace("no stir", "Nostr").
replace("Nostro", "Nostr").replace("Impub", "npub").replace("sets", "Sats"))
return result
Function to upload to Nostr.build and if it fails to Nostrfiles.dev
Larger files than these hosters allow and fallback is catbox currently.
Will probably need to switch to another system in the future.
async def upload_media_to_hoster(filepath: str, key_hex=None, fallback=True):
if key_hex is None:
# If we don't pass a key we use the key from .env
if os.getenv("NOSTR_BUILD_ACCOUNT_PK"):
key_hex = Keys.parse(os.getenv("NOSTR_BUILD_ACCOUNT_PK")).secret_key().to_hex()
print("No Hex key set, using catbox")
uploader = CatboxUploader(filepath)
result = uploader.execute()
return result
print("Uploading Media: " + filepath)
files = {'file': open(filepath, 'rb')}
file_stats = os.stat(filepath)
sizeinmb = file_stats.st_size / (1024 * 1024)
print("Filesize of Uploaded media: " + str(sizeinmb) + " Mb.")
limitinmb = await request_nostr_build_limit(key_hex)
if sizeinmb > limitinmb:
if fallback:
print("Filesize over Nostr.build limit, using paid account")
key_hex = Keys.parse(os.getenv("NOSTR_BUILD_ACCOUNT_PK")).secret_key().to_hex()
limitinmb = await request_nostr_build_limit(key_hex)
if sizeinmb > limitinmb:
return await upload_nostr_build(key_hex, files, filepath)
print("Filesize over paid Nostr.build limit, using catbox")
uploader = CatboxUploader(filepath)
result = uploader.execute()
return result
print("Filesize over Nostr.build limit, using catbox")
uploader = CatboxUploader(filepath)
result = uploader.execute()
return result
return await upload_nostr_build(key_hex, files, filepath)
except Exception as e:
# on error we fallback to catbox nevertheless
uploader = CatboxUploader(filepath)
result = uploader.execute()
return result
raise Exception("Upload not possible, all hosters didn't work or couldn't generate output")
async def upload_nostr_build(pkey, files, filepath):
url = 'https://nostr.build/api/v2/upload/files'
auth = await generate_nip98_header(pkey, url, "POST", filepath)
headers = {'authorization': auth}
response = requests.post(url, files=files, headers=headers)
json_object = json.loads(response.text)
result = json_object["data"][0]["url"]
return result
async def request_nostr_build_limit(pkey):
url = 'https://nostr.build/api/v2/upload/limit'
auth = await generate_nip98_header(pkey, url, "GET")
headers = {'authorization': auth}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
json_object = json.loads(response.text)
limit = float(json_object["data"]["limit"])
limitinmb = limit / (1024 * 1024)
print("Limit: " + str(limitinmb) + " MB")
return limitinmb
def build_status_reaction(status, task, amount, content, dvm_config):
alt_description = "This is a reaction to a NIP90 DVM AI task. "
if status == "processing":
if content is not None:
if isinstance(content, list) or isinstance(content, dict):
message = random.choice(content)
message = content
alt_description = message
reaction = alt_description
alt_description = "NIP90 DVM task " + task + " started processing. "
reaction = alt_description + emoji.emojize(":thumbs_up:")
elif status == "success":
alt_description = "NIP90 DVM task " + task + " finished successfully. "
reaction = alt_description + emoji.emojize(":call_me_hand:")
elif status == "chain-scheduled":
alt_description = "NIP90 DVM task " + task + " Chain Task scheduled"
reaction = alt_description + emoji.emojize(":thumbs_up:")
elif status == "error":
alt_description = "NIP90 DVM task " + task + " had an error. "
if content is None:
reaction = alt_description + emoji.emojize(":thumbs_down:")
reaction = alt_description + emoji.emojize(":thumbs_down:") + " " + content
elif status == "payment-required":
alt_description = "NIP90 DVM task " + task + " requires payment of min " + str(
amount) + " Sats. "
reaction = alt_description + emoji.emojize(":orange_heart:")
elif status == "subscription-required":
if content is not None and content != "":
alt_description = content
reaction = alt_description
alt_description = "NIP90 DVM task " + task + " requires payment for subscription"
reaction = alt_description + emoji.emojize(":orange_heart:")
elif status == "subscription-active":
if content is not None and content != "":
alt_description = content
reaction = alt_description
alt_description = "NIP90 DVM task " + task + " has active subscription"
reaction = alt_description + emoji.emojize(":orange_heart:")
elif status == "payment-rejected":
alt_description = "NIP90 DVM task " + task + " payment is below required amount of " + str(
amount) + " Sats. "
reaction = alt_description + emoji.emojize(":thumbs_down:")
elif status == "user-blocked-from-service":
alt_description = "NIP90 DVM task " + task + " can't be performed. User has been blocked from Service. "
reaction = alt_description + emoji.emojize(":thumbs_down:")
elif status == "pong":
reaction = "Pong!"
reaction = emoji.emojize(":thumbs_down:")
return alt_description, reaction
async def send_job_status_reaction(original_event_id_hex, original_event_author_hex, client, dvm_config,
status="processing", user=None):
alt_description, reaction = build_status_reaction(status, "generic", 0, content, dvm_config)
e_tag = Tag.parse(["e", original_event_id_hex])
p_tag = Tag.parse(["p", original_event_author_hex])
alt_tag = Tag.parse(["alt", content])
status_tag = Tag.parse(["status", status])
reply_tags = [e_tag, alt_tag, status_tag]
content = reaction
keys = Keys.parse(dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY)
reaction_event = EventBuilder(EventDefinitions.KIND_FEEDBACK, str(content)).tags(reply_tags).sign_with_keys(keys)
await send_event_outbox(reaction_event, client=client, dvm_config=dvm_config)
if dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.DEBUG.value:
print(bcolors.YELLOW + "[" + dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "]" + " Sent Kind " + str(
EventDefinitions.KIND_FEEDBACK.as_u16()) + " Reaction: " + status + " " + reaction_event.as_json() + bcolors.ENDC)
elif dvm_config.LOGLEVEL.value >= LogLevel.INFO.value:
print(bcolors.YELLOW + "[" + dvm_config.NIP89.NAME + "]" + " Sent Kind " + str(
EventDefinitions.KIND_FEEDBACK.as_u16()) + " Reaction: " + status + " " + reaction_event.id().to_hex() + bcolors.ENDC)
return reaction_event.as_json()