2024-11-27 22:30:32 +01:00

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# Welcome back. This is a short tutorial to show us what the admin_config can do for us.
# We once again use our simple example (tutorial 02, 05 and 06) and focus on a particular thing,
# which this time is the admin_config. Jump straight to line 34.
import asyncio
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import dotenv
from nostr_dvm.tasks.generic_dvm import GenericDVM
from nostr_sdk import Kind, Keys
from nostr_dvm.utils.admin_utils import AdminConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.dvmconfig import build_default_config, DVMConfig
from nostr_dvm.utils.nip89_utils import NIP89Config, check_and_set_d_tag
from nostr_dvm.utils.outbox_utils import AVOID_OUTBOX_RELAY_LIST
from nostr_dvm.utils.zap_utils import change_ln_address
# We keep the main code structure almost the same as in tutorial02 and 05.
def run_dvm(identifier, announce):
dvm_config = build_default_config(identifier)
kind = Kind(5050)
dvm_config.KIND = kind
options = {
"some_option": "#RunDVM",
name = "My very first DVM"
# Here is the admin_config. We have used it before, for example in tutorial 05 for announcing the DVM with NIP89.
# The admin_config is something the DVM does on start. For example, as we used it in tutorial 05
# We tell our DVM that it should (re)announce the NIP89 on startup, as well as the NIP65 Relay list,
# and update our profile as well with the Nip89 info.
admin_config = AdminConfig()
admin_config.REBROADCAST_NIP89 = announce
admin_config.REBROADCAST_NIP65_RELAY_LIST = announce
admin_config.UPDATE_PROFILE = announce
#The admin config allows some more things you can do, let's take a look at the most important ones.
# For some tasks we want to do something with one or more npubs. We can define the npubs that are concerned in
# admin_config.USERNPUBS
admin_config.USERNPUBS = ["npub...", "123hex"]
# For example we can whiteliste the Npubs in that list by setting
admin_config.WHITELISTUSER = True
# Whitelisting means that the DVM will not send an invoice to these users but will just start processing the task when requested.
# We can also unwhitelist these users (or a subset of these users, or different users) at startup
admin_config.UNWHITELISTUSER = True
# We can also blacklist users. Service will be denied to blacklisted npubs.
# For example if some npubs might spam or attack DVMs you can blacklist them there.
admin_config.BLACKLISTUSER = True
# You can delete information about the users in USERNPUBS. This way you can also unwhitelist them, or unblacklist them.
# If they somehow have some balance with a DVM or Bot, it will also be removed.
admin_config.DELETEUSER = False
# This is a bit dangerous and shouldn't be used in 99% of cases, but you can wipe a DVMs internal database with:
admin_config.ClEANDB = False #True, but we leave it on false here, just in case.
# The following command gives us an overview on the contents of the DVMs database on startup:
admin_config.LISTDATABASE = True
# The following might come in handy:
# If you want to withdraw the NIP89 announcement, you can delete it by setting:
admin_config.DELETE_NIP89 = True
# You also need to hand over the private keys (which are already stored in the dvm_config)
admin_config.PRIVKEY = dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY
# And the event ID of the announcement. You can find this for example on or on or,
#by copying the json of the NIP89 announcement
# Enter the EventID here (Hex or Bech32):
admin_config.EVENTID = "ff28be59708ee597c7010fd43a7e649e1ab51da491266ca82a84177e0007e4d6"
# Some relays require POW, so you can activate it here. It might still take a few attempts to delete and take a bit longer.
# but in general it is recommended to do it for a higher chance of success.
admin_config.POW = True
# You can also announce the NIP88 or delete NIP88 (Subscription event status) similar to NIP89,
# but we will introduce this in a later tutorial.
# And that's it for this one. See you next time.
nip89info = {
"name": name,
"picture": "",
"about": "I'm a very simply DVM that always responds with the same message.",
"supportsEncryption": True,
"nip90Params": {
"some_option": {
"required": False,
"values": []
# We now create or Nip89Config object
nip89config = NIP89Config()
nip89config.KIND = kind
nip89config.DTAG = check_and_set_d_tag(identifier, name, dvm_config.PRIVATE_KEY, nip89info["picture"])
nip89config.CONTENT = json.dumps(nip89info)
dvm = GenericDVM(name=name, dvm_config=dvm_config, options=options,
nip89config=nip89config, admin_config=admin_config)
async def process(request_form):
options = dvm.set_options(request_form)
result = "The result of the DVM is: "
result += options["some_option"]
return result
dvm.process = process
if __name__ == '__main__':
#We open the .env file we created before.
env_path = Path('.env')
if not env_path.is_file():
with open('.env', 'w') as f:
print("Writing new .env file")
if env_path.is_file():
print(f'loading environment from {env_path.resolve()}')
dotenv.load_dotenv(env_path, verbose=True, override=True)
raise FileNotFoundError(f'.env file not found at {env_path} ')
#A unique identifier that will be used to store keys in your .env file as well as for your ln address.
# (If its already used it will get some random letters to it)
identifier = "tutorial01"
announce = False
# psst, you can change your lightning address here:, "test", DVMConfig(), True))
run_dvm(identifier, announce)