docs: add event/message ratelimit to configuration

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Ricardo Arturo Cabral Mejía 2022-11-14 23:13:01 -05:00
parent ff9b87f8d6
commit a9a00aab53

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@ -37,5 +37,11 @@ Running `nostr-ts-relay` for the first time creates the settings file in `~/.nos
| limits.event.pubkey.blacklist | List of public keys to reject. Public keys in this list will not be able to post to this relay. |
| limits.event.createdAt.maxPositiveDelta | Maximum number of seconds an event's `created_at` can be in the future. Defaults to 900 (15 minutes). Disabled when set to zero. |
| limits.event.createdAt.minNegativeDelta | Maximum number of secodns an event's `created_at` can be in the past. Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero. |
| limits.event.rateLimits[].kinds | List of event kinds rate limited. Use `[min, max]` for ranges. Optional. |
| limits.event.rateLimits[].period | Rate limiting period in milliseconds. |
| limits.event.rateLimits[].rate | Maximum number of events during period. |
| limits.client.subscription.maxSubscriptions | Maximum number of subscriptions per connected client. Defaults to 10. Disabled when set to zero. |
| limits.client.subscription.maxFilters | Maximum number of filters per subscription. Defaults to 10. Disabled when set to zero. |
| limits.message.rateLimits[].period | Rate limit period in milliseconds. |
| limits.message.rateLimits[].rate | Maximum number of messages during period. |
| limits.message.ipWhitelist | List of IPs (IPv4 or IPv6) without rate limit. |