Ricardo Arturo Cabral Mejía 2618a4d2dc feat: add pay-to-relay
2023-02-02 00:19:26 -05:00

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<title>Terms of Service Agreement - {{name}}</title>
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<h1 class="h1 mb-3">{{name}}</h1>
<div class="card" style="width: 38rem;">
<div class="card-body">
<h3>Terms of Service Agreement</h3>
These are the terms of service for {{name}}; please read them before using {{name}}.
This service (and supporting services) are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but
not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.
By connecting to this relay, you agree:
<li>To not engage in spam</li>
<li>To not flood</li>
<li>To not expect content moderation</li>
<li>To not misuse or abuse the relay service and other supporting services</li>
<li>To not disseminate illegal content or material</li>
<li>That requests to delete content you published cannot be guaranteed</li>
<li>That this relay has no control over any content published in other relays</li>
<li>That some services, such as but not limited to the privilege to publish content may require payment(s)</li>
<li>That charge backs from payments may result in the termination of the privilege to use the service</li>
<li>That the service might be revoked to you at the operator's sole discretion if found in violation of these terms</li>
<li>That the terms of service may change at any time in the future without explicit notice</li>
<li>To grant us the necessary rights to your content to provide the service to you and to other users for an unlimited time</li>
<li>To use the service in compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to you</li>
<li>To use the service in good faith and not seek to get the relay operator(s) in trouble</li>
<li>That the service may throttle, rate limit or revoke your access to any content and/or your privilege to publish content for any reason</li>
<li>That the content you publish to this relay will be further broadcasted to any interested client and/or accepting relay</li>
<li>To not infringe on the right of others to publish content to this relay as allowed by the terms of service</li>
<li>That this service is not targeted, nor intended for use by, anyone under the legal age in their respective jurisdiction</li>
<li>To be of legal age or have sufficient legal constent, permission and capacity to use this service</li>
<li>That the service may be temporarily shutdown or permanently terminated at any time and without notice</li>
<li>That the content published by you and other users may be removed at any time and without notice and for any reason</li>
<li>To have your IP address and/or public key collected for the purpose of detecting abuse, spam or misuse</li>
<li>To have your IP address and/or public key in full, truncated, or as a hash digest shared with interested clients and other accepting relays for the sole purpose of reporting abuse, spam or misuse</li>
<li>To cooperate with the relay and its operators for the purpose of combating abuse, spam or misuse of the service</li>
In addition you understand that:
<li>Nostr is a decentralized and distributed network of relays that relays data by users.</li>
<li>Censorship resistance is practiced by posting to multiple relays and running your own private relay.</li>
<li>The responsibility of filtering and moderating is the sole responsibility of the users and not of the relays.</li>
<li>You may be inadvertently exposed to content that you might find triggering, disturbing, distasteful, immoral or against your views.</li>
<li>The relay operator is not liable and has no involvement in the type, quality and legality of the content being produced by users of the relay.</li>
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