Multi-threaded PoW Hashing

This commit is contained in:
thoreaufyi 2024-04-29 05:00:49 -04:00
parent 855692c1b4
commit c685b576e6
2 changed files with 118 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -1,55 +1,86 @@
import { useRef, useState } from "react";
import React, { useRef, useState } from "react";
import { Button, ButtonGroup, Flex, Heading, Progress, Text } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { getEventHash, nip13 } from "nostr-tools";
import { DraftNostrEvent } from "../../types/nostr-event";
import CheckCircle from "../icons/check-circle";
import { useMount } from "react-use";
const BATCH_NUMBER = 1000;
type MinerCleanup = () => void;
function getNumThreads() {
// Check if the property is supported
if (navigator.hardwareConcurrency) {
return navigator.hardwareConcurrency;
} else {
// Default to a reasonable number if the property is not supported
return 2; // Or any other value you prefer
function miner(
draft: DraftNostrEvent & { pubkey: string },
target: number,
onProgress: (hash: string, difficulty: number) => void,
onComplete: (draft: DraftNostrEvent) => void,
) {
let running = true;
let nonce = 0;
stopMiner: MinerCleanup, // Pass the stopMiner function to the miner
): MinerCleanup {
if (typeof Worker !== "undefined") {
const numThreads = getNumThreads();
const nonceRangeSize = 1000000; // Size of each nonce range
let miningComplete = false; // Flag to track mining completion
let bestHash = getEventHash(draft); // Initialize best hash with the starting hash
let bestDifficulty = nip13.getPow(bestHash); // Initialize best difficulty with starting hash's difficulty
let bestDifficulty = nip13.getPow(getEventHash(draft));
let bestHash: string = getEventHash(draft);
const handleMessage = (msg: any) => {
if (miningComplete) return; // Ignore messages if mining is already complete
const nonceTag = ["nonce", "0", String(target)];
const newDraft = { ...draft, tags: [...draft.tags, nonceTag] };
const mine = () => {
for (let i = 0; i < BATCH_NUMBER; i++) {
nonceTag[1] = String(nonce);
const hash = getEventHash(newDraft);
const difficulty = nip13.getPow(hash);
if (difficulty > bestDifficulty) {
bestDifficulty = difficulty;
bestHash = hash;
onProgress(hash, difficulty);
if (msg.type === "progress") {
const { hash, difficulty } = msg;
if (difficulty > bestDifficulty) {
bestHash = hash; // Update the best hash if a better one is found
bestDifficulty = difficulty; // Update the best difficulty
onProgress(bestHash, bestDifficulty); // Call onProgress with the new best hash and difficulty
} else if (msg.type === "complete") {
miningComplete = true; // Set the flag to indicate mining completion
stopMiner(); // Call stopMiner when mining is complete
cleanup; // Call stopMiner when mining is complete
if (difficulty >= target) {
running = false;
const workers: Worker[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
const startNonce = i * nonceRangeSize; // Calculate start nonce for each worker
const endNonce = (i + 1) * nonceRangeSize - 1; // Calculate end nonce for each worker
const worker = new Worker(new URL("./miner.ts", import.meta.url), { type: "module" });
worker.onmessage = (event) => handleMessage(;
worker.postMessage({ draft, target, startNonce, endNonce }); // Pass nonce range to worker
if (running) requestIdleCallback(mine);
const cleanup: MinerCleanup = () => {
workers.forEach((worker) => {
return cleanup;
} else {
console.error("Web Workers are not supported in this environment.");
return () => {};
return () => {
running = false;
interface MinePOWProps {
draft: DraftNostrEvent & { pubkey: string };
targetPOW: number;
onComplete: (draft: DraftNostrEvent) => void;
onCancel: () => void;
onSkip?: () => void;
successDelay?: number;
export default function MinePOW({
@ -59,51 +90,50 @@ export default function MinePOW({
successDelay = 800,
}: {
draft: DraftNostrEvent & { pubkey: string };
targetPOW: number;
onComplete: (draft: DraftNostrEvent) => void;
onCancel: () => void;
onSkip?: () => void;
successDelay?: number;
}) {
const [progress, setProgress] = useState<{ difficulty: number; hash: string }>(() => ({
}: MinePOWProps): JSX.Element {
const [bestProgress, setBestProgress] = useState<{ difficulty: number; hash: string }>(() => ({
difficulty: nip13.getPow(getEventHash(draft)),
hash: getEventHash(draft),
const stop = useRef<() => void>(() => {});
const stopMiner = useRef<MinerCleanup>(() => {});
useMount(() => {
const stopMiner = miner(
const stopMinerFunc = miner(
(hash, difficulty) => setProgress({ hash, difficulty }),
(hash, difficulty) => {
// Update the best progress only if a better hash is found
if (difficulty > bestProgress.difficulty) {
setBestProgress({ hash, difficulty });
(draft) => {
setTimeout(() => onComplete(draft), successDelay);
stopMiner.current, // Pass the current stopMiner function to the miner
stop.current = stopMiner;
stopMiner.current = stopMinerFunc;
return (
<Flex gap="2" direction="column">
{progress.difficulty > targetPOW ? (
{bestProgress.difficulty > targetPOW ? (
<CheckCircle boxSize={12} color="green.500" mx="auto" />
<Heading size="md" mx="auto" mt="2">
Found POW
<Text mx="auto">{progress.hash}</Text>
<Text mx="auto">{bestProgress.hash}</Text>
) : (
<Heading size="sm">Mining POW...</Heading>
<Text>Best Hash: {progress.hash}</Text>
<Progress hasStripe value={(progress.difficulty / targetPOW) * 100} />
<Text>Best Hash: {bestProgress.hash}</Text>
<Progress hasStripe value={(bestProgress.difficulty / targetPOW) * 100} />
<ButtonGroup mx="auto">
onClick={() => {
@ -112,7 +142,7 @@ export default function MinePOW({
{onSkip && (
onClick={() => {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import { getEventHash, nip13 } from "nostr-tools";
const BATCH_NUMBER = 1000;
// Listen for messages from the main thread
self.onmessage = (event) => {
const { draft, target } =;
let running = true;
let nonce = 0;
let bestDifficulty = nip13.getPow(getEventHash(draft));
let bestHash = getEventHash(draft);
const nonceTag = ["nonce", "0", String(target)];
const newDraft = { ...draft, tags: [...draft.tags, nonceTag] };
const mine = () => {
for (let i = 0; i < BATCH_NUMBER; i++) {
nonceTag[1] = String(nonce);
const hash = getEventHash(newDraft);
const difficulty = nip13.getPow(hash);
if (difficulty > bestDifficulty) {
bestDifficulty = difficulty;
bestHash = hash;
postMessage({ type: "progress", hash, difficulty });
if (difficulty >= target) {
running = false;
postMessage({ type: "complete", draft: newDraft });
if (running) setTimeout(mine, 0);